Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

752K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 41

20.4K 755 351
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 41

Chloe moans and lies back down in the bed. No matter how much she moan  or cried Anne or her mother would not heal her.

“Violet!” Chloe calls.

Violet rushes into the room and asks panicking, “Are you okay?”

“Violet.” Chloe mumbles rubbing her stomach. “What should we name her or him?”

Violet smiles and then sits next to her wife and thinks, “Well I don’t know. I haven’t thought about that yet.”

Chloe bites her bottom lip and then whispers, “We’re going to be okay right?”

Violet furrows her eyebrow and whispers pecking the witch on her lips, “We always make it through Chloe. I will not let it start now.”

Chloe tries to blink away her tears but it was too late. “How can I protect you Violet with a growing baby in my stomach?”

“This time let me protect you okay honey.”

“You making me sit this one out.” Chloe mumbles.

“Yes.” Violet kisses Chloe on the lips. “If you get hurt we want be able to heal you without affecting the baby.”

“I know.” Chloe replies. “It’s just. I’m always there to watch your back to protect you and now I don’t know how I can help.”

Violet grins and kisses Chloe, “Trust me I will find something.”

Chloe smiles as Violet wipes her tears away, “It’s going to be okay I promise.”



“What!” John screams.

He was pissed. One of his own betrayed him and he almost got his head bit off by an alpha. They had to retreat when the two witches he didn’t know about ran out the woods. Now they were back on top of the hill where the burning house was.

“We have found the creatures.”

“Where are they!” He demands.

“They’re at another mansion somewhere in the woods.” The boy speaks. “It’s seems to be heavily guarded.”

“I see.” John says then asks. “How much equipment we have left.”

“Just half sir and there may be three missiles left.” The boy answers.

John sneers. It never took this much to kill some creatures. However, failure was not an option.

“Get everything ready. We will have victory.”


Violet smirks when she sees her brothers outside the gates of Catherine home.

“Heard you needed some help little sister.” Ethan smirks.

Violet only rolls her eyes and opens the gate where she playfully fights Ethan. Once Ethan mated and excepted that he wasn’t going to be the alpha he began to develop a better relationship with Violet. Now he lives two towns away where he is married and has a little boy.

Lucas began traveling the world with his wife when he finally mated. He was still a little immature at times but you could tell that he loved his wife very much.

Scott which was her favorite and always will be her favorite went off and did what he always wanted to do. Live a normal life. He went to college and got his doctor degree and now lives somewhere on a hill with his wife and son.

“Wow!” Lucas smirks. “I get to see Catherine home.”

Violet laughs and then says, “Behave! Her mother can be a real pain in my ass I swear.”

Lucas smirk widens and Scott takes over the conversation by asking, “How is Chloe?”

Violet bites her lip and instantly her older brothers know something is wrong. “She got hurt during the battle.”

“Yeah we rode by the mansion.” Ethan speaks. “It’s completely destroyed. What have you gotten yourself into Violet?”

“Nothing.” Violet runs her hands through her hair. “Some dragon hunters found us and wanted us dead. I didn’t ask for this. This is me defending my family.”

Ethan sighs, “Look I get it. I’m sorry. So how is Chloe doing?”

“She is in a lot of pain.”

“Well get one of those lazy witches to heal her.” Lucas says. “Isn’t that their job?”

“She can’t be healed because…” Violet begins to look away. “She’s pregnant.”

“Congratulations.” Scott says only to be interrupted by his other brothers, “Dude she cheated on you!”

“No you ass-holes.” Violet rolls her eyes. “She wanted a baby and I gave her one. It was a spell.”

“Oh.” Ethan and Lucas begin to laugh which pisses Violet off.

“Little sister!” Ethan pats Violet on the back. “I’m going to be an uncle.”

“You’re already an uncle.” Scott says frustrated.

“Dude I don’t like your son. He whines too much but I’m going to be Violet’s child favorite uncle. The best uncle ever.”

Violet smirks and then says towards Scott, “Don’t mind Ethan. He’s an ass-hole. How’s your son and wife.”

“Their fine.” Scott answers. “Ethan is just jealous because my son is getting bigger than his son.”

“Typical Ethan.” Violet laughs.

“Well seems my child going to be the youngest.” Lucas says.

Ethan snorts and says, “Dude you’re not man enough in that department to have kids. Violet even has bigger balls then you.”

That was it. Lucas eyes begin to glow and he jumps about to attack Ethan.

Violet groans and separates them. “Enough.” She roars. “We don’t have time for this.”

Lucas snatches away and heads to the mansion.

“Why did you do that?” Scott asks. “You know their having trouble having children.”

“Well I didn’t know it was that serious! I mean I just over heard you and his conversation last night.”

Scott rolls his eyes and explains, “His wife body is having trouble. It’s not him Ethan but it’s really damaging their relationship. His wife has gone in depression because she feels as if it’s her fault that they can’t have children. You idiot.”

Violet rolls her eyes and then says, “Go talk to him and then apologize.”

Ethan runs his hands through his hair. “I’m didn’t know.”


Chloe finally had enough strength to get out of bed and walk around. Violet was at her side all the time and she couldn’t do anything but smile at this. Chloe was now excited to have this child but something was happening inside of her and she didn’t know what it was but she didn’t say anything because Violet and everyone else was already so busy.

“Hello Scott.” Chloe smiles towards Violet brother. He still looked the same but more mature.

Scott grabs Chloe and pulls her into a hug. “I heard the great news. I’m going to be an uncle I see.” He smirks.

Chloe giggles and then blushes, “So Violet told you all the news.”

“Well yes.” Scott grins. “Now my son will have someone to play with instead of Ethan bad child.”

“I’m sure Ethan child is just misunderstood.” Chloe smiles.

“You have no idea.” Scott grins back.

Violet walks up behind Chloe with bottle water. “Here” She says. “You should stay hydrated.”

“But I want some bananas with chocolate and some sour cream and onion chips.” Chloe mouths waters at the thought. “Violet.” She begs. “Please could you get one of your pack members to run to the store? Please.”

Violet eyebrow arches and Scott laughs, “Wow! The cravings seem to be coming.” He then frowns. “My wife cravings didn’t come until months later.” Scott smiles again and says, “Well Violet get ready. She will be crying and throwing things at you in a couple of months.”

Violet frowns and then Chloe kisses her and begs again, “Please.”

“Okay honey. What was the order again?”


Chloe was now sitting on the couch finishing her snacks as she watched the children while Violet and the crew got everything settled.

“Mommy.” Rue asks with a confused expression on her face.

“Yes baby?” Chloe stops eating for a minute.

“I overheard mom talking about sending us back to Arlandria to stay.” Rue says. “Is that true?”

Chloe weakly smiles and says, “Well yes your mother and I believe it’s best if you all are in Arlandria. You see what happened last time. I can’t let anything happen to you baby.”

“But I can help.”

“And you will by protecting them in Arlandria honey.”

Rue bites her lip and then says, “Okay I guess.”

Outside Violet was smirking at the size of her new army. Catherine family joined and a few hours ago Olivia pack came down with June leading them. Violet was actually confident.

“Well now that you have taken over my land what do you propose?” Catherine mother asks.

Violet rolls her eyes and then explains, “They come and we strike hard. John thinks my army is now smaller because of his attack earlier but now we have double. Riley here is going to explain to everyone the weapons you should watch out for.”

Mary and everyone else nods their head and Riley steps forward and begin to talk.

About two hours later Violet gave everyone a break.

Cassandra and Jessica lies in one of the bedrooms in each other arm.

 “I want you to go to Arlandria with the rest of them.”

Jessica sits up and asks, “You’re sending me away.”

“I want you to be safe.” Cassandra kisses Jessica on the lips. “I will feel better if you’re there.”


“No but Jessica.” Cassandra pecks her on the lips. “Please do this for me. You saw how close it was earlier this morning. I want be able to think straight if I’m worrying about your safety.”

“What about your safety.” Jessica protest. “You almost died.”

“I was just knocked unconscious Jessica.” Cassandra explains. “We will be ready this time.”

Tears begin to fall from Jessica eyes and Cassandra kisses them away. “Please don’t cry honey.”

“He said the same thing before he died.”


“My ex-husband. I loved him and he told me the same thing but he died in battle. Cassandra I can’t lose you. I can’t I love you.”

Cassandra kisses Jessica hard. She smiles into the kiss. Jessica loved her. This was the first time she said it. “I love you too.” Cassandra kisses her and then lays her back on the bed they were occupying. “I love you so much and I promise I will be careful.”

“That’s not enough Cassandra.” Jessica cries. “I need you to return to me.”

Cassandra kisses her tears away.

In another room Riley was hovering over a naked and panting Kimberly. Kimberly blushes and then says, “We just had sex in someone else room.”

Riley smirks and then kisses Kimberly lips and then cheek and licks her jaw. “Yes we did but I’m pretty sure they want mind.”

Kimberly flips them over so she is straddling Riley hips. Kimberly smiles at Riley lusting eyes on her chest.

Kimberly fingers traces random patterns in Riley skin and then she asks, “Do you love me?”

Riley eyebrow arches. She lifts up and then kisses Kimberly deeply. “Of course I love you.”

“Tell me you love me.” Kimberly asks.

“I love you.”

Kimberly looks into Riley blue-green eyes and then kisses her. “I love you too so don’t die on me today okay.”

Riley smirks and then flips Kimberly back over. The strawberry blonde giggles and then laughs, “I plan on surviving so I can eat you up all night.”

Kimberly moans and then pulls Riley back down kissing her deeply. Several minutes later she says, “Have you talked to your sister.”

Riley grins, “Yes. She’s over her hatred of creatures and apologized to Rue and her parents.”

“I’m glad.”

“Me too.” Riley replies. “I can have my little sister and you.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too tiger.” Kimberly winks.

Mary walks into the kitchen to see her daughter talking to her girlfriend mother. She could tell that June and her daughter had a great relationship. Mary was slightly jealous. It was her fault though. Maybe if she wasn’t so hard on Olivia and Catherine relationship and more accepting than she would have a better relationship with Olivia and her daughter. Now or Never. Mary tells herself. She walks into the kitchen and Catherine eyebrow arches.

Mary smiles, “Could I help?”

June grins and then says, “Of course. We were preparing a big meal for the soldiers.” Olivia mother throws her hand out and smiles, “I’m June, Olivia’s mother.”

“Mary.” Catherine mothers replies shaking the wolf hand.

“Well yes.” June says. “I’ve heard much about you.”

“Really.” Mary smiles and then frowns asking, “Hope good things?”

“Great things actually.” June smiles and then says. “How about we prepare this meal.”

Catherine smiles towards her mother. She was finally accepting her and Olivia relationship. She almost cried.

Catherine turns around when she feels hands on her hips. She smiles up at her beautiful girlfriend. Olivia bends down and pecks her on the lips. She then whispers, “Told you all you had to do is give your mother time.”

“Yes I see.” Catherine smiles again.

Olivia grabs Catherine hand and then whispers, “How about we get out of here and let them prepare the meal.”

“I think not young lady.”

Olivia blushes at being caught by her mother.

June smiles at her daughter, “You promise to help. Now both of you come over here. This food is not going to cook itself.”

Catherine laughs and they all prepare the meal.


It was eight o clock when dinner was serve. Everyone sat at the table and ate. Violet could tell that some was nervous. They didn’t know when John was going to attack but Violet insisted that they at least eat a hot meal. For some it may be their last. Also, Violet and Chloe notice that Mary was interacting with Olivia more. Violet only smirks and then wonders would Mary ever like her. Hell No! Violet thinks and then turns towards her wife who has been eating all day.

Chloe was acting weird. Well she was acting like a pregnant woman. She was eating and having terrible mood swings. Violet only ignored it and only said nice to things to her. Scott and Ethan said it was best to always agree with her and always tell her she is beautiful.

Chloe was on her third plate. She was hungrier now. She could feel her body changing rapidly but she just knew it was the baby. This was normal right? Chloe knew that she had been snapping at Violet every now and then but her lovely wife was still there and calling her beautiful.

Chloe looks up when she noticed Jessica and Cassandra excusing their selves. Chloe only smiles. She knew why. In maybe, two hours, Anne was going to open a portal and send their love ones to Arlandria where they would be safe.

Chloe can feel her eyes watering. She was so tired of fighting and now she couldn’t even protect her wife.

“Baby.” Violet leans over and whispers in her ear while squeezing her thigh.

Chloe tries to blink away her watery eyes but it was impossible.

Violet stands and pulls them into another room. She did not want to worry Rue.

“Hey baby.” Violet asks softly. “What’s wrong?”

“What are we going to do Violet?” Chloe screams with anger pushing the alpha away from her.

“Baby calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Chloe hollers.

Violet looks at her distress wife. Was this the mood swings? Wasn’t it too early for all of this?

“We’re always fighting someone. Every time we’re done with some crazy person trying to kill us there goes another one rolling into town. Well Violet I’m tired of this. I’m tired of this shit. One day we may not be so lucky. Maybe one day someone will turn the wrong way and get killed. I’m so tired of this. I don’t want to do this anymore. What if we can’t protect this baby?” Chloe stops hollering when she sees Violet biting her lip and looking down sad.

Chloe begins to cry and Violet runs her hand through her hair. She was so confused. “Hey baby. Come here.”

“Violet I’m so scared.” Chloe cries in Violet arms. “I can’t help it and in some months I’m going to be a big, fat, whale and then you’re going to leave me and find some other hottie. You always have some sexy hottie wanting you. In time.” Chloe wipes her eyes. “She will come walking into town and you will leave because you will not want to deal with me and my baby problems.”

Violet just couldn’t hold it. She burst out into laughter and then bites her lip to keep from chuckling when Chloe glares at her. “Come here honey.” She pulls Chloe towards her and then kisses her forehead. “You know I love you and you know I’m not going to leave you and my baby inside there.” Violet finishes by poking the belly.

Chloe wipes her eyes, “I’m such a mess.”

“You’re my mess baby.” Violet smiles. “And whenever you need to get it out come to me. I can take it.” Violet smirks. “I’m the alpha after all.” She pulls Chloe into a hug and whispers, “I’m going nowhere.” She then pulls her into the most passionate kiss. She bites Chloe lower lip and then enters her tongue earning a moan from her lovely, crazy, pregnant wife. She smirks into the kiss her hands disappearing underneath Chloe shirt making the witch hiss.

Violet pulls back and ends the kiss with another peck and then says, “I love you Chloe.”


Anne had created the portal and to say it was sad was an understatement.

Jessica couldn’t let Cassandra go and Amber was bawling her eyes out asking why she had to go. Honestly no one wanted to see their love one go through the portal but they knew it was for the best.

“Tell me again.” Kimberly was trying hard to be brave but she was on the verge of tears. “Riley tell me!” She demands.

“I love you.” Riley smiles and pulls Kimberly into a long kiss.

Jessica wipes her tears away and tries to smile. She kisses Cassandra one last time and then says, “Promise?”

“Promise.” Cassandra replies giving Jessica one more kiss.

Rue looks up at her parents and then hugs them one last time.

“You’re so brave.” Chloe smiles. “I want you to do your mommies a favorite.”

“Yes.” Rue eyes widens.

Violet smiles at her wife Chloe knew that the only way for Rue not to worry was to give her a mission. Make it seem as if she is doing something important.

“I want you to take care of Kimberly, Jessica, and especially Amber. She is very scared and never been through a magical portal before. I want you to make sure Arlandria treats them with respect and make sure they are comfortable.”

Chloe kisses Rue forehead and then smiles holding her tears back, “I love you baby.”

“I love you too mommy.”

Violet bends down and hugs her tightly. Rue pulls back and then smiles, “I never told you guys this but I’m glad that you’re my parents. I wouldn’t change it for nothing. I love you.” Rue finishes and then steps back.

“Time’s up.” Anne announces. “The portal is closing.”

Rue steps beside the crying Amber and holds her hand. Jessica and Kimberly stare at their love ones one last time and then they walk into the gold swirling portal that leads them to Arlandria.

Chloe bites her lip and then furrows her eyebrow. For some odd reason Chloe stomach was hurting. It was the most painful feeling she has ever felt in a while. Violet looks at her wife and steps closer. Something was wrong and she could tell. Chloe was trying to stand strong until her daughter and the others disappear into the portal.

Rue smiles one last time at her parents. Chloe smiles back and then they disappear into the portal and the portal vanishes.

Chloe falls into her wife arms and screams.

Everyone rushes towards Chloe as she screams out in pain.

“What is it!” Violet demands answers. “What the fuck is wrong.”

Anne throws her hand out about to perform a certain spell until Mary pushes her hand away and says, “The baby!” Anne frowns and Mary continues, “No magic.”

Chloe cries and screams, “Please. It hurts so bad! Stop it!”

Anne puts her hand over Chloe stomach and then sucks in a breath. She pulls back quickly and Violet snatches her up and growls, “What’s wrong with her!”

“She…She…” Anne rubs her forehead in frustration.

“She’s what!” Violet demands in a low threaten growl.

“The baby it’s growing.”

“What the fuck you mean it’s growing.”

“I believe because of you and Chloe bond that the baby in her is growing at a faster pace. Also, she being a witch and you a wolf is not making it easier.”

Chloe scream and nearly faints as she watches her belly grow. It looked as if she was seven months pregnant. “Violet.” She cries.

Everyone turns towards her and gasps.

Chloe cries and tears begin to fall from her eyes. “Please help me. I don’t…I don’t.” She stutters.

Violet grabs Anne and growls, “Fixed this! You gave us the spell now help her.”

“She’s has to deliver the baby!”


“This is not the right time for the baby to be delivered!” Violet screams. “The hunters are out there. Pause the growing.”

“I can’t!” Anne eyes widen. “I’m sorry but you two love is so powerful that it sped up the process. I didn’t know it was going to be this quick. The book said a week.”

Violet runs her hand through her hair. Chloe had been pregnant after her and Violet had incredible sex. That was last night around ten. So it’s been fourteen hours. Chloe been pregnant for fourteen hours and she was about to have their baby now. Violet runs her hand though her hair.

Catherine mother was the first to snap back into business. “We deliver it then!”

Violet looks up at Mary like she is crazy. “My team and I will deliver your baby.”


The house begins to rumble and Violet stands and begins to throw orders left and right. Mary smirks. Great they had their alpha back.

Violet grabs her wife and then follows Catherine and her team up stairs. They walk into one of the surgery room and Violet places Chloe on the bed softly.

Chloe looks up and then cries, “Violet I’m scared. I’m not ready. Please.”

“I’m going nowhere baby.”

Catherine snaps her gloves on and then says, “Okay Chloe. Breathe slowly. Breathe. I need you to calm down. Now listen to me. I’m going to deliver your baby. You’re going to be fine but I need you to work with me okay.”

Chloe wipes her tears away and then nods her head. She looks up at Violet and then squeezes her hand.

Outside the gate John watched his army barge in through the gates.

“I want every creature dead!” He screams and within second’s guns begins to go off.

Outside the house Scott, Lucas, and Ethan were behind a car blocking the bullets from hitting them. “What’s the plan bro?” Lucas speaks first. “Where the hell is Violet?”

“She’s upstairs.”

The three brothers look up to see Catherine behind them. The red head drops a heavy bag and opens it. The boys grin as they grab all the beautiful guns.

“Why is she upstairs?” Scott asks grabbing a 9mm.

“Chloe is delivering the baby.”

The three boys look confused and Catherine ducks from an explosion. She grabs her Ak47 and then shoots the three soldiers who were nearing them. “No time to explain boys.” Catherine dives behind one of the walls and silently curses herself. They did not supposed to get this close to the house.

Olivia burst into the room and sees a screaming Chloe and a panicking Violet.

“We need you Violet!”

“I can’t!” Violet looks at Olivia. “You lead them.”

Olivia nods her head and then whispers, “Good luck.”

Olivia rushes back downstairs and then orders the army to not attack until her call. She notices something and she was going with her gut like Violet taught her.

Outside John was laughing. His army was getting closer and closer to the house. Violet must had lost a lot of men back at the mansion.

Victoria and Anne get to the top of the room and use their magic to turn over the jeeps and trucks.

Olivia runs outside and begins to fight next to Cassandra.

Olivia shoots several soldiers to the ground and then Cassandra uses her fire spell to set the trucks on fire that were headed their way. Cassandra eyes glow dangerously and the truck explodes from underneath and pops up on two wheels and rolls over and over. Cassandra flicks her wrist and then the truck explodes making several men fall to the ground to cover.

Olivia takes this chance to turn into a beast.

Riley dodges a fist towards her face and flips backwards. The person she was fighting steps back and smirks. The girl was tall with brunette hair and devilish brown eyes.

Riley returns a smirk of her own. She was going to enjoy killing this bitch.

“So you’re Riley.” The girl purrs pulling a leather whip from her hip.

Riley eyebrow arches at the leather whip. “The one and only.” The ex-hunter smirks.

The brunette whips the leather whip to the ground and it enacts creating a blue electric.

Riley eyes the new weapon. She steps back and then pulls out her long sword that begins to glow with blue electricity.

The brunette throw the whip back and then it excels forwards almost hitting Riley in the face. However, Riley was too fast. She dodges it again and then grabs it pulling the brunette towards her ignoring the pain going through her body.

Riley drops her sword and then quickly takes the whip and brings it around the brunette neck where she chokes her to death. The girl withers in pain and Riley snaps her neck so the brunette wouldn’t suffer.

John noticed that he was at the advantage but also he noticed that Violet and her wife Chloe was not outside. John eyebrow arches and then he orders five of his men. “Follow me.”

He grabs one of the men and says, “In ten minutes call in the second group and destroy them.”

The soldier nods his head and John disappears behind the house.

Olivia growls and snatches one soldier out the air and rips his throat. At her side Catherine smoothly trips a soldier and takes her gun shooting him in the head. They look at each other briefly and then move to the next one.

Cassandra uses her magic and protects Olivia and Catherine from a distant. It was quite odd fighting without her sister or Violet but she knew that this could not be a failure. Her sister was upstairs delivering a baby. Cassandra smiles for a second before throwing a solder on the ground. She was going to be an Auntie.

Ethan, Scott, and Lucas howl loudly and then come from behind the truck making several soldiers stop in their tracks. The three brother attack snatching heads off from left to right.

Lucas grins towards Ethan in his wolf form. He missed this.

Cassandra watches the grenade roll towards one of Violet brother feet. She uses her wind spell and in the nick of time the grenade rises in the air and explodes.

Lucas looks at Chloe sister he met a few hours ago. She had just saved his life but before he could say anything. She was shot in the head.

Olivia, Catherine and Riley watches Cassandra slowly fall to the ground. “Cassandra!” Riley yells. She rushes towards her Catherine and Olivia covering her. Riley pulls Cassandra into the mansion and before Catherine and Olivia could follow another group of hunter’s rushes in and this group was huge.

Olivia howls signaling Violet, Chloe, Catherine and her army. Wolves, Vampires, men with swords rush towards the other group and Catherine and Olivia rushes inside to help.

It’s been a full hour and the battle was still going. Violet bites her lip. She hopes everyone is okay. Chloe looks at her and then she grabs Violet hand and then places it on her stomach. “I want you to feel her.”

“How you know it’s a girl?” Violet smiles looking into her wife grey eyes trying to make their situation better.

“I guess a mother knows.” Chloe giggles a little and then throws her head back in pain screaming.

“It’s starting.” Catherine mother says. She sits on the stool and then position Chloe and herself and then looks up and orders, “Push!”

Chloe pushes and then screams out in pain.

“Fuck!” Riley says. “There’s blood everywhere.”

Cassandra was in her arms not moving at all. “Go get Anne and Victoria she orders.”

Chloe was withering and screaming all over the place.

Violet shushes her and whispers, “I’m here. Come on baby I know you can do this.”

“I see its head.” Mary smiles and then screams “Come on Chloe you’re almost there. Push!”

“Ahhhh.” Chloe continues to push.

“There you go Chloe. Push. Push. You’re almost there.” Mary repeats.

Violet kisses Chloe forehead. “You’re doing great. It’s almost over. Come on honey push.”

Chloe bites her lip and then she uses all her remaining strength and pushes.

John puts his finger up and silences his soldiers. “You hear that?”

They nod their head. Someone was screaming nearby and now it was completely silent.

Chloe collapse on the bed and Violet kisses her happy tears in her eyes. “Baby you did it.”

Mary stares at the baby and gasps. Her eyes.

Chloe quickly looks up and asks, “Why isn’t she crying. Why isn’t my baby crying?”

Mary cleans the baby girl and then smiles. She then laughs. She actually laughs.

Chloe tries to sit up but Mary carries the baby to her. She then settles it in Chloe arms. Violet peers over Chloe and they both grin. The new born baby was looking up at them with the brightest silver eyes but you could see a small hint of violet.

Violet slowly touches the baby and the baby makes a small giggle and then closes its eyes.

‘’She’s beautiful.”

“Yes she is.” Chloe replies smiling. “Thank-you.” She looks towards Mary and her crew.

She then looks back down at the baby and smiles but then frowns. The baby was turning red.

“Mary. She’s turning red.”

Mary slowly grabs the baby and smacks the new born and then baby burst into tears. Mary smiles. The baby lungs were strong.

Mary hands the baby back to Chloe and smiles softly. “Sorry but need to make sure she is breathing.”

John was trying to listen but he couldn’t hear anything but then he heard something very familiar.

“A baby.” He whispers. He then says. “On my count.”

Violet takes in the baby it was small and when she opens her eyes you couldn’t help but stare. Her eyes were beautiful. She had a patch of brunette hair on the top of her head and Violet knew she was going to be strong. She looks down at Chloe and then kisses her.

Chloe grins and then begins to rock the baby. She was still crying. Before she could ask Violet for a name her wife was looking towards the door.

Violet hears something and then growls. She looks down at Chloe with sympathy. Before Chloe could even protest she was stepping towards the door. There was no fucking way they were going to hurt her family. The door opens and Violet hands lights up in blue flames.

Chloe holds the baby tight as her new born cry.

Violet punches one of the hunters in the face and then kicks the one on her right in the gut. Violet steps back and growls. She dodges another punch and throws him across the room.

One of the men groans and then pulls out his shotgun standing up. He aims towards Chloe and the baby. Chloe covers the baby because she is too weak to use her magic. However, Violet reacts quickly enough and jumps in front of the bullet.


She spits out blood and then touches her wound.

Chloe calls out her name but Violet don’t turn her way or fall to the ground like any human would do. She growls and takes the shotgun from the hunter and shoots the solder in the head and out of nowhere she is thrown on the ground by an explosion. Her vision becomes blurry and John walks into the room smirking.

Mary hisses and runs towards him only to be thrown across the room closer to Chloe.

Violet tries to stand only to kick back to ground. She bawls her fist up and growl but she is kicked again in the head.

Chloe screams, “Stop!”

John only smirks and gets on one knee turning Violet over to look at her wife and baby. He grabs her neck and whispers in the alpha ear, “Look you creature because this will be the last time you see your family.”

Chloe tries to use her magic but it was no use. She was weak. Violet looks at her and blinks. She than shakes her head no and sends a message through their link. Protect her. I love you.

Not even a second later John snaps Violet neck.

Chloe screamed out Violet name as she watches Violet body slowly slump to the ground. Chloe stares at her wife on the floor and then up at the man grinning over her, a twirl of emotions twisting her usually placid face, her breathing becomes ragged and rapid. A growl slips as she slowly lifts her head towards Mary.

Mary gasps falling back on the floor but she quickly gets up and grabs the crying baby out of Chloe arms.

John was grinning but he took a step back in reflex, surprise and apprehension showing on his face. Chloe’s eyes burned with the unmistakable dark anger and rightful vengeance of the Dark Side, her lips curling in a spine chilling sneer.

Olivia finally makes to the roof where she fines Anne and Victoria.

“Anne!” She screams. She was panicking.

 Anne and Victoria turns around looking at the blonde in only a t-shirt long enough to cover her private parts.

“We need your help!” Olivia hollers. “It’s Cassandra.”

Victoria gulps and runs out the door down the stairs following the quick blonde. Anne was right behind them and they both couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Cassandra body was resting in Riley arms. Blood was everywhere.

Riley looks up. She didn’t know what to do. “She was shot in the head.” Riley says. “I…You…Have to fix her.” Even though Cassandra was a pain in her ass the ex-hunter had grown to like Cassandra and plus Kimberly would be devastated if she found out Cassandra died.

Cassandra couldn’t die. She had Jessica to get back to. She had promised.

“How could you be so fucking careless?” Riley says down towards the witch.

“Move.” Victoria begins to move quickly. “Anne help me.” She cries. Anne comes and Victoria wipes her eyes making blood get all over her face.

“Healing spell.”

Anne touches Cassandra head and then says sadly, “Victoria she’s dead.”

“We can bring her back.” Victoria cries.

“I’m sorry but that’s only dark magic.” Anne whispers. “I’m sorry but we can’t bring her back.”

Victoria let out a burst of tears as she rocks Cassandra dead body in her arms.

Chloe throws the covers off of her and stands. She didn’t feel pain anymore all she felt was anger and vengeance.  Mary stepped back and her crew did the same as her; getting out of Chloe way.

“Go get Chloe!” Victoria says. “She can help!”

“She’s delivering…..”

“Go get her!”

Catherine was the first to stand. She rushes upstairs and into the room and cannot believe her eyes. She looks at her mother cradling a little baby in the corner and Violet body lying on the floor. Catherine glances towards John and then Chloe.

Catherine had entered on the other side of the room so that meant that John was too far away for her to attack. Catherine looks down at her mother and orders “Get the baby to safety.” Catherine then looks back up and whispers, “The Dark Side.”

Mary and her crew quickly scramble out the room and Catherine takes a step towards Chloe. Catherine had to help. Chloe could hurt anyone when she was in the Dark Side. She could quickly lose control and let the dark side take over.

“Chloe.” Catherine calls out soothingly, her hand rising in defense, ready to defend herself if it came to that. “Chloe take a deep breath and calm down.”

John takes this in. He has never fought a powerful witch such as Chloe. He tries to move towards the door but Chloe head flicks back his way. She steps forward and snarls, “He killed her!”

Catherine swallows. She looks down at Violet body. She thought the alpha was just hurt not dead. She bawls her fist up and hisses in anger.

Chloe steps closer and this time John tries to make a run for it but Chloe uses her magic to slam all the doors and windows in the room shut. The skin around her eyes becomes the color of blood turning her eyes cold, deadly full of hatred.

Catherine looks back and forth. Now she was trap. If Chloe took her revenge and still stayed in the Dark Side. She could possibly kill her afterwards and everyone in the mansion. Catherine remembers seeing the Dark Side for the first time back in Arlandira. Chloe the sweet, passionate, queen was no more. This was different. She was more powerful.

John turns around slowly and notices he will have to fight the witch. He grins happy that he brought his witch equipment along with him.

Chloe hand rises with menacing quickness; and John quickly deflects the magic. The power of the Dark Side slams violently into it; whipping Chloe midnight hair out of her face making her look even more fierce and deadly.

Chloe flicks her wrist and just like that the barrier that was deflecting her magic was gone.

“You think I will kill you with magic.” She speaks and this earns Catherine and John full attention. Her voice was low and dark. This was not Chloe. “You don’t deserve such pity. I will kill you with my bare hands.”

Before any of them could blink, Chloe made her move, her movements precise, deadly and too swift to register. When John mind finally acknowledge the danger, Chloe was already on him, her fist closed in a tight ball, connecting with his jaw with a stunning force.

His head snaps back blood splattering from his mouth; his feet slightly lifting from the ground with a heavy thud. However, he recovered quickly and scrambled trying to get back on his feet.

The enraged witch, however, was much faster and he was viciously thrown to the ground again with a violet kick that cracked his ribs.

“Master.” One of the soldiers runs in but the voice was not registering through the cloud of pain in John brain; his ribs were the only thing he could comprehend.

The soldier see’s the witch with darken eyes look his way. He gulps and tries to grab his gun only to be thrown out the room by the fierce magic. The soldier screams and hits the rail and falls over until he hits the first floor killing him instantly.

Riley had tackled Olivia out the way at the right moment when she saw one of the hunters falling from the third floor.

Olivia nods silently thanking Riley. Before any of them question anything they were rushing up the stairs.

John hair was grabbed from the top and Chloe yanks his head back before he could even defend himself. A knee connects with his jaw so hard that he almost gets knocked unconscious. A naked foot connects to his chest and he falls backwards.

John groans and then opens his eyes to only a blur image but from the weight on his chest he could tell that the dark witch was now straddling him, her hands balling into fists punching him directly in the face numerous times.

John grabs one of his electric weapons and connects it with Chloe body. Chloe sneers in pain and John takes this time to push her off of him. He stands quickly but Chloe was faster.

“Oh shit!” Catherine ducks covering her ears as she watches magic bounce off of her.

The air around them shifts violently from the force of the brutal magic, everything in the room begins to rumble and it hits John full force knocking him outside the door. He connects with the wooden rail with a loud slam; breaks it and sends him over the edge.

However, Chloe wasn’t through with him. Instead of John falling and dying he was lift in the air and unable to move.

Olivia and Riley finally make it up the steps but Olivia pulls Riley by her shirt pulling her back so Chloe would not see her.

“What the fuck!” Riley hisses but then holds her breath when she sees a Chloe floating out the room.

Chloe hair was thrown back and her eyes were dark and cold. She throws her hand out and Riley and Olivia watches John scream out in pain.

“The Dark Side.” Olivia mumbles. “Not good.”

Riley had never seen anything like this in her life. She was fucking scared shitless.

Olivia pulls her forward and points towards the room Chloe had just exited out of. Riley shake her head in disbelieve. “Hell no.” she says.

“Catherine may be in there.” Olivia stresses.

Riley nods her head and then they both slowly walk pass Chloe. When they enter the room they see the red head vampire crying over Violet dead body.

Catherine raises her head and then mumbles, “She want wake up.”

“Fuck! Not Violet too.” Riley bawls her fist up. She was pissed.

Olivia pulls the distress Catherine into her arms and whispers, “It’s okay.” She could feel her own tears falling.

John looks down and gulps. If he falls he is definitely a goner.

“You think I’m going to drop you!” The dark side speaks again and then throws her hands out and John screams again. Chloe sneers towards him and then they are face to face floating in air. Chloe grabs his head and John heart begins to beat rapidly. She was going to kill him the same way he killed her wife.

John glances in the eyes of the witch again and see nothing but darkness. He gulps and for the first time in his life he is petrified.

“Look hard.” The low voice sneers. “I will be the last person you see before your death.” With that Chloe yanks John head to the side with so much power that Catherine, Olivia, and Riley surely thought she was going to rip off his head; they sit there over Violet body and watches John body fall three floors down hitting the marble floor with so much force that it cracks underneath him.

Chloe turns around and then throws her hand out pinning Catherine, Riley and Olivia to the wall.

“Chloe.” Catherine tries. “We’re not your enemy. Let us go. You have to leave the dark side.”

Chloe sneers and says, “You are nothing to me. I have nothing.”

Chloe head snaps to the side when she sees another woman walking into the room holding a small little baby in her arms. Chloe blinks rapidly when she hears the baby crying.

“Mom no!” Catherine screams. “Stay back.”

Mary ignores her daughter and slowly steps towards the dark one and says, “She wants her mother.”

Chloe cocks her head to the side and when she looks upon the little baby with huge silver eyes she instantly grabs it. She looks down on the baby and gives it a small smile as the black and red finally leaves her eyes and reveals tired gray eyes.

“Shhh.” She whispers and then smiles when the baby girl finally stops speaking. “Shhh Silver.”

Chloe lets the tears fall from her eyes and then she mumbles, “Mommy would love you so much. Her name was Violet and she gave her life for yours.”

The baby girl wiggles in Chloe arms and then Chloe gives the baby back to Mary and walks towards Violet lifeless body.

She kneels and then lets her tears fall. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you.” She lays her head on Violet chest and says, “I love you so much!”

Chloe feels something in her bond and Violet body begins to glow. Violet body is lift in the air and Chloe eyes begins to glow.

When Chloe opens her eyes she notices she is in a different location. Somewhere in the woods maybe. She walks and then she cocks her head to the side when she sees her sister. “Cassandra?”

Cassandra smiles towards her and says, “Heard you may need some help.”

“You’re…No! You’re not dead.”

Cassandra sadly smiles and grabs Chloe hand and then explains, “With both of our powers combine when can bring Violet back.”

“Then you.” Chloe smiles.

“I don’t know about that Chloe.” Cassandra bites her lip. Her black hair falling over her shoulders hitting her white strapless white dress.

Chloe was about to protest but Cassandra shakes her head and then squeezes Chloe hands and closes her eyes. Chloe closes her eyes and then she is back in the room looking upon Violet body that is glowing and floating in the air.

Chloe looks to her right and sees her sister smiling at her. Cassandra touches Violet chest and Chloe follows and their hands glow yellow against Violet body. Chloe grins when she feels Violet heart beat underneath her chest.

Cassandra closes her eyes and Chloe blinks and they are back in the woods again. Cassandra hugs Chloe and then steps back and says, “Tell Jessica I love her.”

“Wait.” Chloe tries to grab her wrist but Cassandra shakes her head and slowly disappears. “No!” Chloe screams. “Come back. I need you both.”

Chloe blinks and she’s back in the room with a concern Violet looking at her.

Chloe laughs in disbelieve and pulls Violet into a hug. She kisses her hard as the tears fall from her eyes. “I love you so much.”

Violet pulls Chloe into another kiss and then asks, “Our baby.”

“She’s here.” Chloe smiles when Mary hands the little girl to Violet. Violet grins down at the little buddle in her arms.

“I named her Silver.” Chloe bites her lip. “I hope you like it.”

“I love it.” Violet smiles. “Hello Silver.”

Chloe then cries again.

“Hey baby what’s wrong.” Violet looks fully concerned.

“Cassandra is dead.” Chloe says. “She brought me to this different world where she helped me bring you back but she is dead.”

Violet bites her lip and they all walk downstairs to see Chloe mother crying over her daughter.

Violet and Chloe kneel next to the body. Violet gives the baby to Catherine not wanting Silver to see the blood. Chloe holds Violet hand tight and then Chloe puts her hand on Cassandra chest while Violet runs her hand through Cassandra hair.

Chloe and Violet wrist begins to glow and before they knew it. Cassandra head was healing and seconds later Cassandra eyes were open.

She lifts up and looks around frantic.

Chloe grins and pulls her sister into a hug. “I knew you would come back!”

“I didn’t.” Cassandra mumbles. “The others. I was about to walk into the portal that leads to the afterlife and then something began to pull me back and then I’m here.” Cassandra touches her body. “I’m alive. How?”

“I don’t know.” Chloe smiles and pulls her sister in a hug. “But you’re here!” Catherine brings the baby over and Cassandra stands and asks, “It’s that the baby.”

“Yes.” Chloe grins. “This is Silver.”

“Silver Cassandra Randers.” Violet finishes.

Cassandra grins and grabs the little baby with silver eyes. Cassandra laughs at the irony. Violet and now Silver.

Violet brothers walk in with some of the pack members. “It’s over.” Scott says his chest heaving up and down.

Violet grins and then looks around at her family.


Rue rushes through the portal because she was used to it but the others slowly walked through. They all was nervous when Anne came she didn’t answer any questions. Living in Arlandira was interesting. Things were very different but everyone was nice however some looked at them oddly.

Jessica and Kimberly slept in one room in the same bed because Jessica couldn’t stop crying. She was very nervous and she just felt has if something was wrong. So Kimberly was there for her.

Rue knew that Amber was scared so she took Amber around Arlandria showing her all the awesome spots to play at. However, even though she was buying Amber candy and sweets the little girl wouldn’t cheer up but Rue didn’t give up and when it was time for bed she and Amber snuck out and Rue took her to a special place.

It was a where all the witches in Arlandria went at night to practice their magic. The only difference was they didn’t fight they just moved gracefully making beautiful colorful swirls. That was the first smile Amber made that entire trip. Rue only squeezed her hand and began explaining why the elders did it.

“Mommy!” Rue screams running into her parents arm.

Seconds later the others walked through the portal and Jessica was the first to run into Cassandra arms. Cassandra kissed Jessica and then groans when she hits a sensitive spot. “Oh baby I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Cassandra shrugs and then pulls Jessica back into her. “I’ve missed you.”

Riley swaggers towards a blushing Kimberly and smirks, “Hello love.”

Kimberly wraps her hand around Riley neck and replies, “Hello tiger.”

Catherine walks into the room with a fussing baby in her arms. She stares at it weirdly and says, “I can’t handle this.”

Olivia laughs and then kisses Catherine forehead. “She is just hungry. You would be a great mom.”

“Then why does she cry every time I hold her.” Catherine pouts.

Olivia kisses her and then Cassandra grabs the baby. “My turn.” She grins down at Silver and says in her baby voice, “Tell them that you cry because you want your best Auntie to hold you.”

Catherine rolls her eyes and says, “Whatever I’m still the God mother.”

“Yeah. So.”  Cassandra smirks. “She was named after me.”

Catherine hisses but before she could speak Olivia grabs her hips and bites her ear lobe making Catherine think of other things.

Jessica looks at the baby and smiles, “You had her.”

Chloe blushes and says, “It was the magic.”

“Mommy.” Rue asks. “That’s my little sister.”

“Yes that is.”

Violet picks Rue up so she can see the baby Cassandra was holding. “What’s her name?”

“Her name is Silver.”

“Silver.” Rue smiles. “I’m your big sister. Better than Auntie Cassandra and Catherine.”

Cassandra frowns, “Hey!”

Rue giggles as she plays with the baby tiny fingers.


Violet walks into her and Chloe currently bedroom and watches Chloe sing to the baby. She watches as the huge baby eyes looks her way and then begin to wiggle. Violet laughs and picks her daughter up and plays with her fingers.

Chloe kisses Violet cheek and says, “You’re putting her to sleep.”

Violet smirks and then says in her baby tone, “Tell mommy we don’t want to sleep.”

The baby looks back at her and then makes a small giggle. “See baby she agrees with me.”

Chloe only rolls her eyes and then says sternly, “Come to bed the both of you.”

Violet does as her wife says and she puts the baby down softly and mumbles, “I love you Silver.”

Silver yawns and then Chloe smiles as she sees her daughter trying to fight off her sleep. “Stubborn just like your mother.” Chloe says running her finger through the curly brunette hair.

“Beautiful just like your mother.” Violet kisses Silver forehead and then her wife and says, “I love you.”


 Violet and the others stare at the white mansion that was now being rebuilt.

“How long will this take.” She asks Riley who hired the men.

“They say a couple of months.” Riley replies. “But that doesn’t count with the painting and furniture.”

“Where the hell are we going to sleep?” Catherine yawns. “I need a break. Mom keeps barging in on me and Olivia.”

Chloe yawns also because Silver has been making a big fuss. She’s two weeks old now and she did have strong lungs.

Cassandra smirks and then says, “Well I have a solution.”

“What is that?” Violet arches her eyebrow.

“Well we are rich.” Cassandra laughs. “Let’s just travel for a few months and then come back. I heard you never been to Rome before and I would love to see Hawaii and maybe get a cabin in Canada and also we could visit California first. I heard they had some awesome roller coasters and think about all the sex we can have. Without parents disturbing.” Cassandra winks towards Olivia and Catherine.

Violet grins and then asks pouting at her wife, “Can we please take a trip.”

“And where will Silver go.”

“With us of course. I can’t be away from her too long but it would be great to get away.”

Chloe bites her lip and then look around at her family. “Fine.”

Violet kisses her deeply. “We leave tomorrow.”

“First destination New York.” Cassandra grins.

Chloe only smiles as she watches her friends laugh and joke. She love all them so much and no one could ever break them apart.

The End

Thanks for reading. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed it too. :)


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