The Three Tasks

By LocalCelebrity

136 0 1

Scarlet O' Connelly is the least bit ordinary. She goes to Hogwarts a school for young withes and wizards, pl... More

The Three Tasks
Train Time Talking

In With a Bang (of the head)

38 0 0
By LocalCelebrity

As usual Kings Cross Station was grey and foggy on the outside evidence that a rainstorm was soon to come.  But I knew that when I passed through the third pole between Platforms Nine and Ten that I would be surrounded by a warm atmosphere, and because of that I couldn’t wait to finally begin the actual journey back to Hogwarts. But unfortunately as this was my seventh year at Hogwarts this would be the last train ride I would be taking on the First of September back to school.

Platform Nine and Three Quarters was exactly how it had been for the past six years on the first of September, bursting with life. I hurt me to imagine what it looked like throughout the year because I didn’t know any one of its uses besides being the home for the Hogwarts Express. Speaking of the Hogwarts Express I could already see it despite the large crowds of people. It wasn’t exactly difficult to spot the massive train seeing as it was painted bright red.

The train though was not the only thing I was looking for; there was also Amanda Everheart, the third person who completed our trio. I personally thought that our trio was the trio of all trios; we had a pureblood (me), a muggle born (Amanda), and a half-blood (Lidia). The smart ass, the teacher’s pet, and the bubbly one. The blonde, the redhead, and the brunette.  And then there was a fact that we were just plain awesome.


Lidia and I were the first to meet, but we met Scarlet the same day. MY family was dead then so they had a teacher from Hogwarts come and pick me up at my house, since in this lifetime I was only eleven and could not drive a car by myself, legally. Lidia’s father Neville Longbottom was the person they sent since he lived in London and was sending his daughter off to Hogwarts too. After my belongings were packed into the trunk of the car I opened one of the backseat passenger doors, only to find Lidia sitting there. Thankfully Lidia scooted over in her seat because she noticed how I was struggling with the bird cage that held my phoenix, Neiguex. Apparently Neiguex was extremely interesting because during the drive to King’s Cross Station her eyes never left the phoenix.

As soon as we were on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, I thanked them for driving me to the station, but before I could make my mistake Neville asked for a word. Of course I knew what he was going to say, how difficult it was for me to be able to go to the school despite being pureblood, how he expected me to stay out of trouble, and how during the holidays I was to stay at Hogwarts or sound my time with Ministry Officials. I had heard that speech plenty of times before it was permanent in my memory. So instead of actually listening to him I blanked my mind and searched the crowds for cute boys, unfortunately the only moderately attractive ones seemed to be third years.

After ‘listening’ to what Mr. Longbottom had to say I got up and left to catch the train, leaving without a goodbye or a hug. It was easier that way, it had kept me from getting attached to the people who chauffeured me around. I stepped into the train seconds before it began moving, it was sickening how the train lurched forward without my stomach expecting it, as if there was only water in it. As I walked through the train corridors I noticed all the compartments were full, actually all but one. Lidia Longbottom and a red haired girl she had probably just met were in that compartment, and because of the speed talking abilities they barely  noticed me opening the door to enter. I say barely because as soon as I let go of the door so I could step through the opening, it slammed onto the wood frame, causing them to turn their heads in my direction.

“Um. Hi I’m Scarlet.”, can you blame me for starting off with an ‘um’ I was terrified.

Lidia was the first to get over the shock of the door slam and said, “Yeah  I remember my family picked you up from that skyscraper. By the way Scarlet, I’m Lidia and this,” she pointed to the other girl, “is  Amanda.”

The girl who I now knew as Amanda stopped analyzing me like I was a lab rat and asked me about five questions at once, “Hi Scarlet. We were just talking about our family and such. I’m a muggle born. What about you? And why did Lidia have to bring you to the station? I was so confused about where to find the platform, were you? Oh and when’s your birthday?” AS she talked she scooted over on her seat wanting me to join in.

After I had put my belongings onto the carrier and put the cover on Neiguex’s cage so he could sleep, I sat down and answered her questions, basically giving her an autobiography while doing so, “Well my parents died a long time ago, and since I have no relatives the ministry granted me permission to live on my own if a ministry officer came by weekly to make sure I was still alive. And I’m from a pureblood family. My parent’s death is why Lidia’s family brought me here. And my birthday is August 31st, so yesterday.” Amanda and Lidia both looked at me shocked as if they were searching my face for an emotion besides embarrassment, but they found none and after their learning about my parents that topic of discussion was off limits.

The feeling of ice cold water soaking my clothes pulled me out of my mind. I turned around cold, wet, and angry to see who had attacked me with the water. Only to see a guilty looking Amanda and Lidia next to her. Seconds later Amanda ran off afraid of how I was going to get my revenge, but obviously I could never let my prey get away so easily so I began to chase her around the platform.

I was in shooting range now, close enough to hit her back, but Amanda also realized this when she turned around and saw my wand out and ready. She knew that there was only a few seconds until she was going to be as wet as I was at the moment so she attempted to dodge the water that came shooting out of my wand after I muttered, “Augamenti”. If I hadn’t aimed to where I knew she would move to avoid the spell she would be perfectly dry still, but luckily I had so she was covered.

A loud cackling shriek tore the smirk off my face. I recognized that shriek it belonged to one of the people at Hogwarts who wished they had never met me. It belonged to Ada Fisher, who probably hated me more than Mr. Goyle ( the caretaker at Hogwarts) and Professor Armando (the Divination teacher) did combined. Even if I hadn’t been the one to splash her with probably not even half a bucket of water she would have blamed me, luckily the platform was crowded and I had an almost direct path to the train where I could hide. Then without a second thought I began sprinting. This was basically the speed of a fast jog because of the added weight of my wet clothes.

Hoping I could both run and cast a spell at the same time I fished my wand out of the deep pockets of my cloak. When I had my wand in my hand I only used a quarter of my mine to concentrate on where I was headed, while the other three-fourths tried to cast a spell.  At first I tried thinking, “Impervius” to dry off my clothes but that proved to not be successful. My second attempt I said the spell, but that also did not work. Thinking I would be fine if I completely focused on the spell for a few seconds instead of running, I fully concentrated on the spell and not where I was moving. I spoke the spell, “Impervius” and it was working until I ran into a wall.

Correction I did not run into a wall, I ran into the Hogwarts Express, the giant bright red train that takes us to school. How the heck did I not see that before I smacked into it, for God’s sake it was GIANT and BRIGHT RED, that’s two of most visible things ever. Note to self- don’t attempt t run while doing magic, you’ll run into a train.

I heard clicking of some shoes, the clickclack-ness told me that they were high heels and I only knew one person that wore high heels and knowing my luck it was going to be her. “What. The hell was that for, O’ Connelly? You drenched me back there. And Jacob is going to be here in like 2 minutes so I have to look perfect. You must have known that I was preparing to see Jacob again and drenched me so you could steal him for yourself. You flopping snitch!”, of course Ada Fisher couldn’t have gotten just a smidgen nicer over the summer, that’d be like Christmas in July.

The reason why Ada hates oh so very much and is very angry right now is because of her boyfriend, Jacob freaking O’Conner. She thinks I am out to steal him away from her since from our first to the end of our fifth year at Hogwarts I was forced to sit next to him in History of Magic since Professor Binns decided sitting in alphabetical order was the greatest thing since sliced bread. And I don’t even understand why she thinks I am out to steal him because Jacob and I very much dislike each other not on Ada level but we have a rivalry since we both play on the house Quidditch team and Jacob just doesn’t understand that his flying ability is equivalent to a blind bird compared to mine seeing as I have had years of training, and he started when every other first year was taught how to fly.

The thing that sickens me more than Ada thinking that I would ever like Jacob is how they have been together for so long. They met the first day of our first ear when they had both been sorted into Hufflepuff, and two days after that they were all lovey dovey holding hands during every meal. My stomach starts turning just thinking about that much commitment to someone. I obviously don’t get squeamish when I think about Amanda and Lidia it’s just that level of intimacy is weird.

Still laying on the ground I looked up and smiled at Ada, it really was a lovely sight half of her body wet while the other was dry; it looked like she couldn’t decide what she wanted to look like for the day so she just did half and half. But I was smart enough to know not to point this out, knowing that I would just get a headache from the amount of yelling she said to me so I stoop up using the support of the train to stay standing since I had hit my head when I fell to the ground, pointed my wand at her and said, “Impervius,” to dry her off and, “Fillicio” to fix her make-up. When I saw that she looked normal again I dragged my body against the train towards the entrance not wanting to start anymore drama. Just to find the compartment where Amanda and Lidia had disappeared to and sit down. Maybe order come Cauldron Cakes when the delivery cart came around.

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