Harry Styles Imagines {done}

By inactivem

457K 4.8K 561

A book with a good plenty of Harry imagines. {this book will no longer be updated} More

Harry Takes Out Darcy
Darcy's Graduation
Darcy's Graduation - 2
Darcy's Graduation - 3
Cranky Harry
Needy Harry
Besides Rain
Stealing Pillows
Early Flights
Tagging Along To VS
Frozen Yogurt
Embarassment at CVS
Making Babies
Concerts, Dates and Visitors
Hard Knock Life
Fixing You Up
The Bike
Harry The Drag Queen
a new chapter
A Goodbye Gift (Old imagines)
Old Imagine # 1
Old Imagine #2
Old Imagine #3
Old Imagine #4 (part 1)
Old Imagine #4 (part 2)
Old Imagine #4 (part 3)
Old Imagine #5
Old Preferences
A Draft
!!! hacking hacking hacking !!!

Surprises In The Air

13.6K 133 61
By inactivem

This one was requested by one of you lovelies.
Hazza0094 I did a pretty crap job I'm sorry but I hope you still like it? I had a great time writing from a p.o.v of a fan as Ive never really written that type of imagine before, so I hope I did okay? Thank you for requesting :)
And everyone else, please do send in requests if you want anything written for you. Thank you love youuuuu.


"Alright everyone, the flight will be taking off soon so we'd like you too..." the robotic voice of the captain trailed off as I plugged in my headphones, ready to take a proper nap. I was leaving the very famous Los Angeles to visit my sister in England for the holidays.

It was about 7:30 am, so I had decided that if I wanted to match up my sleeping schedule with the timing in London without having to go through terrible jet lag, I'd have to nap now.

I was sitting at the window seat of the plane, and next to me were 2 seats. So far no one had claimed them, and I was hoping that by the time I wake up, they would still be empty. As people shuffled around the plane to find their seats I put my blindfold on, leaning against the window and drifting off to sleep.


"She's pretty hot don't you think"

"You haven't even seen her face yet I mean she's got a blindfold on. It could be one of those things that happen at the club. She's looks great from the back but once she turns around and you see the face....yeah not so great." It took me about a minute to recollect where I was and what was going on. And I had realized that unfortunately for me, the 2 seats next to me were claimed.

"Well I can still see most of her face. She's cute, looks cute when she sleeps too. Which is good because some girls don't look that pleasing when they sleep." A deep voice spoke, followed by laughs from the same voice and another voice.

I took my blindfold off, my eyes being stung by the sudden brightness. I tried to look over to see who the two guys were, but they quickly turned their heads away, stopping their giggling, to hide themselves from me, since they were talking about me.

I wasn't really looking for trouble, especially with guys, so I decided to pay them no attention and watch a movie instead. To my surprise, This Is Us, a movie about the boys of One Direction who I loved very much, was in the movie section. So I went with that and decided to just let myself relax.

That, I couldn't do. The entire time I felt the eyes of the 2 men falling on me. They'd give me a glance, and then turn to each other, discussing something. I gave it no attention and focused on the movie, but it was getting slightly annoying.

When the movie was over I reached down by my feet for my bag. Pulling open the flap, I pulled out my journal. It was originally had a cover of brown leather. But that had been covered up with stickers of the boys.

That was mainly why I was so excited to go to England. It was said that the boys were headed home for the holidays. So I was hoping that I would be able to run into them during my stay here.

I picked up my pen and started scribbling down random things, the margins covered in doodles and what not. Watching the movie brought back so many memories of the boys for me, so I found myself listing all the reasons why I loved the boys.

Just when I thought they had stopped, I felt the man next to me lean in and take a peek in my journal. I payed no attention, not minding it since he wouldn't understand what I was writing about. Once he got a proper look, he whispered something in his mates ear. His mate then got up and went to the seats behind us.

I let myself think that they were on doing their own thing. When the other guy came back into his own seat, the deep voice spoke again.

"Uhm excuse me" he said, clearly talking to me. I kept scribbling in my notebook but decided to answer back to him, not wanting to be rude and ignore him.

"May I help you?" I said, still looking down at my journal.

"Do you think you'd have an extra pen I could borrow?" He asked. I bent down to reach my bag, grabbing a pen. When I sat back up and turned to hand him the pen, I froze completely.

I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not, whether what I was seeing was real or fake.

Were the only words that escaped my lips as my eyes began to widen.

The two guys were looking straight at me. The one next to me, who asked for the pen, took it out of my hand, flashing me a smile and thanking me, leaving me frozen. He turned back around to face the other guy and the two of them started discussing something again.

"W- wait wait hold on." I said, very shocked and confused and happy and surprised, all at the same time.

"Yes?" the guy said, turning around to me.

"Y-you're Harry, and that's- that's Louis!" I said pointing to them. They quickly furrowed their eyebrows.

"How do you know our names?" The guy in the farther seat, Louis, asked with sarcasm.

"What do you mean how do I know your names? I love you, I know basically everything about you" I spit out, causing them to laugh.

"Well we noticed" Harry said, eyeing my journal. My hands went up to my cheeks.

"Oh my goodness I can't believe this is happening. I'm on the plane with Harry, and Louis!"

"And Niall"

"And Liam" They butted in, causing my heart to stop.

"Did you just say Niall and Liam? Niall and Liam are on this plane? You're lying you're lying you've got to be lying."

"Look behind you, love" Louis said with his cute yorky accent. I quickly brought my knees up, kneeling on my seat and turned around to look at the seats behind me.

I was presented with the beautiful face of Niall, and right next to him was the most amazing face ever which belonged to Liam.

"Oh hey" they said, looking up at me and waving. The boys had clearly planned this before confronting me.

I slid back down into my seat, my knees pressed up against my chest and my hands pressed to my temples.

"Ohhh I need a moment I need a really long moment" I said staring straight at the little tv in front of me. Harry and Louis giggled, clearly enjoying watching my meltdown.

"Aren't you gonna ask for like...a photograph?" Harry said to me smiling.

"I would but I'm in way too much shock right now. Just give me second."
I took about a 2 minute breather and calmed down. Putting my legs down, I turned to look at the 2 most beautiful human beings in the world.

"Have you calmed down yet?" Louis asked.

"Y-yeah...so how are you guys oh my god I can't believe this. Why are you even on this plane, what happened to your fancy private jets and whatnot?" I asked them, trying not to come across as too fangirly. They giggled, catching on to my attitude.

"Well our jets didn't make it in time and we couldn't last it in America any longer, so we just booked the earliest flight home. Why are you here?" Louis told me.

I told them the reason why and we ended up chatting for a while. Soon after, Niall and Liam invited me to chat with them in the seats behind us. It was unbelievable, I was getting along with the boys. We even played a game of sudoku together, in which Harry obviously won. I was starting to get along really well with them, it was a dream come true.

When the flight was over and we had reached England, it was time to say goodbye. When we reached the main area of the airport, I hugged all the boys and we took a group photo. They all said bye to eachother and we all went our seperate ways.

I was stood by the doors of the airport, waiting for my sister to pick me up but she was running late, as usual. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, looking out the window to try and spot her when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Finally" I said turning around, expecting it to be my sis but I was instead met with Harry's face.

"Oh it's you, hi again." I said, this time actually coming across as a normal friend instead of a fangirl.

"Hi, my sister was just running late so I thought that maybe I'd just talk to you, seeing as you're waiting for someone as well. So, where will you be staying during your time here?" He asked, combing his hair with his fingers.

"Oh I'll just be at my sisters. She has a nice little place down in Cheshire." Harry's face immediately lit up.

"That's where my family lives." He said like a kid, making me laugh. I was going to tell him that I knew that, but decided to keep the information to myself, not wanting to be too creepy.

"Well since you're close by, we should hang out some time. Oh actually the boys and I will be having a little campfire down at my dads cabin this weekend. You should come" He said, taking me by surprise.

"Oh that would be great. But what if the boys mind?" I asked him, wanting to go so badly.

"Oh they'll be happy, they were the ones who brought up the idea in the first place. So what's your phone number?" He asked me, pulling out his phone.

"My- my phone number? oh uh my phone number yeah just gimme a sec." I immediately whipped out my phone, forgetting my own number at the worst time possible. I was desperately scrolling through my contacts when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey sissy sorry it...took me so long...I was...stuck in traffic." My older sister said, her tone immediately slowing down when she saw who I was talking to.

"Oh hey sis, just give me a second." I told her, turning to look at her. She was staring straight at Harry, with absolute confusion. I nudged her, telling her to stop, but she wouldn't. I turned my attention back to my phone.

When Harry saw her, he waved her a small 'hi', to which my sister waved back silently, staring straight at him.

After Harry and I exchanged phone numbers, we hugged each other goodbye and my sister dragged me to her car as quick as possible. Once we were seated in her car, she was right on my case.

"Why did you just exchange phone numbers with Harry Styles?" She asked, baffled. I relaxed into the seat, closing my eyes.

"He invited me to hang out with him and the rest of the boys this weekend. There's a whole story behind it, I'll tell you later, I'm too tired." I told her, snuggling into my seat and smiling as I looked back at everything that just happened.

"Oh no you are telling me every little detail, right here, right now. Hangout what do you mean hangout? Wow I can't believe this is happening? Looks like your looks finally did you good sis" she remarked as we pulled away from the airport.

"Oh shut up" I said, shoving her and continuing on to tell her my story. It almost seemed like a fan fiction, it sounded so unreal as I was telling it. I think I now could've claimed myself the luckiest girl on the planet.

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