My One and Only

By Musicmaniac1999

252 18 1

It was like I was seeing him for the first time, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt stupid for not seeing... More

My One and Only
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

15 1 0
By Musicmaniac1999



I awoke early this morning and got busy with my writing. I was doing a few last touches to my book that
I would soon release, it was pretty exciting to be and author and a song writer, it was really amazing to see my work beginning to spread around. When I finished my touch ups I hopped into the shower and rinsed out my turquoise hair dip dyed in lime green. Refreshed I pulled on some sweats and a T shirt swinging my hair up into a pony tail. Hungry, I poured myself a bowl of frosted mini wheats. I glanced at my phone as I ate, I smiled seeing a text from Leo.

Leo: Hey hun, you busy tonight? ;)

Raven: No not really, what you have in mind? :)

Leo: Well the day is beautiful out, so maybe a hike?

Raven: Sounds wonderful! Where are you thinking?

Leo: Hmm maybe Table Rock?

Raven: I would love that!

Leo: Great! I can bring some food and I'll pick you up tonight, maybe 7ish?

Raven: Perfect! See you then! ;)

Leo: See you then! :)

I put my phone down and smiled to myself blushing. It was amazing how fast 10 years had passed by, he had been my best friend since I was five but we were... we were something more than friends. I had felt it coming on me and I had fallen in love with him, and he with me. I thought over the years that had passed, our first date spent as his home just watching a movie, the time the group took a trip to the beach and we snuck off to walk along the shore with our fingers intertwined, all the jams we had had
snuck away for a moment to ourselves, and the times I had fallen asleep in his arms on long road trips. I
sighed softly, we had had a few bumps in the road but nothing seemed to ever be enough to break us

I did some cleaning and went on a little walk to the park that day waiting for time to pass, even after all
these years the thought of him made me smile and gave me butterflies...

I picked up some roses for Hailey, she and Jackson had gotten married as of five months ago and Hailey had just found out she was pregnant with their first child. I grinned as I picked out a card for her then headed out to the car. I drove for maybe half an hour then pulled up into the driveway of a two story baby blue house with the curtains open and light flooding into the house. I picked up the gift then walked up to knock on the door.

*Knock knock knock*

The door instantly sprang open to see Hailey's glowing face.

"Raven!" She squealed pulling me into a hug.

I Laughed. "Hailey!" I said embracing her back.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Raven I need to tell you something!" She said her eyes aglow.

I laughed. "Ok what is it? Oh and these are for you." I said handing her the card and flowers.

"Oohhh they're so pretty!" She said taking them from my hands and smelling them. "Ok inside now!"
She giggled pulling me in.

She placed the flowers on the table and turned to me her eyes sparkling.

"Soooo?" I asked.

"Whew! Ok Raven I visited the doctor today and..." She paused biting her lip.

"And?" I asked edging her on.

"And I'm having twins!!!" She squealed.


"Oh my god I'm so happy for you!!! Does Jackson know?" I asked giggling.

"No, he has no clue! I'm going to tell him when he gets home from work!" She giggled.

"Oh my god I wish I could see his reaction." I laughed.

She laughed. "I do too, you could stay for dinner you know." She said.

"Aww sorry I have a date tonight up at Table Rock." I said.

"Ahh, oh well have fun then!" She winked.

I giggled. "Will do!" I said.

I got home half an hour later and changed into hiking clothes and soon after heard a knock at my door. I opened the door to see Leo's beaming face.

"Hey." He said grinning.

"Hi." I said leaning in to give him a kiss. "You want a granola bar before we leave?" I asked looking into those deep brown eyes of his.

He laughed. "Yes those things will get you through anything." He said.

We walked inside my apartment and grabbed a snack by the island.

"So," I said turning to face him. "Have you heard the news?" I asked.

"What news?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hailey is pregnant with twins." I replied grinning.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes!" I laughed. "Also, yours truly is releasing her first book as of next month." I said.

"That's wonderful! Congratulations Raven!" He said beaming.

"Thank you kindly!" I giggled. "So what's new with you?" I asked.

"Well yours truly, just passed the final exams with excellent grades and has been accepted as a chemical engineer in a new company." He said.

"That's wonderful! Congratulations Leo!" I said beaming.

"Yep it's pretty cool, anyhow we should get going, if we don't it's going to be dark by the time we reach

the top." He said gesturing to the door.

I laughed. "Agreed let's go!" I said.

We climbed into his green pickup and continued to talk about work along the way there.

When we got there he grabbed his backpack with the food in it then started the hike up.

I breathed in deeply and smiled, the fresh summer air was breathtaking.

"It's beautiful out." I sighed.

"Yeah... Hey," He said grinning at me slyly.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He took my hands and leaned in close to me and grinned. I smiled feeling his breath on my lips.

"Race ya!" He said and instantly let go of hands and started running.

I burst out laughing. "Oh no you don't!" I said chasing after him.

"Haha you'll never catch me!" He said running ahead.

"Gotcha!" I said jumping onto his back.

"Ahhh well shoot." He said slowing down while laughing. "You gonna get off now?" He asked.

"Nope, I like it here." I said giggling.

"So I just have to carry you the whole way up?" He asked dramatically.

"Yeah pretty much." I laughed.

He made It a reasonable way farther before I got off then we hiked the rest of the way up reaching the top before sunset. We sat down at the edge of the cliff and Leo stared making us sandwiches that had slightly squished bread do to my riding. We finished eating and repacked the food, the sun had still not yet set. Our eyes locked.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" He smirked.

"I believe so." I grinned.

"Cm'on." He said taking my hand to help me up.

I grinned as we walked to the little cave again, this time hand in hand.

"Still here." I said softly leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"Always has been, always will be." He said.

I giggled and placed a kiss on his lips, he places a hand on the back of my neck keeping me there a little while longer. I sighed softly against his lips. He pulled away slowly and caressed my cheek.

He smiled softly. "I think it's time." He said.

"Oh yeah?" I said.

"Yeah." He said."Cm'on!" He laughed.

We walked back the edge of the cliff and stood there as the sun began to set.

"It's beautiful." I sighed.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said.

I blushed tucking a stray blue strand behind my ear.

"Raven..." He said.

"Yes Leo?" I said.

"Ok..." He takes a breath then looks at me. "Raven the day I met you I fell in love with you, your smile, your laugh, just everything about you, everything just seemed better with you, you could always just brighten my day with the smallest of thing. You're sweet, amazing and kind, you're somebody I could spend the rest of my time with and still want you more." He sighed. "It's just, I guess what I'm trying to  say here is," He got down on one knee and pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it to reveal silver ring. "Will you marry me?" He said.

"Yes!" I said. "A thousand times yes!" I said trying hard not to cry the tears of pure joy and happiness that had come to my eyes.

He slipped the ring onto my finger then hugged me tight.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said holding tight, I would never let him go, his was mine to keep forever and always, my one and only.


Hey guys this is Beccy! OMG FULL CIRCLE X3 *fangirling* Hahaha I know reeaal mature Beccy reeaal mature lol anywho I hope you guys like this book I really enjoyed writing it! I don't often do romance/love story type of books so this will probably be the only one I do like this at least for a long time. Lol if you want to call this a romance hmm a very mild one of that I wanted to keep this pretty innocent without anything too crazy going on lol (btw another pic of a table rock sunset up there, one my mom took) anywho that's all for now I won't keep ya! Lol until then

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