The girl who cried wolf (R ra...

By misspiggy88

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When Mia's mother is killed she dicovers she is not quite human, she's half Lycan. Rescued by the family she... More

The girl who cried wolf: Prologue
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter One
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Ten
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter eleven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twelve
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fourteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fifteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Seventeen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eighteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Nineteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-Seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter thirty three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty six
The girl who cried wolf: Epilogue
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The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Sixteen

9.2K 228 14
By misspiggy88

Chapter Sixteen

     I stood on the steps in shock, I had to know more. I quickly snapped out of my daze and rushed up the steps and into the house. As I shut the door behind me, I quickly looked around for Tyler. I couldn’t find him anywhere but I soon picked up on his scent. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, following his scent to his room. I paused briefly before I tried to open the door but it was locked, I knocked but got no answer.

     “Tyler let me in please! You can’t just say something like that to someone and think you can just walk away.” I said as I knocked on the door once more. “Tyler please just talk to me.”

I stood there for a moment but still got no response. I turned around and leant against the door, letting out a small sigh. My head was spinning from Tyler’s bombshell. What did he mean he was special and what was he on about with Lucia? What tricks? I thought my life here was starting to become somewhat normal, well as normal as it could be. Now everything has been turned upside down. I thought I couldn’t be shocked by anything anymore, I guess I was wrong. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t hear Tyler unlock the door. Before I had time to react I felt myself falling backwards, as the door was opened from behind me. I let out a little scream, closing my eyes tightly as I waited to hit the ground. After a moment I slowly opened my eyes, realising I hadn’t. I found myself looking up at a concerned looking Tyler; I could feel his arm under my back. It’s the one Lycan abilities that I wished had, lightning fast reflexes would be handy.

     “Are you alright?” he asked pulling me up to standing.

     “Yeah I’m fine; I just didn’t notice you had opened the door.” I replied.

     “Look Mia I just want to be alone right now, I’m really tired.” He said as he turned back towards his room.

     “Tyler you have to give me explanation, you can’t just leave me hanging like that. That was one hell of a bombshell not that I really understand what it meant. I know whatever it was that happened out there this morning, you were behind it. You have to tell what you did.” I said as he leaned onto the doorframe.

For moment he just looked down at his feet, almost as though he thinking about what he should say. I waited patiently, hoping he would decide to give me an explanation. Finally looked back up at me and motioned me to enter in his room. As I walked in it still amazed me by how neat and tidy his room was. I never took him for a big reader but there were shelves filled with books. I watched as he took a seat on the edge of the bed, his face looked drained and his eyes looked pale. I hadn’t really noticed when he stood in the doorway but now it was so clear. I walked over to his large black leather bean bag and sat down. Whenever I came in here I nicked his beanbag. Normally he’d laugh at the goofy grin I’d get, when I sunk into it but not this time. This time he barely looked at me, he just pushed himself back and leant against the wall. He looked like he was going to fall asleep any second. I thought about leaving him alone so he could rest, it was obvious he didn’t really want to have this conversation right now. Just as I was about to get up and leave he started to speak.

     “So what do you want to know?” he asked, his voice sounding weak and strained.

     “Well what did you mean I’m not the only one who’s special?” I asked while I fiddled with the hem of my damp top.

     “Well have you noticed that since you been here there hasn’t really been a miserable day. That every time we decide to have a day on the beach it ends up being a scorcher?” he asked me.

I nodded in reply too curious to give him a proper answer. I leaned forward a little eagerly waiting for him to continue.

     “Well there a legends amongst our kind. Legends that state that every so many hundreds of years there are some of us born with extra abilities. That some of us are born with extra powers and well I’m one of them. I can control the weather, or at least the weather reflects my moods. If I’m happy it’s sunny, if I’m sad it rains. Do you get the picture?” he asked.

I just stared at him with my mouth hanging open, this was more then I was expecting.

     “Wow, you’re telling me that you can control the weather. That you created the storm, that you can make lightning hit anywhere you want. I had a suspicion that you had something to do with the storm but wow!” I said overwhelmed by shock.

     “Yes Mia I can control the weather but the storm and the lightning that was new. I only realised about my powers a couple of weeks before you turned up. Of course I had noticed that it was always sunny when I was happy but I never thought anything of It.” he said smirking a little bit. “One day I went out running in the woods after having a massive argument with my father and it started to rain heavily. When faith came after and started to cheer my up the rain started to ease off. She joked about me controlling the weather, as we were laughing something in my head just clicked. All of a sudden everything made sense to me, I felt like my life finally made sense.” He said as looked out of his window.

     “Why haven’t you told anyone? Why didn’t you tell Faith? You guys tell each other everything.” I asked as I got off the bean bag and joined Tyler on the bed.

     “I don’t know honestly, I think maybe it was nice to have my own little secret. It was my own little gift that made me different from the others. Part of me wanted to work on it, hone in on my ability, then when the time was right I was going to wow everyone.” He replied looking back at me his eyes full of sadness.

     “Tyler you don’t need any special abilities to wow anyone you’re amazing. You’re the best cousin I could ever ask for.” I said smiling at him, trying to cheer him up. “Just don’t tell the other I said that.” I said as I winked at him and he smirked back.

His smile didn’t last for long though, it soon disappeared. I had never seen him so down, he was the life and soul of the party. Whatever it was he was thinking about it was definitely something that upset him.

      “You might think so Mia but no one else does. Everyone just looks at me as a child, a useless child at that. They look right through me, I’m just the entertainment. No one trusts me to be a fighter. I might not be as big as all the other guys my age but I’m just as strong. I’m just as fast as them, I can do everything else they can do but I’m just not good enough.” He said as he leant forward with his head in his hands.

       “But you’re so much better than them.” I replied putting my arm round his shoulder. “You can do so much more Tyler; you proved it earlier against Lucia.” I tried to reassure him.

     “It won’t make any difference to anyone. I’ll still be alone.” He said keeping his head in his hands.

     “You’re not alone you have faith and me.” I replied.

     “No Faith has Antonio and you have Luca. I have no one.” He said suddenly raising his head to look at me.

I could swear I could see the tears welling up in his eyes. I had my suspicions that this had been bothering him; I just didn’t know it upset him this much. He definitely wasn’t the kind of guy who went around crying. Now as I looked at him I could see all his walls crumbling. Everything that he had been holding back, all of his emotions were flooding out. As the tears began to run down his face, I started to hear the rain hitting his windows. I got up and walked towards the window, amazed by how heavy it was getting. I know that the weather reflected Tyler emotions but it was getting really wild outside really quickly. The cloudy were growing darker, just the same as they had done earlier. I knew what was coming but I was still not prepared when I saw it. A huge bolt of lightning lit up the sky, making me jump away from the window. Seconds later I felt a sharp pain in my side; it was also like having razor blades tearing through my skin. I screamed and grabbed my side, dropping to my knees I suddenly felt something wet on my hand. I could hear howling in the distance, something had happened. Something had happened to Luca.

     “Oh my god!” I suddenly heard Tyler say from beside me.


(Luca’s POV)

      As I sprinted through the trees, in my wolf form, the rogues’ scents became stronger. They had gotten further into our land than ever before. Which I knew Wyatt would be on my back about once he got back, but I had more important things to discuss with him. I could sense them close by and so could the other behind me. There was something different about these Lycan’s I didn’t know what but there was definitely something different. After a few more seconds we found ourselves in the small clearing by the spring-water pool. I stopped dead in my tracks; Mia’s scent was still strong in the air. I was surprised to pick up the faint scent of someone else, Lucia. I could feel my blood boiling, what on earth was she doing here with Mia. If I find out later that she laid a finger on Mia I will kill her. I hope Tyler was protecting her otherwise he’s in big trouble, well more trouble than he is in already anyway. My attention was soon brought back to the present situation as loud growls filled the air. I growled back as six large wolves walked through the trees, in the middle stepped through a smaller brown wolf. I could tell just by looking at it that it was an adolescent female. She stepped forward in front of the others, suggesting that she was in charge of the group. I chuckled internally knowing that if this group was being led by a female, a young female at that, scaring them off wouldn’t be much of a challenge. In fact I could probably take whole group by myself. I could tell they were all young, most of them close to my age but I doubt they would have had as much combat training. The small brown wolf let out a load growl, almost as though she knew what I was thinking. So what if she did, she should know she no match for us. The sky above quickly turned black, as began to rain. Without warning the small brown wolf launched herself directly at me, I smirked knowing it would be a short fight. To my surprise she appeared to be a lot faster and stronger then I had first thought. As I prepared to knock her aside she knocked me to the ground. I laid there for a split second, amazed by what had just happened. How could a wolf her size be able to knock me off balanced. As I jumped back and growled at her fiercely I could have sworn she was smirking at me. Around us the rest of her pack were fighting against mine. As I predicted their fighting skills were no match for ours. As the rain became heavier I charged at her, using all my strength I pushed to the ground. Within an instant I had her pinned, I could feel her struggling beneath me. I bared my teeth at her but she just growled back at me. All around us I could hear growling and yelping, signally that we had the upper hand. Just as I was about to sink my teeth into her neck a flash of light came hurtling towards us, hitting the ground mere metres away from us. Everyone around us stood still, a second later her pack went racing off through the woods. As I glanced over into the direction that they fled, I was suddenly aware of a piercing sensation along my rib cage making me let out a loud howl. The little bitch had managed to wriggle herself loose and attacked me. I could feel the blood matting my fur and my body starting to charge. Before I knew it I was falling towards the ground in my human form. I could feel her warm breath on my skin as the tables had been turned. She now had me pinned to ground; once again I felt a piercing sensation across my rib cage. I let a scream of pain, even though I fought not to as hard as I could not to. As I began to feel myself black out I saw a blur of black and brown rush past on eyes, I could hear her howling, and then there was nothing.  


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