Jefferson lake One-shot

By dragonskunk

144 1 3

Lee's P.O.V. On Christmas Day @knightsrachel More


144 1 3
By dragonskunk

Lee's P.O.V.

I begin waking up to bouncing on my bead.

"Lee it's Christmas get your ass up!" I groan and push my head farther into my pillow. I wish he would leave me the hell alone.

"Okay Lee you asked for it." What is he talking about? I look up to see Parker with a bucket full of water beside me. Holy crap, he wouldn't. His smirk goes wider when he tilts the bucket and leaves me soaking wet.

"That's what you get little brother, know go change." I head over to my suitcase that's on the floor and get my usual clothing witch consists of a black shirt and jeans. I head downstairs and sit on the couch when I finished changing and my hair still wet.

"Open that one," Parker says, nodding towards a present with Emily's name plastered across it beneath the tree.

"In a minute," Emily said, nestling deeper into Parker's arms."I think I'll just stay right here for now."

My brother chuckled, kissing the top of Emily's head.

I popped a piece of candy into my mouth, tilting my head to the side I say,"what song is this?"

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Ringo,"Emily said, with a half smile."the Beatles rendition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

I nodded, she smiled as McKenna day down next to me.

"So," Parker said, disentangling himself from Emily.

She jutted out her bottom lip, and he pressed him lips against Emily's for a brief moment

Too much PDA too early in the morning,"Emmett muttered shielding his eyes.

Parker pulled away from her laughing.

She picked up some discarded wrapping paper, hitting Emmett square in the forehead with it.

Parker reached under the tree, pulling out a small box."happy Christmas,"he said, handing the box to me.

"That's incorrect," I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's your birthday/Christmas mashup present," Parker informed me, a smile playing on his lips.

My eyes lit up. "Finally." I wonder what it is.

Parker chuckled, he watched me tear open my present. It revealed a small box.

I raised my eyebrows at Parker before I pulled the lid off the box.

It reveals, a pair of keys.

I stared at them for a full minute, my eyes wide. I got

"Happy Christmas?" Parker suggested, when I didn't say anything.

I glanced up at him, my eyes still wide."you bought me a car?"

"Well you're 17," Parker pointed out."it was bound to happen eventually."

"Way to be sentimental,"Emily said, patting Parker on the arm.

"I don't have a license," I pointed out, what if I get in a car accident?

"Well maybe that will motivate you."

I glanced back down at the keys, I think Emily sensed something going on with me.

Emily looked over at Parker, and he made eye contact with her.

He had the same feeling to.

"Thanks," I said a smile spreading across my face. I looked at Parker, standing up and hugging him.

"Of course," he said hugging me back, anyone could tell I didn't like the car I wanted to never drive because of the accident.

"Where is it?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Florida,"Parker said, with a laugh."I think that if we drove it up here, it might've tipped you off."

I let out a slight laugh as well, sliding the keys back into the box."what does it look like?"

Parker pulled up a picture on his phone,
Showing it to me. Oh it's fucking gorgeous."it's a Nissan Murano, Emily's choice."

Emily saluted me as I glanced over at her.

"So you were all in on this?"

"Not me," Emmett declined."thanks guys."

"Three cant keep a secret," Parker said, with a smirk.

"Asshole," Emmett muttered.

"Hey!" Emily called out, lowering her eyes at him."I won't have that kind of language spoken on Christmas."

Emmett just shook his head at her.

We finished our presents, and Parker took Emily of on the back porch.


Me and McKenna were cozied up on the couch, watching The Grinch That Stole Christmas.

"What do we have here?"I hear my brother say from behind me.

"Leave them alone."

"Aren't you guys leaving?" I ask, without moving my eyes from the screen.

Parker picked up the remote, pausing our movie.

I glanced at him, clearly annoyed.

"We're going downtown,"Parker said,glancing over at Emily. I turn to look at hrs and she nods at him.

"Emmett's upstairs-" Parker stated.

And the. Emmett came bounding down the stairs in a pair of sweatpants, his hair still wet from his shower." Did I hear my name?"

"Speak of the devil shall appear," Parker said, rolling his eyes."we'll be back later. Don't do anything we wouldn't do." Gross.

I stared at Parker for a few moments." So that leaves what exactly?"

"Good question,"Emmett said, with a wicked smile." I mean are you basically promoting lee and McKenna to have sex on the-"

Parker picked up a throw pillow, shoving it in Emmett's face to shut him up.

"Okay, we're done crashing your date," Emily said, with an apologetic smile.

"It's not-" McKenna started.

"How thoughtful of you," I said, with a wave of my hand.

"We'll speak for yourself," Emmett huffed."I'm tired of being the third wheel around here. It's shirts as, dammit. I'm gonna sit my ass down on the couch and watch a Christmas movie."

"Language!"Emily chastised."you can't say that on Christmas."

"Watch me."

And then he plopped down between me and McKenna, unpausing the movie as he propped his feet up on the coffee table."plus,this is one of my favorites."

McKenna laughed."you're welcome to join us."

"Speak for yourself,"I huffed."I was fine without his company."

"Bye guys,"Emily said,taking Parkers arm and guiding him out the door.


After our movie is done I must've fallen asleep, because I'm laying on the couch with a blanket on top of me. I hear the door open and Emily and Parker come in. Quickly I shit my eyes but leave them a little bit open so I can see what's happening. Parker looks pretty bad before I can further investigate I fall back asleep.

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