At The Crossroads (Direction...

By my_names_skyler

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At The Crossroads :) (Second Book of In The Right Direction)
At The Crossroads Chapter 2
At The Crossroads Chapter 3
At The Crossroads Chapter 4
At The Crossroads Chapter 5
At The Crossroads Chapter 6
At The Crossroads Chapter 7
At The Crossroads Chapter 8
At The Crossroads Chapter 9
At The Crossroads Chapter 11
At The Crossroads Chapter 12
At The Crossroads Chapter 13
At The Crossroads Chapter 14
At The Crossroads Chapter 15
At The Crossroads Chaoter 16
At The Crossroads Chapter 17
At The Crossroads Chapter 18
At The Crossroad Chapter 18
At The Crossroads Chapter 20
At The Crossroads Chapter 19
At The Crossroads Chapter 21
At The Crossroads Chapter 22
At The Crossroads Chapter 23
At The Crossroads Chapter 24
At The Crossroads Chapter 25
At The Crossroads Chapter 26
At The Crossroads Chapter 27
At The Crossroads Chapter 28
At The Crossroads Chapter 29
At The Crossroads Chapter 30
At The Crossroads Chapter 31
At The Crossroads Chapter 32
At The Crossroads Chapter 33
At The Crossroads Chapter 34
At The Crossroads Chapter 35
At The Crossroads Chapter 36
At The Crossroads Chapter 37
At The Crossroads Chapter 38 (FINAL CHAPTER)

At The Crossroads Chapter 10

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By my_names_skyler

Chapter 10


He was still asleep when I drove back to the house; damn, I loved this place. Harry’s party house was massive, but it was definitely beautiful. Striding through the modern white kitchen, I made my way to the bedroom; he lay on the edge of the king bed, curls tousled in all different directions. A smile curled at my lips and I got in beside him, putting an arm along his bare back.

“It’s time to get up,” I sang softly in his ear, using the familiar silly melody. He didn’t stir, but I saw the smile on the edge of his lips. When I buried my face in his curls, lightly pressing my lips into his neck; he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me over so I was on top of his chest.

“Did you drive two miles to get breakfast?” He purred, biting his bottom lip in the way that made my heart race like wild. “Mmm, you smell like coffee,” He murmured, pulling me closer. The smile on my face wasn’t hard to miss; this moment took all thoughts of the fights from my mind.

“I drove six, actually.” I replied, reaching over at the bag left over from the stop at Ally’s. Niall and the other boys had eaten my first bag of doughnuts; I’d been smart enough to get another with just two in it.

Harry smiled up at me and snatched the bag from my fingers.

“Is there coffee to go with?” He picked at a chocolate doughnut; I was still partially on top of him, and I wasn’t sure what was under the thin covers. Either a nice surprise, or clothes. “I was cold, so I’ve got boxers,” He muttered, grinning and moving me the rest of the way off his chest.

“I didn’t know what you’d want, sorry. I’ve got a latte, if you want some.” Slowly and regrettably I extracted myself from his warm body, going over toward the kitchen, where I’d set my coffee on the counter.

“I don’t have to work until Wednesday, and it’s only Saturday. Plans?” He held out the second sprinkled pastry to me and snatched my coffee, sipping it greedily, grinning the whole while.

“Ally invited us to a party on Tuesday; she’s giving me the details later, but it’s for our whole group to get together.” Harry snickered and I raised my eyebrows.

“We’ve got three days of... London. I’m going to show you around, alright? There are a bunch of great sights to see, and I’ve got a few good ones on my mind.” Pulling me in for a long, sweet kiss, I shivered at the prospect of the bed in the other room. We hadn’t... not since before then. It’d been too long. His kisses were light on my neck; dammit I wanted him, but I didn’t think my body would let me.

It was all too confusing with Sophie in the picture; with her sick brother engraved in my mind. Absently mindedly my fingers traced along the lines on my forearm before I snapped out of it, taking myself away from that dark depth.

“I’ll go get some jeans on then,” I’d thrown myself in cozy black sweats after my shower this morning; my hair was still partially wet. As I slipped into my favorite pair of skinny jeans, Harry pulled on the back of my shirt, which was really his shirt, and his breath was in my ear.

“Nice job stealing my Mick shirt babe; the leather jacket is optional.” He chuckled and slid a plain blue tee over his head before grabbing the car keys, my coffee, and me.

The rest of the weekend? It might have been the best time of my life, going through London. We did the basics; Big Ben and the bus tour. Throughout the day we’d shopped in random boutiques around the city; rarely buying, except for a little party dress for the club on Tuesday. We went walking down a few prominent streets, enjoying the crisp winter wind, and stopped at two peculiar cafes; the food there was amazing. The weekend was pure bliss and I was able to block the flashes of past memories out of my mind easily.

Soon enough I was getting ready for the party, wrapped in a towel and drying my hair while Harry watched from the doorway, licking his lips. He wore a button up black shirt and black jeans; my dress was black as well. It had a fitted waist that flared out in a small ball gown-type look, with thick shoulder straps. It took me more than a half hour to finish drying my hair; I’d brushed it out so it would stay straight, falling near my waist. The small heels I wore didn’t give me any height compared to Harry; he had six inches on my 5’4”; four inches with the heels. There was barely any makeup for me to put on; I’d never liked makeup, apart from eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. Foundation made my skin look powdered or uneven, and when I wore it I felt like someone with a mask.

“You look beautiful,” Harry mumbled when I was almost finished, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking at our reflections in the mirror. A smile curved at my lips, but then I frowned. There was something missing; my necklace. It was a silver circle with a chain made of black thread, with a picture of the moon on the day I was born. My aunt had given it to me almost ten years ago, and I always wore it, even in bed. My neck was bare.

“Where’s my moon?” Rummaging around the counter, I had a mild freak out; did I leave somewhere while we were out? When we’d gone into the pool I’d still been wearing it... right?

“We’ll find it later babe; we’re going to be late. You don’t want to miss your first chance to get drunk, do you?” He waggled his eyebrows and squeezed my waist; I giggled in spite of myself. Since I was eighteen, and this was the UK, I could drink here legally... not that I’d ever drank illegally. Of course... because I’m a responsible young adult.

Nice one Lex, nice one. My mental battle got a little sarcastic, the ramble making my smirk. Ha, I really crack myself up, don’t I. So freaking hilarious.

“Drunk already, are we?” Harry chuckled in my ear and turned my chin up to face him. Right then and there I stuck my tongue out at him, acting like a small child and giggling again. Maybe I already was drunk; on life? Love? I wasn’t sure, all I knew was that the whole couple of days had been pure heaven. She... she wasn’t even coming to the party; too young. None of the past memories would burden me tonight.

“Want to make a deal Hazz?” He gave me an intense look that created goosebumps running down my shoulders.

“Anything.” He mumbled in reply, taking a lock of my hair and twisting in his fingers.

“If you stay sober, I’ll get really drunk. Every drink you pass up? I’ll drink it. One night though, and if it goes too far you just have to stop me before I get too drunk okay? No more than a few shots and a drink, you know?” He grinned and rolled his eyes.

“You’re going to be fun.” He didn’t let me reply to that one; instead he took my purse off the bathroom counter and walked away.

The race to the car was silly and crazy and spontaneous, but it was only the beginning.

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