Never Forget [book one]

By HoraaanHuggs

1.8M 29.2K 5.9K

{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can rememb... More

Before You Read ♡
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Epilogue.
Author's Note.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

15.8K 249 88
By HoraaanHuggs


i hate my life.


Chapter Fifty-Nine~

Niall's POV:

It was very windy, after opening 1D World. There was even thunder, but no rain. I just knew rain was coming soon though.

Since when does it rain in Australia?

Anywho, this afternoon was literally crazy, with all those crazy fans out there. It's crazy to think that there were that many, but it is what is.

We had just got in, and I suppose it would have been sunset, but instead the sky is grey.

The wind was so strong, it had the power flickering on.

All the lads and I were sat around lounging... Plus-insert gag-Addison, and Sophia.

At one point after just sitting there in the couch, scrolling back and forth through my apps, the brat begun to cry.

I'm not sure if it was due to the power being intermittent, or what not, but they tried everything to shut her up. Nothing worked.

She'd done nothing wrong to me whatsoever, but I was just upset she was a spitting image of the girl I love.

Harry nudged me, but I didn't look up. "Hm?"

But when I heard my name, I finally did look up to see many pairs of eyes on me, but one pair stood out.

What'd I miss?


Harry nudged me again encouragingly, and it was then that I realized what was going on.

Sophia's tiny arms were outstretched towards me, her little hands open and closing impatiently.

I hesitated. She wanted me?

Of all fucking people in the room... Me?!

After I sat here and bad mouthed her?

I suppose, I was taking too long, so Louis, who was on the other couch, handed her to Addison, who was on the opposite end of my couch, handed her Harry, who then had given the small child to me.

I didn't know what to do but to bleakly stare at her.

"Hi," she frowned.

"Hi," I grimaced, making Sophia cuddle in my arms.

I really hope she wasn't falling asleep, because I don't know how long I could sit still without trying to wake her up.

When we were dropped as the center of attention, everyone's eyes distracted by other things, I noticed she wasn't sleeping.

She was actually shaking as if scared, or cold.

I tightened my hold on her to provide some type of warmth, or to make her feel safe, but all Sophia did was sit up right in my lap.

"You sleepy?" I asked her.

"Nuh-uh," she shook her head slowly.

Being the nice guy, I took out my phone, and let her use it.

To my surprise, she knew how to use it... But then again, I shouldn't have been surprised... Rosaline had an iPhone after all.

Eventually she exited out the game, using the home button to go find a new game, but my wallpaper had obviously caught her eye.

"You and Rose!" She smiled.

"Yeah," I half smiled. "Me and Rose."

It was the same wallpaper since when we were together... We had matching wallpapers. Her's is probably something different by now, but even when I got a new phone, I always changed it to us.

And this is the third time I've gotten the iPhone5 and it's black... Because I kept smashing the screen by accident. Before that, I had a white iPhone4s, like Rosaline.

I remember I tweeted this same exact picture to Rose, and all she tweeted back was a heart.

The lights went off, making Sophia lean further into me.

They were off for at least 15minutes, and by the time they turned on again, she had fallen asleep.

"Here. I'm gonna take her back to the suite." Addison offered, but I refuse to let her leave.

I had already grown attached to her in the last hour or two.

"No, I've got her."

Everything was always a contest with Addison. What more did she want from me? She has her 'best friend' all to herself. Why can't she leave me be?

"She needs to be in a bed. Hand her over."

"It's okay. A few minutes won't hurt."

Thank god, Harry was lounged between us, because she would have probably reached over to snatch my neck off, or clawed my face.

She was getting really pissed.

"Niall, stop acting like an asshole, and just give her to me!"

"She's fine!" I retorted.

I was having a bad day, couldn't she see? Couldn't she have just shut the hell up?

I don't know how, or even why! But it had gotten amplifying to the point where Addison was yelling at me, whereas I was calm, Harry holding her down.

And when Sophia grumpily arose to the racket, I gave her a piece of gum which completely made Addison lose it.

"Why would you give her gum? You fucking idiot!"

As you can see... We don't get along well.

And what she fails to realize, is that there is a bro code between the lads and I.

Bro's before Hoes.

If I didn't like her, I could easily complain to Harry, and she would have been bounced at the blink of an eye. But you see... I'm not that kind of person. I'm quite humble and patient more than people give me credit for.

She was at the end of her road with me, but I was willing to try to see eye to eye with her.

"Gum can't hurt her. Plus, I'm watching her."

Harry dragged his girlfriend out of the room, whispering calming things to her, which barely even worked.

It's okay.

"It was only the mother hormones kicking in 9months too early." I bluntly stated, more to myself than anybody else.

"Wait, what?!" Liam questioned

"Who told you that?!" Zayn asked.

"I'm lost." Louis said.

"Whispers on the streets..."

I shrugged, waving them off.

I had honestly gotten it from Harry himself. He was gonna tell the rest of the guys, but he knew how Liam gets overprotective, Zayn is judgmental sometimes, and how Louis tends to have a big mouth... They weren't ready for it to spread to management.

I'm only wondering if Rosaline knows.

Louis got up, and I stopped him...

"Don't go and confront them about it, Lou."

"I'm not. I think I need a drink now."

When he said that, he certainly didn't mean juice, soda, or water.

"Aye. I wanna come too." Zayn said, following him into the corridor.

Liam didn't say anything, but subconsciously followed, because either he was going to have a little drink himself, since he again had 2 kidneys, or he's going to monitor them.

When I felt Sophia cheeks stop gushing in and out as her jaw moved up and down, I realized that she was getting tired.

It wasn't that late, but I was 99.6% sure that kids were suppose to have naps during the day, and she hasn't had one at all.

I should have just let Addison put her to bed.

Because now, guess what?

I was going to have to meet face to freaking face with her sister.

What a dumbass I am.

One of my arms were secured around the back of Sophia's thighs; the other on her back, as she nuzzled her head in my neck like Rosaline use to do.

She whispered incoherent things in her sleep on the way to the suite.

I even remember which suite like I knew my name. Addison had said it so many times, it kind of stuck with me.

Instead of taking the elevator that would keep turning off and on, I took the stairs.

I made Sophia spit her him out in my hand when I had arrived at the suite, then knocked on the door with the gum balled into my fist.

When the door cracked opened, it wasn't at all what I'd expected. My heart kind of broke...

"Who's at the door, Ed?" The voice was coming closer, as I was stood face to face with my ginger head friend.

Then the door opened wider to reveal a girl.

Same height as before. Now I could see her face much clearer. Her hair much longer, she played with the tips that hung by her thighs.

"I can explain, Ro-"

She had snatched her sister out of my grasp before I could even explain why I'd ended up with her. Her hand grazed my stomach which kind of felt foreign.

Not a single hello, bye, or even insult was uttered out.

She had every right to be mad at me, as did I, towards her. Besically, we both were equally responsible for this mishap.

Sooner I was left in the hall, staring at the door... Alone.

When I found myself walking away from the door, broken, I heard a door close, and seconds later, Ed was next to me.

"It's really not what you think."

I know it wasn't... Ed was in love with Harry's sister...

I just needed a reason to be mad.

When I didn't answer him, Ed kept babbling about how sorry he was.

When we had approached the staircase, I finally stopped him.

"Stop following me. And relax I'm not mad." Yet my face showed semi-fury.

"What can I do to make it up to you, mate?"

I noticed the sticky gum still in my fist.

I shoved it in his hand.

"You can shut up, stop following me, and forget this ever happened."

He smiled waving the gum at me. "Will do."

I went up the stairs, whereas Ed went back into the corridor, probably back to Rosaline's suite.

When I got up to the last floor, Addison was already standing outside our suite's door.

I tried to enter without making eye contact with her, but she refused to let me go through.

"Look. I'm not in a mood... Hit me, yell at me, do whatever you want to me later. Now's not the time." I said pushing past her.

She roughly shoved both hands against my chest, making me stumble backwards.

"Oh shut the hell up... I'm not gonna hurt you. Wimp."

She couldn't hurt me if she wanted to. If anything, I was the one that could hurt her.

See... If I were Zayn, who easily got angry; or simply if I had anger management issues, she'd be pinned against that wall. But it would look like I were trying to kiss her... And the last thing I want is to do that to Harry.

Looks can certainly be decieving.

"Addison," I started, being stern.

My patience was weighing low, and I hope she would understand at that any given moment where chaos is pertained.

She held up a hand cutting me off.

"Relax... Okay?"

Then I figured she wasn't trying to push my buttons. She only wanted to make peace, so I leant against the wall, arms crossed, and even one foot on the wall, in that 'Bad Ass' pose.

"Okay," I nodded.

Addison took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I lashed out on you-"

"I get it."

"Because you know how overprotective over that little girl I am-"

"I do now."

"It's just-"

"I know," I nodded as the lights flicked off, then on a few seconds later. I wondered if it was raining by now.

"God! Niall. Stop fucking cutting me off!" I half smiled, which made her laugh and smack her forehead. "God!"

"Sorry." I chuckled.

This was the start of a friendship I hoped.

"Fuck. I had this all down. I knew what I was gonna say! And it was gonna be nice, and all. But you had to be the fucking idiot to cut me off, and fuck it up!" I wondered if the people next door could hear this.

Mind you, the ice in her stare was melted, and she laughed as she said this, so I took no type of offense to this.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Dumbass." She mimicked my expression.

"Anyways, I get it. It's just the mother's instincts kicking in. I get it."

"Otherwise, I would've had your ass in a chokehold..." Addison said, then her expression quickly dropped from humored, to confusedly shocked. "Wait... What did you say?"

"Mother. Instinct. C'mon... I'm not the slowest in the group, okay? I'm smarter than you give me credit for..."

Her mouth was agape, and she wasn't sure whether to be happy or embarrassed.

I absentmindedly continued...

"You're stomach is like..." I made these stupid explosion sounds with my mouth, doing all these hand gestures. "There must be like twins in there."

Normal girls would be defensive and all about being called fat, but this was a good kind of fat, and she wasn't upset.

"Who told you?" She kind of smirked.

"I'm Niall, ma'am. I know everything," I winked. "Congrats."

I dropped my foot off the wall, outstretching my arms to give her a welcoming hug.

She smiled, and embraced herself into me. "Thank you."

"If it's a boy, the name is gonna be Niall." I stated, patting her back.

"What?!" She played scoffed, lifting her chin off my shoulder.

"Just saying." I laughed, and she joined me in laughter.

We hugged for a few more seconds, grateful that we were on a great path, but then there was gasp.

I knew it wasn't Harry, because he would understand... Wouldn't he? Plus it sounded kinda girly.

Before I could look at whom the gasp belonged to, the power flicked off for the eighteenth billion time today.


Rosaline's POV:

After what happened with Niall, Ed left to catch up with Niall, and didn't come back. I knew what I did to Niall was wrong, scandalous, and grimy, but it was a quick react thing that I couldn't help.

It wasn't until after my shower when I found the boldness to go apologize.

Sophia was dead asleep.

I had on plaid pajamas pants, a tank top, and furry, colorful toe socks.

The power had back and forth outages, and since I wasn't trying to be stranded with out a phone on an elevator; I took the stairs.

It was a long way up all the way to the last floor, but it was worth it after how much weight I had gained.

The light flickered as soon as I got to the last floor. I hadn't entered the corridor yet, I was on the staircase still, checking the huge mirror that covered the wall.

I raked my hand through any stray strands, wiping my sweaty palms onto my pants.

Here goes nothing, I thought. But in reality, this was really something to me...

When I was in front of the elevator looking down one path of the hall, my heart dropped a lottle.

Meaning, a little... But only a lot.

Addison, and Niall...


This was no 'friendly' hug from what I saw. I think I even heard a giggle.

A breath hitched in my throat, making it sound like a gasp.

Addison saw my face, but I don't believe Niall did. But I wish it was vice versa. Then the power flicked off on cue for a good 5minutes.

My eyes likely held unshed tears, but I didn't pay much attention as I listened to my unsteady breaths and heartbeats.

This was unbearable. I felt like I was gonna pass out.

When the lights flicked back on, I was on one staircase above my floor.

When I got to my floor, I wasn't paying attention to anything, as I crashed into somebody.

I didn't know who it was, but it was a guy, because his chest was flat, as my head hit it.

"Whoa. What's the matter, buttercup?"

I looked up happy to see Ed, but nevertheless sad.

I didn't say anything, as I calmed the tears, looking at him desperately through gleaming eyes.

"C'mon." He embraced me into a hug, walking me to the end of the hall, making 2 rights, and a left.

I didn't ask where we were going, but it was obviously a place Ed loved, because he kept going there.

He smelt like reefers, yet he smelt like soap, and cologne.

We entered through a door that read:

'Emergency Exit.

Door will sound when opened.'

Or should I say, we exited through the door? Because we ended up outside on a ledge!

What kinda 'Emergency Exit' was this?!

Then Ed pulled me a few feet to the side, and we were on the roof of a shorter part of the building, that I had failed to notice.

It was terribly cold outside, I was shivering like a maniac.

When Ed shrugged his hoodie off, giving it to me, I didn't refuse it, because I remembered how men had this super human warming ability.

They probably wore shorts when it snowed.

Just as he'd sat me on this wooden box, the thunder above us clapped, causing me to jump.

My tears were gone, and I had forgot what I was sad for until Ed reminded me.

"Tell what's wrong."

But I couldn't help but remember something, changing the subject. "Did you realize that that door said specifically that it would make noise?"

"Piece of shit didn't... But, ha. I was curious." He laughed, leaning against the wall that stopped him from falling over the ledge. "I would have gone to the roof on our floor, but it's locked."

I zipped the jacket up to my chin, throwing the hood over my head.

"Why would you even want to go up there?"

Just then, he pulled out a small box.

"Fags?" He offered.

[ A/N: in this case, "fag" does NOT mean "faggot" as in a male homosexual. It is simply a term used in place of "cigarettes." x((; }

I had never seen a fag like it before. Instead of the orange at the end of the white stick, it was fully white with a black strip.

"No, thank you." I stammered because of the atmosphere.

He shrugged putting it in his mouth.

"Why do you smoke?"

"Ehh... Long story. But relax... This is fake. It smells real, and puffs out smoke, but it's fake." He assured me. "It's the only way I can actually stop smoking."

Good. Because I didn't like the idea of smoking.

"Did you know Zayn smokes?"

He sighed, putting the fag between his index and middle finger.

"It's my fault. And I want him to stop, because it can seriously damage his vocal cords."

"Aren't you worried about your vocal cords?"

"Well..." He hesitated shrugging carelessly. "I guess."

I was worried about his vocal cords...

I looked up as the grey clouds lit up, and rumbled.

"Enough about me. Tell me why you're upset." He waved me off.


"Whatever. Tell me." He said, taking a puff.

I took a deep breath, only getting a whiff of the smoke, and the upcoming rain.

Before I started, the sky clapped again, which never failed to make me jump.

"Err... I saw Niall and Addison hugging."

He played along as if he knew who every person I spoke of, was.

"Well, how do you know there wasn't affection in the hug?"

I filled him up on the people, "Addison is Harry's girlfriend. My best friend."

"Right. And I reckon she's most likely that fan that I met?"

"Yeah." I confirmed, hitting the back of my feet against the box, as my legs dangled.

"Looks can be decieving," Ed said, putting us back on subject.

He leant off of the ledge's wall, put his fag back into the box, and sauntered towards me.

I thought he would sit next to me, or something, but instead, he leant against the huge wooden box next to me and slung his right arm over my shoulder holding my right hand in his right.

"See? I'm only your friend here. I don't see you any other way. This doesn't mean anything... But if Niall were to see this, he'd make sure my death looked like an accident."

I laughed slightly. He had a point, but for some reason, I was still in doubt, and unconvinced.

"Okay, okay... You're right."

"Then cheer up, because I make a pretty good cup of tea."

But what do you know? It just began raining out of the blues.

We laughed, but Ed made me walk, because he thought I would slip off the ledge.

It's a fortunate thing to say that it hadn't actually started raining until an hour later, because then I would have to be naked eared the whole trip. Broken hearing aids would be terribleeeee. Truly.

We went back to Ed's... And had 'Tea.'

"Have a hot cup of tea." He said, handing me a mug.

"But it's cold." I complained.

"Okay, don't sass me. Have a cup of tea then."

I took a sip, "This isn't tea." It was cold coffee.

"Fuck Rose," he laughed. "Have a fucking cup then!"

Ed eventually ended up telling me why he had this smoking addiction. It's because he lost his nephew... And it actually originated as a drinking problem.

And get this! It turns out, the biological father of Zack, Sophia's friend, is actually Ed's brother... Matt!

It is a small world after all.

But I was all like: "But the kid's not British, he's Scottish."

And Ed's all like, "His psycho ass mum is."

Crazy night.

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