How To Love *Watty Awards 20...

By discoverhappiness

39.2K 381 58

Aurora Brooks has never wanted anything more than to just be a regular teenaged girl. But that is far from wh... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Twelve.
Not A Chapter.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.

Chapter Eleven.

1.4K 16 2
By discoverhappiness

I was currently sprawled out in a sunny patch in the middle of the forest. It was mid-afternoon and I was feeling lazy. Nana bailed us out of jail yesterday, and since then Carson and Kyler haven't even looked my way or at each other. So I made up my mind. I'd choose neither. It's a simple decision, right? I mean, no relationships like that, no problems. Easy. But I wish it happened like that. Truth was, they were all I've been thinking about.

I couldn't survive without either of them I've realized, and that scared me to the bone. Carson had always been there ever since I could remember. Kyler... well Kyler just had this way of knowing me. It was strange really. A couple months ago I would have laughed at how ridiculous all this sounded and would tell myself to grow a pair and move on. But, they've changed me. I grunted and rolled over onto my right side. Stupid boys, I muttered to myself and my wolf growled. Sheesh, she was getting more protective over both of them as the seconds ticked by.

Whipped, I said to her and laughed at the way she did her wolfy laugh.

You love them, she teased and that made me shoot right up.

Love?! Was she on some crazy pills? Aurora, does not associate with the word love, ever! I blocked that emotion out, and I wouldn't let it slip back out. But, was I already too late to control it?


The night came easy enough and I prepared myself for the bonfire Zach, a medium height boy in the grade above me, was throwing. I don't know why I was going. Pure boredom possibly, but Jimmy was coming too. I smiled at how well he fit in here despite his difference.

I threw on a pair of faded blue jeans that had holes in them, a white tank top, and matching white hoodie over top of it. Applying only a little of mascara and leaving my hair down in long, loose waves. I slipped into my Nikes and went to find Jimmy. He was in the kitchen with Nana discussing something over hushed whispers, but quit when I entered. I smiled. "What's up?" I asked meaning about what they were just talking about.

"Nothing. You look beautiful?" he complimented.

"Thanks, dude. You're looking pretty jazzy yourself," I said laughing as we went outside. The night air was chilled as autumn made it's presence known and the trees were loosing all of their leaves. Perfect night for a bonfire, I thought smiling to myself. Jimmy had gotten Carson to drive us and we waited on the sidewalk, making small talk. Finally, the all too familiar truck appeared and I felt my heart began to race. Jimmy climbed into the cab first, then I followed. They greeted each other and then... silence. My eyes felt twitchy. Oh gosh, what if I've developed a permanent twitch from nervousness? My hands were slightly shaky and my breathing was a tad heavier than normal. Mentally slapping myself, I told myself to shut up and move on. He was just another boy and should not have this affect on you. But he's so cute...

Fifteen painstakingly minutes later, we arrived and I all but bolted out of the truck without waiting for Jimmy to catch up. I walked around until I found the table full of plastic red cups and I took one. Looking around I spotted Tanya, a girl who sat beside me in my history class. She was timid without her friends around, but was outspoken when they were with her. Right now she was laughing outloud at something her friends were doing and I walked over to her. She looked up at me and I saw her smile falter before it beamed at me.

"Hi, Aurora!," she greeted friendly. I laughed when I saw all the empty cups around her. "Want to join us?" she asked still smiling.

"Sure," I agreed and sat beside her on a log surrounding the huge fire. The night went by as I laughed with her and her friends. For once, I'd actually been able to forget my worries as alpha, and experience life as a normal girl. I didn't think too much, and my only thoughts consisted of concentrating on not laughing too much so I didn't pee my pants, which Tanya couldn't do. She ran away to change her clothes still laughing like a mad woman as her thin golden hair framed her delicate features.

The party was going great and in full swing when I had to excuse myself to use the restroom. I wandered up to the log cabin house that was all lit up. The front porch was littered with beer cans and couples sprawled over each other. A couple lightweights were emptying their stomach contents and then taking another swig from the can. A couple of them waved at me as I passed and I laughed telling them they were champs for swallowing the alcohol back down.

Looking to my left I found my way to the stairs and began the climbing. Okay, maybe I had had a little too much, but those stairs were really steep. I ended up just sitting on one about halfway to rest, and began laughing for no reason. I didn't even feel the person beside me until they spoke.

"Having fun?" a deep masculine voice commented. I jumped a little with a surprised yelp escaping my lips. I covered my mouth with my hand and looked at the person. Squinting a little closer, I realized who it was. "Ocean boy!" I exclaimed not even caring about the mistake I'd just made of calling him that. He laughed and sat beside me.

"Ocean boy?" he quizzed me. I saw his eyes were glassy and red. Without answering him, I stared at him with my mouth open a little.

"Are you... high?" I asked softly even though no one was paying us any attention. He laughed hysterically until I laughed too, and eventually forgot about my question.

"So, are you prepared?" he finally said after we calmed down and sat quietly for a couple of seconds.

"For what?" I asked slowly, almost confused.

"You didn't know?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Obviously not," my words were slurred as someone else handed us another cup full of foam.

"Kyler's parents are coming to town next week," he said seriously and sat deep in thought.

I thought too. Or at least looked like I was. And that's when I began giggling out of control. For some reason the thought was so funny and I leaned into Ocean Boy as his arm slipped around my shoulders. I'd just made another new found friend tonight.

"I," giggle. "Am," another louder giggle. "So effing screwed." And at the end of that our laughter could be heard for miles around.


Note From Me: I LOVE YOU GUYS. (:

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