Dating Guys For Mother [girlx...

By midnightliss

28.6K 358 36

Vye is a normal seventeen year old lesbian the only problem is that her mother doesn't want to accept it. To... More

Chapter 2 *What A Beautiful Moose Arse It Is*
Chapter 3 *Don't Put Me Into The Wardrobe*
Chapter 4 *Unicorn Hotdogs*
Chapter 5 *Where else have I danced naked?*
Chapter 6 *Dyke, you took my clothes.*
Chapter 7 *Dancing Like There Is No Tomorrow*
Chapter 8 -*COFFEE!!"
Chapter 9 *Brain Cells into Skittles*
Chapter 10 *My Hair*
Chapter 11 *It's Grandma Fanny*
Chapter 12 *Dyke Up*
Chapter 13 *Motivation Fairy*

Chapter 1 *Pedo Bear*

7.9K 38 1
By midnightliss

Just woke up and decided to write this hope you like it :D


Chapter 1

"Vye, my beautiful daughter," My mum squealed hugging me tightly, she was the same height as me with plasma blonde hair, yep that's right it's not even blond more white. She looks like a bad Lady Gaga copy. My mum is only thirty five, having me at 18, that didn't mean we were close at all. She had married my step-dad when I was three; he was practically my father and my best friend.

"Hello mum," I squeezed back entering the house. It was actually huge but anything is huge compared to my apartment. It has eight bedrooms, three bathrooms, three living rooms, a movie room, a library and a pool. Why didn't I live here, you ask? Well...

"How are you my dear?"

"Fine, I guess" I pulled my tights up, giving my mum a nice shot of my black French knickers. I’m naturally unladylike; dresses and I don't get along. I prefer to leave them for the moths in the corner of my wardrobe than wear them. This dress was short and baby blue with white spots. It was a nice dress but it wasn't comfortable and I had a fear of bending over. I also had make-up on; usually I could handle eyeliner and mascara... sometimes, but I had the full works today foundation, blusher and lipstick. My face felt like an elephant was sitting on it even though my best friend had done an amazing job. My mum seemed pleased at my effort.

"Vye be a little more like a lady." My mother chirped, straightening my dress. "She patted my cheek and took my hand. “I have someone I want you to meet," She entered the first living room. The room had a Greek theme to it; the coffee table was made of glass with a chariot being pulled by a god as the stand. The walls were a light blue with the squarer design on the borders. All the furniture was white and Greek vases and statues were everywhere. The cushions were white as well. The room was bright from the sun and for some reason I hear water from somewhere. I was rarely allowed in this room because as my mum put it, ‘Things could break’ and me being in any room ‘was a hazard.’

A guy sat in the room about three years older than me. My mum had specifically told me to look pretty. Do you really think I would dress-up just to see my mum and her Greek room? She sets me up on dates all the time because I 'never bring a nice boy home.' Or any boys for that matter, and that ladies and gentlemen is why I don't live at home.

 The guy was in a suit, with a clean shaven face. He had startling blue eyes and wasn't bad looking too. He had a straight nose and sharp cheeks. He would have been the type of guy in school who would have been the silent player. Seemingly nice but would have a lot of girls and no one would ever know. The guy smiled at me standing. "Hi, I'm Ryan," He took my hand and shook it.

"Ryan is next doors’ cousin, you know Katy." She smiled sweetly at me, haha she'd never know how well I knew Katy. "I'll just get a drink for you and leave you two crazy kids alone." I gapped at her as she ran out of the room quite gleefully. Did she just call us crazy kids; she's not even that old.

"I'm actually her second cousin," He smiled gesturing to the seat next to the one he had occupied. I sat gingerly next to him.

I smiled weakly, "Thanks for doing this bu..."

My Mum bounced into the room; perfect timing as usual mother, she had obviously been listening the whole time. "Here you go Ditsypoo," She grinned somehow balancing the drink in her hand while jumping up and down.

"Thanks mum," I smiled taking the cold glass, iced tea. I scrunched my nose up just looking at it. I always find that iced tea was too classy and posh for my liking. She gave me a be-nice-and-don't-screw-this-up look before hopping off again. Where the hell does my mum get the energy from?

"So, what school do you go to?" He asked; small talk how cute.

"College," I corrected, "I go to Datwell."

He raised his eyebrows seemly amused, "I used to go there; is Mr Grane still there."

I jumped up almost dropping my glass, "Grapeface is a marshmallow bear hugging, poop smelling eyebrow."

There was silence than Ryan laughed, like a human laugh not one to humour me. I scowled at him but he couldn't stop himself from laughing. "I'm sorry; I've just never met a girl as eccentric as you." He smiled, patting the seat beside him. I sat down shoving the drink away.

"Well let's get this done with," I rolled my eyes and could almost hear my mum silently screaming at me.

I sighed leaning forward to grab my bag off the table; I caught the guy staring at my chest. "PERVERT!" I screamed sweetly. He jumped the smile still on his lips.

"I was just looking at the dress." He grinned.

I leaned forward towards him, I could smell his cologne, it reminded me of my ex Sam. "I haven't got any knickers on either," I grabbed my bag slamming it into his face. He winced as a red print presented itself on his cheek. "Pedo bear." I hissed.

"Vya, when did you get here?" A manly voice called across the room. I spun round running over to the tall man. He was dressed in a jumper and jeans, classic dad. He used to have halves, a bold patch in the middle and hair round the side but then decided to shave it all off.

"Dad," I grinned, practically running up to him and hugging the big oaf.

He hugged me tightly, "How's this one?" He whispered into my ear. Dad was always on my side.

"Not going to work obviously," I whispered back. It probably seemed weird that we were hugging for so long.

"It's a motherly instinct thing, just go on a few dates and say that some delightful three headed monkeys took him away." Oh my God, my dad was a genius.

I stepped back, "Where did mum hide you?" I asked aloud.

"In a cupboard under the stairs, your mother wanted me to be like Harry Potter and hide."

"Mum is such a Dudley," I whined.

"Ahem," Ryan cleared his throat.

"You should give her a tail." I squealed.

"Maybe I could just throw an advacardabra up her arse." My dad grinned.

"AHEM!" Ryan 'coughed' again.

"Yes, yes I know you're there punk," My dad added sarcastically, "Can't you see the importance of our conversation?"

"Not really," Ryan frowned.

"BARRY," My mum shrieked, both me and dad inwardly shuddered. She came into the room, she glanced at Ryan who was standing frustrated and me and Dad. "I told you I needed help in the kitchen."

"No you didn't," My dad frowned at the floor, "I'm not that old Eva." He glanced up at my face still frowning, "Wait, did you want me to give them some spa..."

My mum stumped over taking hold of my dad's ear, "Come on Barry, we have dishes to wash."

"I hate washing dishes," He whined, slumping his feet after my mum. He looked back at me, "Have fun with your date, Purple Pudding." He winced again as my mum tugged his ear.

"Bye Potter, remember you killed Voldermort." I called after him.

I turned back to Ryan who had an amused expression on his face. "You can see why you are the way you are."

"Excuse me," I snapped, "What are you saying about my Dad?" I leaped across the room my hand bag at the ready.

He stared at the bag wearily, "I'm just saying your dad is a nice person."

I frowned at him, "I hope so, because he's the best."

He smiled at me, "Let's go to dinner."

I neatly put my bag on my arm and did the most ladylike action of pulling up my tights giving the second person that day a flash of my pants. I'm going to kill Forest for putting me in them. 

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