Learning To Love Again (Mithz...

By WaterlverPlaysMC

35.4K 1.1K 993

Ross has been through many heartbreaks, and eventually just shut down all emotions so he wouldn't feel it any... More

Chapter One: It Begins
Chapter Three: Filler-ish/PlsReadTheAN
Chapter Four: #Merome4Dayz
Chapter Five: What You've All Been Waiting For
A/N (You All Are Amazing.)
Chapter Six: One Of Us
Mini A/N
A/N (I swear Ill update soon)
Chapter Seven: Um. Ran Out Of Title Names. Fack. (And A/N)
Chapter Eight: Shortest Chapter Ever (And Announcments)
Chapter Nine: Meeting His Family
Quick A/N
Very Sorry (A/N)
A/N (I Need To Update Already Don't I)
A/N (:))
A/N (Important)
A/N (holy fuck you guys...)
Happiness Truths and Determination. (Major A/N Please Read)
Completely Unimportant But Read Anyways (A/N)
Holy fuck I'm Litteraly Crying Tears Of Joy
Chapter Ten: Short But Idc
A/N (Shit I Forgot To Mention Last Chapter)
A/N (I'm Truly Sorry, Lovelies)
R. I. P. (Ignore This If You Want, I Guess)

Chapter Two: Meeting

1.9K 56 85
By WaterlverPlaysMC

Ross sighed, contemplating why he hadn't left yet. He came to the conclusion he could steal some more supplies, but it didn't feel right. He simply shrugged it off and went back to waiting for someone to come get him for some form of work or something.

Soon he was greeted by a young male, looking about sixteen, with long brown hair covering his right eye, the visible one a blood red. He had a black, short sleeved top, and light green pants, a pair of purple shoes on his feet.

"Um, h-hi, uh, the king s-said to come and bring y-you to him, um, if that's o-ok..." He mumbled, barely above a whisper. Ross simply nodded at him, and they left towards the end of the long hall. There, was a very large, maroon door, which he knocked on hesitantly. Soon, a 'Come in' could be heard from inside. He immediately escorted him in upon hearing that.

They walked inside the large room, the boy leaving once he was motioned to. The king walked up to Ross, who had to look up slightly to meet his gaze. Ross' gaze never once faltered, which genuinely confused the king.

"It's strange. Most would have looked away, or gotten nervous, or shown some kind of fear. Yet here you stand, dispelling all my prior knowledge of what people do in these situations. How, is what I'd like to know." Max asked, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Easy. I couldn't care less what happens to me." Ross answered, honestly, but didn't disclose any further information of the topic, for he didn't trust the king.

Max was taken slightly aback by this. How could someone just completely stop caring about themselves? Even he, who had been through Hell and back and stopped caring about others, took care of himself. "How?" He asked simply. "How can you not care about anything at all? How have you gone on?"

"I never said I cared for nothing. Not for myself, but not for nothing." Ross muttered, glaring up at him, unintentionally, as it was his natural expression.

"Then who?" Max asked, growing more curious by the minute. He didn't know exactly why, but he felt a pull to know the answers.

"None of your importance." Ross stated sharply, venom starting to drip from each word. Why should he let a man he just met know of all his troubles? It didn't feel right. But yet, something kept pushing him to tell. He wouldn't give, though. Not until he knew he could trust him, which he felt be never would.

Max stared at him blankly. He was not used to people keeping information from him, or defying him, or being rude towards him. He was king. Everyone did as he said. No one stood in his way. He liked that Ross treated him as a normal person, even if he had to be mean to do so.


Ross sat on the bed of the room he'd been given, which was on the fifth floor. This one didn't have a breakable lock, but instead the windows simply didn't open. They were also made of a strange, sturdy glass, that Ross couldn't break. He had tried. He assumed he'd be spending a lot of time here. He knew be had to get back, soon, and was starting to regret not leaving when he had the chance.

Soon the same boy came and led him to a room on the bottom floor with lots of people working hard at different tasks. There was a tan, brown haired boy with sun glasses working on polishing the table, along with a strange, small, fluffy creature. Helping to set the table was a young, blond boy that looked almost identical to Lachlan, a boy with brownish blond hair and hazel eyes, and a boy looking slightly older than the Lachlan-look-alike, with brown hair and dark black eyes. There was also three boys putting food on the table, one looking a bit older than Seto, with brown hair with red highlights, brown eyes, and a lava-creeper pendant, another having blue hair with orange streaks and bright orange eyes, the last looking a tad younger than the one who brought him here, squinting a lot with brown hair.

The boy introduced himself as Ty, and then introduced everyone around the room, seeming to be very shy. He then told Ross he was supposed to help with the food, while Ty went to help set the table after telling him.

Ross sighed and got to work, not immersing in the giddy conversation the others shared as they worked, and rather focused on completing the task. The small, furry animal walked up to him, pulling on the pant leg and gaining his attention.

"U-um.. Hi! My name's Jerome! What's your name?" Ross guesses it was a male from the name and the voice.

"My name is Ross." Be said simply, somewhat warming up to the creature already.

"I'm a Bacca! You're a human, right?" He asked, curiosity and innocence shining in his black, almost purple eyes.

"Yes, I guess you could say that," Ross said leaning down and scratching him behind his ear, receiving a small purring noise. "I've never seen a Bacca before. You're very fluffy." Ross smiled down at him slightly.

The Bacca, Jerome, giggled slightly. "That's what Sky calls me sometimes."

Ross looked over at the one who Ty'd introduced as Adam, who also went by the nickname Sky, who was the one with the sunglasses.
"Aha. And how old is he?" He asked.

"He's Twenty! He and Ty have a crush on each other, but they're too shy to say anything. It's really cute!" That took Ross aback a bit.

"Oh really? And how old are you?" He asked once he recovered from shock.

"I'm six! My best friend over there, Mitch, is almost eight! Cool, right?" Ross sighed and smiled, nodding. This kid was so innocent! Who could possibly put him into slavery? It just wasn't right. Then again, everything here felt some sort of wrong.


For whatever reason the slaves didn't understand, the king had decided to let them eat with him, which even shocked himself. But as he saw their eyes light up as they talked to one another, laughing and carrying on, occasionally getting included in their conversations, he knew he liked this, a lot better. Maybe he'd keep doing it.

A/N: (1078 words) Oh my God this is so late. I ended up getting half way through the chapter the first time, and decided I didn't like it to a certain point, and instead of deleting THAT, I deleted the whole chapter! I hope this being super long makes up for it. Again, so sorry about it being so late! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you next chapter, which will most likely be shorter! Buh-bye! - Destiney Has Some Unresolved Issues And Needs Counciling But Will Be Fine For Now

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