You make me smile :)

By AnkitaGr8

3.1K 121 45

Samantha Peterson, better known as Sam, is the walking-talking example of a 'mean girl' who does what she fee... More

CHAPTER-1: Pilot
CHAPTER-2: Who said partying was fun?!
CHAPTER-3: The "hate" at first sight
CHAPTER-4: The "Deadly Confrontation"
CHAPTER-5: While she was asleep...
CHAPTER-6: The 'sweet mistake'
CHAPTER-7: Every girl doesn't fall for superman!
CHAPTER 8: The 'Nightmarish' Reality
CHAPTER-9: False Pretences
CHAPTER-10: Sleep Deprived
CHAPTER-11: Bestfriends
CHAPTER-12: The sleepover
CHAPTER-13: The Phonecall
CHAPTER-15: A crazy day
CHAPTER-16: Daddy Issues
CHAPTER-17: The love at first flight!
CHAPTER-18: The German Holiday

CHAPTER-14: The unwanted help

101 4 0
By AnkitaGr8

"So, you're saying that your father's wife, who is as old as you are, calls you up just out of the blue to tell you that your father is missing...or maybe dead? Well, that's a lot to take in, isn't it Annabell? " said the girl who was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, while sipping some of the juice that Sam had offered her.

Anna felt like scratching her eyes out, but she wasn't very good at PDA (Public Display of Anger)! So she smiled at the 'blonde backstabber', as that's what she called her back in high school, and stood at the very farthest opposite end of the room with her arms crossed.

"Yes. Jo. That's a lot to take in for us, not for you. As we all know that your extraordinary skills at scheming have no bounds, we would love to have some help from your side." said Sam, calmly but curtly.

"What's in it for me? Everyone's well aware of the fact that I'm no philanthropist! " said the girl, raising an eyebrow.

"We know that. So we are offering you a deal. Do you remember Ally Grey, the girl who stole your boyfriend in high school and still managed to get into Stanford University where you couldn't get in, even after loads of scheming?" asked Anna, refreshing the girl's wounds.

"Yes! What about her?" she asked while sitting up straight to listen to the rest of the deal that Anna was about to offer.

 "Well, she happens to be working at my dad's firm. If I put in a word, then daddy dear won't think twice before firing her." said Anna, slowly and wickedly walking towards the girl.

"So, Joanna Frederickson, what is it going to be - regret or revenge?" asked Anna, looking straight into Jo's eyes.

Her words took Jo by surprise as Anna was never the wicked one. Sam was still in shock to see her best friend turn into her worst nightmare.

"Done! Annabell, why couldn't I see this side of yours when we were in school? We would have made a great team!" said Jo, shaking Anna's hand in awe of the person standing right in front of her.

"Oh yes we would've!" said Anna, as seriously as she could possibly be.

Sam knew that very second that Anna was bluffing and that her best friend was safe and secure inside the conniving woman that Anna was pretending to be.

"I'll get onto it right away!" said Jo, preparing to leave.

"Joanna, just remember that money isn't an issue. Do what you have to do, okay?" said Sam, while Anna handed over a huge stack of cash to Jo.

 Jo put the cash in her glamorous branded handbag and left.

"What were you saying Anna? You'd get that Ally girl fired just to hold of some information on my missing father, who has been MIA anyway? You're not going to do anything as stupid as that, are you?" asked Sam, one Jo was out of her house.

"You know I won't, she doesn't! Anyway that backstabber needs to learn a lesson or two, but her resources are valuable to us at this point of time. You have got to clear your head Sam, you have questions about your dad that need to be answered! I can't see you in denial anymore." said Anna, her voice  becoming softer and sadder by the end of the sentence.

Sam didn't say a word. She just opened her arms and wrapped them around her best friend. Anna hugged her back tightly and the two friends said everything to each other without saying a word.

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