The Venantium Auallonia Trilo...

By prettyoddGal

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This is the continuation from Summer Tide. As always, commentary and rating of the story is welcome. This sto... More

Chapter 1: Requiem
Chapter 2: Second Chances
Chapter 3: The Water's Edge
Chapter 4: The Nightmare
Chapter 5: Mad Or Sane
Chapter 6: Moral Wounds
Chapter 7: A Fool's Dance
Chapter 9: Spirit Walk
Chapter 10: Beautiful Stranger
Chapter 11: Passion
Chapter 12: Ave Maria
Chapter 13: No Light, No Light

Chapter 8: What the Water Gave Me

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By prettyoddGal

"It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner that they hurt us by their crude violence, their absolute incoherence, their absurd want of meaning, their entire lack of style. They affect us just as vulgarity affects us. They give us an impression of sheer brute force, and we revolt against that. Sometimes, however, a tragedy that possesses artistic elements of beauty crosses our lives. If these elements of beauty are real, the whole thing simply appeals to our sense of dramatic effect. Suddenly we find that we are no longer the actors, but the spectators of the play. Or rather we are both. We watch ourselves, and the mere wonder of the spectacle enthralls us."

― Oscar Wilde, the Picture of Dorian Gray

I woke to a quiet morning, and just as he promised, Gabriel with his arm draped over my waist snoring loudly in my ear. His soft breath succumbed in sleep; almost as warm as his arm. I moved as slow as possible prying his arm off of me, and he thankfully rolled over as I did so.

Despite how drowsy and sleepy I felt, my first thought upon waking was that I had to get ahold of Aiden one way or another. I shuffled out to Gabriel's somewhat living room, not withholding much besides a set of a blue couch and chair, a broken book shelf, and coffee table with a dismembered guitar. I scanned through the papers and books in the couch; nothing but maps and timelines of the murders that Patrick and Gabriel had written out. I was in search of a phone book. Though from the looks of it, I doubt he owned one. Neither have I ever made a collect call to anywhere even outside the state so there was no guarantee I wouldn't end up calling china or a phone sex line by accident. So many waves of emotions were running through me. A deep depressing sadness was on top of the list that made my hands tremble, but I couldn't fall apart now. As much as I hurt right now, I had a job to do. I had to find out who my shadow is, who I am, and why this all comes together because of my existence. I knew in my gut, I wasn't really sure how, but Aiden knew something. Something about my past enlightened him, and I wouldn't doubt that he found more now. Plus I wanted to get to that ball.

Something bright caught my eye. I looked off to the little kitchen alcove and saw a colorful patch of sunlight slowly lighting up the rest of the kitchen coming from a set of balcony doors. It must have been ridiculously early in the morning, but the sun was up enough to heat away last night's storm and bring on a subtle humidity. Yet I still felt a light ocean breeze coming from the direction of the Sandwich Boardwalk; its planks visible out the window. I had been locked away so long that I cracked open the sliding glass door and let the warmth fall on my face and arms like a fresh blanket enveloping my senses. It was lovely taking in all the scents of the cool, salty ocean and the warm summer sun; I hadn't felt this comfortable for a while now. Maybe being in the throes of love did that. I had been so wrapped up in the feeling that I forgot about my phone book search and a set of arms wrapped themselves around me; scaring me out of daydreaming.

"Morning," Gabriel said, pressing a light kiss to my shoulder, "You sleep alright? You didn't have to get up this early. It's almost six."

"Yeah, I just couldn't get back to sleep. I can't stop picturing everything from last night. I wish Patrick didn't have to go through that."

He pulled me closer, "I know."

"Plus, I wanted to call Aiden to let him know we were coming. The only problem is that I lost the invitation and there was no number on there. I don't know... I guess I just wanted to hear a familiar voice. You may not know him, but I don't want you to get offended when I say I need to hear a voice of reason and clarity right now. I think he might know something about all this mayhem."

Gabriel stepped back and started to head into the kitchen, as always a smile on his face, "No worries, I get it. I think the only phone book I have is over by the couch. I'm gonna go get something to eat and then I'll check out some flights online. Let me know where he wants to meet us."

It took a few minutes, but I finally found the so called phone book that he must have decided was a fabulous place to put a month's worth of gum. I flipped through the first few pages and found an international collect call number for the Netherlands. My downfall in calling a foreign number? I don't speak a lick of Dutch, which I had no idea was the capital language there. My initial call was transferred six times before I could get someone who spoke enough English to communicate with me.

"Hallo. This is Sofie. How may I help you today, mejuffrouw?"

Finally! "Hi, I'm looking to get someone's number; I seem to have lost it. His name is Aiden Ambrosé, he's coming on a business trip to Hairzilzens. I think that's how you say it, but I'm not sure how to get ahold of him."

"Do you mean Haarzuilens?" Sofie laughed.

"Yeah, that's the one."

"Where is your friend staying?"

"Kasteel De Haar? Is that how you say it?"

"Yes. I can transfer you to the Kasteel De Haar's phone line if that is what you wish, ja? And this is a collect call as well?"

"Yes! Yes it is, and that would be great thank you!"

"Alright, one moment, alstublieft."

I had no idea what that last word was, but I assumed it meant 'please'. Seconds ticked past, and Sofie came back on the line again. "Mejuffrouw, are you still there? I have reached your friend. Shall I connect you now?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"You're welcome, goedemiddag."

A dial tone beeped her out and another voice came over the line that relaxed me, "'Alo? Who may I ask is calling?"

"Hey, Aiden. It's Dawn."

"My sweet Aurora, how are you, my friend? I have been waiting to hear from you." he sounded genuinely pleased to hear from me. Considering he used my name in Italian as he tended to do.

"Well...that's a very, very long story, and I can't say I'm fairing very well, either. I'm guessing you didn't hear about it."

A note of concern echoed back, "Hear what? What happened?"

I explained in summary everything that went on and why I couldn't contact him until now, "I think this guy has something to do with all of it. I don't know anything besides he has a following of brainwashed psychos doing his every wish, and he wants me to call him 'my shadow'. He's been going by the name Gerard in some places, but I think that might be a cover."

"I am so sorry that you had to deal with more sorrows. It saddens me so. Are you sure it isn't Charlotte and Emery leading all of this?"

I considered the idea before, but it seemed too drastic, "No. This kind of stuff isn't something Emery would be likely to do, he has too much good in him to be this way, but I guess it's possible with Charlotte being there. I just don't want to know what phases they were talking about."

He sighed in the other end, "Well, let's not rule everything out, shall we? And as for your trip here, tell your friend that there is a private plane awaiting you at Logan Airport to bring you to Ireland. We have much to discuss on top of all the events you have shared with me. It seems there is much you must know about where you come from and why you are here."

I furrowed my brow, "Ireland? I thought we had to be in the Netherlands? What aren't you telling me?"

"It is best that we do not discuss these matters over the phone. They are quite delicate and in the wrong hands would be disastrous. You shall see and learn for yourself. I will meet you a Galway International tomorrow night."

"Okay," I replied, unsure of what he was hiding from me, but I trusted him so it couldn't be that bad, "See you tomorrow."

"Ciao, Aurora, I shall be overjoyed to see you again." He said, and the line went dead.

A strong aroma of fresh brewed coffee wafted through Gabriel's apartment as I hung up his phone. I got up and followed the scent right into the kitchen to find him making pancakes, blueberry no doubt.

"I could get used to this. Having a guy make me breakfast that is," I announced. Mentally I pictured him in a maid's apron, and laughed to myself.

"Very funny. So what did he say? Which flight is the best to take?" he inquired, flipping some blueberry pancakes onto a plate and sliding it over to me.

"That's the thing. He said there's a private jet waiting for us at Logan, and I'm not joking. I think he does that for all his guests. The last time I went to one of the other council places he was at they had a private jet for us then too."

His eyes widened, and he chuckled, "Wow that's pretty nice of him. I would have paid for the plane ride, but I'll take it. And when you say 'we', who are you talking about?"

I looked down at my pancakes as I ate them, and replied with a warped version of the truth, "Emery and I went to visit him. It was a long time ago."

Really that hadn't been a friendly visit. I had never met Aiden before that even. We, Emery, Maverick and myself, went there to clear Emery's name after he had been accused of murdering humans. A law that is punishable by death in the Dark Council's laws, governed by Aiden Ambrosé himself. Not to mention every vampire that exists today is documented in a set of books called the Books of Jupiter, but to no one's surprise, Emery hadn't been in those books. He was undocumented, which meant he was considered to be a rogue and an unknown vampire that is highly dangerous and rare nowadays. These were things that I couldn't explain to Gabriel just yet. He just nodded and took in the information as if it went in one ear and out the other. I don't think he realizes how lucky he is. He just so wonderfully human and the fact that he doesn't know everything that happened with Emery and is probably going to make him one protective boyfriend. We finished breakfast in a short amount of time, and after a little light packing considering I didn't have any clothes with me, we began the two hour trip up to Boston to Logan Airport.

Surprise, surprise, Aiden wasn't kidding. As stated there was a black jet, inlaid with gold symbol of a hand holding a red rose.

Strange, but I knew it was for us when an attendant in entirely black apparel and six-inch heels approached us and asked in Italian, if I was Dawn Waters. "Ciao, sei Acque Aurora?"

"Sì, quello è il mio nome. Siamo ospiti di Aidan. È questo il aereo privato ha parlato?" I replied, letting her know that was my name, and asking if this is the same flight Aiden spoke of.

"Sì, sì lo è. Il vostro bagaglio è a bordo, e noi siamo pronti a decollare. Per favore seguitemi. Signora Aurora." She agreed, and began to strut toward to aircraft's stairs insisting that we follow her inside.

Gabriel turned to me with a funny expression, "You speak italian? You never told me that."

I laughed, "I learned it in high school. I'm not fluent like I am in Spanish, but I can hold a conversation pretty well. Well, a limited one. There's a lot you can learn about me."

He laced his fingers with mine as me climbed the stairway inside the jet, "And I plan to know everything."

"That may take a while," I pointed out.

"That's alright, I've got the time."

We laughed at the sentiment as the attendant seated us and asked if we wanted anything before the flight; I told her no; Gabriel asked for a Monster Energy Drink. That was something they definiatly didnt have, and minutes later we were in flight to Galaway Airport and were told we were to catch a bus to Dublin and meet Aiden at The Brazen Head Pub. She also said that not only is this an eight hour flight, but the bus ride from Galway to Dublin was a two hour ride. Lovely.

Gabriel and I both agreed that since there's probably no chance in hell either of us would sleep on the plane ride, we agreed one of us would try to sleep on the plane while the other would get the bus ride to rest their eyes. Since I was the one more worse for wear, he let me have the longest time.

I didn't think I would get to sleep, but almost eleven hours later we were being dropped off at the entrance to a short and medieval looking pub by the name of The Brazen Head that had an established date of 1198. I could hear the laugher, irish accented chatter and clinks of beer in the background, but it was the friendly face waiting patiently out front that had me stop for a moment. Aiden Ambrosé, the oldest known vampire left to this world, had obviously not changed since I last saw him at Scotland's Blair Estate; a satilite kind of home for the council for when they wished to have court proceedings. His eyes were that bright and shocking shade of violet I still couldnt get used to that accented his lightly tan skin and vibrant burgandy curled locks of hair. He must stand out in a crowd, but bearing in mind the way about him that appeared threatning to any onlooker; he was anything but threatning unless provoked. He was also one of the very few men I only looked to as a close friend; he was my only friend left now.

A kind and mildly sad smile crept across his lips, and he addressed me in his heavy italian accent whilst pulling me into a hug, "Aurora. How it pleases me to see you, and alive at that."

"I've missed you. Seeing as I don't have anything left back in the states, it makes me really greatful and happy to be here." I answered solemnly.

He released me; taking into account that there was someone else there with me and held out a hand to Gabriel, "And I see you have brought your new boyfriend along. Gabriel, I presume? I am Aiden Ambrosé, pleased to meet you."

I know I hadnt told Aiden about my relationship with Gabriel, but from the look he gave me he knew just from watching in those first few moments upon seeing us. Gabriel took his hand a little caustiously, "Likewise."

Aiden chuckeled lightly, "Do not worry. I know what your thinking. Others have thought the same. Dawn and I are merely friends, I assure you."

"No I'm not worried. I was actually trying to figure out if you wear contacts, cause you have got some kickass looking eyes, dude."

Aiden cracked up laughing, but not before saying, "I see our Dawn has failed to explain a few things. No worries, there will be time for that. Come, we have a few introductions and another reunion for Dawn. She may not be alone as she thinks."

I gave him a confused look, but as he walked inside the pub I followed him anyway. I wanted to know what he meant by reunion. I thought it would have been bad, that it was Emery waiting for me inside and my heart gave an unmistakable queeze at the image of him in my head. But I had never thought in a million years I would see Maverick King again. Yet, there he was, muscles and all, grinning widely at me as if he never left. His presence was enough to make me teary eyed as me pulled me into a tight bear hug. Gabriel must not be likeing me getting all these hugs from other guys.

"Hey, Dawny. You have no idea how much I've missed you. Did you grow? You used to be tiny!" He mused.

"Oh shut up!" I chided.

And as fast as the cheerful and happiness had come, a veritable sadness over came him, "Aiden told us about Patrick well...actually he told us everything that happened to you recently, and I just wanted to say: we're all here for you. You don't have to go through it alone."

"We? Who's we?" I said as Gabriel came up beside me along with Aiden. Gabriel introduced himself to Maverick; amusingly giving eachother a once over to determine manliness or whatever guys do when they check out other competition.

Aiden placed a hand on my shoulder, and indicated the others seated around a round wooden table. One was a petite southern girl with amber eyes and a bob of firey red hair; her name was Rhiannon Hollywell. She said her greeting and offered condolances for the loss of my friend. I thanked her before Aiden moved on to the two people at the table that I could barely tell apart, except for the sister twin had long raven black hair, and the brother's was military style. Both had a bored scowl painted across their faces. The wierdest part was that each had one green eye and one blue. Aiden claimed their names were Ella and Ezra Rowan. Ezra decieded to be the nicer of the two and actually say hi. Ella? Forget it, she clearly didnt want to be there.

After a few more moments of random catching up and chatter over who was going to get drinks, we all sat down around the table. Aiden was the first to speak, "Dawn, I know you are confused as to why all of us are here, but there are some things about your past that you need to know as soon as it can be explained. Rhiannon here has that explanation if you are willing to listen. It is quite complex, and I believe Gabriel will catch on quite quick."

I held up my hands as surrender, "Alright I get that there is some complicated history, but I want hear it. Just tell me."

"How much do you know about your mother's history? Like her family or where she came from?" Rhiannon intoned.

I looked to her for a moment and took a second to think about it. It really did take a second, "I didnt know her long enough. Her and my father died when I was little. Why?"

Rhiannon's gaze fell on Aiden, and then back to me. She placed her hands on the table and interlaced them, "Her family is from a long line of hunters or peacemakers if you will by the name of Venantium Auallonia. Have you heard of it?"

I shook my head no, and she continued, "She may have went by another name in the Mortal World, but her real name is Piper Pendred. Your last name isn't Waters, and neither is your first name Dawn. Its Alexandria Rose Pendred. Your name dosent really explain much, I know, but that's something I thought you should know. But as I was sayin', Venantium Auallonia. That translates from Gaelic into The Hunters of Avalon. I'm sure you've heard and saw stories about King Arthur and Camelot? That's where these hunters come from; its our origin, our history and our ancesters."

Pendred. I heard that before; Dr. Fairfield called me Ms. Pendred. She knew all about it; which means my shadow does too. "What does all this have to do with me and everyone else at this table then?"

"There are reasons for everything," Rhiannon remarked thoughtfully, and then added, "Kismet and karma are real occurances that in no way shape or form can be controlled or messed with. They control how everything happens in this world and the next. Like how your friends Amber and Patrick were killed, why your an orphan, why Maverick's mother had gotten cancer, how my family's house was set on fire by the religious nuts in our town that said we needed a soul cleansin' with the Lord Jesus. My mother didnt want to be the one to raise me because of our origins, and the majority of my family abandoned the old ways. My Mema hardly ever left the house; that fire burned her alive. She had told me long before that the stars and the earth told her how she would die. They said it would be the town's people; even if they meant well. My Mema had the purest soul I had ever known. The day before it happened she said she forgave them for tomorows ignorance. I thought she was just being old and crazy ya know? I wouldnt have had the heart to forgive them if it weren't for her."

Rhiannon's words had gone pretentiously bitter at the end; her words cracking up like an old radio station. You could see clear as day that her dread was just as bad as mine; left over from the loss that clung to her. So much that I wanted to get up and hug her. I found a kindred spirit in her eyes that mirrored my own; I wanted to let her know that I suffered the same fate. We both had felt the pain and shock of loss; mine in losing my friends and Rhiannon to the only elder and friend she could look up too. I couldnt help but feel the sadness that radiated off her. Instead, I placed my hand comfortingly on hers.

Realizing the gesture in suprise, she looked up at me; smiled slightly, and continued, "My family was—is the record keepers, librarians of the Hunters. Since the dawn of the Dark and Light Realms, there has always been a counterbalance to make sure one dosent over power the other, the Hunter. We were made to preserve the Mortal Realm and weaken all true darkness that surrounds it so that prosperity were possible. All creatures of darkness have an obession with gaining power and taking down all life."

"Hoooooold on a sec," Gabriel quipped, "Dark Creatures? What do you mean Dark Creatures? I feel like I'm watching Lord of The Rings or something with Mordor or Thor with the Ice Giants."

She looked to me with a small smile, "You didnt tell him anything, did you?"

"I was kind of afraid to actually after...well being intitutionalized."

"Tell me what?"

"Do you believe in vampires, werewolves, and lycans?" She shot at him. Gesh, there was no subtle ways of incorportaing the truth to him when it came to Rhiannon.

He did a double take, "Excuse me? Wait, your saying all those things are real? Even Golem? You've got to be kidding."

"That is exactly what I'm sayin'. Except Golem, Lord of the Rings is still a story based on myth. Sorry."

He took a moment to consider it and shrugged, "Cool."

I rolled my eyes, "Go ahead, Rhiannon. Sorry for the interuption."

"As I was sayin', we are meant to temper that obession. Knock it off it's high ass horse and show they what the world is really ruled by: Om, or as I learned to all it, the All-Light, or Gods and mortals. Niether can exist without the other. Mortals were molded and enriched by the All-Light, and Mortal belief in Gods is what keeps them alive and thriving. If a dark source of destruction were to be cast upon either one of them, then we are all being sacrificed to a horrible end. We protect that balance. To balance is to understand the deepest corner's of one's soul. To be a hunter, means that we are wisely given that understanding to learn and prosper in an element that binds us to our mortality and humanity. Mine is earth. Ezra and Ella are Water, Maverick is Air, your Akasha or Spirit, and...Gabriel is not shockingly a part of this too. He is the fire element." That fact reward Rhiannon a look of disbelief froim Gabriel but he didnt stop her this time.

"Unfortunatly, our history comes with a lot of kinks and potholes. The fact that there are two water essence hunters is a fabulous example of one of those potholes. Every generation I read about was similar yet different to ours; if that makes sense. There is always five Chosen Essence Hunters, representing and embodying the elements, only one person each. When there is twins born into a hunter line that are blessd by the essence, they are dubbed a Gemisian Crux, or the Blessed Twins. Much like our very own Rowan twins, Ezra and Ella with thier mismatched eyes, but there is a hefty price for this occurance. One way or another; not even depending on kismet; one of you will leave. Either by death or by choice."

Ezra with his harsh and brazen mismatched eyes, glared at Rhiannon with rage that gave a message of wanting to hit her. It was bovious; no matter their age; his sister was his responsibility to take care of no matter how much Ella may protest. If any harm was to be sent her way; Ezra wanted to be the one between them, "I swear, if anything happens to my sister, I—."

Aiden interjected without pause, "It is quite clear to me, Mr. Rowan, that our own earth huntress, Rhiannon, is implying that she shall not be the one to inflict any harm to Ella. She is simply explaining the ways of your histories. It is very ill mannered to insult a lady in such a way and place. I would advise not to surmise or scold someone vastly wiser and knowledgable than yourself."

Ezra scowled at him like a temper ridden child, and Rhiannon gazed at Aiden with curiously respectful eyes. Aiden, being the old world gentlemen he is merely smiled at here kindly, nodding at her to continue.

"Anyways," She went on. "That is just the tip of the iceberg, really. Honestly, I could go on for hours talking about the Venantium Auallonia, but I'm told we're short on time and can only work on a need to know basis. Aiden informed me earlier before I met any of you that before we do anything. We need to focus on Drakon and the Ombrian Linage.

"The Ombra family line is complicated in that it is believed Ombra himself had a blood born illness when he was mortal that he had passed down to a son. There isnt much known about him, but his son's name was Benedictus who had a son, and him a son, and him a son named Drakon. There is some speculation that Drakon had an illigetimate child before his Change, but there is no proof of that. Originally, Ombra's vampiric creation canceled out the illness, but this illness had its tricks in that it is unique and by the time it got down to Drakon, its molecular makeup changed. It created a blood infection like Sepsis only its a more like a snake bite with its venom either killing you or sucking it out; it can only be cured by either dying or taking on the Change. In those times, they called it A Maldición do Dragón, meaning the Dragon's or Drakon's Curse, because it is so painful it leaves you begging for death. And I'm sure your all still wondering what all that has to do with us."

Everyone at our table nodded in agreement, all our eyes were focused on her in bewilderment. She was one hell of a story teller; no wonder Gabriel thought she was talking about Mordor and Thor.

Rhiannon looked over at Aiden nervously; he tilted his head again and said, "It is alright, you may tell them."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I was going to start to lose my wits with all this secrecy. "Why? What is this about?"

"Lets just say he was the blackest stain of our history and the Mortal Realms'. The Venantium Auallonia were almost killed into extinction because of him; killing us off one by one based on our fears. Everyone is afraid of something and he played off that. If one was afraid to lose the one they loved, he would kill thier beloved if they had one. Thankfully, our ancesters had more than one child in those times so we didn't die out.. As far as records say, there is absolutly no way to kill him. So it took centuries of mortal plagues until we could come up with a plan that we knew would work and we took action. We cursed him. In reality, there is absolutly no such thing as magick and witches; that just smoke and mirror stuff that people like believing in. We are the only ones decended from true lines that have any real supernaturally enhanced abilities that can base off of telekenisis. Being able to move objects; except Akasha. I don't know all of that, because it's a family secret of Dawn's as to where that strength comes from. They don't say a lot because it sacred to each family as to where each strength buries its roots.

"My ancestor, Ǣlia, bound him by influencing Earth in what they called 'a catacomb on high'. I never knew what that meant until Aiden contacted me; asking me to come to Ireland and leave behind everything except the Tomes of the Essence. I looked through the text and compared it to the old graveyards of today. My first guess as to where this guy is? An old section of Highgate Cemetary that had been abandoned long before its contruction..."

"What's the curse? Why do we have to find him?" I asked.

Her eyes sparkled excitedly over my interestm "'Blood and bone brings will to stone. Blood of rose doth lover's cold. Take with you my scorns embrace. A thorn to hold before thy sickened face.' That is what was written about the curse. Poetic, huh? The last line inspired the Dark Council's emblem; the Shadow Rose. It is a remembrance of victory and defeat of Drakon. It honor's the Venantium Auallonia's mission, but to this day none of them would speak of it."

A cold realization came over me; so much that I withdrew my hand and gained a questioning stare from Rhiannon. There was something wrong with this story, because I knew there was a decendent of Ombra; I dated him. Was Emery a part of this? He can't be. Gerard and Emery didn't even have the same characteristics. No, this was someone acting on there own.

"What was Drakon's original goal?" I wondered aloud.

Rhiannon's eyebrows scrunched together much like Amber's when she was puzzled or confused. My heart gave a painful tinge that made my stomach ache with emptiness. Hollywell. I heard that name once; Amber said her cousins last name was Hollywell. It wouldnt suprise me at this point if they were related."Tip the balance to favor darkness. Let the mortal realm die out from mass infection, and open the hidden realms to finish off the rest. Let the animals die out. He would pick and choose who he wanted to keep as his followers; deeming them knights and saints. Collectivly, he called them Legion like the biblical story of the man possessed by many demons and Jesus freed him. Drakon called himself the Dark Savior, since he bitterly hated humankind and Light Creatures. He planned to enslave them once his work was done, but obviously he didn't suceed. He wanted his own eutopia; a world with no light.

"All this is from the Tomes of the Essence that my family collected over the centuries. Though, unless you can read a Drudic variation of Gaelic, Babylonian, or Sumerian. Fluently, then there is no way to read much more of it. I can only just understand the Drudic."

I got up abruptly, shaking more violently than I wanted to let on. My body made up the descision before I could think of what to do and I punched the wall. I was never prone to violence, but it just felt like the right thing to do at this point. Gerard was Drakon, he had to be. Drakon had somehow found his way out of his curse and decided to seek us all out for revenge. That is what all this came down to: revenge. Everything was falling apart at the seams; there was only so much I could do. I should have stayed at the asylum. At least I could have admitted all these things with a kind judgement from those around me.

Somehow I had stopped shaking with fear and it slowly shifted to rage. I couldnt let such darkness come over the world I knew so well. Drakon clearly didnt kill without a reason and he will have one. Anyone he dosent want to join Legion will die the greatest illness since the Bubonic Plague. What if he wanted the old ways back where kings and queens were worshipped? Then Charlotte would probably come out of the wood work and demand to be queen.

I came out of my revere of hopelessness, slowly realizing that Gabriel was directly in front of my; wrapping my profusly bleeding knuckles in the of the white cloth napkins from our table and cursing at me for punishing myself in that manner. At this rate I didnt care, and I felt like I had the right to be upset no matter how stupid it was to smash my fist into a solid brick wall. We were being targeted by a renouned killer with a infectious sickness that was related to my ex-boyfriend. Can you blame me for freaking out? I could hear Maverick explaining to them that I was fine; I just needed a few minutes to process everything.

As Maverick spoke to them, Gabriel managed to drag me off to a dingy little bathroom labeled Toilet. The room was even tinier than it looked from the outside with its stained wooden walls and a cracked mirror.

Gabriel was shaking his head while he cleaned my torn knuckles, "I have no idea why you did this, but I can take a hint. You think the shadow is Drakon, dont you? They have no clue that he's free."

I opened my mouth to answer him; knowing my expression probably already gave me away to the other hunters at the table. I was saved by a casual Maverick strolling up to the open bathroom; leaning up against the doorframe. He eyed me thoughtfully, assessing my state of shock and guessing what my reaction was about.

I couldnt look at him as me analyzed me, I felt too sick to my stomach looking at the blood seeping from my hand and all the millions of reasonings rolling to and fro in my head to talk to him. He had other plans though.

"Let me guess," he suggested finally, "and this is a long shot, ball park guess. Emery?"

My eyes shot up in agitation. "Seriously? Why does everyone think its always a lover scorned deal with Emery. None of this has to do with him, okay? I think my stalker...its Drakon. It would explain a lot, Rhiannon's Mema, everything that's happened to me.... Not everything is Emery's fault, Mav'.You didnt tell them who you thought it was did you?"

"Not yet," he concluded. A muscle twitched in his jaw that made me think he wanted to say a lot more; I must have hit a nerve with talking about Emery. I guess he still hadnt lost his hatred for him.

"Not now. They cant know everything right now. It's too risky."

Gabriel, the quiet one among all the hostility, wound this arm around me; rubbing my shoulder to try and calm me down. I felt ridged. Maverick too that as a sign for him to leave us alone, and left to sit back down with the others. Not before saying, "You look like hell spit you out to do its dirty deeds, Dawny. Try to compose yourself enough not to look guilty or like you know something you shouldnt, okay?"

Despite my position, the conversation of the table was loud enough for me to hear. I saw once Maverick returned there was a chorus of worried questions from Rhiannon, Ezra and Aiden; all concerned why I acted so bad to Rhiannon's story. I wanted to badly to switch off thier voices, but their conversation changed drastically and caught my attention.

Maverick leaned back in his chair, examining a cellphone he had withdrawn from his jean pocket. "I think our problems have just gotten worse, guys." He announced, gaining everyone's attention and breaking their little conversations.

"How bad?" Aiden inquired.

Maverick sighed gravely, "Like mass murder bad. Not only were my Guardian Elders murdered this morning, but there were three more mass murders today, and three yesterday we didnt know about. Both Councils are in an uproar."

Aiden rolled his eyes, an action I seriously never thought I'd get a chance to witness on him, "They get in an uproar when one of them breaks a nail or loses at a hand of pinochle. What connects them all?"

"'Lexión' written in blood on the wall." He verified to Aiden. Words flashed like a motel sign in my head, The more you don't follow the rules, the more will die because of you. You will never be able to hide from us, we are everywhere; everyone. I hope someday that insane Legion Girl's words wouldn't keep haunting me like that, it was getting annoyingly creepy.

Aiden swore colorfully in italian, but I think the others figured he wasnt saying anything nice.

Rhiannon looked from Maverick to Aiden in a frightened expression, "Okay! So now there's massacres'? Someone better tell me what this is all about, because I'm losing my wits here."

"I think were all going to hell in a hand basket if you ask me," Ella decided out loud to her self, the first thing she said since I met her and crossed her arms defiantly.

"There is a darkness coming for all of us," Aiden said, begrudgingly to Rhiannon. "A darkness that wishes to release Drakon, and take over his former plans."

Rhiannon paled, "Nevermind I dont think I wanted to know that."

"You have the right to know your greivances; all of you." Aiden contridicted.

"So let me get this all in order," Ezra observed, "We are these mystical hunters destined to be do gooders of society with some creepy elemental power—sorry—strength. Whislt some fanged wanker is prancin' about killing everyone in his path for revenge and a bloody crown?"

Rhiannon, the studious girl she seemed to be, raised her hand, "Actually, its not a crown he's entirely after, its a pendant. The pendant. Its something far older than any royal artifact you can find nowadays. Its called The Five-fold pendant which, as far as I know, its been lost since the times of King Arthur, but it would make sense that this is what he's looking for. From what legend says, in the times of King Arthur, the matron of Avalon, Morgan Le Fey constructed a pendant out of a very rare stalagtite crystal only known to be found in the caves of Avalon. She then branded it with the symbol of the Venantium Auallonia as a blessing, allowing them to use the land for sanctuary and settlement if they wished. The pendant was like a spiritual key to the other and overworlds. There you can either restore or diminish life. That's just one if its uses, I never knew the rest of them."

And with that I tuned it all out and threw up the scarce contents of my stomach in one fell swoop. The accidents and plans of total destruction was piling up by the seconds, and there was only so much one could handle. Gabriel, shocked by my distress, held my hair back for me; rubbing my back to ease the ache left over from heaving.

He wet down another paper towel and cleaned off my face for me. The cool droplets eased my self inflicted flushed fever. He took gentle care in tempering down the panic and fear; a quality about him I admired since I had met him. He stood at the face of suffering with a focused, serene posture; not letting anyone else with him sink below its pulling tides too far.

His hand wiped softy, clearing away the tears with that cold, damp towl. "Why are you doing all this for me?" I asked looking him in the eye, "Everyone is telling you insane, unbelieveable things. I cant tell how your copeing with all this. You could have backed away from me and all this a long time ago, but you didnt, why?"

Gabriel stopped for a moment to think of my question and looked me straight back at me. Taking a breath, and pushing a lock of hair away from my face, he said, "You didnt need someone to save you, Dawn. I'm not here for that. You dont really need anyone, as you seem to think, but that's not true either. I knew that from you stubborness and non-reliance methods you love to explain with. You just need someone there to tell you that you dont need to face everything alone; even if I wasnt a hunter and didnt belong here. Which, honestly, I think this stuff is pretty neat. If you guys say its real, then I trust you. I just wanted to be the one there reminding you that someone actually wants to love you for you and face your fears. I wanted to be yours."

I layed my head on his shoulder to take in that lovely scent of old spice that seemed to just cling to him, "Thank you." I said.

"Anytime," he kissed my forehead and pulled back. "You ready to face them again?"

"Yeah, I think I'm good," I replied, allowing him to pull me to my feet.

He took my hand, but I stopped him before he could take another step. Gabriel looked back at me questioningly, "What is it?"

"He isnt going to stop, you know. When I was in the...institution...even before. He didnt give up."

"I know," he said depressingly.

"Then what do we do?"

"Let him make the next move. This is his game. Let him play it with his rulese and us with our rules. It maybe a cat and mouse way to play, but if we play our cards right; I think we can figure out how to stop him."

I nodded agreeingly, and allowed him to take my hand again; leading us back to the table of both accusing and concerned expressions.

"You know way more about this bullshit than your letting on! Spit it out!" Ella spat vehmenously, rising from her seat and branding a small dagger from underneath her sleeve and holding it up at me.

"Whoa there, Zena! Back off!" Maverick implored. "We really do not need mutinuous anarchy right now. If we dont start to work together on this and get along then were all gonna die. Do any of you want that to happen?"

There was a chorus of no's including myself. I set a steady gaze on Ella, not even blinking and answered her, "If there was anymore to know I would have said it already. Okay?"

Maverick may have thought my ex-boyfriend was behind this, but I sure didnt. Still, i didnt feel like sharing how Emery is somewhat connected to this. Niether did i want to say why i thought Legion needed me.

Once you laid out all the details, it made sense. I was a spirit hunter, whatever that meant, and i was the only one with access to this so called pendant that can either give life or take it away. Legion wanted me to wake Drakon with the pendant. These new people before me that i barely knew, wanted me to get the pendant to protect it and keep Legion for using me to thier advantages. I dont think they summed it up as fast as i have, which made me feel smuggly proud of myself for being clever for once. They didnt have to experience what i had to go through these past few months either, so technically i wasnt lying to them. Technically. Ezra tilted his head. He must have been assessing me, because i felt like i was under a microscope.

"They have a point sister," Ezra told her. "Dawn is telling the truth."

"But Ez! You cant be serious—." She protested in exasperation. Clearly, she had her smarter moments from time to time, but right now she was right. She just wasnt sure what she was right about.

His gaze was even and final in his expression. Wow, he must not take any crap from her, because he said, "Let her be, Ella."

Ella glowered at me in disgust as if i were a worm she wanted to squish. They must have been from a rich family, because not only didnt Ezra have a pretty terrible sense at telling if someone was lying to his face, but they spoke like wealthy, British aristocrats who only cared for themselves. I have to resist the urge not to laugh, but considering the situation i kept myself composed.

"Dawn?" Maverick's voice wavered. The cellphone was in his hand again, and it must have delievered more bad news. Is that all this phone functioned as?


"There's something else you might want to know. The portion of your mom's family that's still alive...apearently they've gone missing. There was a report in Derbyshire from a neighbor that your grandparents, your mom's sister and her two children disappeared forty eight hours ago and havent been seen since."

A sense of longing and direction overcame me, "When can we leave?"

Gabriel was the first to respond to me, "Hold on, Dawn. We dont even know who took them. We cant just go off looking for them."

"But i know who took them," i replied. Earning a knowing glance from him.

"He's right. We need to find the pendant first, that is what Legion is after. I think we should get some rest, and leave for Highgate tomorow." Rhiannon added.

"I agree. I have made reservations for us all to stay here tonight. Let's reconvene in the morning."

Everyone agreed. Leaving us each off to find our rooms for the night. But i couldnt sleep, my mind reeled over the latest news and events. What have i gotten myself into this time?

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