Lost Boy 2: Return To Neverla...

De aussie_direction

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❝Come back... Come back to Neverland❞ ❝What's Neverland?❞ Mais

1. Love
2. Be Our Guest
3. Almost There
4. True Love's Kiss (M)
5. Someone's Waiting For You
6. Son of Man
7. Endless Night
9. I'm Still Here
10. He Mele No Lilo
11. Upendi
12. I Wanna Be Like You
13. Forget About Love
14. I'll Try
15. Little Black Rain Cloud
16. Look Through My Eyes
17. Little Patch Of Heaven
18. So Close
19. You've Got A Friend In Me
20. Here Beside Me
21. Be Prepared
22. Candle on the Water
23. Poor Unfortunate Souls
24. You Can Fly
The End.

8. Looking For Romance

4.1K 291 270
De aussie_direction

8. Looking for Romance (From "Bambi")

I bring you a song in the hope that you'll see, when you're looking at me, that I'm looking for love


Harry groaned, squeezing his eyes closed as he rolled over in bed. He absentmindedly reached out to grab his boyfriend, but was met with a handful of sheets.

Keeping his eyes closed, Harry sighed, realising Louis wasn't in the bed with him. As he woke up, he also realised he wasn't feeling so well.

His head ached, and there was an upset feeling in the pits of his stomach. Like he was going to be sick. And he hated it.

He buried his head in the pillow, willing the feelings of sickness away so he could drift back off to sleep, but before he knew it, he was feeling even worse.

He lifted his head and squinted at the clock, it read only 8-something A.M. but Harry couldn't read the rest because he was shooting up from the bed and making a bee-line for the bathroom.

He pushed the blankets out of the way quickly as his head spun, crawling off the bed as his stomach cramped and Harry began to panic.

He covered his mouth with one hand, and placed the other on his stomach as the sickening feeling rose up his throat uncontrollably. Harry hated vomit, and tried his hardest to never get sick like that, because it made him upset, and he'd usually cry.

But there was no stopping this one.

He fell to his knees in front of the toilet just in time to empty the contents of his stomach into the bowl, heaving as he clutched the sides of the white seat.

He was shaking as he was sick, his forehead becoming sticky with sweat as he tried to hold his hair out of the way.

Usually, Louis was there to hold it for him, rubbing his back soothingly and whispering sweet-nothings into his ear to make him feel better, but Harry was alone.

His mind drifted to the emptiness of the bed, and the unknown whereabouts of his boyfriend as he tried to think of where he could be.

It wasn't a work day for either of them, so he wouldn't be with the team and as far as Harry knew, Louis didn't have any errands to run, so he was beginning to become quite confused.

The last thing the two of them had been taking about, was Louis' family, and Harry remembered, clear as day, how upset the boy had been. Louis had promised he would come to bed when he was finished thinking about everything and calming down, maybe he had just fallen asleep on the couch.

"Louis-" He tried to call out, but his voice was hoarse, and before he could finish the word, he was being sick again.

He had no idea why he was so ill, and he had no idea where his boyfriend was, and he was becoming more and more dazed and confused. He leant backwards on the glass of the shower, resting his head in his hands as he took a few deep breaths, and jerked forward again to be sick.

"L-Lou-" He sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks as the taste alone made him cringe.

He hated it, he absolutely hated it and the one person who knew how to make it all better, wasn't there.

So once Harry was sure he was done being sick, he shakily got to his feet, pushing his hair out of his face. He looked at himself in the mirror, and he didn't seem too pale.

He didn't think he'd eaten anything bad either, so he wasn't quite sure what was making him so ill. It was probably a bug he'd caught or something.

So he gingerly took a facewasher from their cabinet, and wet it a little before running it over his face, trying to make himself feel a little better. He then poured himself a glass of water and washed out his mouth, before venturing out of their bedroom and bathroom to find Louis.

He peered into the hallway, to find it quiet, before having a look in the kitchen. It was empty, so he made his way into the living room, expecting to find Louis asleep on the couch, except he wasn't.

Harry searched the whole rest of the apartment, until he came to the realisation that Louis wasn't there in their apartment.

So Harry resigned himself to bed, only stopping by the kitchen for a cup of tea before he went back to sleep. Once he flicked the kettle on, he noticed a note on their kitchen bench.

H, I've gone out for just a moment, but I promise I'll be back soon. I love you. Louis xx

Harry frowned as he read it, assuming Louis had written it before he left at some point during the morning. Harry found it a little weird that he'd been up and awake before 8 in the morning, but didn't pay much attention to it. Louis must have just gone out to get something from the corner shop, he'd surely be back soon.

So Harry made his cup of tea, and trudged back to the bedroom. It was only then, that he realised Louis' side of the bed had still been perfectly made. Louis never made the bed, meaning it hadn't been touched since Harry had made it the previous morning. The younger boy frowned again, before climbing back into bed and sending his boyfriend a text.

It was better to be safe.

However, once he pressed the send button, he heard Louis' phone ding from the living room, indicating that he'd left his mobile behind, which was quite odd. Louis never went anywhere without it.

So Harry was left with no choice but to wait for him to come home.


Harry had drifted off to sleep for a few more hours, before being woken by his phone ringing. It was a friend of his, Cara, asking if they were still on for lunch.

Harry had completely forgotten about their plans, and rushed to get ready before dashing out of the house to meet her.

That was how he found himself sitting at a café with one of his best friends, worrying his ass off about his missing boyfriend.

"Haz, calm down." Cara cooed, resting her hands over his. "He's probably just gone to the store and got caught up or something. Don't worry, he'll be home before you know it."

"I know," Harry sighed. "M'just worried about him."

"I know, love." Cara chuckled, before leaning back. "Hey, let's order yeah? We can talk about something else."

"Um yeah, good idea." Harry agreed with a small smile, opening his menu. "I don't really feel like much, I was ill this morning."

"Oh?" Cara's eyebrows crinkled in worry. "You eat something odd?"

"I don't think so..." Harry drawled. "M'not quite sure what it was, really. Probably nothing."

"Let's hope." Cara agreed. "What are you thinking of eating, H?"

"I don't know." Harry chuckled, glad for the change of topic. "Nothing with eggs though. I smelt some before as the waitress walked past and nearly gagged."

"I thought you loved eggs?" Cara laughed too, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"I do!" Harry laughed with her. "It's so odd. I don't know what's wrong with me today."

Cara shook her head as the waitress came back over, ready to take their orders.

"I'll have a cappuccino and some French toast." Cara told her, handing the girl her menu, before they both turned to Harry.

"Um, I'll have a decaf vanilla spice Chai Latte, but with Soy milk please," Cara rolled her eyes at that, but Harry simply kicked her under the table to get her to shut up. "And some toast, with pickles and sliced bananas on top? If that's okay? Maybe a hash brown on the side as well. Ooo and a small blueberry pancake too please." He finished with a grin, as Cara tried not to laugh out loud.

The waitress gave him an odd look, before taking his menu too and assuring them their food wouldn't be long, before she left them alone.

"Pickles?" Cara asked when she finally got to double over, laughing like a maniac. "Hash browns, AND a pancake? What the hell happened to your Kale Power-Shakes?"

"M'Hungry." Harry shrugged, and Cara looked at him again, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"For deep fried, unhealthy shit?" She asked. "You're really not feeling like yourself today, are you?"

"Maybe it's the baby," Harry rolled his eyes with a smirk, as Cara let out a long breath. "Hey! That rhymed!"

"Dork." Cara said under her breath as Harry continued to grin at her.

Cara had been the first person Harry told when he and Louis started trying a week before, being his best friend and all.

Harry had been joking to her about being pregnant for a while, but Cara knew better than to believe him. The boy was simply being an idiot, joking around, considering he had no definitive proof that he was actually pregnant.

It was wishful thinking, as Harry had put it. Thinking positively so that maybe it would happen faster.

He hadn't even taken a pregnancy test yet, he was just being silly and making jokes. Typical Harry.

"Have you even taken a pregnancy test yet?" Cara asked.

"No." Harry shook his head. "I was going to wait until it had been a week or something."

"Hasn't it been a week?" Cara asked, and Harry nodded in realisation.

"Yeah, about a week." Harry agreed. "Do you think I should?"

"Yes." Cara nodded. "Isn't that the point?"

"True," Harry laughed. "Maybe I'll buy a few on the way home."

"Okay." Cara agreed, right as their coffees arrived.

"Um, sir?" The waitress asked as she put Harry's coffee in front of him. "We don't have any pickles. Do you mind if we leave them off?"

"Sure." Harry smiled at her before she scurried off the to kitchen, leaving Cara laughing at her best friend again as she sipped her coffee.

"What?" Harry asked.

"You're insane." She commented. "And an embarrassment to eat with."

"You love me though." Harry shrugged, sipping his own drink.



A few hours later, and Harry was sitting on his bed, feeling at least 20 times better than he had been that morning. The feeling of sickness had subsided, but in its face, he felt nerves.

Louis still wasn't back, and he was beginning to worry. He had called a few of their friends, asking if they'd seen him, even his mum, but no one had. They all said not to worry, that he'd be back soon.

Harry wanted to believe them but something felt off about the whole situation.

And adding to that, Harry had just taken a pregnancy test and was waiting for the timer to run out so he could see the results.
He'd taken 3, just to be sure, and had been waiting for some time now, patiently sitting on the edge of the bed.

His lunch with Cara was a nice distraction, but being home alone again and brought him back to a state of sadness over Louis' unexplained absence.

Louis was supposed to be there with him. Louis was supposed to excitedly squeeze his hand while they waited. They were supposed to joke about genders and names for the baby, but Harry was alone, and confused.

The sound of the timer jerked Harry from his thoughts, as he quickly turned it off and went into the bathroom.

He took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling before bracing himself to look down at the three sticks, all of them facing downwards on the edge of the sink.

He carefully reached forward, and turned over the first one.


Harry's breath hitched, as he felt tears forming in his eyes, slowly turning over the second one.


He bit his lip, willing the tears not to fall as he reached out for the final stick.


It was only then, that Harry let out a sob, covering his mouth with a hand as he stared at the three tests in his hand.

Positive. He was positively pregnant.

He smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. He and Louis were having a baby, and more than anything, he needed Louis to be there with him, holding his hand and kissing him and telling him how excited he was about their baby. Their baby.

Harry stumbled out of the bathroom and flopped backwards onto the bed, unbelievably happy.

He was so excited to have a baby, and he just couldn't wait to tell Louis, and his happiness in that moment was far too great to be overshadowed as he smiled, and rested a hand over his stomach. Over his baby.

He wasn't sure where Louis was, but he was sure he'd be back soon. He promised he would be.

He was feeling, all of a sudden, much more positive that Louis was okay and everything was going to be okay because his dream had just come true.

He was pregnant. With Louis' baby. His one true love's baby. Everything was as it should be, and even if Louis wasn't there at that moment, he would surely be soon.

He would be home any second, and everything was good and amazing and okay.

Harry bit his bottom lip, giggling to himself as he wiped the tears from his face and replaced his hands over his tummy.

He was pregnant. And Louis was going to be okay, wherever he was.

Everything was perfect. He just couldn't wait to tell his boyfriend their incredibly happy news.






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