But You Are My Step Sister

By shellly94

302K 4.8K 524

My mom has just gotten married. When my lesbian step sister Mary comes into my life I would have never though... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:

Chapter 16:

6.5K 156 19
By shellly94

So it has been a week since we found out about Madelyn. She has not sleeped with girl that I know of. She has been being an amazing girlfriend to Josh. They both seem to be really happy. Our parents didn't know yet. Marissa and I were not going to be the ones who tell them.

Marissa and I are watching a movie laying in my bed. The movie is scream. It isn't even a scary movie but Marissa still got scared at some parts. I hold her tighter anytime that she got scared. She would kissvme when I would hold her tighter.

Josh walks in and closes the door. " Girls Madelyn and I are about to tell her mom my dad. We want you in there for support."

We agree. " Ok thank you both. Now before that happens Jade can you please go talk to Ryan about how he is acting? I know you are the only one he will listen to."

" How is he acting?"

" He is being mean to Madelyn. She doesn't need the stress of the little punk."

" Josh our little brother is three. You need to keep that in mind. Don't turn into a dick."

" I'm not and I know he is only one but Madelyn still doesn't need him being mean."

" I'll talk to him."

He nods, thanks me, and then walks out. I look at Marissa and tell her I will be back. She nods.

I walk to Ryan's room. I knock on his door. " Who is it?"

" It's me Ryan."

" Ya Ryan but tat my name."

" No Ryan it's Jade."

" Oh Jade come in."

I walk in and sit next to him on his bed. " Hey budy can you stop being mean to Madelyn?"

" She bad bad."

" No she isn't budy. Josh would like for you to stop being mean to her too."

" Josh love love bad bad."

" Josh loving Madelyn isn't bad. You have to be nice to her ok. If you want to keep being my friend then you have to be nice to her."

" Nice bad bad."

" Being nice to her isn't bad."

" Ok." He smiles and hugs me.

We walk downstairs where a family meeting is about to take place. I sit on the couch with Ryan on my lap.

My step dad says, " So why did you guys call this meeting?"

Josh stands up. " Dad and step mom please don't be mad. Madelyn is pregnant and it is with my child."

" Wait what? You knocked my daughter up?"

" It is as much your daughter's fault as it is my sons."

" I know but still I can't believe you two."

" I'm sorry mom but shit happens. We are keeping the baby. I'm only found out a week ago. That is why I have been being so sick."

Ryan looks up at me and says, " Bad mad baby."

" Yes budy Madelyn is having a baby."

" Bad mad no!!!!"

" I know I fell the same way son."

" I do too little man. Bad mad is my daughter."

Ryan nods. Madelyn starts crying and Josh just hugs her.

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