Daisuke Uchiha (Naruto's Fanf...

By linasyafiqah

67.8K 1.1K 325

Sasuke Uchiha is happily married to Sakura Haruno. She gave him an elder daughter and a son; Sarada Uchiha an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Two

5.4K 90 33
By linasyafiqah

Chapter Two


"How's school sweetie?" Sakura asked Sarada at the dining table and she gave her a big smile.

"I'm doing great!" she said as she sat up straight. "Konohamaru sensei said I have improved a lot for my chakra control and my taijutsu! Initially I was failing but my recent prelim exams I got a high C grade so he said when the semester exams is here I should be able to pass easily!"

"That's good to hear Sarada but always try to aim for higher alright?" Sasuke commented as Sakura elbowed him.

"Ow!" Sasuke cursed under his breath as he narrowed his eyes at his wife then looked at his daughter, who was looking at her food with a disappointed expression.

"Sweetie... Sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Sasuke apologised as Sarada looked up at him and shook her head.

"It's okay dad..." she muttered and as Sasuke was about to add in more comforting words, Daisuke placed his fork down with a clanging sound.

"I hate school..." he mumbled as his parents and sister included, raised their eyebrows at his outburst.

"Why baby?" Sakura asked gently and Daisuke shook his head as he glared at his family.

"I want to be in the same class as Nee chan! I can't really connect with my classmates! They don't talk like Nee chan or me!!" Daisuke whined as Sasuke ruffled his hair.

"You're still too young to be taking the intermediate modules... Your sister is already a genin, you have yet to be genin." Sasuke explained and Sakura added...

"You can always see your sister during lunch time. All of you have the same lunch time right?"

Daisuke shook his head harder.

"I always can't find Nee chan among the crowd during lunch time..." he muttered and Sarada sweat dropped a bit.

She did see her brother many times looking around for her at the canteen but she always avoided him...

She doesn't want to be seen as an uncool kid with a younger sibling as her sidekick...

"I don't want to eat..." Daisuke added as he stood up and ran up to his bedroom.

"Daisuke!!!" Sakura called after him but Sasuke stood up.

"I'll talk to him." he said as Sakura gave him a grateful smile and he kissed his wife's forehead...


Daisuke was sulking to himself in the corner again the next day...

Daisuke can always be seen sulking but he's excellent at his worksheets so Tenten didn't feel the need to call up Sasuke or Sakura...

But Tenten does get worried when she sees he's always alone during playtime...

"Alright class..." Tenten decided as she turned around to face the class. "We're going out to see how the genin classes perform their jutsu semester exam today!"

There was an excited uproar in the class and Daisuke's eyes immediately lit up.

"I get to see Nee chan!!" he thought excitedly to himself as he quickly went to wear his ninja footwear and waddled to be the first in line...


"Cloning Jutsu!" Boruto called out and made 2 more clones of himself though one of them is a female...

"Boruto can you please be more serious?!?" Iruka, their examiner, sighed before turning to Konohamaru. "Is he always like this?"

"Always..." Konohamaru sighed back as Iruka chuckled.

"Just like his dad..." Iruka commented as he looked at his clipboard, writing Boruto's grade before calling out the next examinee. "Alright up next Yamanaka Inojin!!"

Inojin stepped forward and drew something in a flash on his drawing pad.

"Ninpo! Choju giga!" he placed two fingers sideways on his lips and a huge centaur popped out from his sketch book.

"Excellent! Now improve yourself by drawing more centaurs to help you out in case you're on a mission!" Iruka commented giving Inojin a C+...

(Sakura's Theme ends)

(Strong and Strike begins)

"Uchiha Sarada!"

Sarada gulped as she stepped forward and announced...

"I need a sparring partner for my taijutsu." and Iruka nodded.

"Ok Boruto, go." he approved as Boruto who was initially shocked, grinned and cracked his knuckles.

"This should be fun..." he said as Sarada rolled her eyes.

"Alright go!" Iruka began the spar and Sarada at a high speed rushed over to Boruto and rained down a series of taijutsu on him.

Boruto didn't even had time to think as he started blocking himself from Sarada punches and kicks.

"Damn it! I need to break through her offense..." Boruto thought as he decided to allow himself to get kicked by Sarada.

"So silly of you to let your guard down." Sarada commented as she sent Boruto flying in the air...

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!" Boruto made a shadow clone of himself and the both of them charged for Sarada who widened her eyes...

"Hey turns out Boruto has skills eh..." Iruka commented as Konohamaru crossed his arms and smiled.

"He's just not motivated that's all... He barely passed the sparring test. He made a sexy jutsu on Inojin and the poor boy passed out." Konohamaru chuckled.

Meanwhile Sarada was cursing herself...

She actually hasn't activated her sharingans yet so she doesn't really know how to have an advantage in this battle...

"Alright time to stop this battle! Rasengan!" Boruto yelled out as his shadow clone before Sarada disappeared...

The Uchiha's eyes widened when she looked up and saw Boruto coming at her with a deadly rasengan...

"Boruto no wait!! Remember what I briefed you before!! No deadly jutsu can be used on your classmates!!!" Konohamaru yelled out as Iruka rushed to take the blow of the Rasengan...

"Katon! Grand fireball jutsu!!!" a figure suddenly appeared in a blur above Iruka and Sarada...

The small figure blew out a huge fireball, burning Boruto to crisp as well as making the rasengan disappear as the blonde ninja couldn't maintain it's chakra...

"Futon, Wind Release!" Boruto made hand seals and blew the air away, determined to see his attacker...

Now that the smoke has cleared up, everyone gasped when they saw who protected Iruka and Sarada...

"Daisuke?!?" Konohamaru exclaimed in extreme suprise.

There were whispers among Sarada's classmates.

"That's Sarada's younger brother?!?"

"I heard he's only in ninja preschool and he can do that?!?"

"Do they teach that in preschool for the new curriculum?!?"

"In that case I wanna go back to preschool!"

"Boruto!!" Himawari called out from the sidelines. "Stop this or I'm telling dad!"

Boruto grinned at the younger Uchiha before him.

"No way Hima! This fight is getting interesting! Now not only do I get to take down Sarada but her brother too as well!"

Boruto made two shadow clones and they all charged for Daisuke.

That's what everyone thought but all three took out a kunai and went straight for Sarada.

"Boruto!!!" Iruka yelled out, getting ready to intercept Boruto...

"Kage bunshin!!" Daisuke called out and he made 2 shadow clones of himself too, earning gasps from the people watching...

"Daisuke!!! You can't run off on your own!!" Tenten yelled as she tried to get in the fray but Konohamaru held her back.

"Take care of your students Tenten! Iruka sensei got this!" Konohamaru told her firmly as Tenten bit her lips...

In a flash, Daisuke was up in the air in front of his sister's attacker and he suddenly remembered the different jutsus he has seen other people do before...

"Lion combo!!!" Daisuke called out as his clones and him did a complicated formation to counter Boruto and his shadow clones...

After Boruto was on the ground, Daisuke picked him up by his collar and neared their faces.

"If you ever hurt my Nee Chan again... I swear I will beat you until you go into a coma!" he shouted and Boruto's eyes widened.

"You have the sharingan already???" he asked weakly and Daisuke blinked his eyes in a confused state before scanning the area to look at everyone around him...

Everyone gasped when they saw his eyes as Iruka spoke...

"He must have activated it when he saw that his sister was going to get hit by Boruto's rasengan..." Iruka whispered...

(Strong and Strike ends)

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