My Sexy Possessive Prince Mate

By Mishoushou

45.8K 1.2K 264

Bridget Maria Veronica Taylor Thomas was abused by her pack since the age of 5, everyone hated her because h... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

My Sexy Possessive Prince Mate

29K 374 56
By Mishoushou

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Copyright © 2014 by Mishoushou


"Clean the floor you stupid mutt" the Alpha spat at me, my name is Bridget Maria Veronica Taylor Thomas, long name, I know. Apparently I was named after my ancestors. I'm the omega of the Moonlight Shadow Pack. I have been bullied at the age of 5, I'm 17 now. My parents died in a rouge attack and they made me watch when they killed them. I have an older brother James and a older sister Jessica. They've hated me ever since it happened.

"Yes, Alpha" I bowed and went to the supply closet to get me a rag and a water to clean off my blood of the floor. I've just been hit by the Alpha because he didn't like the taste of his food. He had punched me in the gut, slap and kick me on my face, and he had pulled my long chocolate brown hair and hit me on the staircase. I've been living like this for 12 years now, and there's not a single moment where I wish my parents were here. My dad was the Alpha and mom the Luna. Since the now Alpha was the Beta of the pack, he got to take over.

I cleaned the floor and put everything back, I had to go back to the Alpha to ask what else he needed.

"Anything else sir" I whispered, I was not aloud to talk unless I was addressed to, and since then I've never talked to anyone. Once I was talking willingly and it was one of my worst nightmares.

"Call me Alpha you stupid mutt" he hit me and I fell on the floor. It hurt a lot but I didn't cry, because I was to numb. My bruises will heal in a couple of days. He grabbed my hair and pushed me down the stairs. My ribs are hurt, and I'm pretty sure I've broken one or two. I'm not allowed to go to the pack doctor or have any medicine so I'll have to treat myself.

"Yes Alpha" I coughed out, it was hard for me to breath right now and there's nothing I can do about this.

"go clean the house immediately" he growled at me, since I have Alpha blood it didn't make me cowar, but if I didn't he would of abuse me again.

"Yes Alpha" he left and I sighed, I have to clean this whole house. I live in the pack house and it has a lot of rooms, there's about 50 people living here and this pack consist of 100 werewolfs. My brother and sister came down the stairs and kicked me like always. It hurt me so much because of the broken ribs I already had.

"Clean my room would you, I want it spotless. It's Jake and I anniversary and we want to make it special" Jessica said, Jake was the Alpha's son and tomorrow is his birthday, he's turning 18 which means he'll find his mate. I hope she can change him. Jessica says she's apparently his mate but she has sex with any guy she sees. They cheat on each other but they always make up at the end. It's disgusting, because whenever I have to clean the halls, I can hear Jessica moaning and screaming his name. Ugh that brought a shiver running down my spine.

"Yes Master" I whispered, it was hard for me to breath and I can feel my lungs tightening. 'breath, breath' Serena tells me. Serena is my wolf and she's the only friend I have. I feel bad for her because she has to go through this. She's the strong one between us. She's helped me a lot and I love her.

'aw I love you too baby girl, now concentrate on breathing properly' Serena tell me. I do exactly as she says and I can fell my heart beat slow down.

"Clean my room mutt" James spat at me, I'm not mad at neither of them, I'm a care free and peaceful person but touch me and I'll break you in half. See I have my reasons for not fighting those low lives who constantly bully me. And every time someone does, it brings Serena over the edge and she wants to come out and rip them to pieces. I shifted at the age of seven, my wolf fur is pure white and the tip of my paws and ears are gold. No one knows I've shifted yet, I went through it all by myself and it was very painful. I'm a very ware wolf, I have powers. I can control the 4 elements, which are fire, water, wind and earth. I can also read thoughts and also make people faint, Serena says that I have more but she won't tell me what they are, she helps me practice them and teach me how to use them. Serena is totally beautiful and a very good fighter, my mother give me this bracelet when I was 5 before the rouge attack, she told me to never take it off and where it with pride. The only person that could take it off is me. It's a gold bracelet and it has a special charm, it's a white wolf with gold tips in a fighting position. That was another reason why they hated me, it was the last thing my parents had left me.

"yes master" I said again for the second time today. I got up and went to go start cleaning their room. My body hurts so much and I'm very tired. I'm very skinny and you can see my rib cage, my ribs are poking out. I'm not aloud to eat much unless it's left overs which are like crumbs on the plate, most of the time they put the dishes in water so I don't get anything and they leave everything on the floor. Today is Sunday and I have to go to the hellhole called 'School', I love school, I'm very smart but it's just everyone hates me and that's where I get bullied the most.

I made my way to Jessica's room first and I could smell Jake's scent here. There was clothes everywhere and it reeked of sex. I put the bucket down and started cleaning. I scrubbed the floor with my toothbrush, thats what they wanted me to use to clean. Little did they know that I have another one. I work at this bakery and it pays well. I've been saving money for when I leave this place. I scrubbed hard, and I didn't pay attention to the pain in my stomach.

'Serena it hurts can you heal it' I asked my wolf, I heal fast unlike other wolfs, but they always leave bruises.

'sure babe I'm working on it now' Serena said

'thanks' I got back to scrubbing and put all the dirty clothes in the basket, they have a washing room, but I'm not aloud to use it. It doesn't matter because I barely own clothing.

When I finished the room was spotless, the bed was made and the floor was shinny, I was pleased with my work and walked out to go to James' room. I was limping even though it barely hurts anymore, but I had to fake it, in order to not get noticed. No one knows I have my wolf and I'm not about to tell them that I've shifted, they would take advantage of me and we wouldn't like that at all.

When I got to James room it was messy and dirty. The smell of pizza and sex hit my nose like a dozen bricks. Ew. I did the same with every room and by the time I was finished it was time for me to make dinner.

I went downstairs and washed my hands. Everyone had a different meal and I only have 2 hours to make them, I went trough the list of what they wished to have and started making their meals. I love cooking and baking and since I was a wolf, I used my wolf speed to cook the meals for this pack.

I was done by 7:45 and thank heaven I had 15 more minutes to spare. I wanted to take a shower but I wasn't aloud one until tomorrow morning. I have to take a shower every Monday, for the rest of the week I wasn't aloud to. I don't have a bathroom so I have to go to the woods to take a shower and I have a bucket to carry the water. Every now and then, guys would come out of the woods while I was taking a shower and take pictures. Once I was the talk of the week because of Jake's naked picture of me. I was shoved against lookers and hit or punched. I went to my room which was the supply room, it was big enough to fit me and the supplies in there. I was not aloud to have a bed, the first five years I was sleeping on the hard cold floor. My back always hurt and I never really slept, even though I wasn't aloud to. I'm only aloud to sleep for an hour and thats at 4, I have to wake up at five to start breakfast for the pack. At the age of 12 I started earning some money by cleaning at stores and whenever I went to grocery shopping, I would take the rest of the money. And thats how I got a sheet and a pillow and some of the clothe I have now.

I made my way to my room and finished a couple of homework before it was 8.

Once the clock hit 8, I made my way downstairs and sat on the floor by the table. Everyday I have to make dinner and watch them eat, it was their rule. They started pilling up and sat on their normal chair. I watched them eat because that's how it was suppose to be. Jake looked at me and threw the mash potato on my face. I didn't wipe it off because I'm not allowed to, this was there normal routine, throwing food at me. They've even thrown plates and of course I got cuts. He smirked at me and went back to eating. The next person to throw was James, he threw half of his steak and spit on my face. It was disgusting and I wanted to wipe it off but I couldn't. I got more stuff thrown at me and today only 3 plates were thrown, they belonged to Jake, Jessica and James, not a surprise at all. They all finished at 9 and head back to their normal life but not before kicking me and punching me.

I cleaned off the dishes and went back to my room. I had taken off the food out of my face with the sink water and it felt good to touch water. I sat on the floor and finished everyones homework. By the time I was done it was 2 in the morning. I went to everyones room and left their homework at the door. That also took me an hour. I went back to my room finally happy that it was my time to sleep. I laid down on the floor and let the darkness take over.


I woke up to the sound of my mothers alarm clock, it was an old antique wooden clock which woke me up everyday. I always get up fifteen minutes early so I can take a bath. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, but It hurt a lot. I stood up and got my towel which I brought on my own and got my toothbrush and toothpaste, I also got a pair of jeans, t-shirt, my old sneakers and undergarments.

I went downstairs, making sure to not wake up anyone and grabbed my bucket and filled it with water. I went to my usual spot which was by the lake and stripped off. I ran inside the lake and it was freezing cold, just the way I like it. I started swimming and I loved the feeling of cold water on my skin. I swum for 5 minutes and got out to go take my real shower. I scrubbed and scrubbed and got all the dirt off my body, and it felt good. I brushed my theeths and put my clothes on.

I hurried back to the house to go start with breakfast. Today I was making pancakes and eggs, but I had to make a salad for Jessica. Since it was the Alpha's Son birthday I baked him a cake and wrote happy birthday in green frostin since it's his favorite color.

I was done at 7 and class usually starts at 8:45. I hurried upstairs to grab my bag and place my stuff on the floor. I closed the door and ran back downstairs.

'baby girl calm down your hurting yourself" Serena yelled, it was true, I was hurting so baddly, my bones were back in place but I am very sore.

Everyone came pilling in and started eating. The Alpha came with his son with Jessica by his side. I didn't look at him, I just put my head down.

"happy birthday man!" I heard people yell, if I was aloud to talk I would of said the same but I wasn't addressed to.

"aww babe you bought me cake?" I heard Jake say , 'no I made it for you dimwit' I wanted to shout at him, she wouldn't go out there unless it was to have sex with someone or go shopping with her minions.

"y-yeah I did, you welcome babe" Jessica said, ugh these people disgust me. After eating they all left the dinnin room and I started cleaning. I washed the dishes and cleaned the floor because there was food everywhere. Once I was done it was already 8:25 and it's take 25 minute to get to school in car but I don't have one, I have to walk to school. I groaned and started making my way to school.

I walked a long way and people were looking at me like they always do, they look at me with hate, disgust. When I saw the school near, I started running to it, I heard the bell rang which means I'm late, great!.

'again with the running stop, your hurting us' Serena growled in my head

'but we have to get there' I fought back, I don't like to be late for school and the fact that I'll get punished is worst. All my teachers hate me just like the pack but I always get good grades and I hope they won't give me false grades because they hate me.

I made it there five minutes later and I was panting, since I didn't eat at all last week, I felt like I was about to faint but I kept myself together and walk to the hellhole.

I made it to chemistry and all eyes were pointed towards me, I hate being the center of attention and I could feel my cheeks heating up,

"Nice of you to join us Ms. Thomas" Ms. Charles yelled at me, I don't like to be yelled at and I could feel Serena wanting to come out but I held her in.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again" I bowed my head like she was my Alpha because that's how it is with everyone, I have to bow down to them and do everything as they please.

"take a seat" I walked to my desk and got my notebook out and started taking notes because I know that everyone would want me to do their homework like always.

I was half way through taking my notes when I smelled this amazing scent, it smelled like apples and peaches, I knew it was my mate but who was it?, I'll have to wait until I get outside.

Throughout the whole lesson, I couldn't stop thinking about my mate, he'll be the one to save me out my misery and he'll love and protect me from anyone. I was already done with my notes and Ms. Charles give us the last fifteen minutes of class to do anything. I was writing quotes about love from books I've read, I was drawing a wolf and a girl standing by his side.

The bell rung and I have to wait until everyone is out of class, this is what I've lived by, since the age of 5, I was always the last one to get everything and I was abused. Everyone was out of the classroom and I had two minutes to make it to math. That's nearly impossible because math is on the second floor and right now I'm in first. I can't take the elevator because I'm not allowed to, they say I will poison it and spread a disease. So I have to take the stairs.

I barely have any energy left and was about to collapsed on the floor before someone caught me. I knew it was my mate because I could smell the apples and peaches. I could help but smile, he brought me to the supply closet and I was confused, why would he bring me here out of all places?, I looked up to see who my mate is and I couldn't help but be disappointed, it was him, Jake, he's my mate.


A/N: first werewolf book and I'm excited, I have another book called The Bad Boy Is My Neighbor and it's pretty good, people go read it

I love bad boy book and also werewolf and also rejection books, if you have any books you'll like me to read just tell me

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