Daydreaming (book 2)

By mikesthereason

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Sequel to Best Worst Nightmare. More



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By mikesthereason

I woke up to the disappointment that Charlie wasnt here. I walked down stairs and it was 11am. I poured a bowl of cereal and called Luke

"Hey buddy." He answered.

"Hi" i said with my mouth half full.

"Adam wants to see us today in the studio." He said shyly.

"He said we were getting a break. Why do we have to go in." I groaned.

"Its not work related. He just wants to check on us." He sighed.

"Oh. Well I'll go over to your house when I'm done with this cereal." I shrugged

"Don't you want us to meet up over there?" He asked.

"No. I don't want to be in this house alone any longer. I'm going to your house." I said.

"Okay. See you soon then Ash." He said.

I hung up and continued eating my cereal on the counter. I wanted to leave this house so bad, without Charlie it wasn't the same. I finished my cereal, put on my shoes and rushed over to Luke's house.

Michael picked us all up and we drove to the studio. Michael had to drive us around since my car was fucked up and I was scared to tell my mom about the accident.

We arrived at the studio and sat down in the room waiting for Adam. He walked in and greeted us.

"How have you guys been?" He said sitting down in front of us

"Like shit." Michael said

"I heard about the accident but I wanted to give you guys your space." He smiled

"We appreciate it Adam." Luke said

"Well is there anything I can do for you guys right now?" He asked.

"Get us to California." Michael smirked

I knew he was going to say that. Of course we all wanted to go to California but it wasn't that simple. We had money but not enough to be going to California just yet. We have a had a remarkable income since the album released. We also designed new band merch and all of that was slowly adding up.

"California?" Adam looked confused.

"Charlie is there." Calum said.

"She went home with her dad you guys told me about that." He said.

"Yeah but with the accident and all...." I started

"She lost her memory. She left yesterday." Luke finished my sentence.

Adam was quiet for a few seconds. "Fuck. Thats terrible. She is in California?" He asked.

"Yeah she lives there." Calum said.

"We want to go see her." Michael demanded.

"Its not that simple. You guys are famous. You cant travel without a fair warning." He smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You guys have fans everywhere true?" He said

"Yeah. We even saw fans on the way over here and outside." Luke said.

"What do the fans have to do with anything?" Michael asked.

"Didn't security help you guys get into the building?" Adam asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Exactly. In order to travel you guys need a hotel that has security there to help you get through fans and a driver to help you get around." Adam sighed.
"Being famous is hard."

"I wouldnt trade it for the world though." Michael smiled.

"I love our fans." I said.

"As a manager thats just the shit i have to do." Adam sighed.

"But we have money now. We can go to California cant we?" Michael said sounding frustrated.

"You are right Michael but it takes time. Money is not the issue. The soonest i could get you there is early next week." He small smiled.

"Thats 5 days." Luke smiled.

"5 days till we see her again." Michael said.

"Thanks a lot Adam." I said.

"Anything for you guys. Who knows being over there might make you reconsider the American tour." He smiled.

"You just had to didn't you?" Calum laughed.

"Yup. I'm a manager and Michael wants to spend money so I have to help you make it." He laughed.

"Alright well that sounds good. 5 days isn't too long." Michael said finally sounding satisfied.

We said goodbye to Adam and left the studio. Michael drove us to a pizza place since we were all hungry.

"What are we going to do in the meantime?" Calum said eating pizza.

"Count down the days." Luke smiled

"We could do what we do best. Write a song?" I suggested.

"A song about Charlie?" Michael said with his mouth half full.

"Thats a great idea. The album wasn't even complete." Calum said.

After we finished eating Michael drove us over to his place so we could start writing and practicing a new song.

While writing everyone got so sad thinking about this situation we were in. We all added parts to it and found ways to make it rhyme. Michael pulled me inside the house to talk to me.

"This song means a lot to me." He said looking at me.

"It means a lot to the band." I sighed.

"I have to tell you something but dont get pissed." He said shyly.

"Go ahead mate."

"I kissed Charlotte the day of the accident." He said.

"Okay?" I said laughing

"I love her Ashton." He said looking down.

I started laughing when he said that and I knew i looked like a complete asshole but it was just funny to me.

"Whats so funny?" Michael said smiling.

"Lad I already knew! You and Luke have been fighting over her. It was really obvious!" I laughed.

"Well I wanted to tell you because my part in the song mentions that moment and I wanted at least one person to know the story behind it." He said.

"Well Calum and Luke are going to be really confused because they know I wouldn't kiss her!" I laughed.

We walked back into the garage and started playing the song we wrote for Charlie.

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