Girls of faith: Judge me not

By Noelailenid

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Book one of the girls of Faith series. Aubri is a teen girl living in the "ghetto" part of an Arizona city. L... More

Girls of faith: Judge me not
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part eight

Part seven

841 78 13
By Noelailenid

Monday Morning I dress in Beige shorts and a White button down, pulling my hair in a side pony tail. I hear my phone ring from across the room.  I dash to answer it.

"Hello?" I say not looking at the called id because I assume its Trina.

"I'm picking you up in ten minutes." Ricardos Voice flows through the line

"Ricky, Marcos giving me a ride, like he always does." I tell him slowly and a little bit nervously.

"I want to drive you to school. We need to talk anyway."

"Um. Okay fine. I'll be outside then/" I mumble. Not really trying to argue with him.

Mine and Trinas "Operation leave the Gang" plan is not off to a good start though.

I wait outside for Ricardo, because he does not like waiting for me. He pulls up next to me and  I get in a little nervously. The first few minutes are silent and a bit awkward. He finally clears his throat and begins to speak.

"So I heard you showed up to that little dance on Friday with Colt." He states

"I did." I openly admit.

"Aubri, I'm not gonna sit here and play a bunch of childish games with you this year. Just because your a cheerleader doesn't make you any better and doesn't mean your one of them."

" I don't think that."

"Regardless of what you think you need to stay away from Colt."

"No!" I state wit affirmation and newly discovered boldness. " I like Colt. Were good friends. You cant control who I'm friends with."

"Do you really think some rich white boy is gonna fall for a girl like you? Your mistaken. Girl this isn't a fairytale."

"Whats wrong with me wanting more for myself then this lifestyle?"

"Because, your born with what you deserve. who are you to go trying to change the structure of life?"

"Ricky, do you really think that's how God works? That he would determine what we deserve in life? God wants nothing but the best for us."

"Look Aubri, all things aside, you are mine. Don't make things worse by messing around with that white boy." He says finalizing the conversation and getting out the car.  I stay in there a few minutes to recollect myself. I pull out my phone to see I have four text messages and three missed calls from Trina. great.

I ignore them and head straight to my first period class where Trina is already waiting for me.

"Hello where have you been?" She asked a little frantic

"Ricardo picked me up." I state simply.

"Uh oh."

"Uh ohs right. Hes mad. He doesn't want me around Colt. He says I'm his."

"Break up with him.""Trina you can't break up with him if theres no relationship to break apart in the first place. Were not together. He just claimed me as his. Trina we've discussed this before! I can't deal with this."

"Woah dude calm down. We will figure something out. I promise. Your supposed to be the strong one here."

"Strong? What does that even mean."  I scoff angrily as the bell rings and kids start filing into the classroom. I groan as I realize I left my work in my locker. Oh well.

"Strong means you have the power of God all over you. So use it. You've been blessed to be the stronger one here. So use this blessing and build yourself a better life. It all starts here."

"Okay. I'm willing to try. I am. But this is a hard journey Trina."

"That's why your not alone. Okay."

"Sit down before we get in trouble." I motion to her seat ignoring her last comment.

In English I wait patiently for Colt to arrive. He smiles when he sees me and sits in the desk next to me.

"Hey beautiful." He greets with a simple head nod.

I feel a blush rise to my cheeks, something that Ricardo has never done. Ever. I shake off the butterfly feeling in my stomach that he gave me. ugh.

"Class today you have the whole period to work on your projects. try to work quietly in your partners. I have a headache so please try not to ask much." She takes a seat in her black spinning chair behind her desk and everyone quietly shuffles to there partners and pulls out pieces of papers and blue ink pens.

"I need to talk to you." I state point blank to colt. He turns his desk to face mine.

"Course. Whats up?"

"First off, what are your intentions with our relationship?"

"Well, I really like you a lot, so I would like to see our relationship grow. But I also believe in having a God based relationship, so if your asking about that, I keep God at the center of any relationship, So I guess I'm looking to have a relationship of the romantic kind that glorifies God at the same time. Does that make sense?'

"Perfect sense." I mumble distantly thinking about his answer. Like could it be anymore perfect? No body is going to make this easy.


"So whats gonna happen when your not accepted by my family?"

"I'll learn to deal. God teaches us we won't get accepted by everyone in life. We just gotta keep our heads up and keep looking forward. you can't let the little things in life pull you down. Besides our greater reward is in heaven. Who cares what anyone here thinks."

"Okay. You know Ricardo is going to make this extremely difficult on both of us. I don't even wanna get into anything if you can't handle it."

"If its for you, I could handle just about anything."

"Last, How serious are you about this. Because I'm not gonna go through all this if in six months you decide you can't handle it or your not longer interested or find someone better. I need a long term commitment. And most guys don't want to commit. So if you don't want to that's fine. But tell me now before I destroy society.'

"Aubri, you've been stuck with me since the first day of school. And your gonna be stuck with me till the end of time. I decided that a long time ago to. I'm not gonna start anything if its not serious either."

"Okay. Then I guess I'm gonna rock the social pyramid and destroy societies outlook on how relationships should go here."

"You know this is the only place I've been to where they don't believe in interracial dating."

"I find that hard to believe."

"In fact next weekend I'm taking you somewhere to show you." He smiles at me and I roll my eyes because I find it hard to believe.



Sorry I've been so slacky lately.  I hope you guys like it though!





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