When It All Comes Crashing Do...

Por itskourtniee_

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"No, no, no! This cannot be happening!" My mother cried out. The funeral was last week, and now we are at the... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

163 5 7
Por itskourtniee_

All of a sudden I was cornered; he put his hands on the walls above my head. His eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips for like two minutes. “Please Marcus!” I began to cry. “Shut up!” He yelled in my face. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer; he then put his lips on mine. I began to cry even harder. “Kiss me back!” He said on my lips. It was either that or get beaten so I did, I kissed him back. It was horrible.

He took my hand and led me to my bed. I tried to loosen his vice grip from my wrist, but he was to strong. Once we reached my bed he picked me up and threw me on it. He then climbed on top of me and whispered in my ear, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” I was so terrified of what was going to happen. His hand reached down to my button and that’s when it all began. I cried the whole time. He took something from me that I can never get back. My virginity. Who does that to little sixteen year old girls?

When he was done, he stood up and put his pants back on. “Now was it that bad?” He asked me while zipping up his zipper. Yes! I thought inside my head. But no words dared to escape my lips. He chuckled and before leaving my room he said, “Clean yourself up!” and slammed my door.

My legs were so sore that I had to crawl to the bathroom. I went to the tub and turned the water on. I was waiting for it to fill up and I felt so weak, so I rested my head against the side of the tub. Once the water was warm enough and high enough, I used all of the strength that I had left and got into the tub. My crying was making my eyesight blur in and out. But when I could see, I saw that the water was turning red. It was my blood.

Shelly’s POV

I hadn’t seen or heard from Alicia since when I was talking to her earlier. Something told me to go upstairs and check on her, so I did. When I walked in her room, I was horrified. There was a blood trail leading from her bed to the bathroom. I walked in the bathroom and saw her in a pool of blood. “Help!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “What’s going on in here?” Samuel asked as he stepped in the room.

“My baby!” I whimpered over and over again while holding her close. “I’ll call the ambulance!” Samuel said as he left the room. Lord, please let my child be alright! I prayed in my head. A few minutes later, I heard sirens getting closer. In less than five minutes the ambulance people were in the bathroom with us taking Alicia out of the tub. They began to carry her out of the house. I wasn’t far behind.

“It’ okay baby! I’m here with you!” I said as I got into the back of the ambulance truck. I held her hand as tight as I could and kept whispering reassuring things in her ear. “Mama?” She whispered in a weak voice. “Yes baby, I’m here!” I said gripping onto her hand a little tighter. “I want to go home.” She said before dozing off again. “I know baby, I know!” I cried.

12 AM

Marcus, you coward son of a gun. How could you? I thought at least one thousand times in my head. Repeating it over and over again. Of course I knew it was him, who else would it be? Samuel and I were downstairs and no one else was in the house. He can hit on me all day long, but he should have never ever put his hands on my daughter. He has another thing coming if he thinks I’m going to let him get away with this.

“Family here for Miss Alicia Jones?” The doctor asked as he came into the waiting room. “I’m her mother.” I stated as I got up and walked over to him. “How’s she doing?” I asked. “I’m sorry to say this ma’am but, she has a brain concussion.” “What?” I yelled out. He tried to console me as best he could. It didn’t really work, because I soon burst out into tears. “But it’s going to be okay, she’ll just have to stay here for at least a week and everything should be fine. “Oh, thank you Lord!” I sighed. He held me close in a warm embrace. I felt comforted until there was a loud, booming voice behind us. “What the hell is going on here?” I could tell it was Marcus, simply because of how the anger rolled off of his tongue in an evil, sinister way.

All of those earlier thoughts about me standing up to him soon flew out of the window. I was overcome with fear. I turned around slowly and faced him, “H-hey baby!” I tried to smile. “Don’t hey baby me. Are you cheating on me?” “Oh no sir-“ The doctor began. “Shut up!” Marcus yelled at him. I guess the doctor got the memo that Marcus was no one to mess with because he just walked away, leaving me there in the face of danger. “What was that about?” Marcus growled at me.

“It was nothing, he was just comforting me!” I tried to reason. Marcus pulled me into a hug, but it wasn’t the warm one that I had just received. It was cold and heartless. He began to whisper in my ear, “Now you listen to me and you listen good; I better not ever see you in the arms of another man. Or it’ll be the death of you.” I shivered at his words, I knew he wasn’t kidding. I wondered why he had to pull me into such a false embrace, but soon after I realized that it was to fool the people who began to stare at us because of all of the commotion. Boy were they fooled.

1 Week Later

Today I get to pick Alicia up from the hospital, I’m so excited to go and see my baby because I haven’t seen her since that day except to drop off some clean clothes the next day.Marcus hasn’t allowed me to go and see her. That sounds like I’m his little pet, but I’m only going through with this so that my baby won’t have to struggle.

“My baby!” I smiled as I walked into her hospital room. She was sitting on the edge of the bed with the clothes that I brought her a few days ago. “Mama!” She said as she ran to me. We hugged each other for a long while as we began to cry happy tears. “How are you?” I asked. “I’m fine. I’ve just been a little nauseated.” She replied. “Well, maybe that’s just one of the side effects from the surgeries that you’ve had.” I said trying to hide what I was really thinking. “Maybe!” She smiled.

“Well, let’s go!” I smiled picking up her bag. “Okay.” She said in a shaky tone. I knew she was afraid to go back to Marcus’s house, and honestly, so was I. Before we could get out of the door, a nurse walked in. “Hello ladies, before you leave, I have some news for you.” She said. “Okay.” Alicia and I replied in unison. “Alicia, you’re pregnant!” The nurse said as she handed a large envelope to Alicia and left the room. We were both too shocked to move. I didn’t even bother asking if she’d had previous relations before being raped by Marcus because I already knew what the answer was.

Tears began to fall down Alicia’s face as she dropped down to her knees. I threw her bag down and kneeled next to her. I held her in my arms and cried with her.

Alicia’s POV

This cannot be happening. I said to myself in my head. He got me pregnant. My child is coming from a monster. I don’t know if I’ll be able to take this. I might as well sit here and die. Why does the bad stuff always have to happen to me?

Eventually, my mom and I got ourselves together and went back home. I wanted to give Marcus a piece of my mind but 1, I knew that would result in something bad, and 2, he wasn’t home at the moment. I ran upstairs to my room to find it completely redecorated. New carpet and everything. I guess Samuel thought that changing it around would make me forget about what happened. But now I have something that will remind me of that day for the rest of my life, if I choose to keep it. My baby.

About 9 PM

I heard the door slam and I knew he was here. Should I tell him now or later? I thought. I didn’t have much time to think because before I knew it, he was at my door grinning at me. He walked over to my bed and caressed my face. “How’s daddy’s little baby doing?” He smiled at me. I cringed at his touch. “I’m f-fine.” I replied as I backed up into my head board. What a horrible decision that was. The envelope fell from under me, where I was hiding it.

“What’s this?” He asked as he reached down and picked it up off of the floor. “Nothing.” I tried to convince him. That didn’t work so I tried reaching for it. “Ah-ah-ah!” I said talking to me as if I were a child. Little did he know that he would be saying that to his own child in a few months.

A/N: This chapter was a little shorter than usual, I know. Sorry, but I wanted to stop it right here. Comment, vote, and tell people to read my stories please! Oh, and how do y’all feel about Alicia’s situation?

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