Daisuke Uchiha (Naruto's Fanf...

By linasyafiqah

67.8K 1.1K 325

Sasuke Uchiha is happily married to Sakura Haruno. She gave him an elder daughter and a son; Sarada Uchiha an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Four

4.4K 68 20
By linasyafiqah

Chapter Four

(Man of the World begins)

"What was that about?!?" Naruto yelled the moment he reached his living room with his jutsu. "Why are you being so rude?!? Not only to your senpai! But also to your sister and Sarada!!"

Boruto gritted his teeth and walked away but his father pulled him back.

"Damn it Boruto come back here!!" Naruto used a bit of chakra to tug his son's arm.

"Ouch dad!" Boruto yelped as he looked down at his arm and saw a small bruise, due to the force of the chakra.

"I'm-i'm... I'm sorry Boruto... I didn't mean..." Naruto stuttered when he saw the bruising but Boruto snapped his eyes to his father.

"You wanna know why I'm like this?!? Maybe it's because of you being the Hokage, you don't even care about me! Don't even mention me! You're not even here during my elementary school concert! You didn't even bother coming to Hima's preschool graduation performance!! Heck even on your wedding anniversary you sent a shadow clone home to spend time with mum!!" Boruto yelled and Naruto blinked his blue eyes at his son.

"You thought we don't know don't you?!? Well guess what! Mum knows!! She only found out when you dispelled the shadow clone when you both wanted to retire for the night! She came to my room crying!" Boruto continued as Naruto frowned.

"I-i didn't dispel it..." he said aloud but Boruto added more salt to the injury.

"Then you must have been so tired during your work as a Hokage that you ACCIDENTALLY dispel it!" he spat as Naruto looked at his son with regretful eyes.

"I'm so sorry Boruto... I'm just... Stressed out with being a Hokage... I don't need you to add on to my stress by receiving complains about you at school..." Naruto said but Boruto cut him off.

"Well then I'm sorry that I'm rebellious because my dad doesn't spend enough time with the family!" Boruto shouted as he ran up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Boruto wait!" Naruto called out but Boruto turned around and stared at him with deadly eyes.

"And don't apologise to me. You hurt mum the most. At least Hima is too young to understand and I already have my outburst. But mum has been keeping quiet for too long..." Boruto said as he slammed his door...


Sakura paced back and forth in their living room as Sarada came down to check on her...

"Mama, please. Just go to sleep first. Papa promised he will bring Daisuke back didn't he?" Sarada yawned a bit as she stood in front of her mother.

Sakura shook her head and paced around Sarada.

"I can't sleep not knowing about Daisuke's whereabouts! He is too young to run off on his own like that!" Sakura exclaimed as she threw her hands up in the air and Sarada looked down at the floor with guilty eyes.

"Sorry mama... Because of me Daisuke got hurt and ran off..." she whispered but Sakura's eyes softened and she hugged her daughter.

"Sarada... I know how much your papa dotes on Daisuke but he still loves the both of you... Maybe it seems he gives in more to Daisuke but remember the stories I told you about your late Uncle Itachi and your papa?" Sakura asked as Sarada wiped a tear away and nodded.

"Well Uncle Itachi was like Daisuke and papa was like you. Your late grandparents from papa's side favours Uncle Itachi much more than your papa..." Sakura continued as Sarada's eyes widened a bit.

"I'm-I'm... I'm just like papa???" she asked and Sakura smiled and tucked a hair behind her daughter's ear.

"Yes. But you know what's the difference? Uncle Itachi will never say that he doesn't love your papa. In fact, Uncle Itachi loves your papa so much that he was willing to sacrifice his life for your papa... Just like how Daisuke bravely jumped in front of the rasengan to protect you..." Sakura said gently as Sarada threw herself onto her mother and wept.

"I'm so sorry Daisuke... I'm so sorry..." Sarada cried as Sakura carried the 7 year old girl and sat down on the sofa.

Just then the door opened and in walked Sasuke, dripping wet from the rainy weather...

"Sasuke! Did you..." Sakura asked anxiously as she looked up but when she saw no Daisuke, she bit her lips...

"I'm so sorry..." Sasuke said softly as he saw Sarada crying into his wife's neck.

"Sarada, why are you crying?" Sasuke asked as he approached his family and picked up Sarada.

"Papa I'm so sorry... Because of the hurtful things I said to Daisuke... He... He... He left..." Sarada sobbed as Sasuke stroked her back.

"Sarada... I know you didn't say those mean words on purpose okay... I'm not angry with you... I'm so sorry I slapped you.. I was just upset that you said mean things to your younger brother..." Sasuke said gently as Sarada cried harder.

"I'm such a mean big sister! Daisuke was always chasing after me but I always pushed him away!"

"Sarada... Like I said I know you didn't mean it... I promise I'll find Daisuke and explain to him that you didn't mean to hurt his feelings okay?" Sasuke coaxed as he brought the girl up to her bedroom to tuck her in for the night.

When Sasuke came back down, Sakura bit her lip and held his arm.

"Sasuke, surely you tried using your sage mode chakra to find Daisuke?" she whispered as Sasuke looked away.

He underestimated his wife's thinking. He overlooked the fact that she could be meticulous in her thoughts...

"Ah..." was all he said as Sakura gripped his arm, using her strength chakra.

"Sakura..." Sasuke warned but she never loosen her grip.

"Sasuke... Tell me..." she whispered out as Sasuke sighed.

"I can't find him. I have a feeling he can hide his chakra with the sharingan too... An Uchiha can pick up the chakra scent of another Uchiha but... I think Daisuke is a bit special..." Sasuke finished as Sakura let a tear drop.

"Then how on earth are we going to find him???" she sobbed as Sasuke hugged his wife.

"I'm gonna go and ask Naruto for help now. You stay at home with Sarada in case Daisuke finds his way back home okay?" he comforted as Sakura wiped her tear.

Sasuke kissed her forehead and walked out of the house...


"What other modules is Boruto doing that puts him in the same class as Sarada?" Hinata asked as she pulled the blanket over her.

"He only has the two same modules as Sarada... He and Inojin flunked their ninjutsu modules that's why they have to retake it in the same class as Sarada..." Naruto spoke as he looked at his wife's face.

"What?" Hinata asked as Naruto stroked her long midnight blue hair.

"Why Hinata? Why didn't you tell me you knew that it was a shadow clone with you on our wedding anniversary?" Naruto whispered as Hinata's eyes widened slowly.

"Ho-how-how..." Hinata stammered but Naruto leant into her to kiss her lips softly.

"Boruto told me everything. Not told, he lashed the truth out to me..." Naruto said with a hint of guilt in his voice.

"Boruto shouted at you?! I told him many times he can't be rude to us, especially you..." Hinata began but Naruto kissed Hinata's forehead and pulled her into him.

"No it's ok. I deserve it Hinata... I... Didn't realise I missed out a lot on our family events..." Naruto sighed as he kissed Hinata's top of the head. "I'm sorry I sent a shadow clone that day... I know I shouldn't be making excuses but I was so drowned in work..."

Hinata blinked her tears away and pulled herself from Naruto, taking a good look at her husband.

"Naruto... You know I won't blame you for such a thing... I just felt sad on that day that's all..." she said gently but Naruto shook his head violently.

"No! You're my wife! I shouldn't even be making you sad! Not especially on our wedding anniversary!" Naruto scolded himself.

Hinata was about to kiss him when a rock to their window shook the both of them.

"Damn it..." Naruto cursed as he opened the window and was about to shout at the troublemaker...

"Sasuke?!? What the fuck?!? It's raining!!! And it's late!!!" Naruto yelled in irritation as Sasuke shrugged his shoulders.

"Can I come in?!? Is Hinata decent?!? Are YOU decent?!?" Sasuke yelled back as Naruto grunted out a "yes" and the Uchiha jumped through the window.

"Sorry Hinata." Sasuke apologised before turning to Naruto.

"I didn't press your doorbell because I didn't want to wake your children." he said then continued. "I need your help Naruto. I can't find Daisuke anywhere.."

Naruto's eyes bulged as Hinata got out of bed with a shocked look.

"W-w-wha-what???" she asked again and Sasuke sighed.

"I tried using my Uchiha and sage chakra detection but I can't find my son anywhere. I seriously need your help Naruto. Maybe if we double up the sage detection we can find him..."

Naruto furrowed his brows as he thought...

"By Uchiha detection it should be easy to find him unless he has a new power which is to not be able to be detected at all... If by Uchiha detection you can't find him, most probably by sage mode you can't find him too..." Naruto answered as Hinata clutched his arm.

"Please Naruto! You have to find Daisuke! Sakura must be worried sick!" Hinata pleaded as Naruto sighed and nodded his head.

"Fine. Let's go." Naruto changed from his pyjamas into his jacket using the toilet and went to meet Sasuke who waited outside his house...

(Man of the World ends)

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