The girl who cried wolf (R ra...

Galing kay misspiggy88

378K 8.4K 511

When Mia's mother is killed she dicovers she is not quite human, she's half Lycan. Rescued by the family she... Higit pa

The girl who cried wolf: Prologue
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter One
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Ten
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter eleven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twelve
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fourteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Sixteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Seventeen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eighteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Nineteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-Seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter thirty three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty six
The girl who cried wolf: Epilogue
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The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fifteen

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Galing kay misspiggy88

 Chapter Fifteen

     It’s been about a week since my little run in with Lucia but luckily I haven’t really seen her much since. To be honest I haven’t really seen much of Luca either. As soon as we reached his room that day and things started to heat up between us, he was called away. Since then we spent all of two minutes together. Apparently since Wyatt left a few weeks ago, rogues have been pushing their luck and crossing the boundaries. I know I shouldn’t complain, he’s fulfilling his duties but I miss him. He had asked Faith and Tyler to keep me company, which really meant keep an eye on me. So far it has pretty much just been Tyler and me, Faith has been too busy with Antonio. Don’t get me wrong, I’m over the moon for her but every now and then I get a little jealous. They get to spend so much time together, they’ve only been together a week but she is already marked. It’s only a matter of time before they are fully mated. Luca and I on the other hand just can’t seem to catch a break, every time we get close to doing anything he’s called away. Part of me every now and then wonders if I’m really ready yet, yet another part of me can’t think about anything else. I want to be his completely, when we are together there is a fire between us and it’s getting out of control. My body aches for him; the wolf inside me needs him. It’s weird the longer I’m here the stronger I can sense my inner wolf, I may not have shifted yet but I can feel her and she dying to get out. Without Luca around I’m feeling more and more restless. I’ve spent most of my days either in the gym, on the treadmill or out running with Tyler. Even though I knew Luca wouldn’t really want me out in the wood right now, I managed to convince Tyler to take me. When I’m running it’s the only time I feel at ease and free. Every morning for the past four days Tyler and I had been out running and this morning was no exception. We had decided that today we were going to have a little race. Tyler agreed quickly, I’m guessing he thought it would be an easy win. What I haven’t told him is that during our last few runs I’ve felt myself getting faster and faster. I can feel myself getting stronger and all my senses are heightened. I am picking up on other peoples scents and my hearing, I feel like I can hear everything. It’s so amazing, I can’t describe it. It’s like looking at the world with new eyes; everything seems brighter and more vibrant. Nobody knows yet but I quite like it that way, of course I’d love to share it with Luca but he’s not been around to tell. I closed my eyes briefly as I sprinted through the trees, enjoying the feeling of the wind on my face. As I opened my eyes again I could see Tyler sprinting ahead of me, he was about twenty metre in front. As I watched him I could hear him chuckling to himself, thinking he had this race won. A small mischievous smile spread across my face as I started to sprint a little faster, I had been holding back for last twenty minutes but not anymore. As I caught up with Tyler I started to laugh, he looked over shoulder shocked to find me so close. Within moments I was overtaking him and smiling from ear to ear. As I continued to run, I felt a sudden urge to run even faster. As I started to push myself even further I couldn’t help but laugh, I was so amazed by how fast I was going. It was unbelievable.

     “Come on slow coach!” I shouted over my shoulder to Tyler who was now trailing behind.

After a few more moment I had reached the river that crossed through the boundary. I slowly came to a stop and panted slightly. As I sat myself down a tree stump I saw Tyler emerge from the trees, with a surprised look on his face.

     “Where the hell did that come from?” he asked sitting on ground in front of me.

     “I have no idea what you’re on about?” I replied trying not to laugh.

      “Bull!” he shouted smirking at me. “I knew you were fast but god girl what happened?” he asked.

     “I don’t know I guess my inner wolf is getting stronger.” I replied as I crossed my legs and held my ankles.

     “Wow really, what can you do now then?” he asked getting more excited.

     “Well my hearing and sense of smell is stronger, oh and my eyesight is amazing. Everything looks amazing. The world seems so different, it’s beautiful. Of course you know about my speed, well I feel stronger too.” I said grinning at him.

     “Wow you’ll be shifting before you know It.” he replied as he got up and gave me hug.

After another moment we got up and started walking along the boundary. We walked in silence, it wasn’t an awkward silence or anything it was nice. After a little while I could hear something in the distance, it sounded like water. I started to walked a little bit faster trying to figure out what it was, Tyler had shown me pretty much everything but we hadn’t been out this far. I soon found myself in front of a huge spring-water pool with a little waterfall. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, it was beautiful. The water was so clear that I could see all the way to the bottom. I could hear Tyler walking up behind me, when he reached me he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

     “Beautiful isn’t it.” he said as he gave me a bit of a squeeze.

     “Breath taking.” I replied, my eyes still glued to the glittering water.

     “It’s our own private bit of paradise, the humans never come out this far. I’m surprised Luca has never brought you out here; it’s a pretty romantic spot. A lot of couples come out here to…to, umm well you know.” He said rubbing the back of his and blushing slightly, it was obvious the subject made him a little bit uncomfortable.

     “Do you fancy a quick dip?” I asked.

Tyler fell silent and jumped away from me; I quickly turned to face him.

     “God you’re disgusting!” he said shaking his head at me.

     “How the hell am I disgusting?” I asked completely confused by Tyler’s reaction.

     “Well for one Mia we’re cousins and sort of thing in wrong. Two you’re with Luca and I’m pretty sure he’d kick my butt. Well he’d try to anyway.” He said as he tried to look tough.

     “Oh Ty you bloody sicko, I was talking about a dip in the water.” I said shuddering at the thought of it meaning anything else. “Gross get your head out of the gutter.”

I watched as his face went a deep shade of red. Although I was disgusted by what he had thought, it was hilarious watching the embarrassment spread across his face. Serves him right really for being such a perv.

     “Yeah I knew that, I was just messing with you.” Tyler said trying not to look at me.

I held back my laughter until I couldn’t any longer; tears were running down my face within seconds. I laughed even harder as he crossed his arms across his chest, making himself look like a sulking toddler. After another second or two I picked up on a mischievous glint in his eyes. Before I knew he was racing towards me, I quickly turned on my heel and ran towards the pool. He quickly caught up with me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and we both went flying into the water. We burst out of the water laughing our heads off.

     “God its freezing.” I said shivering.

    “What you on about it’s lovely.” Tyler said smirking at me.

     “You may be nice and warm but I’m not.” I said as I started to get out of the water.  

     “I guess you haven’t inherited all of the Lycan traits then.” He replied as he started to do the back stroke across the water.

     “What do you?” I asked.

     “Well have you notice that Luca always feels warm? Well Lycan’s body temperatures are always quite high, in other words we never get cold.” He answered me.

     “Lucky git, I always seemed to be colder than everyone else. I’m guessing my has done the reverse.” I said chuckling.

     “No Mia you’re just special.” He said pulling a silly face at me.

I poked my tongue out at him while I grabbed a little stone and threw it at him; it missed his head by a couple of inches.

     “Hey that nearly hit me!” he shouted at me starting to splash water at me.

     “Tyler don’t I’m freezing as it is.” I said trying to shield myself with my arms.

Suddenly we were both aware of the scent of someone else amongst the trees. I quickly rushed up onto my feet as Tyler leapt out of the water to get to my side. . We heard a branch brake to the left of us; we quickly whipped our heads round to find the source of the noise, within seconds we found out. From amongst the trees out stepped Lucia, her eyes burning into me. She slowly walked towards us with a cocky look on her face. As per usual she was wearing something tight and revealing. A blacked v necked cropped vest top and pair of black skin tight leather trousers.

     “What do you want?” Tyler growled taking a step forward.

     “I just wanted a little chat with Mia, we have some unfinished business.” She said keeping her eyes on me.

     “I don’t think so Lucia.” Tyler replied.

     “This doesn’t concern you little boy this between Mia and Me.” she spat at him, obviously getting annoyed.

     “What the hell, why does everyone think I’m just a stupid kid! Look Lucia she’s family which makes this my concern, so back off or else!” he roared at her, I had never seen him so angry.

Lucia just looked at him for a brief moment before bursting out laughing. I could see Tyler clenching his fist and his body shaking. I tried to place my hand on his shoulder to calm him down; as my hand touched him he shrugged it off again. 

     “Or else what?” she said laughing still.

     “Or else your live to regret it!” he spat back.

I could see his body began to shake even more. The air around us suddenly grew cold and the wind picked up. I looked up to the sky above us filled with dark clouds and it suddenly became dark. The trees began to sway as the ice cold air whipped through them. I quickly wrapped my arms around my wet body, shivering from the sudden temperature change.

     “Stop kidding yourself, you’re no match for me. Boy!” She growled at him, her long dark hair whipping around her face.

     “Don’t call me boy. Shut up and leave.” He roared taking another step towards her.

     “Make me!” She roared back, challenging him. 

She took another step forward, her attention now fully on Tyler. He acted in a way I never seen from before, it frightened me a little bit. I was worried that he was going to get hurt.

     “This is your last warning.” He growled before turning towards me. “Mia you get back, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

As he spoke to me I couldn’t take my eyes off his eyes, they were black and cold. I quickly hurried back towards the trees. He looked nothing like the Tyler I knew, it was like someone had taken over him. He didn’t even sound like Tyler, he voice was deep and emotionless, nothing like his normal happy bubbly self. Something big was going to happen I could feel it deep in my gut, my body trembled with fear. As I crouched towards down to ground behind a bush, I watched the pair of them fearful as to what might happen next. I glanced over at Lucia, noticing her facial expression had softened. She even appeared to have a small smile on her face as she walked towards him again. She bit her bottom lip and twisted her hair around her finger.

     “Come you know you don’t want to fight me. I’m sure there’s something else you would much prefer to do.” She said softly in a seductive tone.

This whole afternoon was getting stranger and stranger. I couldn’t understand what was going on, I fought she had been threatening him now she seemed to be flirting. What sort of game was she playing at? I looked over at Tyler he had a small smirk on his face but his eyes were still as black as night.

     “Your little tricks won’t work on me Lucia and I’m tired of playing games.” He said smugly.

Her face dropped and her eyes filled with anger. As she started to run towards him, a bolt of lightning struck the ground barely missing her. The lightning was almost blinding. What had just happened? My head was full of confusion; this was nothing like anything I had seen before. After everything that has happened to me recently nothing should surprise me but this, this was an exception. Lucia jumped back and glared over at Tyler.

     “How did do that?” she growled.

     “I warned up to back off, leave now or next bolt most miss.” He replied smirking.

Before he had time to react she launched herself at him knocking her to the ground.

     “Tyler!” I shouted as they rolled across the floor.

They were both letting out loud growls as they continued to fight. I watched in amazement as they threw each other through the air. Tyler grabbed hold of her and lifted her over his head with great ease, then threw towards the trees. Her body went mashing into the trunk of one tree, making her let out a loud scream. As her body hit the floor she jumped back up immediately. The both raced towards each other, leaping and colliding in mid-air as bolts of lightning hit the ground around them. As thunder rumbled in the sky above me, I was suddenly aware of several new scents in the air. There was a large group of Lycans heading towards us; they had to be at least twelve of them. They were completely new scents to me, they were rogues. They must have been alerted to our presence by all the noise and commotion. I jumped up quickly off the ground and ran towards Tyler and Lucia.

     “Tyler stop it now we have to get out of here now!” I shouted but they didn’t seem to pay any attention to me.

As I got closer to them I closed my eyes and reached my arms out towards them. As my fingers touched their skin they both started to calm down. Not a lot but enough to be able to get their attention.

     “Both of you quit it now there’s a group of rogues heading this way and we need to get out of here!” I shouted as they finally looked at me.

They both quickly sniffed the air. As Lucia pick up the scents her face went white and fear filled her eyes.

     “She’s right we need to get out of here.” She said as she jumped to her feet and began to race towards the trees.

Tyler quickly got up and we both began to run through the trees. I felt as though my feet weren’t even touching the floor as I ran as fast as I could. I seemed to take us forever to before we were back at the clearing. As we reached the house Lucia was nowhere to be seen but Luca was stood on the porch with his arms across his chest.

     “Where the hell have been I’ve been so worried?” He said, concern written across his face.

     “Running in the wood but that not…” I said before he cut me off.

    “You’ve been in the woods!” he roared glaring at Tyler. “You were supposed to be keeping an eye on here!”

Tyler quickly lowered his head knowing he was in trouble.

     “Luca that isn’t important now, don’t blame him it was my fault but that’s not the point. There’s a large group rogues heading towards boundary by the spring-water pool.” I said quickly.

Luca snapped his head towards me, his eye wide.

     “Both of you get in the house and stay there. I’ll deal with both of you later.” He shouted at us, treating us like we were little kids.

I watched as he ran off the porch and met up with a group of others. They ran towards the trees shifting as they went. As Luca disappeared in the trees I turned back to Tyler, who was now walking up the steps. I ran up the step to catch with him, I grabbed his arm making him turn to face me.

     “Tyler what happened back there?” I asked him searching his eyes for some trace of the truth.

     “Nothing happened Mia just forget about it.” he said as he tried to turn away.

     “Don’t lie to me Tyler, you’re better than that. Just tell me what happened.” I pleaded.

He ran his hand through his and slowly turned back to look back at me.

     “Let just say you’re not the only one who’s special.” He said quietly, as he pulled his hand free from my grip and walked into the house.

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