Seeker and Spirit

By RainTheVixen

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This is one of the first stories I'm getting serious with. I enjoy getting criticism so rant away at the stor... More

The Snow Fox in Distress
A Demon's Hidden Memory of Solitude
The Blood of the Raining Sky
2, 9, 10, 1, 64, 0. The Deciphering of Rain's Date
Aching, Suffering, and a New Side to Tears
The Manor of Disguise
A Small Note
The Rescue of a Coward
The Calm After a Storm
Seeker and Spirit set back

The Bond of the Stargazers

225 1 0
By RainTheVixen

All the images dissipated and I was brought back to my room where I was still paralyzed stiff. I was able to move my right hand and fingers. I wrapped my hand around the card deck that looked different in all forms; shape, color, images, and size. As I gained control over my body I stood up.

What did I just see? I questioned myself.

As I set the cards down on my desk by the computer a weak burning sensation started to cover my arm. I looked down to see a small image forming slowly on the top of my hand. As the burning began to escalate in pain Rain jolted awake and sat straight up. Her eyes were wide with surprise.
The pain reached its climax which left me on the floor clutching my hand, and Rain rolling off the bed and onto the ground. Seconds later the pain reverted to nothing. We both stood up still holding our own hands.
Rain was the first to remove her hand. Her jaw dropped as she looked at the mark. "A.. A Stargazer King contract!? What the hell? Why are we bonded by one?" Her eyes widened even further, "Who applied the contract?! Who!" She yelled at me.

The golden eyes that turned lifeless before me was no doubt Rain's mother... I stuttered knowing the answer, "I... I.. I don't know." I then looked down in shame, the mark on my hand resembled that of a fox embedded by fire.

She looked dissatisfied by my answer but, continued, "Why do we have these though. This one is..." She quickly licked her own hand, "A emotion contract? Of all things. Oh there's something else too but I don't know what it is. Here let me see your hand." Rain said approaching me. I held it out for her to inspect. "Yours is embedded in fire like mine..."

"Is that good?" I asked confused with her small panic.

Her words were said rapidly, "Well, that all depends on the people." She turned away, "If any drastic emotion is felt, that feeling is sent to the other person. These emotions include Depression, enrage, joy, l.. Love and mental pain. It's a curse and a blessing."

My phone began to ring as she finished her sentence. Pulling it up to my ear with a swift movement, I said, "Hello?"

"Hey Rysen, are you coming to the party? Sorry I didn't ask sooner but, everyone's going to be here. Abby, Christopher, Jamie, and myself of course." Matthew asked.

"Didn't I already answer you through the email?"

"Email? I didn't send one."

"Oh well umm, I have plan for now, so I won't be coming." I said.

"Alright, come by on Christmas Day then, if you can at least."

"I'll see if I can."

We both said our goodbyes and then hung up.

"Hey Rysen, we have been bonded by this contract before we met... How and why would we have one, this is too real.. If you ask me... Someone wanted us together. Do you know anyone who would want that? It's just that... I really want to know why we were connected by a emotion contract. I mean.. Never mind.. Well anyways lets fight again, it's safer to unlock your weapon soon."

I nodded in reply and felt a pain in my heart again. The aching pain of loneliness, the same that formed last night. It wasn't my pain either... Why is Rain so lonely? Why is it that I felt her pain before the contract completely formed though? The night she fell asleep along side me, and the morning after I hugged her.. The pain that sunk its flaring fangs into my heart. It hurts...
Rain started to walk out of the room and as she did I let out a heavy breath. A tear rolled down my face as I clutched my chest. The tight tensions of my chest tried to naw at the pain slowly, but inevitably the lonesome pain overpowered my clutches and began to suffocate me.
My breath was caught in my throat, the pain.. The pain only continued to drown me. Rain turn around the corner to see me struggling to breath. She rushed to my side and tumbled onto me, and tightly wrapped her arms around me, trembling in fear. Through her tears she called, "Not again, please not again!" She burrowed her face into my chest, "Please not again!"
I coughed two times and began to breath again. I put my hand softly on Rain's head and gently pet her. She tightened her grip and began to softly cry. I sat up with Rain still lean against me. She shook ferociously in fear, and didn't stop crying.
I stood up and patted Rain's head to ensure that I was safe. She then released me from her clutches and began to back away. She then, tripped over her own footing and started to fall. I quickly reached out and grabbed her hand. I yanked her back up gently and walked over to my door.

"Ready?" I asked.

She wiped the remaining tears on her face and nodded. We walked calmly down the fourteen creaky stairs and out the aging side door. Rain took lead and entered the backyard. Once again she mumbled something under her breath and black orbs manifested a similar sword to Marchange, Rain's weapon.
She handed me Marchange while she kept the replica. Her eyes narrowed and became intimidating, dangerous almost. The weight of the weapon seemed off, it was much lighter then last time.
I held it with ease in one hand. Rain took one step forward, "I'll be increasing my speed." With that said she flat out disappeared. Gone. No where to be seen.
I quickly glanced left and right looking for her but, I saw nothing. A hard hit to the ground sounded near me. I quickly swung feeling the intimidation of Rain from behind. A ripping sound came into contact as I felt some friction slowing my swing. My eyes final caught up with the blade and I saw that I sliced through part of Rain cloak.
She stood there wide eyed, "H.. How did you do that? You shouldn't have been able to notice me at all."

I turned to face away from her due to the large rip of cloth through the middle of her chest, and answered with, "I heard your footsteps and felt your intent to kill. Anyways lets get you some new clothing."

"New clothing?" She asked confused. I then heard a high pitched "eek" resonate throughout the area. "You perverted..."

I quickly turned around, her eyes flared with embarrassment, "That wasn't on purpose and you know it. I'm sorry." I said apologetically.

She seemed surprised, "Why are you apologizing? I mean it wasn't exactly on purpose, right. We were fighting each other." Her words were quiet.

"I have clothing you can use. Come on." I said returning to the side door and holding it open for Rain.

She hesitated to approach at first but, started walking a few seconds later. As she passed I avoided eye contact which lead me to glance at her chest by chance. Her breast seem a little bigger then when she's in her cloak.

Once Rain walked in she said, "Its embarrassing, please don't look.."

I nodded with a red face and followed behind Rain as she walked up the steps. As we entered my room, Rain sat on the bed while I shuffled through the closet. She's about as tall as me do anything should do.

"What do you prefer to wear. I have t-shirts, jackets, jeans, sweat pants, shorts."

"I'd feel more comfortable in a jacket and sweat pants."

I pulled out a secondary thin white jacket and handed it to Rain. I then got some sweat pants and and a plain black t-shirt, then, handed them over too.

"The pants themselves may be a little large but, the jacket should fit, same for the t-shirt. I be outside the room, tell me when your done."

I walked out the room and into the hall. I heard some shuffling and movement for a few seconds, that then turned into a moment of silence. The small movements began again and it took a minute for it stop again. I knocked on the door two times and stood in wait for a reply.

"O.. One moment." She silently replied. A minute passed and she finally called out again, "I'm d.. Done."

I opened the door and walked in to see Rain shifting back and forth nervously. Her face was fluffed with pink. She seemed uncomfortable.

"Are you uncomfortable? I have other stuff you can look through." I asked.

"N.. No it's fine, it's rather comfortable clothing. It's just.. Just your s.. S.. scent is in the clothing." Her voice trailed off.

"My what?"

"Y.. Y.. Your s..s.s. SCENT!" She suddenly out bursted the words along with a twitch of her ears.

I walked over confused by the subject, "My scent?"

I lightly took hold of Rain's arm and sniffed the sleeve of the jacket. Rain's face was in shock, her face grew redder and redder. I started to catch a whiff of something. I closed to my eyes to sharpen my senses a bit.
Is this rain? The scent I smelt was that of a rainy day. I moved my head a bit following it. I opened my eyes to be face to face with Rain. Rain's face was now steaming, and her eyes wide.

I shot backwards and apologized immediately, "s.. Sorry I didn't mean to.." I scratched my head and said, "I only smell rain, like the scent after a stormy weather. Is that the scent you were smelling?"

You could see the steam of embarrassment leave Rain as I finished my sentence. "W.. W. What?! Y.. Yo.. You can pick up on my aura?!"

"Your aura?" I asked.

"Nothing!" She yelled at me.

(A few hours later)
[December, 20th, 9:30 pm]

"I'm tired..." Rain said yawning.

"You can use my bed, I'll sleep on the couch downstairs."

"Alright." She lazily said.
She then curled up into a ball on the bed and tucked her tail between her legs and ran it up to her chest for warmth. I continued to search the web for information on S.E.G. To my surprise there was information on it. It is said to be a organization formed by the government to develop machines that increase the capability of transportation. The knowledge was open to the public too. After a few minutes of looking through the latest news a pop up with a S.E.G title appeared.

"Name?" I said silently.

The pop up included two spaces first name and last name. I typed in Rysen Shackle and hit send request. A loading sign replaced the screen. Suddenly the computer turned to a black screen. It rebooted in a gray screen with a...

"The contract?!" I looked down at my hand were the symbol of a fox embedded in fire was. "What the hell?"

A technological male voice said, "Welcome, Rysen Shackle, master of Rain Scarlet, and offspring of subject Echo and subject Rose, bearer and master unit of the Stargazer King emotion contract. I am AI Volcanic."

"Master?! Offspring!?" I yelled.

Rain shuffled at my yell and I covered my mouth. She then rolled over and sprawled across the bed and resumed to sleep soundly.

"Yes, you are the master unit in the contract formed with Rain Scarlet. As well as the the offspring of Echo and Rose. I hope I can be a useful guide and informer." The computer said back.

I jumped back when Volcanic replied to my exclamation.

"Y.. You can speak?"

"Yes I am a AI assigned to assist you in finding targets. I am also a informer to newbies like you and Rain."

"Rain's a newbie?" I asked.

"She is a skilled fighter but, that is all. She has no insight of the world around her when she fights and is easily surprised and frozen by unknown abilities. She has a cold heart which could lead to losses or sacrifices, although that means she is prepared to make a decision not many can make, which makes this a good trait in ways. That is why I conclude her as a newbie."

Her.. Cold hearted? She seems so warming lately though. She was pretty cold when we first meet.

"Well then.. What can you inform us on?" I asked.

Volcanic put a screen up on my computer and said, "I can inform you on almost anything that is not classified. Such as Kyroid locations which you will need soon, considering Rains state and your degrading state. I can also inform you on the master rank you hold on Rain as of now since you seemed confused by it earlier."

"That would be helpful if you could explain to me what that means."

"Rain is a fox spirit or in other words demon. There are many demon specimen but, they are much less capable then the fox spirit specimen. Fox spirits' contracts tend to hold a painful inflict, such as the sword Marchange being thrusted into yourself, along with the words said by Rain "By the demon's blood that flows through I, replace the human that resides in the seeker before me that has bestowed pain to thyself and conduct them my blood and make them my master." The AI said.

"Wait, do those words have to be said? Rain said she accidentally formed it when she fell on the sword." I asked.

"The words are more important then the pain. After the wording she then takes the sword and runs it along her arm to cause bleeding. She would then take the blood and let's it drip into your mouth and you would drink it on impact due to instincts. After that you should have dreams that inflicted Rains life, both painful and soothing. Now that the contract is formed and you granted title of master, your words should have a heavy impact on her actions and you are given four forced commands, that can be anything. There is no way for those four commands to be avoided. Also after the contract you should feel the impact of her sorrow and sadness that she carries, if she has any at least. Because of this many people die due to extreme pain of emotions." Volcanic explained.

"That means Rain specifically chose me to be her partner..." I looked over at Rain who was sleeping peacefully. "What about the Stargazer King contract?"

"Your specific contract transfers emotion, these emotions include any sort of mental pain, sorrow, anger, love, joy, ect. The only way these emotions can be transferred though, are direct contact, body skin to skin, and a over flow of the emotion, you never want a emotion to over flow no matter what emotion it is though. A over flow of emotion can cause serious mental damage. I highly recommend you avoiding excess emotion, I guess you don't have control over that though. Is that all?"

"Yea that's enough for tonight." I said with a yawn.

"I'll shut myself off then and return you to your browser."

The computer reset once again and I was on my desk top. I walked over to Rain and covered her in a blanket. Walking out of the room, I was stopped.

"Oh before you go, you have a girl in your home, I recommend clearing your history. I mean she doesn't have cat ears but, if she were to find out what you look at, she may be... A tad embarrassed." The technical voice snickered and then disappeared.

I jumped up in embarrassment, "Why you technological cunning bastard!"

I hopped onto the computer and quickly cleared my entire history of my computer. I then, walked down the stairs in a steaming embarrassment. I'll have to thank him though, I didn't even think of that since there was so much going on.

I laid on the couch at 10:50 pm and began to fall asleep. A dreamless sleep, something I wasn't familiar with lately.

[December 21, Monday 5:06 am]

I felt a sharp instinct to move, which woke me from my deep slumber immediately. I rolled sideways, after doing so I looked up. My eyes widened as I saw the man with silver hair. He carried a sharpened dagger that entered the couch I sleep in.

"Your a quick fella." He smirked. "Why don't we take this outside, I'd rather not deal with Rain as of now."

I felt the killing intent growing by the second which burrowed me in fear. I don't know why but, I kept a calm face and nodded slightly. He lead me out of the house and away from the streets. We came across a open field, where he stopped. He looked over his shoulder towards me.

"How I told you my name?" He asked.

"No." I replied back with ice.

"In that case you may call me the Two Faced Joker."

"Well then Joker, what are we doing out here." Asking the question already knowing the answer.

His eyes narrowed and he tossed a knife to me, "I brought you here so Rain wouldn't get in my way when I try to tear you apart."

I picked up the knife and questioned, "Why are you out to kill me?"

"Many reasons... One, I was ordered to. Two, I hate you. Three, I had my eyes set on Rain before you, she would have been MINE!" He charged me with incredible speed but, it was nothing compared to Rain the day before.

As the blades came into contact, the "cling" and sparks sounded the start of the fight. I pushed him back, "Yours? She's no ones..." I felt anger replace my fear. "Why do you feel that she is a object? Does it feel nice to have control over someone else?"

I took the offense and charged him, swinging left, he raised his blade and reflected it. Right, he guarded me by pushing my forearm away. He followed with a uppercut from his free hand. A firm hit to my jaw... I fell backwards.

"You have no experience, no knowledge of battle. What makes you think you can win? A weak child like you doesn't deserve to be a master of a demon."

I chuckled, "I don't think of myself as a master. I didn't come here thinking I could win. I also didn't say I want your opinion." Standing up I took offense once more.

I rushed him again, but my movement changed. As I was parried again and he followed with a slash, I used the momentum from his push to cartwheel back, striking at his chin. He dodged just in time. I then charged forward again, striking from above, he elbowed me in the chest. I felt the oxygen leave me. Falling to the ground again I coughed.

"Aww.. Come on get up. I'm getting bored here." He said raising his sword. "Just kidding."

I quickly swung my leg just below his knee. He tumbled to the ground as he swung, puncturing the ground beside me. I was face to face with the silver haired freak, who changed so quickly. His smirk didn't fade. I slashed at him with the knife. He grappled my hand and ripped the blade from me.

"Hey, SER what should I do with him now that he's mine?" He asked the air next to him.

A child like figure formed out of thin air. She has twin ponytails and pink hair. She wore a loose pink t-shirt that over ran to one side, showing her left shoulder. She wore short jeans that stopped mid thigh and stripped knee socks that swapped between the colors white and pink. To complete her outfit she was shoeless...

The girl hovered over the ground with a blank stare, "Hmmm, what should we do? I could use a new play thing, my last one broke so easily." Her face suddenly bursted into a smile. "Can we torture him pleeeease?" With a blank face again, "No, last time we tortured someone, blood got everywhere and you left me to clean." The grin slivered across. "Oh come on Gloom, I promise to help."

Duel personalities?

Joker looked towards SER. I kneed him in the ribs and hopped up and retrieved the dagger that was impaled in the ground and backed off. Joker stood up with knife in hand.

"Hey SER mind helping me tear him apart? It'll be a blast." He stated, SER grew a large smile.

SER manifested a black great sword and swiftly swung it back and forth preparing for battle. The air waves blew me back. There is no way in hell I can take a hit from that.
SER teleported behind me, I could feel the joy of her as she swung. I fell to the ground to avoid the massive blade. The girl swiftly swapped directions and thrusted towards the ground. I rolled sideways. The blade struck the ground and caused a mass hurling wind that sent me tumbling across the ground.

Joker used the wind to increase his speed and jolt towards me. The gusts of wind disappeared and I slowly came to a stop, after hitting my legs and arms on everything. I was about to get up but, SER was already upon me along with Joker. I slashed at the foot of the man and jumped up.

I was heavily breathing. My body ached. I felt every bit of strength that left me by the aging seconds. My arms stained as I held them up prepared to fight. My vision blurred in and out in exhaustion. I was prepared to fall any second but, I couldn't let myself do so.
Joker swung at me and I pulled the dagger up to guard. The blade flew out of my hand due to my weak grip. He followed with a jab of the knife. I threw myself to one side knowing that I was going to die the next slash he made.
I tumbled onto the ground with a hard thud. My exhaustion took over and I laid there with no effort left to make. My eyes stared into the cloudy sky, the dark clouds seemed heavy. As the man appeared in my sight a rain droplet fell onto me. That one droplet turned to multiple. It cooled my hot body, it cooled my over heated lungs that lunged at the oxygen in the air. I smiled softly as Joker raised his blade.

Rain... What a nice feeling. It is winter, but it rained. It rained so heavily.

The blade came tumbling down with no hesitation. I heard a high pitch "cling" as I closed my eyes waiting. Once I reopened them I was filled with surprise. There was a girl, the girl who had black hair that always looked as if she had just woken up. Golden eyes that pierced you with icicles, but warmed you when needed. The shaggy black tail that looked as if the tip was softly placed into a bucket of white paint and the two long ears that matched the tail.

"Shit! R.. Rain." The man backed off, "Your the cause of this down pour?"

She didn't say a word... She didn't need to. You could feel the anger and pressure from just her eyes. Her golden eyes that was filled with rage. The face of danger and destruction. She flashed forward and slashed at the man. He raised the flimsy knife to block the attack. Marchange sliced right on through and continued to approach Joker.
A red particle wall shielded him from the blade. SER manifested to the left of Rain silently. SER created the giant blade and sliced forward...

The words creaked into my mind, "She's a skilled fighter but, that's all. She has no insight of the world around her..."

"Rain!" I shouted, reaching foreword.

A bright blast of blue light blinded my sight. As I opened my eyes I noticed something was different. A weapon was hooked to the ground besides Rain that held SER's great sword in place.

"A scythe?" I questioned myself.

The curved white blade was engulfed in a blazing blue fire. Attached to the curved blade was a long black pole-like handle. I reached out towards the handle that was directed to me. As my hand came into contact with the pole, the world around me changed. Everything turned into different shades of grey, almost as if the color of everything disappeared. I look over at Rain who seemed frozen in place. My eyes widened as I looked at her. Different shades of blue that resonated from her body created her existence, the blue particles moved back and forth along with the wind almost as if she were on fire...
I looked over to SER who was also frozen. A solid pink exited from her back creating demon like wings, and black created horns on her head. She was a complete demon. The black must be Gloom, while that joyous act must be red.
Two Faced Joker had white flakes that ran along his entire body. They slowly moved down his body and reappeared randomly at the top. Some turned black after a certain amount of reappearances.
I took the blade from the ground and used it as a mirror. My eyes resonated with a red and gold flakes. A gold halo floated above my head that was emblazoned in a blue flame that resembled Rain. Something red poked from my mouth. I opened my mouth to see red fangs.

Everything other then a the few aspects of everyone's body (just explained) is black and white.

"What the hell..." I said quietly.

My body ache started to disappear and my wounds started to heal. I stood up with ease and as I did everyone unfroze and looked at me.

SER was the first to speak, "I.. Is he even human." Her face grew emotionless, "I don't know. Why ask me, we have the same mind." The smile crept across, "What should we do?"

Rain seemed the most surprised, "R.. Rysen? Are you ok?"

"Yea, why?" I questioned.

"Fangs!?" SER shouted, "He has fangs just like Girly."

"Rysen.. Your eyes are red... And you have a halo that's on fire above you, plus, your wounds are gone." Rain said.

"You guys changed too, she has demonic wings and horns" I said pointing at SER, "Your more or less on fire."

"I don't have wings! I don't have horns either, she doesn't have fire on her." SER said.

Only I changed in there eyes? I'm really confused.

"SMASHY TIME!" SER yelled, bringing her sword up.

I raised the scythe in my hand. How do I use this? It's so much different from the sword and dagger. I held it in one hand and used the top of the blade to block the massive blade. Before the blade connected with my scythe a pressured blast pushed SER's blade back and threw her off balance.
The demonic pink wings of SER started to loss it's color and grow stale. My back started to burn. Another pulse directly hit SER and all color disappeared, she was a grey blob now. I felt a stinging pinch on the left side of my head.

"Rysen!" Rain rushed over to me.

"SER lets get out of here." Joker whispered helping the girl up.

I took the blade and quickly used it to monitor my body. A black horn was sprouting from the left of my head and one pink wing was growing from my back. I fell to the ground feeling numb. Rain helped me sit up.

"What the hell is happening to you? You have a black wing and a white horn growing out of you." Rain's voice was filled with concern.

"Black and white? Not pink and black... I have no idea.. I'm just.. I'm just so tire..." I closed my eyes and the scythe dissipated into the air. The scent of rain filled my dreamless black void as I fell asleep in Rain's arms.

[December 22, Tuesday 12:07 am]

I opened my eyes slowly to meet with the ceiling of my room and a color filled world. I felt perfectly fine except for the two sharp points that burrowed into my lip. I quickly opened my mouth and let out a soft "ouch."
I quickly looked up see if the halo was there. The air above me was empty though. I then ran a hand over my head and only felt hair. "No horns. No halo, what about wings?" I reached back and felt as much of my back as possible. I let out a sigh of relief. I put my pointer finger along the long fangs that were wickedly sharp.

Everything else is gone so why are the fangs still here. Wait, what about my eyes.

I hopped up and walked over to the computer. I looked at the reflection that peered back from the black screen. My normal blue eyes shifted along with me. Only the fangs remained.

The computer booted up by itself, along with the fox and fire, "May I be of assistance Rysen Shackle? You seemed puzzled by your image."

I jumped back in surprise, "By god you scared me..." I took a deep breath, "do you know the reason?"

A image of a sneaky smirk crossed the screen, "Wanna break some rules and protocols? I know the answer but, it's classified."

"I thought you said you couldn't show me that stuff."

"Shh... Don't worry about that now. I've taken a liking to you. You resemble your mother."

"My mother?" I questioned.

"Forget I said that. Well then, the Stargazer King contract- emotion."

"What does that contract have to do with my fangs?"

"A lot more then you would think... Here it is. The Stargazer King contract."

I began to read the page.
Contract that has only successfully worked three times. Only two people know how to create the contract, ~~~~~ Shackle and Marie Scarlet.

"Shackle? Scarlet?"

The first contract was formed on two animals, a reptile and a bird. After a single day the bird developed scales and the reptile grew wings! The subjects then died twelve days after.
The second test was on a human male and human female. After the first day, the woman began to develop male genitalia, the male did not change. No death accrued but, the changes were astonishing. We decided to continue our experiments.
Final test was on a "human" male and a female spirit, both infants. The moment of the contract being formed Marie Scarlet was murdered and the location of the boy had been lost. We recovered the female specimen, offspring of Marie Scarlet, Rain Scarlet. We kept her till the age of six where she disappeared, director did not send search party, his words were, "those who jump into the ocean with no chance to survive deserve nothing as luxurious as a search party." No changes or even signs of the contract on her up until the day of her disappearance. Due to the death of Marie Scarlet and ~~~~~ Shackle, we could not continue conducting experiments. This is the last log for this project... FFWE stating end of project Stargazer King, code name, Blazing Blue Fox and Mimicking Devil...

I staggered back at the code name. The image reappeared, Rain was emblazoned in a blue flame when I took hold of that scythe. Am I a...

"Hey Volcanic, why are there quotes around human in the final test?"

"You mean the one that refers to you. Hmm I wonder what it means indeed..."

"I have another question? Was there any demon species that sees black and white spaces, but when their eyes came in contact with another spirit they saw things others didn't?"

"It seems your waking up... Ohh your going to be a fun one." The computer said with a snickering grin, "I'll show myself out then, since you have no more questions."

"Hey wait." I called out but Volcanic closed.
I sat down on my bed. I still wanted to ask about the contract... Will I become a fox spirit? Or maybe a woman. I don't know if I want to become a woman though... That would be.. Weird. I ran my finger along the fangs again and gave a soft laugh. I have fangs, what a weird feeling. I'll have to ask Rain how she doesn't poke herself with these things.
I got up from my bed and walked downstairs. The television was silently playing a kissing scene. I walked into the room where Rain was sitting. She turned towards me when the floor board creeped under my foot. Her face lit up in embarrassment.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked.

"Wel.. Well I.. Technically.. We have kis... Kissed." She muttered the words quietly and shamefully.

I jumped up, "We wha!" I bit my lip which cut my sentence short.

"Are you ok?!" Rain ran at me.

She tripped over her foot and fell atop me. Our faces were centimeters from each other.

I held a calm face and my words followed, "Rain... Why have you been tripping over yourself ever so much?"

Her face on the other side was the opposite of calm. "W.. Well, I'm definitely not feeling pain in my foot. I.. I'm also not nervous at all when ever your around. Nor do I feel my heart beat faster when I see you!" Her words were said so clumsily and quickly that I didn't understand.

"Calm down, I didn't understand anything. What did you say?" I asked still straight facing the issue at hand.

"N..n.n. Nothing!" She claimed.

"My second question is how long are we going to lay here?"

Her tail bursted up and steam bursted over her head. She then raised her body from mine. I sat up, I felt my heart beating million of times a second. Why am so calm in dire situations? This happened with Joker too.

I exhaled showing my fangs. Rain jumped up. "You still have fangs!? Once you passed out everything disappeared."

I opened mouth wider, "Yea, Volcanic said it was something to do with the Stargazer King contract."

Rain did something unexpected, she poked at the two sharpened teeth. I started to blush, "W.. What are you doing?"


Did she just shh me??? She continued to poke at the daggers. She smiled softly as if she was really enjoying this.

"They're so cute!" She happily exclaimed retracting her hand. "Oh, sorry I had a impulse to poke them."

"Oh, ok ."

She kind of froze, "Do you know that impulse like feeling?"

"Yea, all the time, your hair and fur is so fluffy I just want to pet yo..." I can't believe I just said that...

Her face blushed a bit, "Sure, go ahead. It's quite comforting but, in exchange I get to pet you when I feel like it."

I froze in place, I had no idea how to react to her statement. Is she joking? Making fun of me?

"Let's seal this agreement." She raised her hand and gently ran it through my hair. To my surprise it was quite comforting.

Once again I was frozen in place, what should I do. Rain pouted and took hold of my hand and raised it to her head.

"You pet me now, all right." She said closing her eyes.

I ran my hand through the soft hair. The messy look flattened as I ran my hand smoothly over her head. She smiled gently. She reopened her eyes and started to drag me to the couch.

"Will you watch a movie with me. This is my first time watching these."

"First time watching? You mean movies and shows?" I asked.

"Yea. Your a romantic freak though. All of them were romances."

"Well my apologies for liking romantic movies." I said as we sat down.

"I watched two so far. They were pretty good though." Rain stated.

"Which ones?" I asked excitedly.

"Umm, Water Lilies and Gray Dream. Water Lilies was better though."

I felt joy control me, "I know, it's timing was much better divided and the atmosphere was calming. I also loved how the two realized they liked each other after that scene."

"Oh, that one scene where they thought they would never see each other again so they said they loved each other. Then weeks later they found each other again." She joined in on the over fusing joy I held.

"Yep, that's the scene. What should we watch?"

"What ever is fine." She said sitting back.

I pulled up another romance, since that's all I had. I hit play and the movie started playing. We were about thirty minutes in when I felt Rain's head lean against me. I looked over to see the girl sleeping.
A sudden impulse took over and I stared at her neck, my head felt as if it were splitting. My body moved on its own and went to lean in. I opened my mouth and prepared to bite into the girl.
I threw myself away. What the hell is happening? I slowly got up and rested Rain along the couch. I walked upstairs and into my bathroom. I turned on the light and looked into the mirror. My eyes widened.

R.. Red...

My eyes were as red as Rain when she wants blood. I blinked and they jolted to gold. I blinked once more and they turned to the original blue. I exhaled.
I entered my room and did what I normally would do at this time, play video games and watch chats over the Internet. Hours passed and Rain came strolling in rubbing her eyes. She looked over my shoulder as I assassinated a enemy unit. I looked back to she her eyes sparkle in interest.

"How did you do that?" She questioned.

"You just have to sneak up on enemy player and press the melee button. It takes a bit of strategy, since you can't fully predict the exact areas a opponent is hiding though. Here try." I stood up offering her the chair and mouse.

She sat down and was waiting for my command. Maybe this is a good time to help her learn to worry about her surroundings... "You see that small map. That will show an enemy if they are shooting unsuppressed weapons. A lot of enemies use the suppressor attachment so it would be difficult to use the mini map. So I recommend that you listen for footsteps, gun shoots, or enemies shouting at each other for ammo, health, or shields. I think you should refrain from looking at the map so I'm going to disable it. Even when you enter a gun fight you can hear enemies walking and shooting around you, keep that in mind." She nodded with determination.

She opened the load-out creator. Rain then quickly picked a semi-automatic rifle with fifteen bullets, the attachments were suppressor, a 4x sight, grip, and a laser sight. A automatic pistol that held eighteen bullets and had no attachments. She then picked a blade that attaches to the arm of the user and spawns.
She moved through areas slowly and she seemed to actually acknowledge the noises around her. Foot steps ran down the stairs in front of her. She raised the scope and quickly downed the target, then did a one hundred eighty degree turn. A guy turned the corner pre firing. Rain one shot him in the head and backed down to heal.
A enemy unit ran past her, she swapped to her melee and ran after him. The unit turned and fired at Rain, she slid towards the target and slashed at the legs. The target fell and died and Rain bleed out. When it showed that she died she exhaled and pushed away in the chair.

"That was difficult in many ways. It was hard to keep up with the enemy and I had to multi task while fighting..."

"The multi tasking worked though. You would have died if you didn't hear that one guy behind you."

She gave a frustrated look, "Can't you just cover me instead."

"We don't have a second computer." I said.

"No, I'm talking about real fights. When I get into a fight, it gets hard for me to resist my demon side and I get consumed in battle. My eyes only rest on target." She said lowering her ears, "I have tried to resist it before but, that resulted in me kill.. Killing a friend."

I nodded, "I'll be your guard then."

She smiled happily and patted my head. "Thank you." Her words were sincere and quiet.

The rest of the day was natural, like any normal day I would have. I went to the store and stocked up on food and drinks. I would then return home and relaxed by watching shows, playing games. The only difference now was that Rain was around, she found interest in the things I was doing. I would ask if she wanted to play or what she wants to watch but, she refused and continued to eye me.
Then night came by. She refused to take the bed and insisted I sleep there. Knowing she wouldn't change her mind I guiltily accepted. She walked down stairs and I fell into a slumber.

Words were bestowed upon my dark void. "Oshigons, the mimicking demons. The only kind that can take attributes from other spirits and use them for a short duration. These powerful spirits seemingly became extinct exactly five hundred sixty two years ago. 1453, December 23, 12:00 am. You are one hundred percent a Oshigon but, then again you aren't a Oshigon, you fill me with curiosity and I believe I can accept you as my holder after all these year of observation. I must know your reason to fight though." The woman's voice said.

"My reason to fight? I don't really have one. I only fought up till now to survive or Rain asked me to."

"Don't give me your bullshit, I'm not talking about physical fighting, Boy... I know what you know.. I'll ask again. Why do you fight?" The woman's voice asked again.

I felt anger fill me, "You mean mental fighting..."

"Yes, I mean your mentality. Ever since you first awakened during that fight everything rushed into your head. Any normal person would have offed themselves with in seconds of knowing what you know. You even know the deat.." I immediately interrupted her.

"Shut up! Don't say anymore. I fight because I hope I can help carry the burden of their losses when the time comes."

"Interesting but, you know I have to remind you that Rain Scarlet will.."

"I said shut up.."

"Fine, I accept you as my holder. When ever you need me just call out the words, "Shackle my burdens into place." The woman said, "Oh and my name is Hilt."

The world returned to a soundless hum, the humming remedy of closing insanity. I gripped my head, She cut surprisingly deep into my head with just a few sentences.

[December 23, Wednesday, 7:00 am]

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I raised myself and took my left hand and wiped them away. I was about to raise my other hand but, a sudden clutch caught my attention. I looked over to see Rain sitting on a chair staring at me with worried eyes.

"Morning Rain." I said joyfully.

Her face was still filled with worry. "Rysen... I felt a pain in my heart last night. It was so painful, so much so that I let out a cry. The pain wasn't mine though.. Rysen what's wrong."

"The emotion contract?" I asked shading my face.

"Most likely..." Rain replied.

"Please ignore that, I'm sorry I caused you pain."

"Ignore? How could I? I only felt a fraction of what you felt.. What were you thinking about?" Rain pestered.

I patted her on the head. "Please don't question this." I gave a smile.

Once again the day was pretty natural with the exception of Rain peering at me, her worried look sustained.
Night fell once more. This time I forced Rain to sleep upstairs, and I went to the living room. The shady darkness of my sleep was interrupted by a new setting.
Rosy pink leaves danced in the gentle rolling wind. Sunlight warmed my cooling face. Trees with these pink leaves became barren as the wind stole their buds. All the pink swirled into a weak twirling tornado over a clean river. The swirl of pink was just strong enough to gather other leaves. Small droplets of water joined the pink wall. The glistening water drops reached the wall of leaves, as this happened the pink molted into a blood red.
The leaves bursted into the sky and revealed what they were hiding. A woman in rouge like clothing stood atop a thin pole. Her brownish hair was set in a ponytail that ran down to her bottom, a hint of purple ran slimming along the brown. Her eyes opened slowly, a cold white filled her left eye and mint green took her right.

"I finally get to meet you face to face Oshigon, Seeker... Rysen." A tear fell from her solitaire eyes. "I am Hilt, your blade. Your weapon."

"My weapon?" I asked.

"Yes, your scythe. I am this blade." She said looking down at the pole she stood along.

I followed her eyes to see the black and white blade with the long dark handle. She walked along the thin pole and softly pressed her right hand against the blade of the weapon. A new world formatted in front of me, it looked like a forgery...

"Here you may custom the blade to be linked with your soul. This will change the appearance and actions of myself and the blade. Meaning this scythe will change to be fitting to your thoughts and will. It will also help me understand how to train you." Hilt said.

"Change you to fit my mind? That doesn't seem right.." I said hesitating.

"It is a honor. I'd love to be changed for you. Those sixteen years of watching your growth. You've grown into a beautiful person, Rysen." Hilt said bowing.

A bright orb appeared in the middle of the forgery. It shot a electric link into Hilt's neck and then shot one into me. My life was relived over a span of five seconds, every pain and every meeting was replayed. It unhooked itself and let me go. I shrugged the tampering emotion off.

"You didn't scream? That's a first. Even she screamed.." Hilt said, her voice was a bit deeper and colder then her original voice.

I looked over at the woman, she looked the same. The orb unhooked itself and disappeared. She looked towards me, her eyes were serious.

"Next time your here I'll show you the scythe and start teaching you. Also don't hide too much from that young demon. She's vary trust worthy and intelligent, she will help carry your burden of knowledge. She only has so much time, you know. Unless you can...

"I know. Please stop reminding me." I said coldly, remembering the images shown to me the moment I touched the scythe.

I didn't say a word about these images. They held too much.. They cornered my head and made me insane. I can still remain a sane link when I'm awake but, the moment my eyes close... The humming.. The silent hum of insanity, that is followed by a flood of information. Death dates, locations, cause of deaths.. Finally the worst of them all.. The emotion link between everything.. I'm jerked between joy, depression, anger, sadness, ect. I don't think my emotion is my own anymore.

The dark void was created once more as the woman dissipated into air along with her realm. The silence... The silence that lures the hums... Suddenly a rush of comfort filled my body. It destroyed the darkness and silence. The scent of rainfall... And a warming hand. The hums disappeared and were replaced by birds chirping. I smiled softly...

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