Driven (BIGBANG)

By BeyondtheKilljoy

12.5K 295 55

TOP is driven, mature and the oldest. Shouldn't he get to be the leader? As tensions rise, bonds are formed... More

Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BIGBANG)
Driven (BigBang)
Driven (BigBang)
Driven (BigBang)
Driven (BigBang)
Driven (BigBang)
Driven (BigBang)
Driven (BigBang)
Driven (BigBang)
BigBang (Driven)

Driven (BIGBANG)

1K 24 4
By BeyondtheKilljoy

Chapter Two (Part I): Cats



I hold the script in a tight fist, legitimately false tears welling in my eyes. "I thought you loved me..? Was I plaything? Was he your real love? Does he really love you? Does he!" I nearly scream, choking on a sob. I pull back from my mirror on my closet door, startled. I let my emotions overrun my ability to preform.

I fall back onto to my pink bed behind me, and hold the script above my face. I have the words memorized, now all I need is the character etched into my skull.

...'I am Jacob. I am twenty three years old and I have lived in America all my life. My fiancée, Kim, travels back and forth from Korea for her business. She gets a steady position in Korea. I want to support her, because I love her. So I move to Korea with her - not knowing that my understanding of the culture is baseline or why my fiancée comes home so late every night when she says she's doing business or why she wants to keep putting off the wedding...'

My breath is coming in anxious gasps; I realize Jacob must be a worried man. Jacob is a working, loving, stressed man. Well, we have one thing in common.

We both work.

There's a quick rapt on my closed door. I feel a twinge of irritation - I thought I told them not to bother me today. Still, it must be important if they wouldn't do what I asked. I pull a deep breath in and sit up to face the door.

"Come in," I say. Dae pokes his head in and I feel a rush of relief it isn't Jijong. Then I feel a pit of guilt - I know I should treat him better, and it's not his fault the company put me under him, but I still can't bring myself to treat him any less cold than I have in the former years. Daesung plants himself on the other side of the bed, sitting across from me. He fiddles with my comforter.

"We have an interview today." He says, as if it was an offhand comment and not the reason he came in here. But I've grown to be able to decipher what Dae says that Jijong told him to say and what Dae feels like saying.

"Thank you for telling me. Did everyone forget as well?" I ask.

"Yes, I remember while I was washing dishes and I reminded Ji."

"Lemme guess, he wanted you to tell me?" Dae is the one of the rare that I feel comfortable being comfortable around.

Dae laughs and his bright smile spreads across his face. I'm still unsure as why the staff use to think he was ugly. "Yeah, he thought you'd rather have me interrupt me than him."

I chuckled, not saying anything. Cause I couldn't. I didn't want to be mean and I also didn't want to lie, so Dae earned yet another rare smirk out of me. "I'm going to practice a little longer and then I'll get a shower and get ready."

Dae groaned and fell foreword on my bed, his face inches from my thigh. I scooted over a bit, because I felt slightly uncomfortable. "What?" I asked, knowing he wanted something.

"You stay cooped up in your room too much!"

"No I don't." I say defensively.

"Name the last time you left this dorm that wasn't because one of us made you or for an acting-slash-singing job."

I think back, my mouth open and ready to argue back. I slowly close it back up, and sit a little straighter. Dae looks up at me, his face resting on his hands. "Come shopping with me!" He said happily, as if he fixed the problem.

I mumbled, "But my script..."

"But your script nothing. You're going shopping with me today." Dae said resolutely.

Thinking of it, Dae was usually happy with whatever, whichever direction we go in. He was even okay with dropping out of school because we needed him*. But, when Dae wanted something, he put up a fight for it. He usually got it too. I guess it's cause he doesn't want too much.

"Helloooo?" Dae said, laughing. "Anyone home up there?" I realize I was staring off into space. I laugh kind of off beat, still not fully 'home'.

"Yeah...I'll go shopping with you; just let me take a shower."

Dae pops off my bed like a daisy does out of the dirt and says, "Okay but if you're not ready in thirty minutes, I'm leaving by myself and I'll never forgive you for standing me up." He holds a finger up in warning, but a playful grin is splashed on his face. He pounces out of the room like a cat.

A very beautiful, graceful cat.

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