
Autorstwa olisykesisperf

170 3 0

Anna Tarke is just an average 17 year old girl with no social life and even less friends. When she finds out... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


79 1 0
Autorstwa olisykesisperf

Intro: Anna Tarke

I woke up to the sound of my Mother's arms shaking me. I groaned slightly, my Mother's soft voice echoing through my ears. "Wake up, Darling." She said, using the pet name she commonly addressed me by. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright light shining through the curtains. I yawned loudly, rubbing my eyes. 

As I placed my feet on the ground, I heard a loud crash come from the room beside me and the sound of my brother, Joel, cursing. I chuckled slightly, throwing an Iron Maiden T-shirt on and throwing on a pair of skinny jeans. I put on my blue converse and brushed my hair quickly. I applied a light layer of foundation and threw my rucksack on my back, leaving one loop dangling.

I walked through the kitchen, and slumped myself down on the sofa next to Joel, grabbing a bagel on my way. I grabbed the TV remote from Joel's grip, causing him to whine and exclaim, "Anna, give it back!" 

I threw it to the other side of the room as I watched in amusement at the site of Joel trying to reach it without getting off the couch. I laughed slightly at my brothers laziness. Before I threw it, I managed to change the channel to the news. A man was presenting and there was a picture of a teenager in the corner, who was described as "6"1, dark brown hair, 18 years old, may be dangerous".

The news went on talking about how he was a convicted murder and is on the loose, if anyone saw anything suspicous that they should call the police immediately. I zoned out until I heard the sound of my town being presented. I was intrigued but the news story ended just after they mentioned the name of my town. I shook it off and waited for Joel to get ready. I was 17 and Joel was one year older yet I still have to drive him to school. He never really got the whole concept of the gear stick. He's failed his drivers test at least five times. 


Upon arriving at school, Joel jumped out and greeted his friends. I envied him sometimes. Joel was quite popular at our school, which kind of explains why he doesn't have good enough grades to get into college next year. You see, I have no friends, well, there's this one weird kid Chuck who always tries to befriend me but that usually ends up him asking me on a date, me politely declining and him having a huge tantrum and badmouthing me to his friends, anyway, not the point, the point is that because I have no one to distract me, I can quietly get on with what I'm learning. I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have a few friends, but I just don't think I really have the time for them. Plus, I'm not exactly hated at school; I'm more like ignored. No one really notices me, which is a good thing I guess. 


??? P.O.V:

I cursed as I collapsed down in a garage that looked more like a storage shed. I looked around, observing all of the boxes that were scattered. I decided to look through them, maybe there was a spare packet of crisps or some shit. It was only then that I realised how hungry I actually was. I could practically hear my stomach begging for food. I sighed; to no avail, there was no specks of food lying around anywhere.

I looked down at my wrists where the handcuffs had been. There was a red imprint of where they dug into my skin. I started twirling around the bracelet that my Dad gave me for my 13th birthday. It sounds so girly, I know. It had my name embroided into the fabric. I sighed once again, the memories flooding back to me. I placed my hands back at my side. There was a duvet stuffed into a box and a few pillows. I wiped the dust and cobwebs off and made myself a small bed. It may not have the best food, but it's the best bed I've had so far. Especially compared to those prison cells.

 A/N: Hey guys. So, I've had this idea for a while but I didn't really know where to put it up, and I found out about this site so here it is :') This is probably going to be the shortest chapter of the story because it's the intro, so, hope you enjoyed, and feedback would be great :3 Bye lovelies.

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