Monsters Beyond the Gate

By PandorasPrincess17

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Deep in the woods, beyond the gate, roams a pack of vicious monsters that will devour your heart and have you... More

Chapter One: The awakening
Chapter Two: Losing Her
Chapter Three: Don't look away
Chapter Four: Wolves and Tea
Chapter Five: Into the Forest
Chapter Six: Wolfsbane
Chapter seven: Anywhere But Here
Chapter Nine: The Den
Chapter Ten: Wynter's Ice
Chapter Eleven: Dark of the Night
Chapter Twelve: Too Late
Chapter Thirteen: Real Connections
Chapter fourteen: The Witch
Chapter Fifteen: The Longest Run
Chapter Sixteen: Healing Time
Chapter Seventeen: Changed for the Better?
Chapter Eighteen: Mated
Chapter Nineteen: Ruby's Burden
Chapter Twenty: Destiny
Final Note

Chapter Eight: Blood and Water

91 19 3
By PandorasPrincess17


I watched her storm out the front door like an angry hurricane. Her auburn colored hair swirled behind her like a mixture of fire and autumn leaves. 

Follow her! my inner wolf demanded ferociously. The woods are not safe. If your Luna is hurt you'll never forgive yourself!

I stopped at the words that screamed themselves through my cranium. 

My Luna?

Was she really?

The question was rhetorical. I knew from the very moment I saw her in a crumpled heap, bleeding, covered in wolfsbane, that she was my one true mate. I was instantly attracted to her. Her eyes, the color of spring, pulled me in and made my stomach try to perform a variety of gymnastic moves. Yes, she was my Luna...but she wouldn't know that until she made the change herself. 

My heart raced at the idea. I'd always hoped I would find my mate. The last few weeks had been absolute torture. My mother and father had approached me with solemn faces. 

"Our pack is dying," they'd said, "We must converge with the southern pack if our bloodline is to survive." 

The arrangement was made without my consent. The southern Alpha, Orion, and his Luna, Aphena Merida, had agreed that their daughter, Tessa, would make a suitable mate for me and that they would all step down as the Alphas so that her and I could take their places. 

I carried a false hope in the days before meeting Tessa that she would turn out to be my true mate, my Luna, but I could tell the very moment I met her that my hopes were wrong. 

She was beautiful and strong-willed, although slightly arrogant, and definitely not my Luna.

It didn't matter though. I wasn't mating for love, I was mating for the survival of our bloodline. That's what my father reminded me when I expressed my doubts. 

I made a move towards the front door to follow Adeline, but Tessa blocked my way. 

"There you are," she purred and slinked towards me in her almost cat-like manner.

I tried to keep my face a mask of polite interest, but it was difficult when all I could think of was slipping past her and going after Adeline. 

"Your eyes are yellow, my love," Tessa said in a sickly sweet voice and she raised her palm to stroke my stubbly cheek. I caught her hand in mine and gently squeezed it. Tessa seemed determined to make us work and I could tell she had incredibly strong feelings for me. 

"Are they? My wolf must be agitated. Perhaps a nice walk will soothe it," I mumbled and dropped her hand. I made another attempt at the front door, but she blocked my way once more. 

"Lets go hunting," she said, running her hands along the muscles in my chest and stomach. 

I shivered under her icy touch. She was abnormally cold for a wolf. 

"That sounds nice, but Adeline has run off and Merida wants me to go retrieve her," I struggled hard to keep the growl out of my voice, but my wolf was ready to toss Tessa to the side and barrel out the door. 

Tessa looked irritated, "We'll find her together then. In wolf form. It'll be faster."

I didn't have time to debate with her, so I nodded and walked out the door, stripping off my shirt as I went. 


The wind whipped against the fur on my snout. I breathed in deep gulps, smelling and tasting the air around me. My paws sank into the cool dirt of the forest floor with each massive stride I took. My muscles burned from running so fast, but the pain was a welcome sensation. The forest came alive around me. I could hear everything. The birds singing to one another, the squirrels fighting over acorns, bee's buzzing from a nearby hive. I picked up the scent of a deer, from the sounds of it, it was alone. It was close too, maybe fifty or so yards north. Another sent engulfed my senses. A flowery smell that made my stomach clench. 

It was Adeline. I could hear her running-staggering- not too far ahead. I pushed myself harder. I needed to reach her before she got herself into any sort of trouble. 

Slow up, Levi! 

Tessa's voice assaulted my thoughts, reverberating throughout my skull. 

with a shock I realized that i'd let my mental walls down in my frenzy to catch, Adeline. Tessa nearly had access to all of my most private thoughts and feelings. I pulled the walls up tight, only letting enough connection remain to communicate with her.  

I didn't slow. I couldn't.

Abruptly, I heard Adeline's footsteps come to a halt. An awful sent violated my nose. The stench of mold and darkness. 

Erebus!  I snarled, pushing myself to go faster still. 

Tessa accelerated to flank me, but she was panting hard. 

Go back! I demanded. 

No! Erebus's pack members are up there. You can't go alone! she retorted angrily.  

I'm serious, Tessa. It's dangerous. Go get help. Now, that's an order. 

My blood rushed horribly fast at the thought of Adeline facing Erebus's pack members alone and weak. 

You aren't Alpha yet, Levi. I'm not leaving you. We can take them. Together. 

I snarled with rage, but I couldn't stop to make her go. It might have been too late for Adeline if I did. 

Up ahead a clearing came into view, and in it stood Adeline, surrounded by three dark gray wolves. 

She didn't look scared. On the contrary she looked incredibly brave. She was standing up tall with her hands curled into fists at her sides. Her white tee-shirt bore a large rip, as if one of the wolves had already took a swipe at her. 

The rage in my body seemed to fuel me. I leaped into the clearing and landed right in front of Adeline to face the largest of the three wolves. His ruby colored eyes widened with shock and then narrowed viciously. 

I dared a glace at Adeline, expecting her to look relieved, but if anything she appeared frustrated that I'd got in her way. 

"Where is he? Where is my brother?" she demanded without even looking at me. Her eyes were dead set on the largest gray wolf who stared back maliciously. 

There was no way the wolf could answer her in wolf form, even if he wanted to. 

Back at home, the wolf mentally sneered, jerking his head backward to indicate so.

Of course Adeline couldn't hear him, but it looked like she caught his drift. Her sea green eyes hardened and a look of absolute fury claimed her features. 

"Bring him here, now!" she screamed. 

The wolf, very discernibly, shook his head no and stared her right in the eyes as he did so. A stick snapped behind us, all eyes turned to see Tessa enter the clearing. Her light brown fur gleamed in the sun and she stared at the surrounding wolves with a threatening expression as she proceeded into the circle to stand beside me, tail to tail. 

Why have you invaded our territory? the largest wolf demanded, turning his eyes on me. Their color reminded me of blood.  

This is not your land! It's neutral territory! Tell your cowardly master, Erebus, that if he wants to change that he need only show his ugly mug and we can put him in his place, sneered Tessa.

How dare you insult Erebus that way. You'll pay for your lip, she-wolf! 

The large gray wolf roared and lunged at her. He knocked her to the ground and they were a blur of fur and snarling teeth. 

Before I could go to her aid, another wolf sprung forward. He soared through the air towards Adeline and I. I pushed Adeline aside and narrowly dodged the wolf's snapping teeth. Immediately, I came to my senses, pivoting back and then sprang towards the attacking wolf. I sank my k9's deep into his shoulder and tore at this flesh, ripping and clawing. The wolf fought back, but he was no match for my superior strength and size. After a few more lunges my teeth found the tender curve of his neck. I clenched down and tugged hard. The wolf stopped struggling and laid dead before me. I opened my jaw, dropping his lifeless body and then turned to the third wolf. She had Adeline backed against a tree. Adeline looked pale, but ready to fight. I didn't give her a chance. I leaped forward onto the she-wolf's back. She stumbled and we were both suddenly airborne, rolling down a steep ravine. 

We landed in a rather wide river that had a fast flowing current. It took me a minute, but I regained my balance. The she-wolf wasn't so lucky. She struggled towards the bank with an obviously broken front paw. I prepared myself to attack, but Adeline's scream tore through the air, followed by a loud, pained yelp from Tessa. 

Forgetting the she-wolf, I bounded back up the ravine into the clearing. The largest gray wolf stood with it's back to me. In front of him was Adeline holding a silvery knife and panting. Behind her Tessa laid in a crumpled heap. She was covered in blood and breathing shallowly.

"Get back. I'm warning you, Beast!" Adeline said. She was even paler now and had blood pouring from a wound on her shoulder. 

Move you idiotic human, the wolf snarled threateningly. 

Although Adeline couldn't actually hear what the wolf had said, her face registered in understanding of his intent. She remained firmly planted in front of Tessa. 

I wanted to scream for her to move. Didn't she know how much danger she was in? How easily that wolf could end her life? My body cried for my mate, but panic had seized me and rooted me to the spot where I stood. 

Have it your way, he hissed and moved to jump over her to get to Tessa.

Adeline shrieked, but instead of running away she threw herself backwards to protect Tessa's mangled body and the wolf landed right on top of her, sinking his teeth into her already bleeding shoulder. 

She let out a cry of agony. I roared. The sound of my mate in pain sent me into action. I sprang forward. The large gray wolf whipped around just in time to see me dive for him. 

I fought harder than I'd ever fought in my whole life. My poor mate, my Luna, laid bleeding just a few yards away from me in a weakened human state and it was all I could do to keep us both alive. But the large wolf was strong and I was injured from my fight with the two other wolves and my tumble down the ravine. My insides were wrought with worry. I could not let my mate die. 

The gray wolf bit and tore mercilessly. He was bigger than me and much more experienced. I gave my all, but before I knew it, I was pinned to the ground. My side throbbed where he'd ripped a chunk from it. 

I made a final attempt to rise, but he pressed me down with his powerful paw and laughed loudly. 

Did you really think you could beat me, Pup? Me, a warrior of Erebus? 

I glared at him, panting heavily. 

It was worth a shot, I finally said in a gasping breath. 

More barking laughter. 

You think this was worth your life and the life of your friend? 

He continued to stare down at me, but my eyes flicked up to a movement behind him. Adeline had struggled to her feet. Her wounds were heavily weeping blood, but she had her silvery knife grasped firmly in her right hand. My heart leapt at the sight of her. Her eyes looked dangerous and her hair was wild around her head like a lit torch. She was creeping forward, ready to strike. 

I regained my wits. 

I think that to die trying to eliminate evil and filth from the world isn't a bad way to go, I said to keep him focused on me. 

I'll show you true evil, Pup- 

His words were cut off. Adeline struck faster than a snake. Her arm was a blur as she reached forward and drove her blade deep between the gray wolf's ribs. 

He threw back his head, bellowing in pain. 

Quickly, I summoned every inch of my remaining strength and seized the moment with a good shot at his neck. I bolted up and latched onto his throat, refusing to let go. 

He struggled and thrashed against me, but I held tight. His blood poured into my mouth and mixed in with the already wet fur around my snout. I didn't let go of his neck until he stopped moving. Dead. 

I dropped his corpse and looked up just in time to see Adeline fall motionless to the ground.  


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