By CrystalPascale

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DECEPTION "Audrey... soon everything will change." Audrey Litt was an average teenage girl. That is until new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 2

675 96 209
By CrystalPascale

I don't see Mark again until second lunch break. I'm sitting with Justine under the shade of a tree, about a hundred metres away from the canteen, where Mark is waiting in the long queue.

"Call him over," Justine says, before biting into her ham and cheese sandwich.

I'm considering feigning confusion, but I know there's no point.

"No way, why should I?" I cast my eyes away from him.

"Why shouldn't you?" she counters, taking another bite. "Oh my gosh, this sandwich is so good! Like, okay, the ham and cheese are great and all, but the bread is just..." she trails off, taking another bite. "You know what I mean?"

I roll my eyes. Justine changes subjects almost as fast as she runs for chocolate. Which trust me, is fast.

"I'm not going to talk to him, Justine. What's the point?" I sigh and nod towards a few girls in the grade below us in order to prove my point. They were staring at Mark in awe-struck silence.

Meanwhile, Mark is now picking out a drink from the canteen, oblivious to the attention he is gaining from girls, not just our grade it seems, but also in the grade below.

"Come on Audrey, have a little confidence." Justine doesn't even bother turning. She's too enwrapped in her sandwich to hear her best friend's dilemma. Obviously.

Though maybe she has a point, I think to myself. I really should be more confident... I mean, come on, I'm a senior now for goodness sakes. You know what? I'm going to do it. I'm going to talk to him right now!

Just as I go to stand, Emily Hills walks up to him and drapes one slender arm over his shoulders as he finishes paying the canteen lady for the drink. All that courage that I had built up in those few seconds quickly comes crashing back down.

You can't compete with her, taunts a cruel voice in my head.

She takes a step towards him and whispers something in his ear.

Just freaking throw yourself onto him, why don't you? I think sourly.

He smiles at her and I force myself to look away. I had brought some leftover fried rice from last night's dinner, but I've suddenly lost my appetite.

"Audrey, it's not that hard to say hi to a guy," Justine states matter-of-factly before relaxing back against the tree trunk.

"Easy for you to say," I mumble.

Finally finishing her sandwich, she snaps her gaze towards me. "If there's one thing I've learnt from all my relationships, it's that if you want a guy, you have to go for it, and don't sit around waiting for a miracle to happen."

I know she's right, but the fact still remains: I am absolutely horrible at making guy friends. So even if I had the confidence, I wouldn't even know where to start.


About a week has passed now since Mark's arrival. I try not to think of him much, but for some reason, my thoughts always seem to wander right back to him. I refuse to be one of those girls with hopeless crushes, so for once I'm actually focusing on my school work instead. I've discovered that paying attention in class does occasionally have some benefits when preparing for exams. Who would have thought?

"It's not her fault Sir, I distracted her."

Ugh, great. I don't remember telling my brain to think of Mark, but alas, it's doing it again.

You are so pathetic, Audrey.

My phone beeps, interrupting my pessimistic thoughts.

I unlock my phone.


Justine: Audrey!

What's up?

Justine: Have you talked to him yet?

Wow, I was really hoping she had forgotten about the Mark problem.

I told you already. I'm not going to talk to Mark!

Justine: Wait, what? I'm talking about our English teacher! You said you'd ask him when our assignment is due!

Oh, right. That. Sorry. Must have forgotten.

Justine: BUT... Speaking of Mark... how's the whole "I'll wait for him to talk to me first" plan working out for you?

I'm about to reply when I hear a faint knock downstairs.

That's strange. I didn't think mum would be back from her date-night yet.

I quickly text Justine.

Hang on a sec, I heard a knock. I think mum's back.

Justine: But what if it's not her? DUN, DUN, DUN!

Ha ha. You're hilarious.

Justine: So everyone tells me. But seriously, you're not going to answer the door, are you?

No, I'm going to leave my mum locked outside.

Justine: Good.

What the hell?! Ever heard of sarcasm?

Justine: Ever heard of stupid? Because that's what you're being right now. Think about it. If it's actually your mum, then she wouldn't need to knock. She'd use her keys. Duh.

She probably forgot her keys again. Duh.

I hear another faint knock, and I push myself off the bed.

I'll be right back.

Justine: At least bring your phone or something. There might be a brain-eating zombie waiting for you outside.

Very funny.

Justine: Oh, I'm not laughing. Be careful.

She's so weird sometimes.

I dump my phone onto my bed before jumping down the stairs two at a time. Yes, I still do that, and yes, I'm quite aware that I'm seventeen and am supposed to be acting like a mature adult. But it's fun, so sue me. As I jump the last step, I notice mum's keys on the bench top.

Ha, I think to myself. I knew mum forgot her keys. Typical. I snorted. There's your zombie, Justine.

Another knock sounds from the front door, slightly louder this time.

"Hang on, mum!" I call out, as I fiddle through the dozens of keys.

"So," I say, walking towards the door and sliding the right key into the lock. "How did the date...?" I stop short as the door swings wide open.

A hooded man stands about a metre away, blending into the night. I can't see his features very well, but he doesn't seem to be a zombie as far as I'm aware, which is a relief. The tall figure stands slightly hunched, hands in pockets.

"Hello, Audrey," his calm, deep voice seems to echo down the street.

Common sense warns me to go back inside the house, lock the door and call the police, but I just stand there, paralysed.

I'm shocked as I find myself asking, "How you know my name? Who are you?"

He shifts slightly and by the light of the crescent moon, I can make out a slight smile on his face, reminding me a little of the Cheshire Cat.

"I think the better question is: who are you?" he replies.


|  Dedicated to Gloriouschang |

She is such an AH-MAZING artist and if you haven't checked out her 'WeHeartIt' and 'Pinterest' accounts, you totally should, because she will one day become the future fashion designer of the 21st century. Thank you for the beautiful artwork above <3

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