The Adventures of Our Champion

By AllisonFateMalfoy

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

103 2 3
By AllisonFateMalfoy

"Hamish? Can we talk?" I was sitting on the love seat next to the couch.

Hamish sighed "what is it now?" He walked in and sat across from me. He snapped his fingers and the butler came in with a goblet of wine.

"Well..." I looked down rubbing my hands together.

"Spit it out, woman! You've interrupted my personal business, now what is it?!" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I-I'm pregnant." I clutched my dress breathing heavy.

He sighed again "of course you are, slut." He raised the wine to his lips.

I swallowed hard and bit my lip "th-there's more..."

He quickly lowered it looking at me and slowly got up. "That child better be mine!" He raised his hand to backhand me.

"It is! Honest!" I shielded myself.

"Then what's the problem?"

"I d-don't want your child, and n-never will!"

Then his hand came down and hit me in the face with all the force he could. Then he began hitting me with rage. "How dare you, you worthless bitch!"

I lay there screaming at the top of my lungs. "Fine! Fine I'll keep it! Please stop! Don't hit me! That hurts!"

"Alice! Wake up! You're having a nightmare!" Tarrant's hands were gripped tightly on my shoulders, shaking me.

My eyes snapped open, I was coated with sweat and struggling to catch my breath.

I looked around, we seemed to be in a hospital room.

"Where are we?" I sat up quickly, he gently laid me back down.

"Marmoreal hospital wing. You were having a nightmare, was it the same one?"

I shook my head. "No, this one was worse." I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. "Much, much worse."

"Tell me what it was about, please?" He held my hand.

"I don't want to tell you, you will be angry..."

He frowned "please? I'll try my hardest to contain myself."

I sighed "do you promise not to tell a soul?"

"Absolutely! Now please tell me. I hate seeing you like this."

I took a deep breath "it was about Hamish."

He scowled, eyes rapidly turning red. "Wha' di' 'e do to yeh this time?"

"He beat me after I told him certain news and I wanted to take care of it."

"Wha' was th' news?"

I bit down on my lip and tears fled from my eyes. I sobbed shaking furiously. 'How was I going to tell him about my incident?'

"Alice! Look a' meh, Ah'm 'ere! Ah won' e'er let 'em hurt yeh!"

My tears made him blurry, the upside was that I didn't have to look at him directly in the eye. I whispered "he raped me and got me pregnant."

Even if my eyes made him unclear, I saw his facial expression darken, eyes nearly black. "He di' wha'?"

"Tarrant, I'm pregnant with his child." I clutched his hand sobbing.

He raised his voice "an' wha' di' yeh plan to do wi' it?!"

"I don't want it. I never have, I told him and he lost it. He threatened to kill me if I ride it."

"'e can't get yeh 'ere. No with meh 'ere."

I wiped my tears away, I looked at him. His hands were shaking in fists.

"Tarrant calm down."

His shaky hand reached out and touched my stomach, I was already two months in and had a small bump.

"We nee' teh rid this demon from yeh."

I nodded, something just circled my mind. "You say we're in Marmoreal?"

"Aye, why mi' Ah ask?" His eyes lightened to orange.

"That means they know I have returned?" When he nodded, I was consumed by disappointment.

"Just the queen, she promised she wouldn't say a word to anybody until you want her to." His adorable lisp returned along with his normal shade of bright green.

"If the queen knows, then perhaps she can assist me with my situation."

He frowned, "yes, would you like me to fetch her?"

"There is no need." Said a soft, soothing voice from the doorway. The white queen glided over to us, with a worried look on her face. "I heard everything, my Champion. I'm so sorry, my dear." She reached out and wiped away a leftover tear from my cheek with her hand. "I will do all I can. Come with me, please?" She gracefully held out her hand, smiling.

I looked back at Tarrant then I took her hand. She kindly asked Tarrant to stay there. Queen Mirana led me to the kitchen.

"Let me think..." She looked among the ingredients. She took out a teaspoon and scooped out a pinch of this and a dash of that. Mumbling the ingredient's names as she went along. Then she wiped her hands off in the air and handed over the elixir.

"I warn you, there will be a sharp pain."

"As long as it's gone."

I quickly drained the potion, it tasted worse than Jabberwocky blood. I dropped the bottle, it shattered at my feet, leaving shards to dig deep under the skin on my shins. I don't know what was worse: the pain in my tummy or the pain in my legs. Either way, I was in severe pain and out of sorts, for standing that is. Helplessly, I collapsed to the ground in screams.

Tarrant burst into the kitchen and by my side within milliseconds. I took deep breaths, trying as hard as possible to keep from screaming again. Tarrant scooped me up and took off for the hospital wing. When we got to the room I stayed in, he careful laid down his pained Alice.

A tear ran down his cheek while he kissed my hands. "I wish this didn't hurt you so much." Another kiss.

I laid there, pushing up on the bed with my feet, my torso was high in the air. Sobs and screams echoed through the castle.

When the pain died down, I let my body drop back down on the bed. My face was dripping with sweat and I was breathing heavy.

Tarrant just sat there with his eyes closed, holding my hand to his heart, his racing heart.

"Tarrant, darling, it's over." But how come I didn't feel any different from before I drank it?

"I know, but that was terrifying."

I frowned, "I understand that, but why are your eyes shut?"

"I'm afraid to see you in so much pain."

I removed my hand and put it on his face. He was fighting the urge to open his eyes. I sat up and kissed him gently. He jumped back with eyes wide and bewildered.

"Alice, you're in no condition for such actions. I want you to rest, I'll be down the hall if you need me", and with that, he left the room rather quickly.

I sat in my bed, watching the door. I was in pain, but not from the potion. As quietly as I could, I climbed out of bed and walked out onto my balcony. I leaned over and inhaled the outside air. My eyes fell to the ground, scanning the gardens below. A flash of orange curls caught my eye.

Tarrant paced down below, rambling to himself. Something glittered in his hands. I squinted at it and heard him say "Alice", "marriage, and my favorite, "love". I gasped, realizing what he held. I tiptoed back inside.

'What is he doing with that ring?'

I closed the door then slumped up against it, deep in thought. The thoughts swirling about almost made me faint.

'How did I not see this coming? How stupid could I be?' I thought while hypervenalating.

'But wait, what if it wasn't for me? What if there's another woman?' Just the thought made my heart ache.

'Great it's happening again. I need the doctor. Now.'

I got up and hobbled to Dr. Joseph's office.

"Excuse me?"

Dr. Joseph looked up from his paperwork and smiled. "Alice! What seems to be troubling you?"

"M-My heart. It hurts so bad..." I leaned over holding my pained chest."I-I think I'm having a heart attack.."

He got up and touched my shoulder, "come with me."

He led me back to bed and took my pulse, his eyes widened and he frowned.

"Dear god! Your pulse is off the charts! Alice, what happened?" The doctor pushed me down onto the bed carefully, signalling me to lie down.

I did as I was told "I panicked over some silly thoughts i had..."

"Tell me, have you stressed over anything lately?"

"Too many to count..."

"Ah, yes. You have Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy."


"Broken Heart Syndrome."

My heart dropped "What's that?"

He sat down next to me, holding my hand. "You may feel like you're having a heart attack, but that's not it at all. Have you lost anybody dear to you?"

I sighed, looking down at my hands. "It feels like Tarrant is avoiding me a little."

He inhaled, "Alice, you deserve to know..."

My eyes shot up to his. "Know what?"

"Tarrant has a girlfriend."

"What?!" I jumped out of bed. Heart pumping unevenly, my legs wobbled.

He calmly pulled me back down. "Her name is Annabel. She is also in the queen's court, they have been together for nearly two years."

"N-No! That can't be true! I-I thought..." My heart beat harder, I threw myself back against my bed.

'I knew it. It's not me and it never will be.'

"Alice, my dear, calm yourself. And be very careful not to think too hard. Rest now, I will come up with a treatment." He hurried off.

I started to cry. 'I need to get away from here.'

I slipped on my shoes with my teary eyes, I assumed I fastened them, my face was covered with tears. I ran to the door and threw it open. Then I bumped into Tarrant, he caught me.

"Alice, my love, you shouldn't be up and about." When he saw my face, he frowned "whatever is wrong, my sweet?"

I shook my head and tried to slither past, but his arms tightened.

"Let me go! Please!" I yelled.

Taken back by my urgency and tone, he let me go.

I took off down the halls, wondering where ever my feet were taking me.

I finally found myself in the gardens. I threw myself against a tree and melted. I cried in my knees for hours. Strangely, I fell asleep. I woke up at sunset. I gathered my muchness and escorted myself to dinner.

When I got there, I was a tad late. The queen smiled at me and a plastered a fake grin on my face. When I looked at my- Hatter, my heart stopped beating. He looked just as miserable as I.

I hesitantly took the seat across from Hatter., he looked up with blue eyes. Then he looked down, almost like he was ashamed of himself.

The queen cleared her throat and stood. "My friends, I have very exciting news, but first, I would like to welcome back our friend from her journeys! Anabel, dear?"

A beautiful lady, a bit older than I, stepped out from behind the drawn curtains. Her eyes were hazel and her brown hair was long and straight. She was also taller than me, just by a few inches. She contently smiled at Tarrant.

She raced across the room into Tarrant's arms. Her Tarrant.

"My bonnie lass! How I've missed you!" He planted a kiss on her lips. She giggled shyly and kissed him back. They took their seats. Tarrant gaze locked with mine, his eyes dipped into blue from the purple of seeing his girlfriend return. He cleared his throat and shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

"Alice, this is my friend Anabel. Anabel, dear, this is Alice."

'Why would I think that he liked me in that way? Let alone love me?'

"Pleasure to meet you, Alice. Tarrant speaks very highly of you." She held out her hand and smiled beautifully.

I forced myself to shake her hand and smile. "The pleasure's mine."

She clung to his arm and nuzzled his neck, He smiled his gap-tooth grin.

"My queen? What was the news you intended to tell us?" Anabel asked curiously.

"Ah yes, the news." She glanced at me. "I have come to inform you that our Champion, Alice," she took my hand and made me stand. "Is having a child!"

I heard about Broken Heart Syndrome before, if the symptoms worsen, it could be fatal. And in my case, certain death. My days are numbered. It's all over, the one chance I had at being happy and I ruined everything... I ruined everything...

"Oh Alice! Congratulations! Might I ask who the father is?" Anabel beamed.

"I-I...umm..." I stuttered.

'I thought I got rid of the child. What did Mirana give me?'

"I am." Jumped in Dr. Joseph, all eyes went his direction, most surprised. Including me. He swung his arm around my shoulder, he whispered in my ear. "I'll explain later."

Tarrant had flecks of orange in his eyes, clearly he disapproved. "Your pregnant with Joseph's child, Alice?"

"Indeed she is." Queen Mirana replied before I could.

I had clearly lost control of this situation.

'I'm still pregnant? That queen! She just changed the DNA!'

We continued with dinner, with Dr. Joseph a bit closer than I was comfortable with.

Anabel ate happily next to Tarrant. I watched, feeling slightly ill. I hadn't eaten in a day or so. None the less, I didn't eat.

"Alice, dear? Are you feeling well? You look rather ill." Tarrant put his hand on top of mine.

"Do you need to lay down?" Added Annabel.

I pulled my hand back and folded my arms against my chest. "I'm fine." I grumbled. Then another pain hit my chest, I coughed.

"My queen? I wish to be excused." I did indeed feel rather sickly.

She nodded. I got up and calmly left the room. The second the doors swung closed behind me, everything went fuzzy. I held onto a nearby tapestry and groaned, the rhythm of my heart beat heavily in my ears. "Stop it!" I yelled, clamping my hands over my ears, I sunk to my knees.

Tarrant and Dr. Joseph fled into the hallway. Tarrant got to me before the doctor.

"No! Don't touch her!" The doctor screamed.

Tarrant held up his hands in surrender and backed away. "What's wrong with her?"

"That is none of your concern." The doctor helped me up and made me put my arms around his neck. He lifted me, I swung my legs around his waist and groaned in pain.

"Make it stop..." I dropped my head onto his shoulder.

"It actually is. I love her more than anything."

I screamed and Dr. Joseph sprinted down to the infirmary with Tarrant tagging along.

My heart was hammering, I turned my head and glanced at Tarrant. His eyes were gold, a sharp pain slammed through me, I doubled over. Tears streamed from my eyes, I whispered into Dr. Joseph's ear "make him go away, it hurts..."

He nodded in agreement "Tarrant, you go back to dinner, she'll be fine."

"I'm not leaving until that's proven."

Dr. Joseph laid me down and spun on his heels to face Tarrant. "Perhaps you didn't understand, i'm asking you to leave. I can handle this, I don't need supervision, I'm a doctor."

"No." Tarrant sidestepped around him and gazed down at me in fear.

I didn't notice, I was too busy enduring the pain. I was rolling back and forth, gripping my chest allowing groans to escape my throat.

When Tarrant took my hand, I lost it. I screamed bloody murder. He squeezed it, he leaned down and whispered "Alice, listen to me. Calm down, it'll be alright. I'm right here. I won't ever leave."

Dr. Joseph grabbed Tarrant and whisked him away from me. My heart rate was far in the danger zone.

"Release me!" Tarrant struggled to free himself.

"Just leave! Go away! I don't want to see you!" I screamed.

My heart dropped realizing what I just said. Tarrant's eyes were blue and full of tears. He tore away from the doctor and stormed away.

I sobbed, it was as if my heart had committed suicide.

'How could I say that? I love him! And he loves me!'

Dr. Joseph seized me "stop! You're dying! It's killing you!" He thought for a moment, then he leaned forward. My lips were covered by his.


I pushed him back.

He looked upset with himself, "I'm sorry. Your heart was at it's highest it could be and I just... I'm sorry."

"You couldn't think of anything else to save me?" He nodded in reply to my question, rubbing his neck.

I never noticed, or cared, but his eyes were neon blue and his hair as black as night. He was quite attractive, his features surprised me. Being in the White Queen's court, I would have assumed him entirely white like the others. He looked about my age; plenty tall, proven to be strong, very intelligent, kind...

'What am I doing? He's the royal doctor! Not to mention Tarrant will- wait. No, he had Annabel. That left me with who? Dr. Joseph. I knew I was going to regret what I was about to do...'

I leaned up from the bed and stopped a few inches from his lips, glancing between his eyes and lips. He smiled, granting me permission.

I kissed him softly, wrapping my arms around his neck while lacing my fingers into his long, silky black hair.

He pulled back and cleared his throat, while blushing like a rose.

"Doctor? Will I be alright?"

He sighed deeply, "for now. And please, call me Joseph." He winked and left with a small grin on his face.

'What have I done?'

I covered my face with my pillow and cried.

'I love Tarrant, not Joseph. Even if Tarrant loves another, I know he loves me, he even said so himself.'

I dried my tears. I sat up when I heard crashing outside my door. I sneaked over and opened it curiously.

A table flew at me, I jumped back. Unluckily, the table pinned me. I struggled to free myself, even if it had tore open my arm in the process. I peeked around the table to see Tarrant on a rampage.

"Alice!" Joseph rushed to my aid.

"No I'm fine! Calm him down!"

He shook his head. "It's no use, he won't listen to me."

Regardless that I have lost half my blood from my injury, I tossed the table away and marched to Tarrant. I flipped him around and held his face in my hands. "Hatter!"

He squinted at me. "You...!" He swatted my hands away. "How could yeh do this to meh?!"

I stared. "Pardon? What did I do?"

"Yeh kiss't tha' bloody doctor!" He jabbed his finger in Joseph's direction.

'Oo. Tough one, what should I say?'

"W-Well... he had to..."

Tarrant looked like he was going to strangle me.

Joseph stepped forth and stood in front of me protectively. "Why do you care anyway? You have Annabel." Joseph spat bitterly.

Tarrant's mouth dropped. "You honestly think I can even tolerate her?"

Joseph was about to respond when my heart skipped a beat, he noticed instantly and swept me up into his arms. He carried me back inside my room.

Tarrant grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back, snatching me from his arms. Tarrant ran with me hostage.

He quickly ran through the halls with Joseph chasing us and calling out to us. He noticed my heart rate just as fast as Joseph had.

"Alice, calm down. I've got you." He whispered calmly into my ear.

"That's the problem!" I cried out, squirming. He clasped his hand over my mouth and dragged me to the storage wing of the castle where no one went unless it was a holiday. He found an empty room with crates and a locking door, which he gratefully used. Then he turned to me.

"Let me see your arm." He gingerly lifted my arm into view, he cringed when he saw the bloody open wound he had caused.

I pulled away, "didn't Joseph tell you what's wrong with me?"

"Joseph? You mean the doctor? No, I'm afraid not." He said coldly.

I sat on some empty crates nearby, I sighed and rubbed my neck. "Joseph informed me that I have a condition..."

He quickly sat next to me, desperately wanting to hear more. "What condition? Are you alright?"

I shook my head, tears falling down onto my shaky hands. "I have Broken Heart Syndrome."

"What's that?"

"Heart disease from stressful events of certain people. It hurts emotionally and physically."

"What? From that Hamish? I promise I'll do all I can to help." He took my hands.

I pulled them back, "it wasn't from him."

He frowned, "then who?"

"You. You and Annabel." I hugged myself. "Why didn't you tell me you already had someone?"

"Because I don't love her. I love you more than the sunshine and far more than tea parties."

"Stop it." I hung my head low, my hands were trembling.

"Do you think I'd say that if i didn't mean it?"

"Tarrant, every time you say anything about loving me, I suffer great chest pains, from heart break. I don't think I can do this."

He kissed me. My heart literally stopped beating. I fell to the floor.

I may have been in a coma-like state, but I could hear and feel everything as if normal.

Tarrant shook my shoulders "Alice? Alice?! ALICE?!" He swept me into his arms and kicked down the door, of what it sounded like.

"Somebody! Please! Help!" He shouted, I felt him running.

"What happened?" Joseph approached quickly from behind us.

"I kissed her and she collapsed."

Joseph swore under his breath, "I knew you'd pull something like that. Give her to me."

"No, I'll carry her."

"If you do, it could kill her. She's closer to death than ever."

Tarrant exhaled, "fine." I was moved into the other man's arms. He didn't smell like tea, but more like sweet fruit. It smelled delicious, and he was warm. I managed to let out a little sigh.

They both broke into a run, doors slammed. A needle pierced my arm, most likely a syringe, I couldn't tell. I gasped opening my eyes, my throat was dry. I coughed violently, Tarrant ran off and retrieved me a glass of water, I drank every last drop. The two men sighed in relief.

Joseph pulled me into his arms, "thank god you're alive."

When Joseph let go I held my arms open to Tarrant.

He held his ground, "Alice, I could kill you."

"Do you think I care?"

He reluctantly stepped forward, my impatience got the better of me. I grabbed him and yanked him down to my lips.

He wrapped his arms around me, while my fingers wove into his soft orange hair.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joseph turn away. I squeezed my eyes shut, deepening the kiss.

Glass shattered behind us, Annabel stood there. She had dropped a vase of white flowers, everyone turned their attention to her.

Tarrant leaped off me, "Annabel! I-"

"What are you doing with Alice?" Annabel backed away with tears in her eyes.

"It's not what you think- Just listen Anna!" He raced to her.

Joseph picked me up and began carrying me away from the scene.

"Hey! Put me down!" I squirmed.

"Shh... Best not to interfere, it will only make matters worse. In the meantime, I'll give you a checkup. I want to see how our baby is." He winked. "I'll explain when we're out of earshot."

I looked back at the crying Annabel and Tarrant trying to soothe her.

"No, we'll do that later." I jumped from his arms and walked back to Tarrant and Annabel.

"Annabel? May I ask you to take a walk with me?" I cut in.

She shot a hateful look at him, then gave a short nod in agreement. I smiled weakly and took her hand, leading her away before someone gets a broken heart.

I took her all the way to the end of the hall and took her by both hands, making her face me.

"You really love him, don't you?"

She nodded, "more than anything."

I sighed, "that's what I thought. And you should know he loves you too."

'Man, I hate lying.'

"Tell you what, how about you and I go to town for a few days? We can shop, eat out, whatever you like. I think we both need to clear our minds." I smiled faintly.

"B-But you need to-"

I held up my hand to stop her worries, "I'm not taking no for an answer. I want everyone to stop worrying about me for a while. They need a break more than I do."

She sighed, "it does sound fun..." She bit her lip, "okay, I'll be back, completely ready, in an hour." She ran off with a smile bigger than Chess's.

I beamed.

'Just two girls out in town, what could go wrong?'

I hurried off myself, to pack my bags for our little outing.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!"

The door clicked open, footsteps came up behind me.

"Where are you off to, darling?" Joseph wound his arms around my middle.

"Excuse me?" I pulled away, I spun to face him. "Last time I checked, we aren't a couple."

"Yet." He winked. He pecked my cheek.

I shooed him away from being so close. "What do you want, Joseph?"


My heart skipped a beat, "sorry, I'm not looking for a relationship at this time. Thanks for the offer though, I'll take it under consideration, possibly." I returned to my bag and threw in my hairbrush.

"I'm coming to."

I gave a certain look that meant 'are you serious?' I shook my head. "No, I'm fine, thank you."

He chuckled and hugged me, "you're so cute when you're stubborn."

"Let go!" I pulled at his arms.

He let go, "I want to come to, I'll be worried if you're alone."

"I won't."

"Oh? And who is this person?" He crossed his arms with an eyebrow arched.

"Just Annabel."

"Another woman? And to be specific, Tarrant's girlfriend. I don't think this is a good idea, Alice."

"Calm down, we'll be away for just a few days."

He grimaced, "at least let me help, a little."

I sighed, "fine."

He smiled happily and took out a few viles from the inside of his coat. He swished one around, it was dark blue.

"This should help you cope with those pains. And this one", he held up the yellow one, "should put your dreams at ease. And the last one", a green, dull looking one "will make sure you're immune to anything for as long as you're away. Oh! I almost forgot," he pulled out a golden wedding band.

My heart hit my stomach and started digesting, "w-what's that?"

He slipped the ring onto my wedding finger, he got closer, his hands on my waist. "If you need anything, just ask me with this. Give it a try."

I hesitated, then understood.

'Joseph? Do you love me?'

'With all my heart, my beautiful flower.'

I gasped at the sudden results, and at the results in general.

'How far away can we communicate from?'

'As far as you like.'

'Is there a way to not communicate?'

'Just take the ring off, silly.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Can I keep packing now?'

'As long as you don't take the ring off or respond to me, otherwise, I will come after you.'

"Fine, thanks for your regards." I pushed him out the door and closed it.

'I love you Alice.'

'I know.'

I turned around and gathered three dresses, one to wrap around each vile I was given.

Another knock.

"Come in!"

The door slowly creaked open then clicked shut behind them. I didn't bother turning around.

Their footsteps came up behind me and stopped. The person exhaled deeply and their head dropped onto the small of my back, right onto a bruise. My body flushed, their arms gripped my center.



I turned, well, tried. But he firmed the grip he had. He was touching so many sensitive bruises, the pain was unbearable.

"Please don't look at me Alice."

"Why not? And..." I blushed looking over my shoulder.

He tilted his head up slightly, "yes?"

"C-could you loosed your hands please? That hurts..."

"Oh, Alice! I'm sorry!" He released me instantly, backing away. He covered his face with his hands.

"Tarrant... Look at me..." I stepped closer.

He backed into the wall. "Please Alice, I beg of you..."

I removed his hands, his eyes were dark blue. He clearly had been crying. My heart was breaking seeing the one I loved in this state. I kissed away his tears. "Don't cry, what happened?"

He blinked, tears fell with every one. I kissed those away too.

I went back to my bed, set my bag on the floor, and returned to Tarrant.

His hands had returned to his face. I took his hands gently and led him to the bed. He stopped at the foot. I sat on my bed, the pillows propping me up. I looked up at him, I couldn't see his eyes, but I did see his tears falling.

My jaw tightened, my arms shot open. "Come here."

He looked at me, then broke into a run. He flew into my arms.

I fell back against my bed with Tarrant crying on me. "My handsome guardian angel, please don't be upset."

"You're going to leave me. I know it."

"Just for a few days, then I shall return."

"You can't, I need you! I don't know what I'm going to do without you!"

I stroked his hair, "do you love her?"

"What?" He gaped up at me with his tearful eyes.

"Do you love Annabel?"

"No! I love you! Alice, listen", he got off the bed and knelt down in front of me, he dug through his jacket.

"Tarrant, what are you...?"

He finally found what he was looking for, a small, wooden box. "Alice." He steadied his position and opened the box.

"Will you do me the honor of becoming my beautiful wife?"

"T-Tarrant... I don't know what to say..."

"Just say 'I do'"

Tears swelled up in my eyes, I nodded "y-yes! I do!" I pounced on him, hugging him tightly. "B-but what about Annabel?"

He sighed "looks like I am going to have to part with her. Because now I am engaged to the most beautiful woman in all Wonderland."

My door burst open, Joseph was fuming.

"Alice! Get away from him!" He ran over and pulled me off of him.

"Hey! Wait a minute-"

Just like that, he pulled me in and kissed me, his lips tasted strange.

My body felt relaxed, I leaned on him. I melted into his arms, he smiled in my mouth.

'I never noticed how much I loved Joseph too.'

'You love me, and only me.'

'I love you, only you.'

Tarrant tore me away from him, "how dare you kiss my Alice."

"Your Alice? I believe she loves me, don't you Alice?"

I felt hazy, like I was about to faint again. "C-can you please get me the dark blue vile from my bag?" I fell onto my bed. "I'm yours and only yours." I couldn't control the words escaping from my mouth.

'Why did I just say that?'

'Because I told you to, sweet Alice, because you love me.'

Luckily for me, Tarrant didn't hear me. He returned to my side within about five minutes, he handed me the vile. I drank it, it tasted sweet. My haziness only increased, "oh... why isn't it working? What did you give me?"

"Pain reliever. Now, you shouldn't feel anything at all."

"Why you...!" Tarrant slapped Joseph. Joseph stumbled back and held his jaw, he looked murderous.

"Stop... please..." I sat up limply.

"Lay down Alice." Joseph demanded.

I instantly fell back, like an unseen force had pushed me back.

"Now, say you love me and you are willing to be mine." Joseph smirked past the confused Tarrant.

"I love you, I am willing to be yours."

'Why am I doing this?'

'Silly girl, I have you under my control. You're going to do anything that I want you to.'

"No! I will not!" I got up.

"I said stay down."

"No!" My body was under control. "Tarrant! He has control over me! I can't stop!"


My lips were sealed involuntarily. Tears streamed down while my eyes pleaded for freedom.

"Stop this!" Tarrant punched Joseph in the stomach. Joseph flew back into the wall and fell unconscious. He hurried to my side and slid his arms underneath me. "Don't worry, darling, I am going to take you somewhere no one will find us."

My lips were still glued together. Tarrant scooped up my bag and carried me away fast. My hands were trembling when I took the golden band off my finger and threw it over his shoulder.

"How would you like to come back home?"

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