A week in the life of a Sheik...

Galing kay JanVanEngen

340K 13.6K 466

This was my NaNoWrMo month challenge 50k words in one month - A week in the life of a prince Natalie is assi... Higit pa

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nine

17.8K 718 26
Galing kay JanVanEngen

Desert. That was all she could see was desert. In the far horizon heat-waves, and it was early morning, up at 5 to drive her out into the desert, after a shared breakfast in his rooms. Happily Natalie snapping away though did get jostled around a bit. Saqr driving. "Hey, a little bit smoother please."

"Sorry madam I'd go out there and smooth out the desert for you," came back just as dryly.

"Thank you. Appreciated," she laughed as they hit another rough patch. "Perhaps next time we could use a road," she suggested, clasping at the dashboard.

"There are no roads where we are going."

"So you finally decided to dump me out in the desert to get lost, wandering around, forever and a day."

"Darling, you wouldn't last half a day, so no." She swung around and snapped a picture of him driving, one elbow on the window, holding the steering wheel in the other, looking very much at home. He glanced across. "What was that for?"

"A memory," she smiled.

"What memory?" he asked, knowing he was going to regret it.

"The day you called me darling," she laughed that was like music to his heart. He loved her laughter, it was always so rich and free. He reached across, caressing her leg over the Abaya to squeeze. She trembled at his touch. He glanced across again, though eyes hidden by black mirrored sunglasses, he smiled.

"How are you really going?" It was a long drive where they were going.

"Battered and bruised, your highness, however, I would survive, barely," she promised with a smile, then took another shot, suggesting he should be driving with his hand, not his knees. Shaking his head, he realised, placing his hand back on the steering wheel, while she looked around again through the lens of the camera. She lowered the camera when a shape come into view that shimmered in the distance. "Saqr am I imaging that?" she pointed to the far distance.

"No, that is where we are heading to do some falconry." She shot him a look of surprise.

"Really? I thought that was only a man's sport out here?"

"Didn't father say you had access to all areas of my life?"

"Yes," she beamed. "He did. I always knew I loved your father."

"I hope not," he growled deep in his throat, only waved away by her hand.

"You know what I mean." Keeping straight ahead he churned up the sand, gaining sped as they got closer to the pitched black tents. Finally he pull up, off to the side, killing the engine. Stepping out of the land-cruiser Saqr circled the car to go around, opening Natalie's door and helped her out. Standing in front of him, he lifted up the black Hijab to place over her loose black hair, covering and wrapped around her neck. Lightly he trailed a finger down her nose. "Now you must do as I say and say nothing," he whispered, because as she said it was a man's sport, and woman usually didn't attend such meets.

Dressed completely in a black Abaya with a white fancy embroidery attached belt empire style, with a white band around the neckline, looking striking against the black material of the dress, though not as striking as the woman, who wore it, wishing they were alone. Such a contrast to his pure white robes and shemagh.

Self conscious, she lowered her head and turned, staring across the vast desert. Only to move forward at the touch of Saqr's hand on the small of her back that he kept there as they headed to the entrance of the main tent that was open, where a group of men were sharing coffee and talking.

Gently Saqr grabbed her arm, and guided her to stand behind him as he went to greet the men with usual greetings and finally introduced her to the group. She smiled and nodded to be guided by Saqr to take a seat where he sat at her side. After a round of drinks, the group of men all climbed into cars. They went back to there own, following the trail out into the desert, where more men were waiting who had already been informed of her arrival as she walked at Saqr's side, camera in hand, ready for shoots. Another tent off to the side.

Saqr went to see to his birds that had been brought by another vehicle. Natalie went around, taking photos and lifted her camera in offer at the men. Most were fine with their photo taken. The ones who didn't, shook their head and she walked away with a 'Shukran' showing no hard feelings.

Once she got a few group shots, she went to join Saqr, taking photos of him seeing to his birds. Striking birds of white with black and splotches of brown, hooded with feathers on top, tied at the back by leather thin straps. She took a photo of Saqr cooing to a bird on his gloved hand, kissing it's beck, while stroking it's back. One of her favourite shots so far. Wrong, she smiled as she took another shot as he turned to her and smiled. His smile turning her heart and breath caught, feeling all light headed and weak knee. He was deadly to this girl's heart.

"Come here, habibti," he called her over, closer. She went to him, where he placed the bird down on a perch in the back of the car that was open. Where there were cages and a number of birds. Stopping at his side, she keep her distance from the bird. He placed a hand on her arm, edging her closer to him and gave her a glove that she looked at, wide eyed. She gulped, shaking her head. That wasn't apart of the plan. "Trust me," he took her hand, shoving on the glove. He offered his hand to the bird that hopped on, and walked away to a more opened area, taking Natalie with him. "Hold out your hand," he ordered to be done.

Holding out her gloved hand, Saqr passed on a falcon onto her hand, his body close to hers from behind, his other hand on her shoulder. "Don't show fear. Now stroke her back." She did, surprised how soft the feathers were, jerking back a bit. Chuckling, startled as the hooded bird head turned sharply towards her. Saqr steadied her, while stroking the bird, and talking to it softly. She offered the bird back, having it move back onto his gloved hand, looking up into his headdress covered head, dark mirror sunglasses covered his eyes.

"I'd watch you and take photos."

"Sometimes Natalie you have step out from behind your camera and live life."

"I like looking at life through a lens, larger than life itself," she smiled. Especially some parts of it, smiling up at him.

"Come here and don't be afraid." She went to his side, on the opposite side to the bird. Though a graceful and striking bird, she wasn't over fond of birds because of their talons and becks. In flight they were breathtaking. She just like to keep her distance. His free arm went around her waist, holding her against his side. "I won't let anyone or anything hurt you Natalie," he told her in soft undertones. Her heart caught and raced at his words, because she believed him.

The situation had changed between for the better. He trusted her, and she would never hurt him, not through her words. She wanted to show him in the best light possible, because he was a great man, once one got passed his hard shell he had erected to protect himself. "Now, we use the skater falcon, which are the larger birds. A great hunter in it's natural habitat." Her eyes widened. Hunter? She hadn't thought of that, swallowing hard.

"Hunt? What? If some defenceless animal is losing their lives, I'm out of here."

His head lowered as he lowered his dark glasses with a finger, staring at her in disbelief. "What did you think this was about?"

"Well, not killing things that breathe," she squawked horrified, stepping back. "I can admire them in flight, but not swooping down for the kill."

"Natalie, this is apart of their nature. It is what they are born to do."

"And what? You men turn it into a sport, no thank you." She turned on her heels and rushed back to the car, climbed in and sat in the hot car, winding the window down that didn't really help so wound back up. Sighing, she rubbed her eyes. Sometimes she wished, she had thought things out more carefully. Then again, she hadn't known she was going on a bird hunt, did she?

A tap on the window had her looking at a strange winkled face, who was beckoning her with a hand, given a missing teeth smile. She shook her head, saying no with her hands. There was no way she was going back out there.

"Natalie!" Startled she swung around to find the drivers door open and an annoyed Saqr.

"No, I'm staying here, not to watch some innocent bunny getting killed by those killer's claws."

He shifted to sit behind the steering wheel. "Actually no bunnies available, sorry to say."

"Saqr!" she cried appalled, hitting his arm with the back of her hand.

"That actually means Falcon. Did you know that, and I am known as the falcon of the desert, do you now despise me also?"

She gulped, then sighed. "Of course not, unless you hunt down people and kill them, then I can't be your friend anymore. I hate blood sports of any form Saqr. I just didn't think it as that until you said so."

"Noted, don't inform the innocent reporter, keep her ignorant of facts." Huffing, she crossed her arms and eyed him harshly. "Now, are you going to take up our host's offer to go inside, out of the heat or do you want to die of heat exhaustion?

"So much for keeping the reporter ignorant. I'd rather leave," she spat.

"This is my life Natalie, accept it or not." He slid out of the car and departed. Leaving her gasping, opening the door and slip out, before she passed out through heat exhaustion. She followed the older gentleman into the tent that was surprisingly cooler, settling down to share tea and something to eat, while the men went falconry. She wouldn't think about it that wasn't easy from the open tent. However, was drawn to the magnificent flight of the birds to take shots of them in the air, but any sign of swooping, and she lowered the camera.

Not too much longer, Saqr come back, settling at her side and took the offered cup of coffee, resting his arm on a raised knee. She took a snap, because she liked the way he did that. "You're like a hunter with your camera," he noted dryly.

"Well I haven't killed anything yet," she pointed out.

"Natalie." She held up her hand, not wanting to talk about it, ignoring his look of disbelief. "You didn't just tell me to shut up?" he asked stunned.

"Take it anyway you want falcon of the desert."

"This had been going on centuries," he lifted his cup towards the birds.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it. All I can see is fluffy little cute bunnies been shred to pieces."

"You're fluffy little bunnies are known as a plague in your own country," he noted, she glared at him. He smiled. "And I told you we don't have bunnies we have desert rats." He leaned in closer, pressing his lips onto her cheek. "I don't want you angry at me Natalie, no more falconry for you. This was a once off."

Her heart softened, and really wasn't his fault. He didn't know about her aversion to such things. "How did you know?" she asked softly.

"About what, habibti?" her heart melted.

"About the bunnies?"

"I am a learned man Natalie."

She leaned closer into him, resting against his shoulder. "About bunnies, now that is interesting, what else do you know?"

"How to eat them," he laughed. She swung on him, eyes wide in horror. "We don't eat the bunny," he asked softly.

"No, never. I don't eat Skippy either."

"Who is this Skippy?" he asked curious.

"Not so learned after all, your highness. A kangaroo from a sixties tv show but the point is I don't...."

"Eat kangaroo either, yet you eat lamb and beef so what is the difference?" Her lips pursed together, not going down that path. "Not cute enough for you, those big oafish animals so you only eat things that aren't cute." This time she turned on him and removed his glasses, finding amusement.

"Are you having a go at me, your highness? So be it upon your head, sire."

"Should I be afraid?" he dared, poked in the rib with his glasses.

"Yes, very afraid."

Tenderly he brushed the side of her cheek with the back of his hand. "I'd only be afraid, if you weren't talking to me," he corrected. "Let's agree to disagree on the subject." She leaned in even closer, nearly touching him with her body.

"I haven't tried falcon yet," she whispered, He caught her chin in his hand, and eyes narrowed with warning.

"And you won't," he hissed horrified. She arched a brow at him to sigh. Point taken. "Bad girl." He tapped her nose, then straightened, sipping from his cooled coffee.  The others were heading back. Once he finished his cup, he made their excuses and left, heading across the desert once again. They drove in silence. Natalie going over the photos she had already taken, and hated the silence now between them.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset your day." No matter what she thought, it had been his day and was showing her, what he did in his spare time. "Just leave me behind next time," she suggested.

"Who said there was going to be a next time?" he asked dryly. Her head lowered, hair falling forward, chewing on her bottom lip. She had blown it big time. "Forget it Natalie, I have." She looked across, receiving a smile. She smiled back and relaxed. After an early start, hunting with falcons, coffee and chat with the Bedouin, they moved onto an oasis where a tent was pitched, waiting for them.

Flaps opened at the entrance, there was a low divan with matching round bolster at the end, on the other side a tray on legs with coffee and cups waiting to be used. Natalie looked at it with longing. "Go," he pushed her ahead to have her stretch out on the divan and rolled on her side, looking out across the rolling sand dunes and sighed. The skies darkening, announcing night was near. Saqr settled behind her, spooning her, wrapping an arm around her waist and drew her against him. "Tea?" he whispered in her ear.

She covered his arm with her hand, shaking her head. "All drank out." His thumb rubbed against her midriff. She sighed, staring out to the forever desert, then across to the oasis with date tree and greenery around the edge and pool of water, off to their side. "It's so beautiful out here, so peaceful, as if we are the only people in the whole wide world." She actually liked the thought of that. Just the two of them to snuggled back against him, his full length. He reached up, removing her hijab and free her hair, tumbling over her shoulder, and down over her chest.

"You have such beautiful hair Natalie, and it shouldn't be hidden it in those ridiculous ponytails of yours, like those baggy clothes. What are you hiding from?"

She laughed that was like music to his ear, soft and whimsical. "Hey, who's doing the interviewing here?" she teased.

"No-one. Let's just enjoy this, not do your article. I promise you when we go back you would have my full attention and have your stay extended until it is done and all the photos you want, complete access to my life, if you give me these couple of days, just us."

Blinking, she twisted, looking up into his beautiful eyes, seeing he meant it. There was a longing in them. She twisted completely around, placing a hand on his robed chest. "A truce?"

He smiled, taking her breath away. "No, a new beginning. Let's start again. Hello I'm Saqr."

"Well hello, I'm Natalie and I hate coffee, being called Nattie, Natts and have one sister and three very annoying brothers who give me merry hell." Her eyes widened. "I have said too much haven't I, but it is who I am."

"I am beginning to see that. One who doesn't like been mucked around. Speaks her mind, and calls me up on everything."

She grinned at him. "You were being difficult, Saqr."

He laughed openly, shaking his head. "See calls me up. I think that is what I like about you the most Natalie Forrester, you take no crap from anyone."

"I told you I have three brother, who gives me merry hell, and had to learn how to protect myself."

"That explains it. All that gall. Not once were you afraid of me." There was actually disgust in his voice.

"Actually most times I was shaking in my boots or blindside by this," she laughed, touching his chest.

"Explains that photo shoot." She laughed at the memories of her shooting him in his underwear on his bed in hers.

"You're the one who made me strip," she pointed out.

"Only seemed fair to me, there I was, all exposed to you and your camera, and there you were teasing me with that over sized shirt and tight leggings."

"So your only option was to remove them," she laughed, snuggling in, resting against him.

"Hmm, it was," came back softly and lazily. "Like now, here let's get rid of this." He gathered her outer abaya, lifting up and over her head, dropping onto the rug floored desert, leaving her only in her lighter brighter dress then pulled her back into his arms, hard against him, pressing his lips into her hair, smelling her sweet aroma of peaches.

"I didn't mean to spoil your day Saqr."

"You didn't," he planted a kiss on her forehead. "I just leave you behind next time," he chuckled.

"Good idea and don't tell me when you're going."

"Or I can take you here, and you could be waiting for my return," he suggested.

"To see to your every need and whim," she sighed dramatically.

"Now there's an idea. I would enjoy that."

"So what would be your first need, your highness." Quite happy seeing to his need in every way, and his whims. "Does his highness want a massage after a long weary day, and putting up with that pesky opinionated guest of yours?"

"Opinionated, but not pesky. Quite opinionated actually, and there is no need, unless you want to," he added quickly at her fallen look. Happily she shifted, siting at his side as he rolled onto his stomach, burying his face into crossed arms. Flexing her fingers, she stretched them out then placed on his shoulders and stared massaging. "Perhaps I should have asked if you've done this before. We don't want to damage the prince, do we?" came a mumbled voice.

"By the time I'm finished your limbs would be melted into the divan and body singing." He mumbled something like I hope not.

"Have you anything under the robe?" she asked curious.

"Should I be worried?"

"No, just easier without the robe. I don't suppose you have any oils?"

"No," he said in a tight voice, though did sit up, removed his robe, revealing loose white pants, and retook his position, and his robe joined her abaya. She shifted, saddled his lower back and began kneading his shoulder blades. "I have never been sat on before," he noted dryly.

"There is a first time for everything, your highness," she said running finger through his hair.

"So it seems."

"Feels good though," she said softly, he hummed. Her hands dropped down to his nape, spreading her fingers and rubbed, feeling the tension leaving his neck.

"You've done this before," he sighed with pleasure as she followed his shoulders and down one arm, back, then across to this other arm, pressed against his back, since his arms where under his head. She come back to start down his back. Kneading his well developed rope like muscles, feeling him relax under her touch. Tempted to lay closer, pulling back when she realised she was about to kiss his neck. Her hands on his taut tapped waist, her thumbs running down his spine, sitting back on his backside. She could do this all day, correction night, and they did have to eat.

"I suppose I have to see to feeding you also," she teased.

"No, I have organised that. Should be here in half an hour. Shall I roll over?" She barely nodded, not sure she was ready for that to unsaddled him and sat down at his side as he rolled onto his side, where he pulled her down into his arms, looking up at him, stunned. "Probably not such good idea, your touch was far too familiar."

"It was," she gasped. She had thought she had kept her distance, then again she had enjoyed every minute of it. Every inch of his body to blush. Perhaps she was too personal and maybe, just maybe, she wanted an excuse to touch him. He captured her face into his hands, lowering his dark head, holding her gaze, jerking back suddenly at a loud humming sound. He released her and climbed from the divan, leaving the tent, not bothering with his robe.

Natalie eased up, sitting on the edge of the divan, waiting for his return to stand when he didn't come back straight away. She went to the opening of the tent and look out, discovering men setting up a table on a provided floor rug, a fire been fixed with the sinking sun in the background. Bright orange that seemed to fill the whole night sky, gleaming across the oasis' still waters. Saqr spun around at the mention of her appearance, striding back and edged her back into the tent, releasing the flaps, blocking her view.

"Too late," she smiled, gathered against him, hard pressed against his bare chest.

"Well, we aren't ready for you yet, so behave yourself."

"You had this planned beforehand?" she asked amazed. Stunned he would do such a nice thing for her.

"Hmm and I wanted to surprise my little reporter but as usual too curious for her own good," he teased, covering her mouth as her lips parted with his own, stopping any form of complaints. Moaning, she moved against him, opening to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, losing herself into his kiss. Opening under his requesting tongue, sliding in as he hungrily tasted what was on offer. Holding her hard against his body by his hands on her back.

Slowly he moved over her lips, enticing her, encouraging her to deepen the kiss, her full bust pressed hard against his bare chest. His natural heat burning through her dress. Pressing closer, wanting nothing between them. Flesh against flesh. Body to body that she ached in places she never ached before, moving up against him.

Easing back, breathing laboured, he pulled on her bottom lip, following her curves with his hands. "Keep this up and we won't eat."

"I don't mind, if you don't," she whispered. She eat him instead, kissing him back, scooped up into his arms and carried back to the divan and lowered, covered with his body as they explored each other.

His lips left hers, trailing hot sensual kisses over her face, along her jaw to her neck, tasting and nipping, leaving his brand on her. Moaning, she arched up against him, her leg curled around his as he nudged her legs apart with his, nestling closer. Her own hands trailed down his back over his contour, sighing his name, opening her eyes as fingers brushed her lips, finding him hovering over her, eating her up with his eyes that melted her insides to liquid fires of desire. Her belly tightened in anticipation.

Lifting her own fingers to his lips, running over his bottom lip so full and soft, moistened, taken into his hot, wet mouth to be sucked on. She tremble at his touch upon her, his burning gaze holding hers as he pushed his thumb harder against her bottom lip then slipped in. She groaned, closing her mouth around his thumb as his other hand caressed over a breast over the dress, rubbing over her reaction, nipples hard, and sensitive to his touch. He removed his thumb as she did hers. His hot mouth back on hers, rolling onto their side allowing him easier access to her.

Cupping her face into his hand, he kissed her long and slow, tasting the nectar of the gods. Her silken strains of hair against his skin, rolling so she was top of him, nestled between his legs, moulding her hard against him with his other hand. His whole body on fire and screaming for release by burying himself into her delicious body. Her hair brushing his face as she kissed him back with heated passion. He never knew kissing could be so addictive as this one was.

He had to slow things down, before it got beyond his control, easing back, holding her against his aching body,  breathing laboured as hers as she melted against him, head on his shoulder, arms around his neck. "I think we better eat to keep up our strength," he suggested softly, huskily. Her head just moved against his bare skin in a nod, turning to press her lips against his shoulder, tasting him with her wet tongue in little flick that he nearly lost it there and then, sitting up, taking her with him, sitting across his lap. "Now that just asking for trouble," he growled deeply in his throat.

Saddled across his lap, arms wrapped around his neck, she buried her face into his neck, nuzzling. "Pinch me," she whispered.

"Whatever for, habibti?" he asked surprised.

"To make sure I'm not dreaming you," she breathed, kissing his neck. "You smell and taste so good."

"That's it you need to eat and not me," he laughed, standing, her arms still around his neck. Her feet dropping to the ground, and eased back reluctantly, snatched a kiss then led her away, pulling back the tent flaps. She gasped at the sinking sunset across the vast of the sky, highlighting the oasis' still waters. Off to the side a table set for two with two tall burning lanterns giving off a yellow glow.

"Saqr this is so beautiful. Thank you." Arm firmly around her waist, he guided over to the table, pulled out a canvas covered chair to be taken, lowered in, brushing her lips with his own before taking his own seat. Sitting side by side, more than opposite, enjoying the sinking sun and the stars that began to sparkle in the darkening skies.

She reached across to take hold of his hand that curled around hers as a staff member approached, placing down two plates in front of them. Lids removed to find a tapas style tasting plate. Another approached to serve glasses of refreshing mixture of juices with ice. With a smile she took a glass to sip from. Tangy, yet refreshing after the heat of the day. "Nice just what I needed."

"To cool you down," he teased, releasing her hand, removing his own drink to sip from.

She laughed. "All your fault, the hot and bothered part."

"Glad to hear it." He removed a fork, trying the chef cooked delicacies. She eyed the strange looking food, forked, sniffed then popped into her mouth. Different with lots of flavour of spices of the country, trying something else that they soon had the plate empty. To be taken away, replaced with soup, followed by three other courses, finishing up with a platter of fruit, nuts and cheeses, dismissing the staff and chef. They were flown back, leaving them alone in the desert. The perimeter protected from unwanted visitors. They were totally alone just as he had wanted it. They could be completely naked and no-one would know except for themselves or some secret drone.

"What are you thinking?" she asked by the glint in his eyes, receiving a smile instead.

"Nothing," he stood, offering his hand that was taken, and helped to her feet. "Nothing much at all actually, shall we?" He opened his other arm back towards the tent. She followed as they crossed, and settled back onto the divan, snuggling against him as they stretched across, looking out to the moonlit oasis. Closing her eyes as fingers caressed her scalp as he threaded fingers through her hair.

"I could get used to this," she purred.

"Sorry habibti, we only have a couple of days then back to city. I have meetings."

She twisted around to face his bare chest placing a hand on to caress over. "Sounds pretty good to me, two days of this."

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