From Boys to Babies

By Lottecon

59.6K 4.2K 6K

[COMPLETED] A story of fcuteness, fluff, love and happiness. A story that will warm your heart in so many w... More

Double trouble
Little hands
Daddy Avi
A/N: Bubble Madness
Warmth Part 1
Warmth Part 2
Minus one
Lighted hope
A/N: Christmas Special!! UPDATE: PART 2 IS UP NOW!!
Hair travesty
A/N: The 20 tag thingy
A/N: Really really bad news...
A/N: NYD 3K????
New Year Day
Lucid nightmares
A/N: I'll never be in Pentatonix
Onesies part 1
Onesies part 2
Bookworm truth
Lean on
A/N: Start of the end
Misguided errors
Trahison part 1
Trahison part 2
Double-edged sword
Hurting to hurt
#The End

The incident

4.2K 175 214
By Lottecon

|From boys to babies|

Chapter one-The incident

|•| Avi's POV-5.45pm

"Bye Kevin!"

I called out as my best friend waved before disappearing out of the apartment. Twirling my phone against the palm of my hand I leaned back onto the sofa. Esther, Josh, Darien, his parents and my parents were coming over for a nice 'Kooplan' gathering, or more like a post wedding gathering, as my mon had placed it. Kevin politely wanted to leave, not wanting to be present during our mini-reunion much to my distaste. Good O'l Kevin told me he would hang out with the trio at Starbucks.

Nevertheless, it was good to see my family again. Ten minutes flew by and the chime of my doorbell was the one that jolted me out of my Twitter daydream. Esther and Josh enveloped me in a crazy tight hug followed closely by my dear mother and father. I shook hands with Darien's parents and said son smirked at me as we bro hugged.

"I still have to get used to the fact that the Avi Kaplan is now my brother-in-law. Heh." He laughed and smacked my shoulder playfully.

"What can I say? I'm a legend." I stated with a similar smirk.

Dinner came and went. Laughter and awkward stories were told and sworn to be kept a secret. The Red wine came out next of the plastic bag and Josh, being the lightweight he was, was soon getting tipsy. My mom laughed and lightly shove my brother as the latter stumbled around like a leaf. I shook my head and smiled fondly.

Nothing had changed in my family.

Time flew by and soon it was almost 11. The Kooplans decided that it was time to close it up.

"Make sure Josh don't drive home." I reminded as I kissed my mother sweetly on the forehead before bidding goodbye to my extended family. As the cars on my porch disappeared my hands flew to my back pocket. It was currently 11pm and Kevin wasn't back yet.

No miss calls.

Not a peep from him.

'He's a big boy he can take care of himself' The words rang in my head as I closed the door leaving it unlocked before dropping him a text.

:Hey where are you. R u otw home?:

My mouth curled upwards at the reference and I brought my phone to my ear for a call. However, it brought me straight to voicemail. A silent sense of strange foreboding fear swell within me and I narrowed my eyes.

"Hey Kev. Its getting late. Call me back if you're wasted I'll come pick you up." I left in the voicemail before deciding to dial Scott. Kevin didn't go drinking that was for sure. He was 100% against it but who knows right?

The sound of footsteps coming up my porch shook me out of the call before the baritone could pick up. Regretfully, I ended the call abruptly.

Crap. Who is that now.

Cautiously, I sidestepped to the door, fists clenched by my sides ready to punch any intruder whom dare come into his household at this certain hour...

"A-Avi? O-Open th-e doo-or..."

I recognized that voice anywhere.

I threw the door open, despite it being unlocked Kevin had difficulties maneuvering the knob and he fell face first against my chest muttering nonsensical gibberish.

"Kev? Hey Kev are you okay?"

Was he drunk? Oh God that's a first.

But then I noticed that his breath did not reek of alcohol. His face was contorted in pain, hands clutching his stomach as if he had been stabbed. His entire form shook uncontrollably. Shock almost threw me off and my legs almost buckled under the weight of my friend but somehow I managed to slam the door shut and stagger to the couch. Hastily, I checked for blood or bruises or any sign of a fight, wincing as Kevin's nails dug into my arm in the process.

"A-Avi. Oh m-my g-g-gosh..I think... I'm going to.." He stuttered breaking away, nauseously.

Now I didn't like our carpet but I had no intensions of buying a new one anytime soon. At the speed of lightning, I snatched the plastic bag on the coffee counter that was used to store the Red wine we drank earlier and shove it into his hands. A split-second later the horrible sound of retching sounded and the smell of puke filled the room. His fists were tightly clutched, eyes scrunched up in pain as I gently rubbed his back soothingly.

"What happened. Kevin what happened." I spoke out softly but firmly but he was too shaken to reply. Worry rouse like a wave as I bit my lip, soothing him and placing my clammy palm against his forehead and realized that it was warm.

"Holy shit you are running a fever? What the heck did you do?!"

"I..I-Drinking c-coff-ee.."

"The Starbucks you drank must have been filled with shit then."

"I-I'm n-n-never drin-king tha-t a-again."

Reassuringly, I placed a hand on his shoulder, indicating that he should calm down and lie on the couch. Dashing to the kitchen, I gather a thermometer, warm water, charcoal pills, paracetamol (Cause it was more gentle on the stomach) more plastic bags and some other pills. Hopefully Kevin knew what to take.

Poor poor Kevin.

In three minutes I was back by his side only to see him throwing up more of his dinner.

"Goddammit Kevin. Next time don't eat what Scott eats. I swear that boy has the stomach of a whale..." chiding I cupped his hands with a glass of water and the respective pills which he reciprocated eagerly. He placed a shaky hand to his chest and took in a shaky breath.

"Gosh.. I could feel m-my lungs tightening just n-now."

My eyebrows knitted and I nodded as I placed the thermometer in his mouth.

"102. You are running a fever. I think you have food poisoning Kev."

"H-How is it so bad-" He cut himself off in a fit of coughing and I handed him another plastic bag wincing at the sound of more retching.

"I'll get your pillow and blanket from upstairs. You should rest here. I don't think you can make it two stories up to your room." I spoke up sympathetically and Kevin mouthed a 'Thank you'.

When I came back with the pillows I found Kevin fast asleep, burrowed between the two couch pillows, his legs curled almost against his chest. I ignored the temptation to take a sleepwars photo and gently placed a pillow under his head, removing the jacket he had not taken out yet. Slipping off his sneakers I tucked him in our couch bed. He seemed so tiny under the protective shield of the pillows and blankets. Heh, who was I kidding. He was a 6"1 man.

My lips cocked into a smile as I pulled out the mattress to sleep on the floor beside him. My conscience couldn't bear to leave my sick friend alone as I closed my eyes and disappeared into the world of dreams and dragons.

"Goodnight Kev."

|•| The next day 8.39am

The incessant ringing of something woke me from my slumber. Groggily, I wondered why I was sleeping on the floor. Then yesterday's incidents flashed back into my head.


Groaning, I groped around for my phone.

For fucks sake! Avi Kaplan needs his sleep!

With eyes half open, I accepted the call without seeing who first called and mumbled in my low bass morning voice

:/Who is this-/:

:/AVI OH MY GOD AVI YOU PICKED UP FINALLY!/: Jeremy's voice went up two pitches higher, screaming into my unprepared ear.

Wide awake now and with a surprised yelp I sprang up, hitting my forehead on the low lying coffee table and knocking over the boxes of pills and the cup of glass. I hissed as the glass shattered into shards piercing my hand.

:/What the fuck do you want Jeremy! This isn't a good time to call you dork!/: I was in no state to be polite. Hugging my phone between my cheek and neck, I gingerly massaged my poor head with my right hand, my left palm slowly becoming the colour of scarlet. Grabbing the tissue box, I gingerly wrapped my bleeding palm before trying to find a way to clear the glass. But Jeremy's panicked voice brought me to his attention again.

:/ I-It's Kirstie! I-I... S-SHE'S...-/:


Suddenly I couldn't hear Jeremy anymore. My whole world was blocked out as I heard the call of my badly pronounced name. A cold, cold was of fear washed over me like a tidal wave as I turned around to face the couch where my best friend lay.

Except that he wasn't there anymore.

My phone slipped off my neck, my throbbing head became ten-fold worse, my green eyes widened in utter disbelieve.

Because sitting right in the middle of the couch where my best friend used to lay hours ago was a child.


|•| Updated: A/N
So I got too excited and forgot to add in an Author's note whoops. So hi! Welcome to FBTB! This is going to be a rather happy and #Fcute story with no dark themes [yet >:)] So hope ya'll enjoy my first try in writing. Feel free to add in any suggestions you want!

Don't forget to slap that little vote button with your nose! Have a great day!

-Charlotte <3

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