Hopes, Dreams, and Horses?

By mwauha

60.2K 1.4K 330

Lara was awaiting her summer with glee, excited to spend time with her friends without her teachers constantl... More

Brook View Riding Academy
The Houdini of Horses
Up, Up, and... Down?
Just A Bruise
How to Fit In
Failure X100000
Just Right Outside
Sooner or Later
Closer to the End
Riding the Top
One Chance at Glory


3.3K 79 12
By mwauha

You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well. -Lewis B. Smedes


The storm started halfway throughout the lesson.

I felt Lara feel nervous and worried from the beginning, and knew she wasn't focused. I tried harder than normal to make it seem like she was focused but somehow it just didn't work. It so far had been a terrible lesson, Lara on edge and me unsureof what was wrong.

I felt like it was Daisy.

Lara pushed me into a trot, now more interested on getting inside the barn and out from the outside arena, Emily leading the way, and much to Lara's concern Daisy following.

I sighed once I felt the rain stop pounding on my back.

Sarah followed all of us inside, and quietly murmured, "We'll continue to lesson in the indoor arena once your tack and horses are dry."

They girls began obeying and quietly Sarah moved over to Lara and I and murmured, "Lara, I need to talk with you.


"Lara, I need to talk with you."

I looked up from the english saddle I had just taken off Vegas. "Huh? Oh, I mean excuse me?"

"Please, follow me to my office."

I followed Sarah into her room-y office and took a seat in a comfy black chair. "Yes ma'am?"

Sarah took a deep breath before she started. "Lara, throughout the lesson you seemed to constantly loose focus. I understand it's hard being a new kid, but you can't always loose focus like this. Poor Vegas was trying to help you out. I noticed you seemed on edge because of one of the riders. Are you being bullied or having troubles with any of the riders here?"

"No, ma'am. I was just a little confused... because of everyone else." I slipped the lie out, I didn't want to cause any trouble in the barn.

"Well, if your so sure, then please go and attend to Vegas." Sarah sighed.


I waited patiently till Lara returned, even though seeing all the others being curried and brushed made me slightly jealous annd impatient.

When she returned, I whinnied to her, but she gave me no affectionate pat like normal. I stomped my foot in resentment.... she always patted me when I called to her. Right now though, she seemed troubled.

I watched as she silently picked up my mane brush and begin to comb tangles out. I trembled, even though I couldn't feel the brush yanking on my mane- horse's manes don't have nerves.

She carefully brushed my tail again before picking my hooves out and brushing dirt and mud free from the shiny shoe. Afterwards, she picked up the curry and brushed me down, when Sarah hastily walked out of her office. "Everyone, follow me into the indoor arena. This isn't a joke....."

I listened, confused, as she hesitated.

"It's urgent."

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