
By olisykesisperf

170 3 0

Anna Tarke is just an average 17 year old girl with no social life and even less friends. When she finds out... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

37 1 0
By olisykesisperf

Chapter one: School's a bore, home is a different story.

"Anna, why don't you read out your poem?" Mrs Hilary suggested. I didn't object, I just stood up and began reading my poem. The poem was basically about the holocaust. I was taking History as one of my A-levels and the holocaust was one of my favourite subjects. I'm not sure why, it just intruiged me a lot. 

I finished my poem and recieved a warm smile from my teacher. I sat back down in my seat, which was convieniently placed next to Chuck. "Hey, Babe." He greeted me, leaning over and winking. "That was a good poem," He continued.

I just raised my eyebrows, giving him an unamused look. "You busy after school?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied bluntly. 

"Doing what?"


"Like what?"

"None of your business, okay?" I burst.

He rolled his eyes and slumped back in his seat, sending a note to one of his friends, probably something pathetic about me.

The rest of school went by pretty quickly. On the way out from school I heard one of the popular groups talking about the recently escaped convict. I listened it, but made it look casual. I had to wait for Joel anyway. 

"Did you hear about that guy?"

"Yeah, oh my gosh, it's so freaky!"

"He was pretty fit. I would'nt mind if he ended up on my doorstep."

"Wow, you're so horny!"

I rolled my eyes at their stupidity. I saw Joel in the corner of my eye. I turned around and greeted him, following him to the car.

"So, Anna, how was your day?" Joel asked, chirpily.

"Meh, same old." I replied. "How was yours?"

"It was okay. Mum asked me to tell you to find her hair curlers in the garage. She was going to text you but you left your phone at home." 

"Did I?" I dug into my pockets. "Oh, I guess I did." I laughed slightly.

He rolled his eyes at me. 

We soon arrived home. I slung my bag off my back and made myself some toast. I spread a thick layer of nutella over the toast and cut it in half. As I was about to put a piece in my mouth, Joel grabbed it from my hand and ran to his room. I gasped and ran after him.

"Joel! Give me my toast back!" I shouted, banging on his locked door.

"Nope, mine now!"

"Joel." I dragged on the 'e'. 

"Anna." He replied, mocking me. "It's all gone now anyway."

"You're such an ass! Now my toast is probably cold. No wonder girls mistake you for animals!" I shouted to him, running down the stairs before my toast went cold. I made an extremely disturbing noise as I scoffed down my toast. I could practically hear Joel burst into laughter at my inappropriate noise. I rolled my eyes and put the plate into the sink.

I walked out the front and grabbed the keys. I was about to press the 'unlock' button, until I realised that the garage was already a quarter open. I raised an eyebrow and pulled it up fully. I wiped my dark brown hair out of my face and turned on the light. I shifted a few boxes and started going through them. 

3 and a half boxes later, no curlers were to be found. I walked through the boxes to hear a light snoring coming from behind a stack of boxes. My eyes widened as I slowly pulled the boxes away. To my surprise, a guy was sleeping on the floor, snoring ever so slightly. I pulled the duvet away from his face to reveal the guy from the news. I gasped quietly, grabbing the first thing I could see in sight, which happened to be a lamp. The guy slightly stirred, wiping his long messy hair from his face. He sat up, catching sight of me and blinking a few times. I was about to scream when he jumped up and placed a firm grip around my lips. I hit him in the ribs with the lamp which caused him to fall to the ground.

"Don't get up! I'm calling the police!" I said, reaching into my pocket and slapping myself realising I hadn't picked it up.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you!"

"How do I know that? You're an escaped murderer!" 

"I know it seems bad, but honestly, I don't- I didn't hurt anyone!" 

I took a breath and lowered the lamp. "Who are you?" 

"My name's Charlie."

"What are you doing here... Charlie?" 

"Look, we can sit here and have a chat about my story but I think we both know that you just want me to go. If you don't call the police I'll just leave you alone, we can act like this little encounter never happened."

Honestly, I wish I could just tell him to leave right there and then, but I couldn't bring myself to tell someone who looked so lost and lonely to leave. I took another deep breath.

"You can stay. I'll get you a few more pillows so you're comfortable. But, on the conditions that if you are found, I didn't know you were here. You don't make any noise to attract attention. I'll bring you food in the morning before I leave, and some after dinner. You can stay here for up to a week. Then you have to leave. Oh, and I am not your slave, nor am I your maid. Before you leave this garage must be in the condition it was when you arrived. Deal?" 

He looked surprised. He obviously didn't think I'd give in that easy. "Okay," Was all he replied.

What the hell am I getting myself into?

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