The Nerd. The Cutie. The Tran...

By flirtynerdy619

968 16 6


The Nerd. The Cutie. The Transformation. Oh. My. God. 8

968 16 6
By flirtynerdy619



Danielle's P.O.V.

I found out that Erik is moving back here. Yay!!! But, I still don't think that I could forgive him for what he did to me that day with Trish. I don't think that I'll ever date again. Due to the fact that Ethan caught me making out with Erik on the couch while we were supposed to be on our "date".

I head off to school, feeling troubled because I might have to deal with Ethan today. Good thing that I have Erik on my side, or I would be in big problems. I park in the school parking lot and go through the doors. This day is different. No cat calls. Hm. I wonder what happened here. I go to my locker and take out my books for first period, hoping that I won't collide with Ethan on the way there. Even though some part of me wishes I could actually talk to him and tell him what happened on that eventful Friday night. Just my luck. I hear the locker next to me open, knowing that it's Ethan. I turn to face him. The locker door closes and there it. . . Erik!?!?

"Hey Babes" he say in his seductive purr that usually sends tingles down my spine, but doesn't. I wonder why? Anyway back to reality.

"What are you doing here?" I say. I mentally slap myself for saying something so stupid.

"Well, it is a school and I came here for an education" he says like I'm slow or something.

"Wait I didn't say that right, where is Ethan, that's his locker."

"It is? Well I did hear something about him switching schools or something like that"

"YOU SAID WHAT!?!?!?!?!"

Now I know why I feel so wierd.

*Sorry its short, but at least I made it :) *still hears boos* Okay so I might post tomorrow (yay!!!) As well as I might not (boo!!!) It depends on how my annoying teachers give me as homework, you should check out my new story the list. Pretty cool.*


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