A week in the life of a Sheik...

By JanVanEngen

340K 13.6K 466

This was my NaNoWrMo month challenge 50k words in one month - A week in the life of a prince Natalie is assi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eight

17.9K 697 15
By JanVanEngen

Opening the door, she stepped back in surprise, expecting her breakfast, not Saqr, who strode in, smiling at the sight of her  in a lacy nighty and matching negligee, looking so debonair in his dark suit pants and white opened necked shirt. "Why do you hide yourself behind those other ridiculous clothes? You are such a beautiful woman Natalie, and should be proud of it."

She wrapped her negligee around her. "Who said I wasn't," she challenged though confused, frowning. "What are you doing here, Saqr," then moaned. "Don't tell me I messed it up and got the time wrong?" He stopped and turned back, reaching out. She stepped back startled. His hand dropped away.

"No, of course not. I thought I would take you out to breakfast. I have my whole day free to give to you. Just you. Let's get down to that interview, habibti." He handed over a folder in his hand. "Your questionnaire." Stunned she opened the folder, flicking through as she walked in behind him, the door closing behind them automatically. Pages, to smile. Finally. Okay, so what has changed? She closed the folder, looking up at her prince. "What about my breakfast?" She would hate all the work of preparing wasted, because she wasn't here.

"Cancelled last night. I have to apologise to you Natalie. I was being very difficult," she nodded. "It wasn't your fault. No matter who it was I would have been the same. Bad timing after, well you know what." Again she nodded, her heart breaking for him and his loss. "Let's start again. We have all day and you can ask me anything you want. No restrictions."

"That could be dangerous for you, Saqr," she smiled, walking off towards her bedroom. "Won't be long." She paused at the door, and looked back. "Where are we eating? Palace or out of Palace." He arched a brow. "Need to know what to wear, your highness," that was said with much more affection than respect, and had been for awhile. In answer, he headed back, opening the entrance door, letting in a girl, who passed into her room to lay an outfit on the bed for her. She followed as did Saqr "So now I have to guess?" Somewhere special by the tailed vest top matching the silky caftan of white, with patterns of rich colours of red, gold, orange and browns, with golden bands of edging.

"How about being a surprise?"

"I'm not sure if I can trust your surprises, your highness," she noted warily, she had been at the blunt of a few before, and had never been in her favour. He came to her this time, taking her face into his hands, ignoring her startled look to kiss her on the lips.

"And I told you to call me Saqr, now get changed so we can leave. I know I must feed the woman first." Stunned, she nodded, feeling funny inside. He departed, leaving her standing in the bedroom alone as the door closed, and looked at the caftan on the bed. Things were changing and she wasn't sure, if it was for the better.

Was he still playing games? She looked down at the folder in her arm, sitting down on the bed, flicking through. Reading a very detail answers more than she had ever expected. On this alone, she could do her story, pausing when she came to a blank spot, brows furrowed together. Why? She flicked ahead to find certain questions unanswered. Like life in the desert, the real desert beyond the palace. Falconry? Bedouin? Later, she wouldn't push it, now he had given her so much to work on, dropping the folder onto her bed, stood and looked down upon her latest addition of clothing. He had already given her so much, Palace clothes.

This was different. Tailored, running her fingers long the swirling patten on the vest that matched the front of the skirt in gold thread some red added between, joining back to gold while the side of the caftan was more of Arabic flower designs, all so beautifully made. Hand crafted she'd bet, lifting carefully to take with her into the walk-in wardrobe to change. Coming out, feeling like an Arabian princess as the full skirt swirled around her naked flesh of her legs.

The bodice of the over jacket was heavy, sleeves from the Abaya light and see through with pattern at the seam of the sleeve and through to the bottom of the full loose sleeve with gold stitching around the edging. She left her hair down, cascading over her shoulder in soft waves framing her face.

Saqr was standing by her opened widow, looking down at the private courtyard. deep in thought. She joined his side, watching him instead, taking in his striking profile, strong jaw line, full lips dipping chin to round out covered in dark stubble, slashing cheeks, deep set eyes with thick black brows, strong broad forehead and straight noble nose. Everything about him was perfect.

Thick inky black hair crowned his head in silky gloriousness most woman would love or love to run there fingers through. She actually dropped her hand when she realised she was reaching up, meeting with dark honey stormy eyes. Such colouring. She had never seen such colouring. He arched a brow. Something he was good at, communications without words.

Drawn closer, she slipped an arm through his, leaning against him, looking down. "How is it we can keep these window open and not affect the controlled air conditioning?"

"Working over time and each room is controlled separately so not to be drawn from each other, one section breaks down the other keeps going, however, it really wasn't designed to have the window open all the time. We also have safety nets built in."

"Oh," she went to shut the window, he covered her hand, stopping her. She looked up into his eyes.

"We can afford it Natalie, if it makes you happy."

"I'd just make it sure they are closed when I'm not here in the room," she promised.

"There is no need. It is all monitored to movement. Once the front door close and no senses of movement or heat recognition they close automatically after five minutes."

Her mouth fell open. "But they are always open when I get back," she pointed out.

"Which open when you open the door."

"But what if I had them closed?"

"Then they stay closed." She stared him stunned. "Whatever position you left the window in it would go back to when you reenter the rooms."

"Can it recognise who comes and goes out of the rooms?" she asked curious, mind boggling. Lately she felt someone had been in her room and going through her stuff, dismissing. Nothing was missing or moved or rearranged it just sometimes she felt like she had been watched. "Do you have surveillance camera here?" She looked around her.

"What, so I can watch your every move, see you in every form?"

Her eyes widened and blushed profusely. "Not quite what I meant Saqr," she whispered then gulped. "You don't?" Laughing he turned and walked away. "Saqr!" she squawked turning to go after him.

"We have surveillance in the hallways not in private room, after all, private is private."

"You betcha," she breathed a sigh of relief. He went back to her, taking into his arms and kissed her passionately that took her breath away.

"Do you think I would let my father see that? Now, breakfast is waiting."

"Somewhere special going by my beautiful dress," she said breathless.

"Yes," he agreed, guiding her out of the room, the door closed behind them, five minutes later the window closed shut.

Natalie was itching to go back to find out if it was true. Saqr once more guided her though the palace to another hidden niche, if she wasn't mistaken, entering not such a hidden niche, but a spectacular room with pattern lace wooden banister that followed the back wall, branching out and across with archways above to the ceiling.

Behind slanting windows that let in light though small square panels of one larger frame and a draped material from ceiling to window. All long the balcony was one long continual sofa. Cushions on top matching tapestry material in greens and browns with light red cushions between. Round tables each with square candle holders in a row with round ottomans on the other side.

Another hidden treasure of the palace. If she lived a life time here she didn't expect to find all the hidden delight of this place, making her wonder what the other palace was like. Unable to help herself, she climbed onto the sofa, peering over the balcony rail, discovering another garden of ferns. Large ferns, big and green, tall and full and sound of running water, leaning over further, having hands on her arms, holding her firmly in place.

"Why do you insist on putting your life in danger Natalie? This urge to hang off balcony?"

"I heard water." He pointed to the far side, where there was a small trail of water through the thick dense of foliage.

"I just love these hidden treasures. Do I even ask where all the water comes from."

"As you said pumped through."

"So it doesn't feed the plants?"

"Separate system."

"So we have a Eco palace?"

"One just has to be smarter when living in a desert. Shall we eat now. Glad to see you're not such a lioness this morning."

"Well it's not like 4 am in morning is it?" She eased back to be released, and missed his closeness as he shifted, sitting at her side as she did the same, facing a small round table. That was filled with silver domed plates that were removed exposing a strange looking breakfast. "I guess we didn't have the best beginning, did we Saqr?"

"I guess you could call it that if you must, taken naked photos of me, knocking me off my feet and asking nosy questions." Her mouth fell open that was closed shut by a finger under her chin, his dark eyes twinkling at her. "I would call that a very interesting encounter, wouldn't you?"

Instead she pointed at the food in front of them. "So what is that?"

"A proper Middle Eastern breakfast, flat bread, with an spicy egg like omelet, hummus, aioli, olives, and real baked beans, not from a can to be served with fresh fruits from our homeland," he reached over, pouring her a glass from a glass jug filled with juice and ice. Then removed his own plate, adding a piece of broken up flat bread to dip into one of the dips to try. Natalie followed his direction.

"Do we dip it into the egg and beans as well?"

"One can but I usually use a fork for that," he noted amused. Shaking her head, she dipped into one of the sauces to try and enjoyed, bringing up her legs at her side as she settled in at his side and into her feast.

"You know the way I'm going I could do a whole spread just on what I have eaten so far. Love the food."

"I have noticed that. I can't help wondering why you still so slender with what you put away. At least I burn it off everyday. Well, used to, but no so much lately."

She shot him a look. "Are you blaming me for that as well?" he nodded to given daggers. "Why not? Everything else seems to be my fault," she noted.

"Not quite, but close enough," he teased to have growling. "What, you're growling at me, even if I'm feeding you?"

"When deserved. You owe me prince and I'm going to make sure you cough up now."

"What with, may I enquire?"

"Your time," she smiled at him. "Me ask, you answer." Pointing a fork from one to the other, then dug into more baked beans, the best she had ever tasted. "I think that is fair, don't you?"

"Well, not now, I don't want indigestion."

"Are you saying I give you indigestion?" she asked sweetly with a wide innocent look to be eyed off closely.

"No, just your questions," he said then laughed at her disgusted look.

"What, by asking about some hideous infection you had that got infected and all puss and oozing out ..." she forked some olive dip in all its glorious green.

"Natalie!" Nearly choking on food, he placed down his plate, grabbing a napkin. Covering his mouth as he coughed. "That's disgusting. How could you even do that?"

She placed it in her mouth to smile. "Brothers who tried to gross me out all the time. I won't be grossed out and I usually win," she told him with delight. "Not such a tough prince after all. All that hard ass attitude is for show hmm?"

He shot her a dirty look. "Push me and we shall see about that, Natalie Forrester." She laughed with delight, not feeling this good in a long time. Or maybe it was this place. She rested back against the cushions resting her arm long, her plate empty on the table, sipping coffee, her morning coffee. "However like this, I never would with you," he stated, brushing fingers against her cheek, then along her slightly parted lips, holding her gaze. His dark head lowered and softly brushed her lips. "I could get used to this Natalie Forester." She sighed in agreement, her lips tingling, eyes closed to open when he eased back. She didn't want him to. Softly he tucked hair behind her ear as they just talked. She asked about his life of growing up in a palace.

"No different than you growing up in your home, I suspect. This is, after all, it's just a home."

She smiled. "A pretty spectacular one. I would have loved been brought up here. The hours I would've be exploring this place."

"Yes it was a magnificent playground. But you must realise we spent most of our time in the city palace. This was our winter retreat."

"Winter? You have winter?"

"Don't be fooled by the desert and heat, habibti, the nights can be very cold. There has been snow in some parts of the desert, the ones closer to the mountains." Her eyes widened.

"You have mountains?"

He nodded. "Our boundary line to neighbouring countries. If we have time I have you flown out to see, if you like."

"Oh I would Saqr, very much so." She beamed as she asked about history of the palace that she found fascinating, losing herself in his deep voice, which melted her insides. Tingling all over as he absently played with her hair as he told her stories from his past while growing up here, until he was sent away to school. She covered his free hand, holding.  Knowing how hard that was as she was also sent away to boarding school. She had hated it with a passion.

Gently he guided her around to lean against his shoulder, legs stretched out on the long sofa that run along the back of the balcony. Table cleared and replaced with a platter of cheeses, fruit, dry biscuits, caviar and thin slices of smoked salmon, some small sort of delicate pastries even baklava, a glorious sweetness of syrup nuts and thin layers of crispy filo-pastry.

"What? Fatten me up, then force me to workout with you," she moaned, tummy full from the beautiful breakfast. "Look what happen last time. The big whammy," she slammed her hands together, making a clapping sound in demonstration.

He brushed her hair back from her forehead, planting a kiss. "It's nearly lunch time," he pointed out. "Last time you weren't working out with me, just a road block. An unexpected one. I'm so sorry about that. I never meant to hurt you Natalie, not physically."

"Just mentally."

"Let's say a game of wills and I think you won," he said coyly, tugging at his ear.

"Mind torturing game of frustration and the prince nearly got his butt kicked."

"Natalie," he growled in warning.

She crossed her arms. "Why so shocked, after what you did to me?" Comfortable, she snuggled in, crossing her legs, snuggling back against him. "One - dancing around my questions, only giving rank and serial number, correction, not even that. All I got was Crown Prince Saqr Riyad Azeem Al-Nassar, then silence, followed by orders I had to look at you while asking my questions, so I couldn't write down the answers. Oh that's right there weren't any. City name then more silence that I already knew. 'City of warriors.' Shall I go on?" She looked side ways at him her prince, disgusted by his amused look. "Don't get me started on the four am start, prince."

"I know. Feed the lioness or perish. Those were deadly growls of yours," he laughed with joy. "Amazing. I might send you in on tough negotiation. All you have to do is growl and they would agree to anything or I'll sic my lioness onto them."

"You haven't seen my sister's silent treatment. Oh, the coldness," she shuddered, "and daggers pierced ones heart deeply, if you upset her in anyway."

"Tell me about your sister," he prompted.

"Kerry? Well, she's older than me. Of course she is," she laughed. "I'm the youngest by four years. Hated the media, the biz, so married a doctor."

"So had her own little bit of rebellion," he smiled, running fingers through her hair, caressing her scalp that felt so good.

"Big rebellion," she chuckled, warming under his touch. She could get used to this sinking further down to rest her head on his lap instead. "Hated been connected to the biz in anyway. I learnt from the bottom up. The bros went to uni. To get degrees and PHd's while I did a course online."

"You did the hard yards Natalie. I'm beginning to see why this is so important to you."

"I didn't want people thinking I got my job because of dad, so started at the bottom, and they still do." She shrugged as if it didn't hurt, but it did. To be made feel so worthless, so wanted this story badly to show her own merit.

"That was going to happen no matter what you did, not all, but the ones who aren't worth your time, who aren't worth worrying about. Look at what your doing? Not everyone would take such a huge risk in writing a certain piece."

"I don't want to hard core or gossip Saqr. Or how to - like have a better sex life, or look better in so many days. I want to do stories about people and their lives. Of course, my brothers think I need my head read. Sis just doesn't understand. Why not just settle down and get married like her? We each have to follow our own lives, right?"

"Some of us don't the luxury Natalie, but you are right, one must follow their heart."

She looked up behind her, finding him watching her. "If you could do whatever you wanted what would you do?"

"I wouldn't change my life Natalie. This is who I am, and don't know any other way. I love building my city into a magnificent structure of our culture and future. Traditional mingled with modern.

"There you are?" Startled, Natalie sat up straighter, missing Saqr's natural heat and scent as they parted, sitting further away, tucking her legs at her side. Saqr rested his arm along the sofa edging, and turned to face his father, who was watching them both.

"Yes, here we are. We were just discussing Palace history."

The King joined them, settling down at his son's side. "I thought the article was about you, my son, not the palace."

"The palace is what made him," Natalie noted. "Coffee?" she pointed at the server to be nodded at. She poured out two cups, adding nothing, handing one over to The King, then one to Saqr, who smiled, his fingers touched hers and lingered. Her breath caught as he held her eyes briefly, then lowered his dark lashes, hooding them from her. She eased back, offering food to finally settled back with black tea and black caviar on small round biscuit. There private time was over she could sense it. Once eaten, and drinks drunk, Saqr escorted her back to her rooms.

Once back to her rooms. she stopped Saqr from opening her door, trying to sneak in undetected. Easing the door open slightly, but a pillar blocked the view so threw open the door and rushed in, finding her windows open, pointing at them as Saqr followed in behind amused by her antics.

"They opened as soon as you touched the handle."

"Then how can I see if it works or not?"

"By the windows," he pointed at.

"But how do I know if they are closed or not? What if I stay in the rooms and don't move surely they would close?" she asked hopefully. Smiling he went to her, sliding arms around her waist, hauling her against him. Her hands rested on his arm.

"One is forgetting about the heat sensors."

"Boo-ha to technology," she pouted to be kissed.

"You're getting better at that," he whispered against her lips. When she didn't pull back or protest he weaved a hand through her hair, guiding her back to him and placed his lips over her in a teasing manner, swiping his tongue across, teasing her lips apart, deepening the kiss. Tasting what was on offer and lost himself in her delicious, sweet, kiss of nectar of innocence.

Moaning, she pressed up against his frame with her body, her soft full breast pressed against his chest sending his libido into double time, hungrily devour her, holding her to him with his hand. He should stop, but tell his body that was on fire, and wanting so much more. She wasn't helping, moving against him in such a way, as if she wanted to be apart of him. All of him. Instead, he undid her buttons of her vest, stripping free from her body, letting  it fall to the ground.

His fingers lightly brushed over the side of a breast of the dress. She stiffen. Her hands pushing away on his arms. Like a splash of icy water. He had gone too far. "Don't," he begged, placing his hand on her hips instead, keeping her to him as his dark head lifted. "I've wanted to do that for ages and don't tell me you haven't been also," he challenged.

Cagily eyes looked up at him as she chewed on her sensual, soften lip. "We shouldn't," she whispered, stepping away, hugging her arms, shaking her hair that was now free and full. She rested her gaze back on him. "I have to keep my distance for the story. I don't want to bias the story."

"How does feeling bias the story, habibti? You're writing about my daily life that doesn't involve my personal life. I want you in my personal life."

She eyed him closely. "This coming from the man who wanted me out of his life."

Laughing he gathered her back into his arms and kissed her. "Yes, well, we're all allowed one mistake."

"Only one, your highness," she offered to be kissed and melted into his arms, opening to him. All thoughts of how wrong this was, were pushed aside. How could it be so wrong when it felt so right? Her arms went around his neck, holding him to her. Here she was kissing her prince and it felt so right. His hand splayed her back holding her against him as she moulded against his tall hard frame that was perfect for her.

She would forgive him anything, she sighed, losing herself into his delicious, sensual kisses, leaving her hungering for more as he eased away. Reluctantly, she released him, her hands sliding down his arms as she looked up into his dark smouldering eyes like molten rivers of lava, singeing her to the soul.

She reached up and caressed the side of his face, following her contour of his strong, unbreakable jaw, then across to his full, inviting lips. The bottom slightly fuller. Held by his mesmerising gaze. She raised on her toes, replacing her fingers with her lips, tasting him. His breath warm against hers opening to her teasing kisses as his hand roamed down her back edging her back against him.

"Keep this up and we won't be going anywhere but bed." Heat burned her cheeks as she eased back, running her hands down his chest. He was correct of course and felt all funny inside. She had a feeling she wouldn't say no to his highness. With another quick kiss, he eased out of her hold. "I do have business to see to Natalie and you'll need an early night," he stated, heading for the door.

"So what time do you want me up and ready?" she asked. He glanced across sideways and gave a apologetic smile. "Not again," she moaned. "4am?"

"Sorry Natalie, but it's a fair drive out to the oasis, then we don't want to be caught out in the heat, do we? Though not that early let's say six."

She crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "For real this time or just to push me to give in and leave?" He gave her an innocent look though his eyes danced with mischief. She waved a finger at him. "I knew exactly what you were doing, getting me up so early, then kept me waiting for hours."

He held up his hands in pleading of innocence. "Honest a real emergency cropped up."

"Why is it I don't quite believe you, your highness."

"I would admit we didn't actually need to get up so early, however, I was called away on an emergency and did feel guilty finding you asleep in my chair."

"Really, that is why you slammed a book on the desk and gave me a heart attack."

"I did let you go back to bed," he pointed out.

"Wasting another day." He smiled, because he couldn't help it and did love her attitude and no one was going to pull the wool over her eyes. He closed the distance, gathering her in his arms and dipped his head to kiss her. She melted against him, her hands resting on his hips.

"Not this time, Natalie," he promised against her softened lips. Such soft and yielding lips made especially for him to enjoy. "I have a surprise for you."

Her eyes lit up, still holding him to her. "You do?"

"Hmm, but you have to wait until tomorrow."

Her eyes lit up with interest. "Something in the desert? Camel ride?" she asked eagerly. He took her hands, bringing up to his lips.

"Guess all you want. I'm not telling you."

"Yes, we know how good you are at that," she teased, enjoying herself. "The strong silent type."

"Just the way you like me," he teased, kissing her again.

"A few more words would be helpful," she pointed out then looked behind her to the bedroom. "Of you go, I have homework to do." She smiled thinking of her questionnaire, looking back at him, frowning that he caressed away.

"What is it, precious?"

She melted against him. "You didn't answer all the questions, just wondering why? Off limit?"

"No, habibti, I thought I would show you instead."

"Ah, the desert," she grinned, getting it, claiming his face into her hands and kissed him. "Thank you, your highness."

"Natalie," he growled.

"I like calling you that," she beamed at him, eyes bright.

"So not out of respect?" she shook her head to be slapped on the rear end for her trouble. "Saqr," she squawked indignant. Laughing he kissed her again, then headed out, saying he would collect her by five to share breakfast, then move on.

Hugging herself with glee, she spun on her feet, and headed towards the bedroom. Flopping down onto the bed she opened the questionnaire to read over. Happily she went to bed, feeling so much better, and knowing her prince much more intimately that hadn't been part of the plan. She knew it couldn't last, but she was going to enjoy it while she can, and boy could he kiss. Curled her toes. How lucky can a girl get? In a exotic palace, surrounded by desert, and had the most attentive prince after a rough start, falling asleep with a smile on her lips. 

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