Living with a Sugg

By HoranSuggs

16.1K 338 23

When Izzy Jones moves from South Africa to Finally meet Zoe Sugg things don't go all to plan. Instead of Izzy... More

Chapter One - England
Chaoter Two - London
Chapter 3 - Sugg Sunday
Chapter 4 - Shopping
Chapter 5 - 6 Million
Chapter 6 - Moving
Chapter 8 - New Cameras
Chapter 9 - Brighton
Chapter 10 - Slice Sussex
Chapter 11 - Fireworks
Chapter 12 - Tour
Chapter 13 - Hit The Road
Chapter 14 - Plane
500 Reads
Chapter 15 - Late
Chapter 16 - Possitive
Chapter 17 - 7 Million
Chapter 18 - Stiches
Chapter 19 - Pre-Christmas
Chapter 20 - Christmas
Chapter 21 - Filming
Chapter 22 - Homes
Chapter 23 - House Party
Chapter 24 - Shots
Chapter 25 - Yoga
Chapter 26 - Premier
Chapter 27 - Sickness
Chapter 28 - JoesASlugg
Chapte 29 - Baking & Stephan
Chapter 30 - Family
Chapter 31 - The End.

Chapter 7 - Home Cooking

565 13 1
By HoranSuggs


"Izzy I need a video for Sunday" I said sitting down on the sofa.
"Yeah same"
"We could do a collab on your channel as you were on mine last week"
She nodded.
"Yeah what shall we film"
"Room mate tag part one"
"Part one??"
"Okay yeah what are you going to do"
"Umm I'm going to react to old profile photos"
"Okay come on then let's film mine" Izzy stood up dragging me by my top.

We got to Izzy's room and she set up her camera. We sat on the end of Izzy's bed.

"Hello my lovely subscribers, it's me and I'm joined by the lovely Joe Sugg. If you haven't noticed I am yet again in a new room. I moved into my house. So as Joe is one of my roommates we thought we should film the roommate tag part uno I will film the second part with Caspar next week."

We filmed the video and it was very funny.
After filming Izzy's video we decided to go into town as Izzy wanted a new coat and also because we needed to go food shopping.

Izzy insisted on walking.
I started vlogging once we were off our road.

"So we're of to town"
"So we're of to town"
"Oh hahahaha. We're of to town as we need food"
"And I need a coat"
"Izzy has a coat but she wants a new one"
"You can never have enough coat"
"I have what two coats"
"I'll get you a coat for Christmas"
"Okay anyway we have no food in the house and izzy wants a coat and it's freezing and were walking"
"Hey I'm the one without a coat"
"Well your going to buy one so don't complain"
Izzy gently pushed me.
"I'll catch up with you guys later" I ended my vlog.

We walked into town and Izzy dragged me around shops to buy one coat.
After buying Izzy's cost we walked to our local supermarket with happened to be ASDA. Izzy didn't trust me to be in charge so she took the trolley.

"Right Joe what do we need"

We went up and down the Isles collecting everything we needed. Halfway through Izzy left me to go and get some potatoes as we forgot them.

"We are now in ASDA and were about Halfway done. It's during school time so people don't know me and Izzy and its all couples so i think they think me and izzy are a couple"
"Since when are we a couple" Izzy said coming over beside me putting her arm around my shoulder. She's the same height as me so it wasn't hard for her.
"I was saying that people probably think we're a couple as everyone else is couples"
"Oh we're not were roommates"
"We know that but they don't" Izzy pinched my cheeks before taking the trolly and walking of.
"Come on slow coach" Izzy said.
"I'll catch up with you guys later"

I started walking only for a lady to come up to me.

"She's one lucky lady"
"Excuse me"
"Your girlfriend"
"Oh she's not my girlfriend"
"Why ever not"
"She doesn't like me and were just friends"
"You look at her the way my husband looked at me and we've been together 56 years believe me she looks at you how I looked at him. We were best friends most people say it wasn't going to work but hey were married with 3 children and 7 grandchildren make her yours"

Izzy POV

"Right guys were back at the apartment now joes currently filming downstairs and I'm lonely Caspar come to London please like today not in 6 days. I've put all of the shop...."
"COMING as I was saying I put all the shopping away so in going to cook tonight. Yes Joe"
"Come look at these photos"
Joe moved over on his seat so I could sit down bearing in mind it was a squash.
Joe showed me some of his old photos causing me to laugh.
I decided after that I would edit the video in joes room as he was still filming.

I sat down on his bed and plugged my headphones in my laptop and started converting all the video clips.  Once they were all on my laptop i started editing them. I noticed Joe kept staring at me whilst we were filming. Aww he's cute.
No Izzy stop he's your roommate
But look at him
He's your roommate AND your best friends brother.

"What you doing" Joe said taking off my headphones dragging me back to reality.
"Oh but it's Thursday not Sunday"
"I like to get things done"
"Come on we're going to Oli's" Joe took my hand and pulled me of his bed.
"Aslong as we don't get a takeaway"
"Fine" I saved what I had done and put on my shoes and my coat I chose my grey above the knee one from new look.

We walked to Oli's as it was in the next street. When we arrived we had to walk up loads of stairs.

"Izzy are you doing vlogmas this year" Joe asked me.
"Yeah are you going to?"
"I might do but I'll probably fail"
"I'll remind you to vlog don't worry"

{He's already failed this year WELL DONE JOESEPH }

When we got to Oli's flat he opened the door letting us in before going back to his Xbox giving Joe a game console.

"You just didn't want to walk alone doc you Joe" I said sitting at Oli's table.
"No Oli invited both of us"
"Yeah I thought we could get a takeaway"
"I'm cooking for me and Joe tonight you can join us if you want"
"Oli's going home tomorrow you can cook tomorrow night Izzy"
"Joe what did I say before we left"
"Yeah I know but come on Izzy you can cook every other night anyway"
"Well you can have a takeaway I'm going back to the appartment to cook some food" I stood up slamming the door behind me.

"Well you can have a takeaway but I'm going back to the appartment to cook some food" Izzy stood up slamming the door behind her.
"Mate what was that" Oli asked me
"I promised her she could cook tonight"
"Mate you can't just let her walk back on her own. A young women on the streets of London alone you know that's not safe"
"Look Oli"
"I'm going to ring her" Oli stood up and walked of into his office.
I signed and stood up walking out of Oli's flat and out into the cold London streets. Izzy wasn't on the street so I started getting worried. Why was I such a dick.

Hey guys how's the chapter is it okay please comment down below what you think is going to happen between Joe and Izzy I already know as I've wrote it. And not them getting together 😉 not just yet.
Give it a like if it's good I'll see you Wednesday

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