#recommended: Just A Fan { J...

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What will happen when life gives you a chance to meet and actually go on Tour with your idol, Justin Bieber h... المزيد

Chapter One: Meet the Crew
Chapter Two: Waiting For Justin...
Chapter Three: Pattie? As in Pattie Mallette
Chapter Four: Finally, I get to meet Justin Bieber
Chapter Five: Dinner with a celebrity
Chapter Six: Basketball with the Biebs
Chapter Seven: Heartbroken
Chapter Eight: The goodbye sense
Chapter Nine: On tour with you guys?
Chapter Ten: First day on tour
Chapter Eleven: Be alright
Chapter Twelve: Green Hair
Chapter Thirteen: First concert with green hair
Chapter Fourteen: Sneaking out
Chapter Fifteen: Drunk Justin
Chapter Sixteen: The hotel roof
Chapter Seventeen: Country dance
Chapter Eighteen: Comforting Plan
Chapter Nineteen: Something is wrong with Justin
Chapter Twenty: Their Anniversary
Chapter Twenty One: Out of control
Chapter Twenty Two: You need to grow up
Chapter Twenty Three: Pranking Day
Chapter Twenty Four: "You think I'm perfect but I'm not.."
Chapter Twenty Five: Florida Part 1
Chapter Twenty Six: "Everything is my fault - Its always been my fault"
Chapter Twenty Seven: Florida Part 2
Chapter Twenty Eight: She's back!
Chapter Twenty Nine: "All i want is a second chance"
Chapter Thirty: "Please don't get my hopes up"
Chapter Thirty One: " I need to feel your love"
Chapter Thirty Two: "It doesn't matter. We both made a mistake"
Chapter Thirty Three: " can i have one last kiss?"
Chapter Thirty Four: "You can't give me that look Justin. Not anymore."
Chapter Thirty Five: " I'm done with you and whatever we used to have."
Chapter Thirty Six: " I can't be that late"
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight: The Big Finale

Chapter Thirty Eight

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بواسطة BestJDBFanfictions

Lucy's P.O.V.

"You are so annoying" i hissed crossing my amrs in front of my chest as i was sitting inside Justin's car. We were currently driving back to my house. Once I saw him standing outside Susan's office I completely lost it. I just walked outside with him following me, not saying a word.

"And you are a liar" he turned to look at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

I scoffed, shifting on my seat. "Listen, Bieber. You had no right to follow me and get involved in my life cause I -"

"Your mum is worrying about you. She's the one who send me" he interrupted me.

"You mean, she knows?" I asked, shocked. No, my mum can't find out about me going to therapy. She just can't.

"Not yet"

"What do you mean not yet? You're not gonna tell her anything are you?" I asked, staring at him intently.

He smirked. "I don't know..." he trailed off, licking his lips in attempt not to laugh in my face.

I rolled my eyes and stare out of the window. "Look, I don't care what you saw or what you think was happening but you just can't tell my mum. Okay?"

"And why would I hide the truth from her? You know how I hate liars and you have done nothing but lie to everyone. How can you live with yourself?"

Okay, I'll admit it, that hurt. That hurt a lot.

I looked away. "I didn't ask for your help so stop acting like you care"

Suddenly the car came to a stop, my body falling at the front before slamming back at my seat. Justin had stopped driving and turned to look at me.

"Seriously? After everything, you think I don't care?" he snapped at me, his eyes burning through me.

I immediately opened the door. I didn't want to be in that car just as much as Justin didn't want me in there either.

"Of course" he yelled, hearing the door of his car shutting close behind me as I started walking away. "Walk away, that's what you always do" he called after me, his footsteps not far behind me.

I sighed, turning around. "Then stop following me!" my eyes stared directly at his hazel orbs.

"I can't. You know why?" he took a few steps closer to me. "Because I care about you"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me. It's fucking annoying" he snapped, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to him. I put my hands on his chest in attempt to keep my body from touching his. I bit my lip as I could feel his muscles underneath his white shirt. Damn, he has been working out for sure.

No, that's not the time Lucy.

"I-I'll do whatever I want" I stuttered, looking at his chest as his body towered over mine.

"I want to help you Lucy. Please, just... let me" I looked up, his eyes staring back at my green ones. I could tell he was tired of fighting me all the time. Trust me, I was tired of pushing him away all the time too.

"I don't want your help Justin. I don't need anyone's help. I've made it so far on my own." I said, my voice low. I've always been on my own and I'd like to keep it that way.

"It doesn't have to be like that anymore Lucy. I'm here. I know I've caused you a lot of pain but-"

"Pain?" I raised my eyebrows. "Pain is just a word compared to what I'm feeling all this time." I got out of his grip and took a few steps back.

"You're holding onto the pain, don't do that, it's not good for you" his watery eyes were begging me as I looked down at my feet, biting down on my lip to prevent myself from crying.

"I-I uh..." I took a deep breath looking away. "I really don't wanna talk about it." I tried to tamed my tears. I was stronger than that. I wasn't gonna cry on front of him.

"Look. I won't tell anything to your mom on one condition"

I sniffed. "What?"

"I'll come with you to every single appointment you have for therapy"

I turned to look at him. Was he for real? His face was pretty serious to me. Fuck. "What?No."

Is he crazy? He is the last person I want to hang out with especially go to therapy with.

"Fine then" he crossed his arms in front of his chest and smirked. "I'll tell everything to your mom"


The bell rang. School was finally over and I had an appointment with Susan today too. I sighed annoyed. Apparently I had to go with Justin. Turns out he wasn't kidding. He came to my house last night about to tell everything to my mum until I stopped him and agreed on his stupid terms.

"Fucker" I mumbled through my teeth as I lazily approached his car, which was parked a few feet away from my school so no one would notice him.

I opened his car door only to find him smiling. I swear I wanted so badly to slap that stupid smile off his face. He irritated me so much.

"It's nice to see you too" he rolled his eyes, starting the car as I sat there with a poker face. He knew I didn't want him with me yet he always finds a way to be near me.

Why? Why can't he just leave me alone? I haven't spoken to Bruno for two days because of him, he wouldn't answer my phone calls or texts all because of him. If he hadn't come then Bruno would be okay with me and I wouldn't have to be with him right now.

But no, god is never on my side.

"You know, I really don't think Susan will agree with you being there with me..." I trailed off, staring out of the window as we passed random houses.

He chuckled. "We'll see about that"

I rolled my eyes again. How can he be always be so confident? I mean it was indeed kind of hot but so annoying at the same time. Gosh I'm such a mess.

"Just don't talk much okay?" I whispered as we both entered the building together.

He scoffed. "Like I would ever say something to embarrass you"

I ignored him and walked ahead of him towards the elevator when I notice he wasn't following behind me. I turned around, my eyes searching the area for any sign of him. He was talking to the blonde assistant of Susan. He was more flirting than talking if you ask me. I gritted my teeth, the blood boiling underneath my skin as an argue to go up on them and start a fight was building up inside me.

He says he cares about me and now he flirts in front of my fucking eyes with some blonde bimbo? Great, just peachy. Asshole. I should just leave him there and go up to Susan but something was holding me back. It was like my eyes wouldn't look away from them.

Flashbacks of both him and Selena flooded through my mind. My eyes fell to the girl Justin was currently talking. She was tall, slim, blue eyes and shiny blonde hair. Everything a guy is probably looking for in a girl.

Suddenly I felt so less compared to her. Justin has always dated pretty girls, flawless girls and that girl right there was one of them. Then I looked down at myself. At my old sneakers, my faded blue jeans and navy blue blouse. I was... I guess people haven't found out a word to describe me yet. But I guess the word 'looser' would be a pretty good attempt to describe me.

"Let's go" Justin's voice got me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, slowly following him inside the elevator, still lost in my thoughts.

I remember how he would always smile and laugh when he was with Selena and now, we just keep fighting. I make him miserable. I make everyone around me feel that way. I'm a failure. I always try so hard to please everyone and the only thing I'm left with is nothing. Cause no one appreciates me. I don't deserve Justin and I can't believe I even thought for a second I did.

He is a celebrity. Girls are falling all over his feet and yet he is wasting his time here with me. I really wish he would just leave me alone. I was doing fine before he came. He has no right to interfere in my life like that.

"Don't you have better things to do instead of being here?" I mumbled, my eyes focus on the floor. I could feel his eyes burning on me this whole time but I tried to ignore it. I didn't like paying attention to anything else when I'm thinking to myself.

"No" he answered, shoving his hands inside his pockets as the doors of the elevator opened. I walked out first to see the door to Susan's office wide open. She was probably waiting for me.

I walked in with Justin trailing behind me. Susan was sitting behind her desk looking at some papers before putting them down and raising her head to see us. "Hey Lucy..." she trailed off, her eyes falling next to me, to Justin who was smiling politely at her.

"Mr Bieber. It's a pleasure" she stood up and took out her hand for him to shake. I rolled my eyes as Justin smirked and shook it back. "The pleasure is all mine"

"So, you're here because you brought Lucy?" she asked.

"Actually, I'll be attending therapy with her from now on" he had that stupid grin on his face again. Like coming to therapy was something precious.


"Just tell him he can't do that so we can move on with this" I said, staring intently at her as she was observing Justin from head to toe.

"Actually" my mouth dropped as Susan began to talk, making Justin's grin grew wider "I think it's a really good idea" she smiled at me.

"What?!" I snapped. "You can't be serious" okay now I was flipping out.

"Lucy he will really help you. I mean he is a big part of your problem" Justin's smile started fading as those words left Susan's mouth "and him being here would make you express your feelings better. Besides I'd like to listen to his side of the story too"

I sat on the couch, pissed. Just when I though Susan was gonna take my side he's on Justin's team. Great. Fucking fantastic.

"Let's start then" Justin took the seat next to me as Susan sat back on her chair, putting on her glasses.

I crossed my arms and stare out of the big window, wanting nothing but to disappear right now.

"So Justin. I'd like to listen to you first. What do you have to say about those months you've spend with Lucy" Susan began asking questions to Justin.

"Well they were the best months of my life" my face soften at the sound of those words. I wanted so badly to look at him but I tried not to. Falling under his spell was the last thing I wanted to happen. I could feel his stare on me though, making me really uncomfortable.

"At first I didn't wanna have a fan touring with me because well, I wasn't myself back then cause of my break up with Selena" just the sound of her name brought goose bumps all over my arms. How can a person you've never get to know personally can cause you so much pain?

"But then Lucy made me realize the important things in my life which I'm thankful to her for that now. I started focusing back on my career, my fans, music in general. The tour started and it was going great. My relationship with her was going great." I felt him stop and shifting a little in his seat before continuing.

"I mean she was my fan but then it became something more than that." I looked down trying my hardest not to blush. "We had agreed on comforting each other because I wasn't completely over Selena and I really needed someone to be there for me-" "Yeah, Lucy has talked to me about that agreement. Did you regret having that kind of relationship with her in the first place?" Susan interrupted him.

"Yes" my heart drop at his words. He regrets it? I should have known. "We did have fun but deep inside I knew Lucy always wanted something more which I wasn't ready to give her back then" so he knew, he knew and yet he never did anything about it. I bit my lip, really hard I thought it would bleed. The more he talked, the angrier I got.

"I'm not saying I used her because that's the last thing I wanted to do" Justin continued to talk, my head ready so explode from anger.

"Then what did you exactly do?" I stood up, my hands turning into fists next to me.

Justin's eyes turned from looking at Susan to stare back at me. "Lucy i-i.." he started stuttering.

"My god Justin" I yelled. "After everything and you still can't admit it"

"Admit what?" he asked confused.

I scoffed, like he didn't knew. "That you used me to get over Selena" finally, I've said it.

"What?" he snapped standing up as well, Susan on the other hand was looking at us both amused I might say.

"You think I kissed you because I wanted to forget about her? You really think of me that low? I would never do that to a girl Lucy. I needed you just like you needed me. Don't forget that you had agreed on that as well"

"Fuck sake Justin, I hadn't forgotten. You never let me forget." I mumbled running hand through my hair, pissed.

"Then stop acting like all of this it's my fault because it's not" he hissed back, his voice raising.

"I'm not the one who slept with you because I thought you were Selena"

"And I'm sorry. How many times do I have to tell you?" his eyes stare back at mine with pain and regret.

I shook my head. "That night..." I whispered, memories of the cruel night flashing clearly in my head. "You destroyed everything after that night." I walked away from him, my back facing him as my eyes were looking at the wall in front of me. Tears slowly making their way out of my eyes.

"Lucy-" he whispered, his figure approaching me from behind.

"Do you know how I felt? Hearing you calling me her name while you were-" I couldn't even say the word. I was drowning on my own tears. Justin slowly turned me around.

"I never meant to hurt you" his voice was so soft as his eyes searched mine.

"And then you forgave her like nothing had happened. You just took her back and pretend like nothing had happened between us. How could you?" I kept talking, completely ignoring him as I was lost in my thoughts.

"Ryan and Chaz were laughing at me. Probably feeling sorry for me cause I fell for you. I should have know. I'm just a fan. I've always been just a fan to you." I shook my head, more tears running down my cheeks.

"I never meant anything to you. You knew how I felt about you and yet you played the 'you are confused' card. How could I be so stupid?" I started getting angry with myself now.

"Lucy stop. Just stop" Justin grabbed both of my upper arms and shook me to get me out of my thoughts. I stopped my rant, my eyes traveling up his chest to stare at his watery eyes.

"I hate you" I mumbled, my voice cracking at the end.

"No" Justin shook his head in denial, not believing the words that left my mouth.

"I hate you" I spoke louder.

Justin bit down on his lip, shaking his head again, preventing himself from crying.

"I fucking hate you" I yelled this time, raising my hands which were turned into fists and started hitting his chest.

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you" I kept repeating, shutting close my red puffy eyes as I kept hitting on his chest. His hands never letting go of my arms. He just stood there, letting me punching him, like he didn't feel anything.

"You're not hurting me Lucy" Justin seemed so calm compared to me. I was red from anger.

"I want you to hurt as much as I hurt" I punched his chest harder.

"No you don't" he insisted, holding me tighter.

I looked back at him, is he insane? How can he say that after everything I've just told him?

"You know why?" I felt him pushing me back against the wall, my mouth opening a little to form an answer but nothing came out of it. His hands let go of my arms and held each side of my face, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Because you still love me" my breath hitched in my throat at the intense in his eyes. Before I could register what he had just said, I was instantly met with his soft lips melting on mine.

My eyes slowly closing as I felt every inch of my body slowly giving in to him. My whole body weakened at his touch as I let him lead the kiss. His lips moving so slowly and gently on mine, it made butterflies explode in my mouth. His thumps caressed the skin underneath them, my knees getting instantly weak.

His tongue sneaked in my mouth, finding mine and slowly blending with it. This kiss was so different. It calmed me down but most of all it showed me how much Justin cared about me. He pulled me closer to him, his lips slowly sucking on my bottom lip before slowly, teasingly slowly pulling away. He touched his forehead with mine, breathless.

"Just like I love you"

Chapter End Notes:






xoxo ~ Demetra ( @FaithInTheBiebs )

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