The Girl He Saved

By saracha-sauce

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Mina, a 15 year-old girl, is never really noticed by anyone. Her father left Mina and her mother when she was... More

Introduction/ About the Author
Chapter 1. My Savior
Chapter 2. He Came to Me
Chapter 3. My Friend
Chapter 4. Meeting Cana
Chapter 5. Confession
Chapter 6. Her Reply
Chapter 7. A New Friend
Chapter 9. A Day Out
Chapter 10. First Date
Chapter 11. Our Quarrel
Chapter 12. Hospital
Chapter 13. Christmas
Chapter 14. Is This Fate?
Chapter 15. Please Don't Leave Me!
Chapter 16. Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 17. My Dark Secret
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. Second Date Part 1
Chapter 20. Second Date Part 2
Chapter 21. Test
Chapter 22. Importance
Chapter 23. Confessions
A/N (Not an official update)
Chapter 24. Secret's Out
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 8. Roomates??

721 31 5
By saracha-sauce

Mina's POV

Bring! Bring! Bring!

The final bell of the day sounded and I made my way to the front entrance of the school to meet Sora. We always meet up at the front entrance at the end of the day so we can walk back home together.

"Hi Sora!" I exclaimed as I got closer to him.

"Hey Mina. So, how was your day?" he asked while smiling at me.

"Well, you know that girl I helped before with the fight? Well she's my friend now and she's super nice! Maybe you two can talk more sometime," I was so happy I had another friend that I could talk to at school.

"Yeah, Cana's first impression is really good. She's so nice, I can't wait to get to know her better!" he replied.

We walked home together and chatted a bit until I realized there weren't any people around us anymore. I gazed down at Sora's free hand to my left.

'Should I grab it and see what he does? But, what if he jerks away from me? That'll just be sad... But, what if he doesn't?' I thought, pondering to myself furiously.

I made my decision to do it. I slowly reached out my hand to his. I gently grabbed it and he jolted.

"Wha??" he said as he turned to look at me. His eyes were as big as saucers.

"I-I'm sorry Sora," I said, looking away and pulling my hand back. I reached my hand up to block my blush from his sight. I felt like I was about to cry.

'Why did I have to do that?? Worst mistake I've ever made,' I thought, nearly crying. I started walking a bit faster.

"N-no! Wait, Mina! I'm sorry, that just really surprised me! I really didn't expect you to do that. I'm sorry..." his voice started trailing off.

I could tell that he was truly sorry, but I didn't want to face him. I kept on walking.

"Wait, please, look at me, Mina," he spoke quietly.

I couldn't. I couldn't face him, so I just stopped. He walked up and stopped in front of me as I looked down at my feet.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why won't you look at me? I'm sorry, ok?" he spoke to me in a gentle voice.

I finally looked up at him after a few seconds. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey now, don't cry!" he said frantically as he wiped my tears away with his thumb. He wiped all of my tears away and wrapped his arms around me to pull me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, there's no need to cry. I didn't mean to pull away from you, you just startled me."

We stayed in the tight, yet comfortable, hug for a few more seconds. I even wrapped my own arms around him. I rested my head in the crook of his neck. But, he didn't care, even though tears still came falling down. I wasn't mad anymore, but happy. I was happy it was just a mistake.

"Let's go back, alright?" I asked. My tears finally began to die down a bit.

"Yeah," he replied as he pulled away from the hug. He held out his hand for me to grab. So, I smiled and I took his hand.

Sora's POV

*At Mina's apartment*

"Well, see you tomorrow Mina? I'll meet you downstairs at 8:15, like usual," I said as I searched my pocket for my house key.

"Yeah, I'll see you then! Bye Sora!" Mina smiled and replied.

'What a gentle and beautiful smile...' I thought.

"Bye!" I smiled back and unlocked the door.

I walked inside my apartment and took off my shoes and set my stuff down. I looked over at the digital clock that read 5:37.

"Already 5:37?? I guess I better start cooking dinner then. I am starving after all," I muttered to myself as I walked over to the kitchen. I took out some plain white rice and some curry sauce from the pantry and got two pots from the cabinet.

I set both pots on the counter. I turned around so that I could get the measuring cup, but as I turned, my elbow bumped the smaller pot and it fell on the floor. The kitchen had tile, so when the pot came into collision with the floor, there was a loud bang.

'You don't know loud until you hear a small pot fall four feet onto tile floor!' I thought as I bent down to pick it up. My hand slipped on the handle and the pot fell to the floor again, 'Why am I so clumsy today??'

Mina's POV

I set my stuff down and got out my textbook so that I could do my homework when I heard the loudest bang I've ever heard. It came from Sora's other side of the wall, so I rushed out the door and rang his doorbell. I didn't even bother to slip my shoes on.

'Come on! Answer already!!' I thought anxiously, hoping he wasn't hurt.

The door opened as Sora answered it. "Mina?? What're you doing here?" he asked.

"Well, I heard a loud crash coming from your place and I was wondering if you were alright!" I said.

"Oh... Yeah, I was just getting some pots out so I could make some curry for dinner tonight. But I seem to be a bit clumsy today, so I bumped the pot and it fell on the tile."

"Oh, your parents don't cook your dinner for you?" I asked.

"Umm, well... My mother passed away from cancer when I was a little kid. And my father is in England with his new wife, but I didn't approve of her, so I moved here by myself," he sounded a bit sad.

"I-I'm sorry Sora. I didn't know. My father abandoned my mom and I when I was small. So, my mom has to work almost non-stop. She's rarely even home because she's always on work trips around the world. I don't even know where she is right now," I replied. Just thinking of my dad made me so angry!!

"Wow... So I guess we both live alone, huh?" he asked. He sounded a little sympathetic, but I wasn't really sure why.

"Yeah. So, since you're clumsy today, want me to cook that curry for you? I'm actually a really good cook!"

"A-are you sure? It's ok if it's too much trouble! You don't have to!!" he assured.

"I wouldn't offer if it was too much trouble, silly!" I said while smiling and giggling a little.

"Alright then, Mina!" he said, opening the door a little more and inviting me in.

I walked inside and guided myself to the kitchen. It was right by the door, so it didn't take any exploring to find it. I picked up the rice box and started reading the instructions on how to cook it properly. I filled the pot with three cups of water and put it on high to let it boil. I filled the smaller pot with the curry and put it on medium heat.

"Do you have anything to stir the food with, Sora?" I asked.

"Umm, yeah. Let me get it for you," Sora walked over and started digging through one of the light brown wooden drawers. He pulled out two large black plastic spoons. "Are these good?" he asked, showing me the spoons.

"Yeah, they're fine!" I said, taking the spoons. "Now, can you get two plates for me please?"

"Yeah, no problem!" he said as he came right behind me and reached up to the cabinet on the wall. He got two large white plates out and set them on the counter. I pushed myself against the drawers, trying to not have my behind touch his... Uhh... Parts.

"Y-you could've asked me to move out of the way you know..." I said, trying to sound a little mad, but I know I failed clearly since he laughed. I blushed.

"It wouldn't be any fun that way though!" he said playfully and stuck his tongue out at me while smiling.

"Hmph," I turned back to the stove. The water in the big pot was boiling, so I turned the heat down to medium and poured some rice in, "Do you mind if I eat some too?"

"No, you can eat some. It's the least I could do for you cooking it!"

I poured some extra rice in the pot and started stirring.

After a while, both the curry and rice were ready. I poured them separately on each plate and started walking over to the table. I had to walk slow so that the food wouldn't spill on the floor.

"Hey, Mina? Are we, umm... Dating each other now?" Sora asked out of the blue.

I was so surprised that I tripped on the rug that was on the tatami mat near the table. The curry spilled on both the tatami mat and the rug.

"GAHHH!!! Omg I'm so sorry Sora!! I-I'll clean it up right away!! I'm so sorry!!!!" I got up and ran over to the kitchen to get some paper towels.

"Pfft. Haha... BAHAHAHA!!! Mina... That, was amazing!! Haha," Sora said in between laughs.

I blushed, "Wha? It's your fault of course! What's with the question?? Of course we're dating now, I mean, we both confessed our love. We held hands on our way home after you comforted me. And, here I am cooking for you! Or, was."

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry. I'll help clean it up." He bent down beside me and started soaking up the curry with paper towels.

"Oh no! The curry stained the tatami and rug! I'm so sorry! Wait... Is that? A hole?? The curry burned a hole in the tatami!" I couldn't hold my laughter this time and started laughing.

"Haha. I'll go down and get the apartment manager to come up and look at it, alright? You stay here and finish cleaning it up," he said.

"Alright," I replied.

By the time Sora came up with Ms. Takeda, the apartment manager, the mess was all cleaned up. Well, mostly. There were still a few stains and that darn HOLE.

"Oh, wow. Yeah, I'm sorry Mr. Usui, this will take some time to repair! We'll have to take off this whole area of tatami to make sure nothing underneath was ruined. But the curry may have soaked into the tatami mat and spread inside. We'll have to replace this whole room's floor. Maybe two-three months?" Ms. Takeda explained to us.

"Who knew curry could be so problematic..." I muttered to myself.

"Ms. Yamanaka, would Mr. Usui be able to crash at your apartment for the time being? I'll be sure to cut down your rent cost a little, but you'll still have to pay the bills," Ms. Takeda asked me.

"Ehh?? Well, uhh. I guess. When does he have to be out of this apartment by?" I asked. I was a little worried. A guy and girl sharing an apartment together? And we're dating too!

'Who knows what will happen??'

"Hmm, I would prefer tomorrow evening. But since you two have school, I'd say Friday evening. This gives you tonight and two days to move everything out of this room that can be moved. Take it to Ms. Yamanaka's or shove it into another room, it doesn't matter," Ms. Takeda replied.


Umm... So, yeah. That happened.

Sorry I haven't published in a while. I've been quite tired from Thanksgiving and going back to school after a week. My knees somehow got out of shape over Thanksgiving break, I don't even know how. So, it hurts sometimes when I walk. It's getting colder out, and I'm pretty sure I get more sleepy when it's cold.

I'll try to publish tomorrow too. I'll work on it when I can at school.

Wow, 162 views?? Tell me what you think of my book so far! Remember, GIVE ME IDEAS!!! Non professional writers get writer's block too ya know! A lot of you people reading this now would like to see more chapters, right? And you probably have really interesting minds too!! So, the more ideas I have, the longer my story will be.

Btw, go read Kojima_Isami  PinkSparkelz6  and kcupcake95 's stories!! They're really good so far!:)

(Sorry, had to advertise for them cuz they're some of my best friends!)

~Sara XOXO

Edited - 3/5/2016 (You readers are lucky I'm doing this for you. I seriously put "grappled" instead of "grabbed"... And OMG SO MANY MISTAKES. DO I EVEN READ THESE THINGS???)
Re-edited - 6/2/2016

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