Little DEAD Riding Hood?

By Kaitlyn1723

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Tatiana Aethelu (or better known as "Little Red Riding Hood") is now 20 years old. She goes to the Harvest Fe... More

Chapter 1: That Day Roles Around Again
Chapter 2: One Destined Dance
Chapter 3: A So Called "Engagement"
Chapter 5: His Majesty's Possession
Chapter 6: What He Sees
Chapter 7: The Love Of My Unlife Loves Me Too
Chapter 8: Restraining Order
Chapter 9: His Endless Attacks
Chapter 10: The Escape Plan
Chapter 11: The Dagger
Chapter 12: It's You!
Quick Author's Note
Chapter 13: The Past Resurfaces
Chapter 14: Breaking And Entering
Chapter 15: Assassination Attempt
Facts Challenge
Chapter 16: Another Angry Ex
Chapter 17: Hel's Declaration

Chapter 4: Saved From Kyöpelinvuori, Brought To Neflheim

114 6 0
By Kaitlyn1723

It was dark. Pitch black. In this dark, I felt a mysterious warmth on my hand. It felt like someone was holding my hand. Then, I heard a sweet, soft voice.

"Please, miss", said the voice,"You must wake up." The voice belonged to a man. He was pleading with me to wake up. The warmth coming from his hand was calm and soothing to me.

At that moment, I heard footsteps. The warmth on my hand faded away and it seemed that the man had left. Then, I heard another man's voice.

"She's awake!" The man seemed excited. "It's lovely to see you. Oh! Hold on a moment." I felt a gentle pressure on my eyelids and, suddenly, I could open them. In front of me, I saw a blond man with red eyes. "My name is Winston, miss. Winston Bavol. And what is yours, miss?"

I looked at him blankly. I wanted to answer, but the only part of my body I could move was my eyes. Seeming to realize this, after a long moment of silence, Winston traced my lips with his finger.
"Huh." I took in a breath. "Oh, thank you, Winston. I thought I would never speak."

Winston smiled. "The pleasure is mine, miss. There is no need to thank me."

"Hey, Winston!" There was another man's voice. "We want to see, too!"

Seeming to remember this, Winston moved out of my sight and, in his place, two more men appeared.

"You are as lovely as His Majesty said you were, miss", said a man with brown hair and green eyes. "I am Arthur Caldwell." Arthur smiled. His brown hair came down to his shoulders and a few strands fell in front of his left eye.

"Indeed, you are", the second man commented. He had green eyes and red hair that went down to his earlobes. "Just as His Majesty said. I am Raymond Atkins."

"It is nice to meet you, Arthur, Raymond." I politely responded to the two men. "But could you help me? I can't seem to move my body."

Both men smiled politely and responded. "Of course!" Arthur and Raymond began poking my body. They poked my neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, stomach, knees, ankles, and toes. Then, they both politely moved back.

I sat up and stretched my arms upward. Then, I decided to stand up. Once I was on my feet, I twirled in place. "Thank you all for helping me move again!" Then I stopped. I looked around and realized that I didn't recognize any if my surroundings.

"Wait, where am I?" Then it all came flooding back to me. "How am I here?! I'm supposed to be dead!"

Noticing my confused look, Winston spoke. "You are, miss. We all are. You're in Niflheim!"

"We were sent by His Majesty, the king, to awaken you and welcome you to Niflheim", said Arthur. I looked at were I was lying a moment ago. It was a wooden coffin from my village. I looked at the men.

"Would you please explain this to me a bit more?", I timidly asked. Winston and Arthur smiled and turned to Raymond. He let out a sigh.

"I guess I will explain, miss", said Raymond,"After you died, a thousand years ago, you were originally supposed to go to Kyöpelinvuori -"

"Pardon me, but", I interrupted,"what is Kyöpelinvuori?" I looked at the three men, confusion written all over my face.

"Kyöpelinvuori is the place which dead women haunt. It said that virgins who died young gather there after their deaths at the start of their afterlife", said Arthur.

"You were supposed to go there since you're a virgin-", Raymond paused and looked at me intently,"You are a virgin, right miss?"

I felt my cheeks burn as I averted my eyes. I could tell my cheeks were turning a deep red.
"Raymond!", Winston cut in,"You shouldn't ask such questions! You should apologize."

"I'm sorry. I'm a scientist, I can't help but ask questions", Raymond says with a sad smile. I shake my head.

"No. It's alright", I said,"You're right anyway. Please, continue."

"Yes, right." Raymond says, regaining his composure. "Anyway, His Majesty, the king, requested you as his bride, so you were brought to Niflheim, instead."

After a pause, I spoke. "Could you explain 'Niflheim' to me?"

"You are in Niflheim, now", Winston said with a kind smile,"Niflheim is the cold, dark, and misty world of the dead. It's primarily a realm of primordial ice and cold, with the frozen river if Elivágar and the well of Hvergelmir, from which come all rivers. Niflheim is one of the two primordial realms, the other one is Muspelheim, the realm of fire just South of Niflheim. Between these two realms of cold and heat, creation began when Niflheim's waters mixed with the heat of Muspelheim to form a 'creating steam'. Later, it became the abode of Hel, a goddess daughter of Loki, and the afterlife for her subjects, those who did not die a heroic death."

"But if Goddess Hel is the ruler, she is the queen. If she is the queen, then she is married to the king. How can the king request me as his bride, if he has a wife already?", I asked. My eyes reflected my feelings of confusion.

"Goddess Hel was the co-ruler, a few years ago", Raymond began explaining again,"She had married the king and he helped make Niflheim become better, but she grew tired of her endless duties. Goddess Hel gave her kingdom to His Majesty and left. She has not returned and probably never will. The king ruled as best he could, but soon realized he needed a co-ruler. He chose you. In short, you are the king's fiancee."

What kind of queen leaves her kingdom without any notice over her duties that she should have become accustomed to after so long?

I stood in shock. I was dead, spending my afterlife in Niflheim, going to marry a king, and who knows what else! Suddenly, Arthur spoke, bringing me back to my senses.

"By the way, miss, what is your name?", Arthur asked.

"Yes", Raymond added,"There is writing here, but it's illegible."

"Would you tell us?", Winston asked. All three men were staring at me now. I hesitated. I had just met them, but they had just woken me up. From death, at that. I felt like I could trust them and relaxed.

"My name is Tatiana Faylinn Aethelu", I said. A smile spread across my face. Everyone else smiled, too.

"Tatiana. It's beautiful", said Arthur.

"We haven't gotten anyone here named 'Tatiana' before", said Winston.

"Yes. I can see the markings clearly now. It really is a lovely name", said Raymond. He was studying my gravestone intently. It made since to me. He was a scientist, after all. "It matches you and your dress well."

I looked down and noticed my outfit. I was in my Harvest Moon dance dress and red, hooded cloak. I smiled. "Thank you all. I really do appreciate it."

Wait...I'm about to marry a guy I have never met...I wonder what he's like?

"What is His Majesty like?"

"Oh!", a look of shock crossed Winston's face,"Speaking of His Majesty, we need to get you back to the castle." The three men urged me to the carriage waiting outside. I began walking to the door, the three men a few steps ahead of me.

Just as I had passed through the door, I slipped on a patch of ice outside. Everything went in slow motion. I felt my left foot, which was supporting all of my weight, come out from under me. My upper body twisted to the right and my arms reached to the right to try and catch myself, but it was too late.

I'm going to fall! It's too late!

I involuntarily closed my eyes to prepare myself to hit the ground and for the dull pain that would follow it...but that pain never came.

Instead of hitting the cold ground, I landed on something rather warm and not as hard as the ground. I felt a pair of strong arms around me, surrounding me in warmth. I heard a heartbeat coming from beside my right ear, my head had landed on a strong chest and my hands were on the chest as well, close to my head. I could feel the person's rapid, heavy breathing, as if they were worried.

Timidly, I opened my eyes and looked up to meet the gaze of my rescuer. It wasn't Winston or Arthur. Not even Raymond. It was another man. Most of his face was concealed by a helmet of sorts, but his beautiful blue eyes were in plain view and filled with concern. As he spoke, his voice was soft and gentle, but still filled with the same concern as his eyes.

"Are you alright?", asked the man. I stared into his gentle, blue eyes as he stared into my brown eyes. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't tear my gaze away from his.

"Y-yes", I replied, still not looking away,"I am fine thanks to you. Thank you."

"No problem. It was no big deal", he said. I could tell by his voice and his eyes that he was smiling.

"Even so, thank you." I smiled back.

"Like I said, it was no problem", his smile remained,"What is your name?"

I smiled as I spoke. "My name

"Tatiana! Thank goodness!" I was interrupted by Winston as he unintentionally completed my sentence. Raymond and Arthur were right on his heels as they approached. I turned at hearing my name. My rescuer looked between me and the three men.

"What happened?", Arthur said, his eyes wide.

"I slipped and this fellow here saved me", I said. Then I turned back to the man. "What is your name?"

"You want to know MY name?", the man said. His eyes opened wide in shock.

"Yes. Is that strange?" I looked up at him in confusion.

Why is he so shocked that I asked for his name?

The man averted his gaze and put one hand on the back of his neck. "Not really."

"Captain, this is quite a touching moment, but if you would be so kind as to release the new princess, so she can get to her feet", Winston said, interrupting our conversation.

"Princess?! This is her?! His Majesty's bride?!", the man seemed shocked, since his eyes opened even wider. "Let me help you to your feet, Princess."

After he helped me up, I spoke. "Oh, please. You don't have to call me 'Princess'. Please, call me by my name: Tatiana."

"Tatiana?", he asked. He seemed confused.

"That's right. Tatiana Faylinn Aethelu. What can I call you? And what did Winston mean by 'Captain'?", I said. I was getting more confused by the second myself.

"Tatiana. He is the captain of the Royal Guard. We brought him for protection", Winston spoke, not giving the man time to speak for himself. "Thank you, Captain, but we must be going now. To your post."

The man nodded with a look of determination in his eyes. He turned and walked to the carriage.

But I never got his name...

Realizing this, I'm about to call after him, but I am interrupted, yet again, by one of the three men.

"Princess, we must go present you to His Majesty", said Raymond,"He can be very impatient." I walked along silently. We got in the carriage and rode for quite awhile, until we stop in front of a castle.

"Come along, Princess", Winston said. We walked into the castle. As I walked, I turned my head to look back and saw the man watching as I left. Then, he turned and walked in the opposite direction. I watched him go until I could no longer see his figure.

When I looked forward again, we were standing in front of a door. Raymond opened the door and we all walked in.

"Your Majesty, may we present, your princess", Winston said.


"Princess, may we present His Majesty, King Irving Easton Badrick."

Upon hearing the name "Irving Easton Badrick", I froze in shock. He stared down at me with his cold, golden eyes. Observing the situation, and the tense atmosphere, Arthur spoke,"Have you two met before?"

"There's a little more to it than 'met'", I said, finally finding some words,"Winston. I'm feeling tired. Is there a place I could rest, perhaps?" I needed to get away. I had to find an excuse and I was kind of tired anyway, so.

"Yes, of course, Princess. Allow me to escort you to your chambers", Winston said. I nodded and began walking, but I heard a voice from behind me.

"Cold, as usual, I see", said Irving. He was smirking, as if pleased with something.

"Pardon? You're just as demanding as ever. What makes you think I would have changed if you haven't?", I said. I didn't turn around. I didn't want to face my killer. Not yet. I just wanted to leave.

Irving fell silent, probably because he wasn't happy with my words. Using this silence as a cue, I left the room with Winston.
Winston led me down a hallway to an engraved door. As he opened it, he said,"Here is your chambers, Princess. Rest well."

"Yes, thank you, Winston." At my words, Winston nodded, closed the door, and left my chambers.
As I was lying in silence, I realized that I couldn't fall asleep and a single thought kept crossing my mind:

What is his name? And I know I recognize those beautiful, blue eyes. But from where? Have we met before? Even though his face was covered, I can tell he has beautiful features, but where are they from?! I need to find out. If I don't, I'll never get to sleep.

My mind was racing with so many questions. All I could think of was the man who caught me as I fell. All my questions could be answered by him if I asked. I knew that. All I had to do was find him.

I thought about it and realized that I last saw the man in front of the castle. I decided to go looking for him. After all, I saw which way he went.

I got up, crept to my door, and looked down the hallway. No one was there. I slid out of my room and quietly walked down the hallway. It was so silently, I could hear my own heartbeat.

Once I was at the end of the hallway, I made a bee line for the main entrance. No one had noticed me yet. I quietly opened the door, cautiously stepped out, and closed it behind me.

I turned around and walked the way I saw my rescuer walk. I walked and walked and walked. After some time, I started to lose hope. I was in a forest now and didn't know which way I had came from. Fear shot up my spine as I realized the situation I was in. I was lost in a dark forest alone.

Oh no! I have no idea where I am! Even if I call for help, I'm sure no one will hear me. What do I do?!

I began to breath heavily as my heart raced. I had to calm myself down, so I looked on the bright side. At least, while I was alone, I could sort through my thoughts.

I closed my eyes as I kept walking. The first thing that came to mind was my rescuer. His blue eyes, shining as we gazed at each other. Just the memory of being held in his arms made me feel safe and secure.

That's funny. Why did he suddenly come to mind in a situation like this? And why do I feel like this? What is this feeling?

That's when I realized that the steep path I had been walking had turned flat. I opened my eyes to see that I had, apparently, walked up the side of a mountain. I hadn't made it all the way up the mountain, just half way. I was standing on a flat area that had an amazing view of Niflheim. Just by the edge, there was a bench and a tree with a swing tied to it. Just by looking, I could tell someone came there often. I decided to sit on the swing and wait for someone to find me, instead if getting more lost than I was.

As I swung on the swing, I watched the sun set and the moon rise. I was admiring the full moon and the twinkling stars. I had decided to stop the swing to take in the breathtakingly beautiful sight. Then I heard a voice.

"Tatiana?", said the voice. They sounded confused. I turned around and saw a figure standing from where I had came in the dull moonlight. I recognized the sweet, soothing voice that had called to me.

"Captain? Is it you?", I asked a bit stunned. The figure came closer as I remained on the swing. Once close enough, I could see his beautiful, blue eyes.

"Yes, it is. What are you doing up here?", he asked. He was still confused.

"It's a long story, but I could ask you the same question", I said. I was beginning to feel nervous.

"We have time. Besides, I asked you first." He seemed very interested. Yet, his tone was a little teasing.

"Okay. The truth is I came out looking for you", I said. I purposely turned my gaze away, trying to hide my reddening cheeks.

"L-looking for me?! Why?!" He was still confused and a little shocked. It was written in his eyes, which were now the size of saucers.

"Yes, you. I had so many unanswered questions and I knew you could answer them. I saw you come this way when we arrived, so I snuck out and came this way. After walking for awhile, I realized I was lost. I closed my eyes and kept walking to calm myself down. When I opened my eyes next, I was here. I decided to stay here instead of getting more lost. I've been here ever since. It really is beautiful. The way the moon and stars light up everything", I explained.

"Wow. So you snuck out to find me? There was no other reason?" The way he spoke told me he still didn't understand.

"There was no other reason. It was just to find you", I said, still not looking at him.

"Well, then ask what you want", he said.

"Huh?" Now I was confused.

"You said you had questions I could answer, right? So ask and I'll answer", he said. All his confusion seemed to have been replaced with a small, shy confidence. I turned to face him.

"Alright. First, what is your name? You never told me", I said.

"Oh yeah! I didn't, did I? Well, my name is Bradyn Tanner Ackerley. Yours was Tatiana Faylinn Aethelu. Next question", he said with a smile in his eyes.

I giggled. "Okay. It was nice of you to remember my name. Why do you always wear a helmet? I haven't seen you without it. If I see your face, it might answer one of my other questions."

His eyes opened wide. "I still have my helmet on? No wonder you haven't recognized me."

"Yes. I recognized your gentle, teasing voice and your beautiful, blue eyes. I don't know where from though. I thought if I saw your face it would help", I said blushing.

"Well...I didn't really realize it was still on, I thought I just wasn't important enough for you to remember." He seemed sad, but then he smiled. "I guess it would be difficult to remember someone if you can't see their face. Besides, even with my helmet on you said I seemed familiar."

"Yes, I did", I said,"May I see the face of my rescuer, captain of the Royal Guard, and finder?"

"Of course", he said. He lifted his helmet off his head and placed it on the ground. When he turned back to look at me, I recognized him right away. His beautiful, blue eyes. His gentle, teasing smile. His swaying black hair. His gorgeous features. All illuminated in the pail blue moonlight. My eyes opened in shock. Bradyn noticed. "What? Am I that ugly?"

"N-no. No! That's not it at all!", I was panicking,"I just realized who you are, is all." Bradyn smiled with relief as we both relaxed.

He's even more beautiful when he smiles...!

"Do you finally recognize me?", he asked. He would steal a glance at me every now and then.

"Of course! I met you in the market place while I was buying sugar. Then, I danced with you at the Harvest Moon dance...", I trailed off and picked back up,"...before you left... How was your trip?"

"Oh! Actually, that trip is how I'm here. I was killed by some robbers, two days into the trip", he said. Then, he focused back on me,"What about you? How did you get here?"

"Well...wait a second!", I said,"You haven't answered two of my questions!"

"R-really?", Bradyn seemed stunned from my sudden out burst. "What were they?"

"'What are you doing here?' and 'Why do you always wear your helmet?'", I said.

"Well...okay, so I sometimes come here to look at the view. It's amazing. And my helmet. I forget that it's on and I wear it so people don't have to look at my hideous features", he said. His shoulders slumped. It didn't feel right to watch. I turned away and faced the view.

But he's not hideous. Not even ugly! He's beau- no! Gorgeous! *dreamy sigh*

"...that's not true", I said. My voice was quiet and timid. I hesitated when I spoke.

"Huh?", Bradyn said. He seemed very confused. I could feel his confused stare on me.

"I said 'that's not true'. Your features aren't hideous. They're...", I hesitated once again, speaking my mind,"They're beautiful! You should go out without your helmet more often, Bradyn."

He was quiet. Then, I felt him reach over and turn my head, so I would face him. "I'll take that into consideration. If you say it, it must be true." His gentle smile returned and it made me smile.

"Now. You answer my question." Bradyn released my chin and sat back.

"Oh! Uh, well, I-" I was about to start when we heard another voice.

"Captain! Do you see the princess?" The owner of the voice was Winston. He sounded concerned.

Perfect timing, as always, Winston! Always interrupting. Oh well...

"Looks like we're out of time", I said. I smiled shyly. Bradyn returned my smile.

"Looks like it. Will you tell me some other time?", he asked.

"Some other time it is. We should probably get going", I said. Bradyn smiled, stood, and offered his hand. I gladly took it and he helped me stand. We walked down the mountain side together, hand in hand.

My hand in his filled me with joy. I felt safe, like nothing in the world could hurt me. My chest began to fill with a tingling, warm feeling. It flowed all the way through my body. I couldn't help but smile. It seemed Bradyn felt good too. He was smiling a small smile of his own.
Soon, we emerged from the forest in a small clearing on the path. Winston was standing there, the concern pouring from his face. "Princess! Thank goodness! Everyone was so worried! Especially the captain here. What were you doing? What were you thinking?!" Winston had an expression of relief, but his voice was filled with rage.

"I am sorry, Winston", Bradyn starts,"For-"

Panic struck me, showing on my face, and I interrupted him before he could finish. "For not finding me sooner! Don't be too hard on yourself, Sir Bradyn, you said the same thing on the mountain side. It was my fault for wandering off. Being in Niflheim is a lot to take in. I thought if I went on a walk it would calm my nerves, but I got lost. However, I do feel calmer now. Thank you, Sir Bradyn, for rescuing me." I looked into his eyes and smiled sincerely. Bradyn was staring at me in shock, while Winston seemed as calm as ever.

"Well, hopefully Her Royal Highness has learned her lesson", said Winston,"Come, we must return to the castle. You too, Sir Bradyn."

I looked at Bradyn, who was still shocked, and realized his helmet was gone. "Captain, it appears you left your helmet on the ground back there." Bradyn snapped back to reality, processed my words, and smiled gently.

"Maybe it's for the best", he said. Then, we walked together to catch up to Winston. We all walked in silence the rest of the way.

Once inside the castle, Winston spoke. "Princess, Sir Bradyn, please follow me to the throne room."

Without another word, Bradyn and I followed Winston to the throne room. When we arrived, we saw many others besides us there. Raymond and Arthur stood to the right of the room, while a few members of the Royal Guard stood to the left. In the middle of them all sat Irving, on his throne. No one looked happy.

"Your Majesty, it seems the princess was taking a stroll to clear her mind and ended up lost in the process", said Winston,"She is unharmed."

"Thank you, Winston", said Irving. He turned to me. "It appears you cause unnecessary trouble when you are alone. Therefore, I have decided that you will stay by my side at all times. You won't cause anymore trouble that way."

"What?!", I screamed. Everyone was staring at me. My face went pale as I remembered the last time Irving and I were alone. My hands began to tremble at the memory. Bradyn noticed my condition and placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. His warmth traveled through my whole body and calmed me down, slightly.

"Are you alright, Tatiana?", Bradyn asked. His voice was pure concern. I kept my eyes on Irving.

"Yes- I mean, surely there is some other way", I said. I could hear the desperation in my own voice. Irving frowned and turned to Raymond, Arthur, and Winston.

"Is there?", asked Irving. He sounded bored out of his mind. The three whispered among themselves. Finally, Raymond spoke.

"Perhaps, Your Majesty, could consider a bodyguard", said Raymond.

Still bored, Irving replied,"A bodyguard? Explain."

"Someone who could check in on the princess every now and then while she's in the castle and escort her when she leaves. A bodyguard", explained Arthur.

I spoke up. "That's a great idea! And, if you don't mind, I have a suggestion on who." Everyone turned from me to the king.

"...Proceed", said Irving. I swallowed my fear and smiled.

"Sir Bradyn", I said proud. Everyone, but Irving, had a look of surprise on their face. Including Bradyn. I continued,"After all, he is the one who rescued me and I don't know anyone more qualified. Don't you agree?" I turned to the members of the Royal Guard present. They all nodded in agreement.

Seeming to not be able to find an excuse why I couldn't have a bodyguard instead, Irving agreed. "Very well. If Sir Bradyn will accept this duty, I will grant you a bodyguard." I turned to Bradyn. He had a serious look on his face.

Please Bradyn! Please!

"I will gladly accept the duty, Your Majesty. I will protect the princess", he said. With everyone but Irving satisfied, we all left the throne room with a smile. Bradyn escorted me back to my chambers. Once at my door, Bradyn noticed the troubled look on my face. "What's wrong?" I looked up.

"I want to tell you, but I cannot say right here", I said. I turned to open my door.

"May I come in with you? Could you tell me inside?", he asked. He seemed very concerned, so I nodded and let him in. Bradyn closed the door behind him. "So...what is it?" We sat on the sofa in my room and I let out a sigh.

"I can't marry His Majesty", I said. I looked down at my hands. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with Bradyn.

"Why not?", he asked. He seemed very confused.

"Do you remember right before we left the throne room a moment ago?", I asked.

"Yes. Why?", he said. He was still confused.

"When we left, I heard Irving tell one of the guards 'Go fetch Orla Bliss, Unity Duette, and Myla Gode; my three favorite mistresses'", I explained.

"'re jealous of them", he said. He sounded a little disappointed.

"No", I said calmly.

"Huh?" Bradyn was confused again.

"No, I'm not jealous of them. He did the same thing when we were both living, so I am used to him cheating; it's nothing new. It's because he hasn't changed. He was a horrible man before, just like he is now", I said. Bradyn let out a sigh.

"Sounds like there's a lot I don't know... Does it have something to do with why you started trembling and went pale earlier?", he asked.

"I guess you do need to know the whole story to understand what I'm saying... Do you still want to know how I got here, Bradyn?", I asked. I lifted my head and finally made eye contact.

"Of course. How?", he said. He sounded very interested.

"Well...the man I had promised my presence to at the Harvest Moon dance was Irving. I was forced to dance with him as he carried on a one-sided conversation about himself. During our dance, he said we would be married exactly two weeks after the festival. He didn't ask me, he demanded me. I couldn't refuse. Eventually, I became excited for the ceremony. However, the very next day, I saw him with another woman named Ingrede Alvar. They were kissing. I brushed it aside, but, after four more days, I had seen him with a total of three other women romantically. Ingrede Alvar, Laila Ceola, and Rosetta Edwin. I confronted him that night and he said he wouldn't do it again, as long as I didn't tell his secret. But on the sixth day, I saw him with Laila again. I approached him and he pleaded with me to meet him the next night, so he could make it up to me. I did as I was told. Rosetta was at his house that night. I waited for almost an hour, but he didn't come down to talk to me. I got my things and was about to open the door when someone grabbed my shoulder, turned me around, and stabbed me through my heart from right above my left breast. Before my vision blurred, I saw Irving holding the bloody knife and staring at me. I realized he had set me up. He had killed me. When I woke up, I was here and I was told that I was supposed to go to Kyöpelinvuori, since I am a virgin, but I came here because the king had requested me. That's why and how I'm here. That's why I went pale and trembled. The last time we were alone, he killed me", I explained.

Bradyn had listened silently and he looked a little shocked to hear of His Majesty's evil deeds. Slowly, we made eye contact again. "That explains a lot. I guess murder is a good reason not to marry someone... Are you okay?" He seemed worried.

"I'm fine, thank you. I shouldn't have told you so much at once. I'll figure something out though, don't worry", I said. I gave him a sad smile.

"No. I'm glad you told me. And if you ever need help, or feel afraid, tell me. I am always here", Bradyn told me. He was smiling a little bit. It made me feel at ease. Suddenly, I let out a yawn. Bradyn's eyes opened wide in shock.

"Oh! You must be tired! You should rest", he said.

"No. I'm not really tired, but thank you", I said.

"You might say that, but your yawn says otherwise", he said,"Get some rest."

"Even if I wanted to I can't", I said. Silence hung in the air for a few moments. Finally, Bradyn spoke.

"Well, I've got to leave. Before I go, will you do me a small favor?", he asked. I turned and looked at him.

"Of course. What is it?", I said.

"After I leave, you have to lay down and seriously try to fall asleep. Okay? Will you try?", he said. His eyes were pleading. I couldn't turn down a simple request.

"Of course. I will try." I gave him a big smile and he smiled back. We said farewells and I showed him out and I closed the door behind him.

I stood by the door and listened as his footsteps got farther and farther away. Once I could no longer hear his footsteps, an extreme wave of emptiness over came me. After I thought for awhile, I recognized the emotion. It was loneliness. I was lonely.
I walked to my bed and did as I had promised. I tried to sleep. Soon, sleep crept up on me and I could no longer hold my eyes opened.

That night, I had a dream. In my dream, I was with Bradyn. We were happy. We acted as if we were a couple. We held hands, hugged, laughed, and kissed.
I realized that my emotions were becoming more and more complicated to me. But why?!

What's up guys! Just thought I would tell you that all the information regarding Niflheim, Muspelheim, and Kyöpelinvuori is true, however Kyöpelinvuori is of a different religion and is not connected to Niflheim and Muspelheim in any way. It works well in the story though. Look it up for more information regarding them. Hope you enjoy. And don't forget to leave a comment and tell me how it is!

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