Never Again

By Bookloverandreader

734 28 9

Taylor was very optimistic. Even when things went wrong, but when things go VERY wrong she has her doubts, he... More

Undignified Performances
Awkward Innocence

Never Again

459 9 3
By Bookloverandreader

Chapter One

Taylor's Pov

                I really hate Rachael’s gift. I love her, I really do its,  just so damn annoying… but I really should start at the beginning huh?


                 We had a plan. I would go to Japan to meet my Stepmom and stay with her and her family for 3 moons. (3days) Then Rachael would come get me and take me where ever the hell I pleased….or where ever we were going to meet her family, but that’s not the point. But this is sort of like Harry Potter. How they always have a plan but as soon as they got there all hell broke loose. And…it did.

                You see my dad is Kagome’s dad…so she’s my step sister. But I will explain that later. Kagome was first born and then our dad and her mom realized it wasn’t gonna work out. Then my dad met my mom and well…the rest is history. But six years later my dad went to visit my mom and they kind of got busy with past emotions and feelings and all that love-y dove-y awkward crap. So that explains my other step brother: Sota. He’s really cute and adorable and it’s hard not to love him…or so my dad tells me. I haven’t met either of them in my whole life, but that was about to change. Oh I should also mention my grandpa lives there too. He is on my dad’s side but he disowned my dad when he and my step mom divorced. So he lives there too and his into this spiritual magical weird stuff. It was stupid and well plain boring in my opinion…but my opinion was about to change…drastically.

                Right now I’m on a plane off to Tokyo, Japan to meet my other family. When my mom and dad divorced, dad decided to send me to meet my “other family”.  That’s a different story but back to the guy snoring like his life depended on it sitting next to me on this God forsaken plane. I hate flying.  I looked around the cursed thing.  The seats were not exactly spacious, and the guy snoring was starting to drool…which was kind of disturbing. I looked out the window thinking why all this had to happen to me. Not just me moving in general…but another thing about me. I’m not exactly normal. Not personality wise…just not normal. I’ve always been gifted with weapons…especially pens….but I’ll get to that later. But don’t worry I’m not some serial killer and I’ve never been to an asylum. Thank God for that. However, the pocket knife was a little hard to explain to the security guy…but I took care of that. No body can resist the puppy dog face.

                While on the plane ride to Japan ride with noisy snorer and the kid behind me kicking my seat, was torture. I gave him a special lollipop. He went to sleep right after…for a while. My non biological  twin sister, Maria gave me a couple just in case.  Finally we had the bumpy landing on the runway. I grabbed my carry-on and practically ran of the plane.

Now I have my luggage looking for my family that I’ve never even met or seen. While I look for them I see myself in a mirror out of the corner of my eye. My elbow length curly golden brown hair that is VERY hard to tame is up at the moment. Unfortunately. I’m only five foot, which sucks, since I can’t see over these tall Japanese people. I can speak Japanese thanks to several episodes of Mugsy my dad put me through. But thanks to these magical inventions that make me tall called: heels, I can sort of see around.  I have big brown eyes (that work best with sparkly eye shadow and mascara for the puppy eyes) courtesy of my dad.             

                I’m looking at all the signs in Japanese.  I pass over one in English that says TAYLOR GIBBONS. And, no that is not a Japanese last name, but it is my mom’s maiden name. I had decided to keep it instead of dad’s when they divorced.  I start to head over there when this smart ass plane attendant makes me trip over her luggage that she dragged in front of me. So me being just like good ol’ Rachael, I trip, fall, and make and epic face plant. I look up at the platinum blonde, way too small shirt to hold in her…goodies, shortest skirt I’VE ever seen that very much resembles a belt, looks down at me sneers and keeps walking.

                OH. NO. SHE. DIDN’T.

                Ignoring my own luggage and family, I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and before she can say anything that I’m sure is in a very high pitched squeaky voice, I punch her in her fake nose. Because I’ve never had a chance to do that in America, I am a foreigner and I don’t “know any better”.  So also ignoring her fake crying, the loud security guards screaming for me to stop in Japanese, the gasps from civilians, I grab my luggage and walk towards my family who were staring at the whole incident and introduced my self in fluent Japanese….I know now I will not being leaving this country in the same airport.

                “Are you guys okay?” I asked.  They still hadn’t moved from my little scene.  I walked up to the little boy, very cute I must admit with black hair brown eyes, much like mine, and closed his mouth with two fingers.  I looked to the girl, Kagome I assumed, and stretched my hand out to shake hers.  She blinked then realized my intentions, and shook hands. 

                “It’s very…nice to meet you.” She said uncertainly.  I sighed internally.  My best friends would have rushed over to me to show me an even better punch, or to take a swing at the girl themselves.  It seems my life in Japan would be different. Very different. Rachael better get here soon. 

The house was weird. So was my grandpa.  First of all they acted like I’ve never used chopsticks. Which I have and it was very annoying when they tried to teach me how to use them. So they were very much astonished when I threw the fork on the floor pick up the chopsticks and continued to eat my rice bowl. They kept staring at me like I was a space alien so I picked up the fork and put it in the sink. So dinner wasn’t much of an accomplishment.  I sighed, this is going to be a very long three days.

If I get 5 votes I will upload the next chapter capesh? 

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