Always You.

By pashienz18

55.3K 1.3K 66

Five years have passed since he left without an explanation, fate throws them together but this time she was... More

Twenty One
Twenty three
Twenty Seven


1.2K 36 1
By pashienz18

Allie sighed trying to sink into the comfort of the bed, her bare back enjoying the feather like brush of the comforter.

Dom's scent so strong, soothing her, she let it wrap around her head. wait. this wasn't her bed.

she awoke with a start.

turning face up, she sat up and looked around, alarmed.

forgetting the throbbing in her head for a while.

she relaxed a bit when the door at one side of the room opened and Dom emerged from it, in nothing but a pair of boxers, a red towel hung around his neck.

"baby you're up. how are you feeling now?"

she kept her eyes focused on his well toned body.

One...two...three... Four. Wow!

He waved the towel in front of her.

she tore her eyes from his body to look up at him and raised a questioning brow.

"I asked how you were feeling."

he repeated, raising his brows.

was she sick? she blinked at him, trying to remember.

yes. someone disturbed her sleep and gave her something to swallow.

"am a little better, thank you."

her eyes caught the huge clock on the wall above the huge glass windows.

"no way!"

she shouted, and pushed the covers off her.

confused, Dom hurried to her side and pinned both her hands to the bed.

"what's the problem?"

he arched his brows again.

"work, am late."

she said,looking around for her purse.

"Don't worry, I called Liam, you have today and tomorrow off."

he released her hands and used both of his hands to push her hair away from her face.

"relax sweetness."

he wasn't sure she knew that she was just in her panties.

"why didn't you wake me up?"

she was angry, he noted.

"sweetie you didn't look good and you kept falling in and out of sleep, I couldn't disturb you."

that seemed to calm her down a bit.

"You shouldn't interfere with my work life."

She crossed her arms and frowned at him.

"But I only called in sick for you."

He rubbed her arms up, down, as if trying to warm her up, amusement swirling in his eyes as she looked down at herself and realized she only had her panties on.

she gasped, wrapping both hands around herself as cover.

he gave her a large smirk.

"who undressed me!?"

she yelled, her eyes wide.

"Vera did."

she raised a questioning brow.

"who's Vera?"

he gave her a warm smile.

"you ask a lot if questions."

he said, roughing her already messed up hair.

he rose.

"I'll be right back."

he left through the brown door facing the side of the bed.

The room was huge, a small reading table by the window and of course, a walk in closet.

The door opened again, and Dom walked in.

"come on, you have to shower."



Allie felt like a Queen.

She had all of Dom's attention. He'd taken the day off to spend with her.

Though he was working now on his laptop, it was still sweet that he chose not to go to work.

"Sweetheart, Molly's been calling you nonstop."

His voice sliced through her dreamy thoughts.

She took her phone from his hand and smiled thankfully at him.

"Sis, what's up?"

She said, turning away from him.

"Sweetheart, how are you?"

Dom knew she was talking to her son.

"No baby, what did u eat this morning?"

He couldn't hear her voice anymore because she walked out of the living room.

His heart kicked joyfully. She was perfect, even in his clothes. Her hair was still down and he could still smell his soap on her.

She returned after a few minutes, smiling from ear to ear.

He closed his laptop and made his way to her.

"Sweet pea you have the day off, what do you have in mind?"

He asked, nuzzling her neck. He inhaled their mixed scents, she'd used his soap and shampoo but her peach scent still lingered.

Haha Dom you're thinking nonsense.

He nibbled on her skin. She sighed.

"Maybe I should thank you for taking care of me last night."

She whispered. He felt her palm both sides of his face and pull his face out of the crook of her neck.

He smiled.

"No. You don't have to, I love taking care of you and I'd do it a million times over if I get the chance."

He said truthfully, starring into the depths of her emerald eyes. She knew he meant it because of the way he said it.

He used his free hand to push her hair away from her neck.

His head lowered on it's own to the curve of her neck.

He was drawn in like moth to flame.

"How do you do it?"

He breathed on her skin.

He groaned when her wandering hand sneaked onto his shorts and wrap around him.

God! This woman will be the death of me.

"Like this."

She purred, smirking when she felt him spring to life in her hand.

"Sweet, you know firsthand that I go crazy when you do that."

He breathed out.

"We should take this to your room."

She whispered. He grunted in approval and picked her up.

She wrapped her legs around his waist.


"Vera doesn't like me."

Allie said, pushing her fingers through his hair playfully.

"mmmm... I guess she's just not used to another female presence in the house."

He mumbled against her chest.

"She keeps Drake company whenever he's around."

He explained.

"So... What's she doing here, I thought Drake was at Lex's place?"

She asked, knitting her brows together.

"I called her here to help me get you a few things. She lives not too far away."

He traced invisible patterns on her arm.


He looked up at her.

"Oh... You're thinking that I... No it took me a few women to realise that it'll be always you."

He kept his eyes locked to hers.

"...and Vera is not my kind of woman. Allie is."

He added and brushed a soft kiss on her chin.

She let out a shaky breath. "You're so cute when you're jealous."

He muttered against her throat.

She stayed quiet, the only sound he could hear was the steady beating of her heart.

Dom pulled her closer and shifted until he was now the one holding her.

Still quietly, she traced the packed muscles on his chest down to his abdomen.

He didn't understand, Allie was possessive when she need be but he'd never seen her like this.

Allie whimpered internally.

The thought of another man touching her nauseated her and so does the thought if Dom with another woman.


She shook her head.
She promised herself to be happy, she couldn't let that weigh her down. Besides, he was in her arms now and that was most important.

"That day you left me at my place, where did you go?"

She asked because after that day, she never saw him again.

"I had my pilot waiting for me at the airport, I went straight to my ranch at Rio De Brazil."

She nodded, still drawing patterns on his body.

"You ruined me for another woman Al." He rolled them over, he was now towering over her.

"...I couldn't find another woman to steal my breath away like you do."

He said, looking into her eyes.

"no green eyes..."

He lowered his head to her hair....

" peach scent, no dark, long hair, no soft sensitive skin..."

...and left a trail of kisses on her head.

"Do you know how many times I got on the plane to come see you but talked myself out of it because I was ashamed of me."

That wasn't a question.

Allie knew it.

"I was so happy when I saw you there at Drake's school, I took all my strength not to sweep you up in my arms and kiss you senseless."

Allie felt her control slipping away.

It was difficult to be hard on him when he keeps talking sweet.


She said, pulling out of his arms.

She sat up and pushed her hair away from her face.

Confusion gripped Dom. What did he say wrong? He sat up but kept himself behind her.

Maybe she thinks he's lying to her.

"I mean every alphabet, every syllable and every word I just said."

He whisperd against the back if her neck.
If he told her he still loves her, would he scare her off?

"I couldn't find anyone to treat me like a king and meet my every need, only you can do that."

He said, only to feel her tense up.

Stop it moron! You're scaring her.

He kissed her nape and pulled her back against him.

At least she was here with him, that should do for now.

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