Seven Kisses

Rufferto1969 द्वारा

120K 3.4K 3.7K

Arthur wants Merlin badly but isn't sure that Merlin feels the same so he decides to throw down a challenge... अधिक

Chapter 2: A Morning to Remember
Chapter 3 : A Sweet Reward for a Patient Prince
Chapter 4: A Haunting Past
Chapter 5: A little Problem
Chapter Six: Six Hours until Dawn
Chapter 7: Reckless Hearts
Chapter 8: Inside the Dragon's Breath

Chapter One: A Hug Wouldn't Hurt

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Rufferto1969 द्वारा

Merlin stared after Arthur with a tight little smile. Why did he ALWAYS do that? He squared his shoulders and resolved to follow him. He knew a secret way into the Prince's room and took that route so that he could check in on him to make sure he was alright. It can't have been easy, dealing with his father's rejection like that. Uther –had- been bewitched and Arthur could have died if he hadn't got there in time.

A hug wasn't –too- much to ask! Honestly.

He watched as Arthur pulled off his shirt and sat down heavily in his chair. The elder boy ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. He reached or the wine bottle and filled up his cup. Merlin found his eyes drawn to Arthur's lips as they licked some wine from the side of his mouth. "Damnit." Arthur grunted.

There was a knock on his chamber and he bid them enter. It was The Lady Morganna who smiled wanly when she saw him. "Well, what a relief." She helped herself to some of the wine and sat across from the brooding Prince. "What's got you mad now, hm? I'm just glad we're rid of the troll."

"I'm not mad." Arthur grunted.

Merlin suddenly felt very weird listening to their private conversation and he was just about to sneak back away when Morganna's words made his ears go pink and he stayed rooted to the spot.

"Have you told Merlin yet?"

"No!" Arthur's voice was sharp and filled with emotion Merlin could swear he'd never heard from the Prince in the past.

"Arthur." Morganna's words crooned a bit like a mother scolding a little boy. "You have to tell him. What happens if you're drunk and he's helping you get your clothes off? You can't hide this forever."

Hide –what-. Merlin's eyes were round with anticipation. What had Arthur got himself into?

"I can bloody-well try." Arthur growled. "It's just that he's... " He gave a desperate sound that was almost despairing. "He gets in my space unexpectedly and I don't know what to do."

"TELL him. For godsake, Arthur."

"What if he doesn't want me?"

The petulant note to Arthur's tone made Merlin's lips twitch fondly. He was adorable when he did—hey now. What? What was that question ... again... exactly? Merlin was sure he'd heard right, absolutely certain.

/What if he doesn't want me?/

"Then at least you'll know and you can stop this ridiculous behavior." Morgana threw up her hands and glared at her "sibling". "TELL him."

"What if he laughs at me?" Arthur shot back. "I couldn't handle that. What if he hates me?"

"Arthur Pendragon." Morgana rose up and drank the rest of her goblet. "Merlin loves you. If you can't see that then you deserve to wallow...." She paused and stiffened slightly. Her eyes drew towards the corner of the room where the secret door Merlin was hiding behind was not even remotely visible.

Her magic was getting stronger. Merlin shivered slightly.

"I love him, Morgana." Arthur whispered into his goblet. "When he wanted to hug me I almost let him...I wanted his arms around me more than anything. But I walked way."

Merlin's mouth fell open. Arthur what? He stood there, stupefied.

"I know, dear." Morgana smirked towards where she know was certain Merlin was standing. "If he knows what's good for him, he won't reject you." She bent down and gave him an affectionate kiss on the forehead. "Good night." She called too loudly as she strode out of the room.

Merlin was dumbstruck, Arthur loved him? Like was –in- love with him? That couldn't be true. And how did he feel about that? He scratched his head and his eyes were drawn back to the handsome blonde as he drank his wine and sniffled occasionally. It was true that Arthur was beautiful, sunshine and fire. It was also true that Merlin knew he would be by Arthur's side forever. And it was also true that there was no future in loving a Prince. He would forever be in the background, always second to everything else. Was that enough?

Merlin silently pushed open the secret door much to Arthur's surprise. "Hello." He made his presence known with a goofy little smile as though he was just using that door because it was convenient. Hopefully Arthur was already too much in his cups to notice.

"Merlin, when did you get here?!" Arthur grunted and refused to look at him.

"Just now. I wanted to see if you needed anything else." Merlin gazed at the Golden Prince and his eyes sparkled. Just knowing what he knew, he could take anything Arthur had to dish out. Arthur –loved- him.

Arthur's next look was suspicious and his words gruff. "You haven't come here to hug me have you? I thought we'd already been over this. I'm fine, you can go... back to whatever it is you usually do."

Merlin stalked over to the Prince as close as he dared and reached for the empty pitcher of wine. Even though Arthur leant back away from him he felt a little thrill go through his body. Now he /knew/.

Not yet.

Merlin looked down at the table in pretense. "I came to get your room cleaned up before bed, as usual." He gave his Prince a completely innocent look.

As for Arthur, that look nearly undid him. He gripped his chair and drew in a shallow breath.

"What's wrong, Arthur? Feeling a bit under the weather are you? I could send Gaius up with a drop of something to help you sleep if you like." Merlin began to clean up things here and there. As he moved he made sure that Arthur had a good view of him and he –knew- the Prince was watching.

"No, thank you." Arthur grunted. It was taking every ounce of resolve he had to keep glued to the chair. If he didn't know any better... he would have thought Merlin was teasing him. He was used to that from the palace maids.

Merlin was resolved to make Arthur admit it. For too long now he'd kept quiet about his feelings, buried them deep but now that he knew the other felt the same way all bets were off. He began to clean and stroke bits of furniture 'dusting' and he grinned every time he heard Arthur's breathing hitch.

"Are you quite finished? I want to get a good night's sleep." The Prince said between his teeth.

"Then I'll just turn down your bed, shall I?" Merlin was adorably agreeable and it was setting Arthur's teeth on edge.

"What are up to?" He demanded suddenly. "You'd better not be putting things in my bed!"

"Arthur! I wouldn't ever..." Ok he had... in the past. But that was then! Merlin turned around to find that Arthur had stood up finally. The moonlight was streaming through the window and danced about his hair. His face was a stubborn mask ... he'd taken a bit too long having his fun and Arthur had time to bury his feelings down deep. It was something he was really good at and irked Merlin to no end as he yanked down the covers of the soft bed.

"Ok then." Arthur sat down on his bed and began to remove his shoes.

The air hung thick between them and the young mage now regretted not saying anything immediately while the Prince's feelings were on his sleeve. He might have missed his chance! The stone face was back far too easily.

Arthur's sharp words snapped him back to attention. "Leave me alone, please. I'm tired."

Please? Merlin stared at Arthur, he never said please. He looked the other up and down curiously, mouth open.

Arthur only half-looked at him. He was really staring at the door, not at Merlin and trying hard to shift his body into a position where a particular situation couldn't be noticed.

Merlin really couldn't think of anything to say until he saw –it-. The thing Arthur was desperately trying to hide. And he smiled from ear to ear. That was for –him-. Too late he realized that Arthur had noticed him staring.

"Just leave me alone! Get out!" The Prince hissed. "Listen for once, will you?"

Merlin couldn't move. He was mesmerized. He'd never seen Arthur act like this and it sent shivers through his entire body. More than ever he wanted those pants to –drop- and he wanted to see him bathed in moonlight all that brilliance for him alone to see! A dark and twisted thought suddenly wormed its way into his brain. If he wanted to, he could take everything from Arthur. He had that power. He could have Arthur any way he wanted and the thought terrified him. He could never be like that! Never! He would never hurt Arthur. "I--." He snapped his mouth shut and bowed his head. His voice felt raw and the words felt like they were coming from somewhere far away. "Yes, my lord." He gathered up the things he had said he was going to clear away and tried not to tremble while he did so.

As Merlin shuffled towards the door he heard Arthur mutter something under his breath and sneaked a glance back at him.

That glance completely unraveled all the resolve he'd reigned in and in an instant he was on his feet. "I told you to leave." Arthur advanced on the mage, like an angry lion.

"I'm leaving... I'm leav—" Merlin squeaked. He started to unlatch the door but Arthur was there before he could escape. He stood there with all those things in his arms and just stared. He swallowed a little nervously but just as it appeared.

"Merlin..." Arthur spoke his name very softly. He leaned in closer and their faces were mere inches apart. A bead of sweat trickled down Merlin's cheek. He felt Arthur move a little closer and when he didn't protest the Prince took the bundle in his arms and deposited it on a side table. "You had your chance to leave."

And then it happened. Arthur reached over to grab his shirt and yank him over. He looked fierce and determined and a small part of Merlin was a little afraid. Arthur was a strong man, a beautiful golden god of a man. He was perfect in every way and Merlin was the exact opposite. A dark-haired servant all gangly limbed. At least that's what he thought. To Arthur, Merlin was the beauty... a mysterious dark haired sylph that he'd longed to possess since the moment he laid eyes on him.

He a hand up and down Merlin's chest so that there could be no question of what he was about. Their eyes locked and in Arthur's there was a silent... yet hopeful... unspoken request. And Merlin just simply nodded... oh yes, he nodded. Yes –please-.

A weight seemed to lift from Arthur's expression and he laughed. The room always lit up when Arthur laughed. "I should really not." He chided himself. "It wouldn't be fair to you."

"I'm not a girl, Arthur." Merlin pointed out and was rewarded by the sound of Arthur's rich laughter again.

"I know –that-, Idiot." Arthur whispered affectionately. "I'm not blind."

"So what's the problem then? I said yes." Damn Arthur's honor. Merlin would love to just kick it to the curb sometimes. It was a part of him though and it made the young mage love his Prince even more.

"I can't offer you –anything-." Arthur grunted.

"Did I ask for anything?"

"Well, ... no."

"Then stop being a Prat and kiss me." Merlin demanded.

Arthur laughed again and closed the distance between their lips. Merlin's world suddenly exploded in a litany of sensations. His whole body sung with pleasure. Arthur's tongue invaded his mouth hungrily, seeking full dominance while Merlin's hands had a mind of their own. He worked his way over the tight muscular shoulders and ran them down his back, then up again and through his hair and hardly realized that Arthur's were everywhere too.

Merlin grinned as they panted for breath and pressed up against the hardness he'd seen earlier. It felt so strong. He wanted to touch it but he his hands were drawn up elsewhere and Arthur shook his head. "No... No. I don't want to rush this. I don't want just one quick night and then we go back to being who we are." Arthur whispered as he kissed the young Mage again and again

"I can't pretend this didn't happen, Arthur!" Merlin looked confused, he knew what he wanted and he wanted it now!

"Listen to what I'm saying, Merle." Arthur's sudden use of a sweet little nickname made Merlin blush. It appeared that the Prince had come to some kind of decision for though his words were soft and gentle they were /very/ firm. "I want to kiss you once every night for seven days. And on the last day... if you still want to be mine, I'll make you mine." He played with the contours of his lover's neck. "

"Are you saying you want to ...Woo me..." Merlin stared, dumbfounded. Had Arthur gone mad? "Didn't I just tell you I'm not a girl? And what will people say?"

"I don't care, I'm the Crown Prince. Besides, I didn't say that."

"Well I –do- care and I don't want you courting me. For goodness sake, Arthur, that's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard!"

"So now I'm ridiculous!" Arthur glared angrily at him.

"Oh calm down." Merlin wished he hadn't promised never to swear because now would be a great time for an offensive word or fifteen. So this was some kind of weird challenge then? He glared at Arthur hotly. "Fine then!" He stood up on tip toe to try and get a level look in. "Let's see if YOU can hold out." He stabbed Arthur's chest indignantly.

"One kiss every night." Arthur reminded him. "A real kiss."

"Fine." One week of kisses, he could handle that. What could go wrong? Just to prove a point, Merlin rubbed himself against Arthur's body and gleefully noted the Prince's groan of frustration. "Good luck with that." He whispered saucily and slid away. With that he grabbed up the stuff he'd dropped before and began to saunter out. "I'll see you in the morning. Good night, my Prince."

"Good night, Merlin." Arthur rubbed his jaw as he watched Merlin leave and his eyes smoldered with desire. What in the nine hells did he say that for? One week. Of course it was a test. A test to see if Merlin really did want him or if it was all a game. Sometimes Arthur wondered because Merlin seemed to treat life like a game. One thing was for sure. Arthur knew what he wanted as a certain part of him strained to be recognized and dealt with. It was going to be hard to fall asleep when all he could feel was Merlin's lips on his.

Downstairs, Merlin fairly skipped through Gaius' workroom and the old Physician stared at the young man shrewdly.

"Be careful Merlin." Gaius warned.

"Oh don't be an old fuddy!" Merlin shot back, nothing could get in the way of his good mood tonight. His dreams would be pleasant and he'd sleep like a stone.

Arthur loved him. The rest of the world could go hang.

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