The Slut's View

By Koda55

400 5 1

Slut. She's a bitch. Hate her. Those are the things people say about me, just because I have fun with my fri... More

The Slut's View

Ch. 2

107 3 1
By Koda55




As the bus pulled up to... Well, nothing. We were in the middle of nowhere. Of course. I can't believe I'm spending part of my summer in the woods with a bunch of stupid people. The only reason I'm here is because unfortunately I've found myself on Mr. Reynolds's bad side. There were some guys here though so it's not a total loss. One in particular caught my eye. He has dark black hair and the same color eyes as me. He seems like a complete nerd though. Bow tie and hipster glasses, but it works on him. I wish Stacy was here so I could ask her opinion.

"Get your stupid asses out if this bus and try not to die!" God! Mr. Reynolds is such a horrible person. At least one of my friends was here. Jessica walked up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and hug attacked her into the bus seat at the front.

"Jessica!! Thank god you guys didn't leave me all alone!"

"Hahahahaha. Don't worry us girls gotta stick together."

"Ohhhh whats going on in here guys," said one of the jocks here, wiggling his eyebrows. Blonde hair, stupid expression, the whole nine yards. Haha, yards get it?? Shut up I'm funny.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I got off of Jessica and heard him say from behind us, "Oh no don't stop now. You were just getting started." I spun around, pulled back my fist, and jammed him in the nose. Let's just say I can pack a punch.

"You brokded my boseeee!! My boseeee!!"

"Well you did deserve it," I said walking off the bus with Jessica, our bags in tow. I stepped off the bus and was overpowered by the smell of pine trees. As much as I love the woods, and I do. I do not like the smell of pine trees at all. I wrinkled my nose and walked forward, following the line of people walking away from the only thing that could take me away from here. I sighed and linked arms with Jess. About half an hour later we arrived at a clearing surrounded by blue flowers. I leaned down and saw that they were forget-me-nots.

"Look Jess, forget-me-nots."

"Aww those are so pretty. Aren't those your favorite?"

"Yeah I love these flowers."

We stood up and kept walking until the whole group crowded around Mr. Reynolds to hear the tent partners.

"Now, all of you people know that we are not here to have fun. We are here to appreciate nature and maybe beat some sense into you kids. The tents are all girls with girls and guys with guys except for two people due to odd numbers. The partners go as follows..."

I zoned out until I heard Jessica's name. She was partnered with a buff girl that looked like she might squash her. Poor Jess. Then, finally, "Jason and Samantha are our boy girl tent buddies. Poor Jason. Good luck dealing with that one." F***ing Mr. Reynolds.

"Now will all you worthless children please find your stupid partners."

I looked around at all the guys, I didn't see anyone that I knew named Jason. I walked around for a minute or so before someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw bow tie boy there.

"You must be Samantha," he said. Oh my god. He's even better looking close up.

"It's Sam. And you must be Jason," I said looking into his green eyes.

"Yeah." The deepness of his voice sent shivers down my spine.

"So I hope you don't snore," I said, trying to break the awkward silence that had settled between us.

"Hahaha no but I might talk in my sleep. Hopefully we won't be too near each other," he said stepping closer to me, " I'd hate to keep you up all night." He stepped back and wiggled his eyebrows. Damn. I took a deep breath and smirked at him.

"Well I sleep walk, so we won't have to worry about that."

"Now that I see all you dwarfs have found your partners we have to do some stupid activity that the school principal said I have to do. So, turn around and fall back. One partner catches the other blah blah blah you dumbasses probably know the rest."

He stopped talking and stomped away. I gulped. Great, just met a really cute guy and already there's hand on hand contact. Can't anything be normal? Now wouldn't you think that I would love this? I'm not really a slut. I've only been with a few guys, no more than 7. I glanced up at Jason. He smirked down at me.

"You first," he said.

I turned around and held me breath. I looked behind me to see if he was ready to catch me. He had his arms out so I faced forward and fell backwards. Slowly. Unfortunately Jason thought it was funny NOT to catch me. THUD! It made a loud sound when my butt hit the leaf covered ground.

" Oops," he said smirking.

I pulled myself off the ground and tried to see if there was dirt on my new shorts. They were my new favorite pair of short-shorts and I just got dirt on them!

"You just fell onto the ground," he said laughing," you just fell."

"I did not fall! You were supposed to catch me," I said indignantly, "that wasn't falling! That was no contact pushing!"

"Do you want me to get the dirt off your shorts for you?"


"You sure?"


He pouted and wiggled his eyebrows, turning his pouty face into a sexy smirk.

"Urg. Do you ever stop?" I asked, getting angry at how this guy acted.

"No, I'm too bad ass."

"Yeah, your bow tie sure says bad ass. Although I can't make fun of the bow tie. Bow ties are cool."

" My motorcycle is badass though. And you're right, bow ties are cool."

Mr. Reynolds was walking around the groups so Jason and I continued the trust thingy, this time he didn't drop me. I decided I would get revenge a different time, so I didn't drop him.

"Now that that stupidity is over, we- I mean YOU are going to set up your tents," Mr. Reynolds said. Nobody moved. " Let's go! Get your worthless butts moving!!"

Everyone scrambled to grab their two person tent. An hour and a half later and almost everyone had finished. Girly boy Jason didn't know how to set up a tent so I had to do it all by myself. :(

We walked- uh- more like crawled into the tiny tent. Oh boy. This is going to be soooooo awkward. Not like I mind though. The tent had about enough space for a skinny person and a small dog. I stood up and rolled out my sleeping bag. It covered three-quarters of the tent floor. Great. Now what?

"Looks like we'll just have to share," Jason said, suppressing a laugh.

He tossed his sleeping bag onto the tent floor, not bothering to roll it out. I sighed, knowing that there was no way I was going to be able to escape having to sleep squished up against him later tonight. I lugged my bag towards the big crate outside each tent, meant for luggage. I flung the lid open and was outraged when I saw it was almost completely filled with Jason's stuff. Since when do boys need that much stuff for a 2 week trip?! Ugh! I turned around and tripped over the root of a tree. I heard someone snigger behind me.

" That root tried to kill me!"

Jason was on the ground laughing. His face was frozen and he wasn't making any noise. Gee I didn't know I was that funny, I was just stating how that tree creature has it out for me. I have to watch my back now, you never know when vegetation has a deadly plot. Jason was eventually able to stand up and he helped me get some of his stuff out of the trunk. I put mine in and slammed the lid down. I jumped onto the lid while Jason shut the latch.

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