Lost (Liam Payne)

Por AshersMom247

48K 2.3K 1K

Lost and drowning in his sorrows, Liam decides to disappear. He ends up finding the perfect spot to heal his... Más

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
65 Part

Part 4

990 48 28
Por AshersMom247

Liam couldn't remember the last time he'd been so cold. Or tired for that matter. Jon made him be the "shovel man" until he learned to drive the truck and work the plow. That meant hours of moving heavy, wet snow off of sidewalks and porches. Had snow always been so heavy? It didn't snow like this where he lived. EVER. The borrowed clothes didn't fit right and let cold air reach his skin. Was this real life? Is that what people really do for a living?

"Let's go, City boy. Only 3 more houses until we are done for the day." Jon called from the truck. Liam sighed and walked over. He was glad for the warmth of the cab, even if it was for a short time.

"So, you do this everyday?" Liam asked.

"Naw. Only when it snows." Jon laughed. "Just wait until summer. That's the real work."

I'm not going to be here in the summer, Liam thought. By then, I'll have my head straight. By then, I'll be able to write music again. By then, I'll be ready to go back to the real world and leave this living snow globe behind.

An image of Penelope came into his mind. He pushed it aside. She was off limits. She had a boyfriend and her mother was the landlord. Plus, he wasn't sure he was ready to jump back into something right now. He still felt...Lost? That was the only was he could describe it. He didn't know what was next and it had been a very long time since that had happened. What do you do when you reached every goal you've set for yourself? He thought he'd settle down. Stay home. Be with her.

"Out, kid. We have work to do!"

Liam sighed and hopped of the truck. More snow to shovel.

By the time he got back to the inn, he was sore from head to toe and he couldn't feel his toes. He pushed open the door and saw Penny sitting on the couch, fire in the fireplace, reading a book and drinking something hot. She looked up and again he was struck by just how beautiful she was. She smiled.

"Do you need help?" she asked. Liam could only nod. She got up and walked over, helping him out of the jacket, coveralls and boots."You must be freezing! These don't even fit!" she exclaimed. "We can go into town later. Right now, you need to soak in a tub. Relax your muscles. You are going to be sore later."

"I'm sore now!" Liam complained. She laughed and led him to his room. His bed was made and he had fresh towels. Penny had been busy. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the tub for him.

"It's nearly lunch time. I'll make you a mug of soup and bring it to you. Warm your insides up!"

"It's only LUNCH?" Liam was dumbfounded. It felt like it had been days. How could it have only been 6 hours?

She smiled, nodded and walked out. Liam stripped and got into the deep tub, sliding down until only his head was out of the water. He could feel his toes start to unfreeze and it was painful. Every single muscle in his body was screaming at him. Even the toughest work out he'd ever had had never left him this sore. He sighed and tried to relax.

Minutes later, he heard a knock on the door. "It's me!" Pen called. "Pull the curtain and I'll give you this soup to drink. It will make you feel better. I should have fed you before you went out today."

Liam pulled the curtain and told her it was safe to come it. She handed him the soup and started to leave. "Don't leave!" Liam asked. She gave him a strange look and he said, "Just, sit and talk to me. I'm afraid I'll fall asleep and drown!"

Penelope laughed and sat on the closed toilet. "You will be fine! Just drink that. Then you're going to need a nap."

"I feel like I'm dying" Liam moaned. "How do people do this?"

"They don't have a choice. It's called work. It makes money to pay bills."

Liam just nodded. He got it. He was a rich, spoiled brat. She was just calling him out in the nicest possible way. "What do you do to pay the bills? Surely this isn't your only job."

"What? You think I don't just sit in bathrooms talking to be people all day?"

He looked at her, raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, I'm an artist. Right now, I'm teaching art for the local schools. I wanted to go to grad school in Paris, but I don't have the money. So, I'm saving."

"Paris? Everyone goes to Paris." he mumbled.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing, sorry. That's great. You teach. And where is the boyfriend?"

Penelope sighed. "He's in Saginaw? About an hour and a half south? I went to college there. He got a job teaching math."

"Ah! I see. So, you came home and he stayed?"

Penelope nodded. "Anyhow, finish the soup and nap. I'll take you shopping for better snow gear later." She stood up and left, letting Liam finish his bath in private.

Liam napped for hours. By the time he woke up, it was dark and he could smell something tomatoish coming from the kitchen. He pulled on jeans and went out to look. On the counter, there was a plate of lasagna, garlic bread and a note.  "Holler up when are ready to go shop." Then there was a heart and the word "Pen." She must called herself Pen.

Liam dove into the food and devoured every bite. He was starving. He couldn't remember ever being so hungry. He looked around for more and found the dish on the stove. There was some left. He cut himself another piece and ate that before hollering up the stairs that he was ready.

"Coming!" Pen yelled. She ran down the stairs, walked into the kitchen, washed his plate, covered and put away the leftovers and wiped the counter. Then she turned and smiled. "Ready. Let's go."

She led him out to a Blue Jeep Grand Cherokee 4 by 4 with all wheel drive. "This is your car?" he asked.

"Yep. Snow. Ice. No cute little car for me." She looked over at the Lexus that Liam had rented. For some reason, he felt ashamed. Like, he didn't drive a real car. He shook off the feeling and climbed into the truck. She drove him to Walmart. He'd never been in a Walmart before. "Sorry. It's the only store that sells what you need within a 50 mile radius." With that she jumped out of the car and walked to the doors.

Walmart was loud. Not just the noise level, but the signs, the colors. It was an assault on his senses. Too much, too bight. Penelope walked with a purpose to the men's section and pulled coats off a rack, handing them to Liam to try on. Once he found a heavy brown carhart coat, the best and toughest brand, she assured him, she got him coveralls, boots, heavy gloves, a better hat and long underwear. Then she made him pick out some hoodies and sweat pants. He'd thank her later, she assured.

He made his way to the check out, thinking he had hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise. The total was only 194 dollars. The jeans he was wearing cost more than that. And they didn't even keep him warm.

"So, what do people do here, on Saturday nights?" he asked.

"Well, if it was summer, lots. But in the winter? Movies? Shop at Walmart?" she laughed.

"Isn't there a bar or something around here?" He asked.

"Sure. But, I'm not much into bars. I can show you where to go."She drove him back to Oscoda and in the tiny "downtown" there was a Dairy Queen, a bank, a fish shop, a rite aid and a bar. It was also a pizza place. Nothing else looked open. Not even rite aid. Pen pulled into the parking lot, parked and walked up to the bar.

Inside the bar was dark and had the smell of old beer in the air. It was crowded. Only a few tables were left open. Liam pulled Penelope to an open table and made her sit. "One drink." he said. "I need to relax."

The waitress walked over. "Hey, Cricket. Who's your handsome friend? This isn't Tom!"

"Holly, meet Andy. Andy, meet Holly." Penelope introduced them to each other.

Liam gave her an appreciative up and down glance. "Hey, Holly" he said. "How about a couple beers?"

"Oh My God! He's English? Where did you find him, Cricket?" Holly gushed.

"Walmart. Look, Andy, I don't want a beer. I've got work to do at home..." Penelope started.

"Oh! My shift is almost over.  I'll take him home. You go!" Holly practically pushed her out the door. Liam looked fine, so she decided to let him have his fun. 

On her way home, she tried to called Tom, but got his voicemail. Feeling sorry of herself, she made hot chocolate and settled on the couch to work on her lesson plans. Her mother was next door and her own boyfriend didn't even answer. Plus, that slut Holly was with Liam. Not that it mattered, but still.


She must have fallen asleep on the couch. She was woken by a knocking on the door. Then, a very drunk and disheveled Liam was helped into the house by Holly. "Hey, Cricket. Here. I gave him my number. Have him call me if he'd like more of what he got tonight! Did you know English guys aren't circumcised? So weird." With that, she giggled and left Liam laying in a chair. Pen shut the door and went over to Liam. He smelled awful. Whiskey.

Sighing, She pulled off his shoes and moved him over to the couch. She supposed this was normal for him, right? Damn that Holly, she thought. Wait. She didn't care, right? He could do what ever he wanted. She kept telling herself "right" hoping that her brain would believe it.She had no claim to Liam and she had a boyfriend, anyway. A boyfriend who never called, but still, a boyfriend. Covering him with a blanket, she went up to her own bed to sleep and stop thinking about the gorgeous man in her livingroom. He was off limits.

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