Sebastian X Kye X Hannah [boy...

By Sn1perDeath666

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Chapter one
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

369 1 0
By Sn1perDeath666

Chapter Two: greetings 

Once the non-known man has stoped beating on Jack, the odd scene kid had blood on his nice wight jacket, the sight of the blood intrasted me, than i hold my wrist... i remeber what the blood looked like.. i cut cause it makes me feel like im alive not died, for once a teacher pulled a studint back, the teacher was Jack's father, thats probly why he has so much pull in the  school, i notice that hannah was ehind me.. with her pail skin, with her flat straght black hair with purple streaks, with black eye liner she has one every day. She makes me speckless every time i see her from her lust, even tho lust is a sin lust is a sin will do if it means its with hannah ♥ i zone in blushing and noticing that i fell in hannahs breats face firts and she only chuckels as i smill alil than i notice that hannahs best friend Kiki, Kiki is the type of person that wont take your shit, its best to stay on her good said since she has a lot of pull as well since her, well best friend that they act like sisters is the head cheereader and they are the two most populer girls in the school. Kiki: Kye what the hell are you doing now you little kid? yes she likes to call me little kid cause im a month younger than her and hannah, Kye: a-ammm... n-nothing (as i spring up from hannahs chest with my eyes wide open looking at Hannah and a littel bit of Kiki still blushing red as i hear a guy getting pulled down and starts to get puched on like a kick-boxing bag as i turn that way) W-whats going on! (my mouth drops when i see the non-known man is getting beaten up than hannah walks by me and sticks her thoung out at me like all was, and kiki hits me with her shoulder with hers and whinks and sticks her thoung out at me too as i say) haha, love you too not Kiki: who said anything about love little kid Hahaha! (i look at her alittle) Kye: hahaha, good point but shut up kiki (as i chuckel alittel) Kiki: ahahaha yeah you wish bitch. Hannah: JACK!!! (Jack jumps at the sound of Hannahs voice) Jack: y-yes h-hannah? (hahaha he looks helpless as Hannah slaps him across his face) Jack: what the hell was that for bit- (hannah slaps him again) Hannah: you want your life here over? than just call me a bitch. you ok sebastian? (so his name is sebastian? what a cute name...) Kye: h-hi im Kye, nice to meet you sebastian. (i hold out my hand and he only nods) Hannah: dont try to get  beaten up agin ok Kye? (she walks by me and tesses my hair and she knows it annoys me) Kye: ill think about it,, and try not to have boys fall on your boobs ok? (i stick my thoungh at her as she turns and looks at me) Hannah: so says the guy that was blood red face planted into them hehe, but baii kye. (kiki walks past me) Kiki: later littel kid haha. (i look at the guy) Kye: so.. why did you save me back there? .... sebatian?

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