A Forgotten Life

Por Shinedownlover560

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Trunks and Rosamoona are back in the stunning second book in the Trip Through Time trilogy. Growing up is tou... Más

Author's Note
Part I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Part II
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Twelve

484 10 7
Por Shinedownlover560

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" the Announcer yelled into the microphone. "The Championship is ready to begin! Will the fighters in the first match please step forward!"

"Good luck, Krillin. Break a leg!" Daddy tells his friend. Krillin smiles.

"Just as long as it's not one of my own!" he jokes. 

'Mar, your dad is up!' I sent my friend.

'Awesome!' she replied. There was a moment of silence before she added, 'and where are you, Goten and Trunks? I don't think your mother's have noticed yet, considering they were just too busy fighting over who was going to win, but me, Bulla and Yamacha sure have.'

I smirked. 'You'll see in a little bit.'

'Are you three sneaking into the adult division?' Bulla suddenly asked.

'Psh! Why would say that?'

'Because I know you. So are you or aren't you?'

Should I tell her? Nah, I'll let her figure it out!

'Sorry, I can't hear you! It's too loud where I'm at! Talk to you later!'

I broke the connection before Marron or Bulla can question me further. 

"Pigeon, are you listening?" Trunks asked.

"I'm sorry, what? I was talking with Marron and your sister."

He chuckled. "What I was saying was Krillin is about to fight."

"Sweet!" I say, looking around people to watch the fight.

Our friend easily beat his opponent, knocking him out of the ring with a one kick.

"Krillin is our winner!" the Announcer cried. I smiled. 

As Krillin walked back into the waiting room, Trunks leaned to the side.

"Trunks! Knock it off! We're going to fall!" Goten complained.

"Then walk this way!" Trunks replied. My brother hesitated before complying.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Goten walked out a door.

"To get a better view. I saw this when we were coming in," Trunks explained. He shifted to the left and Goten turned a corner. "It's still in the building so we know when to go on, and it has a better view so we can watch the matches easier!"

He was right. When we came upon the room, I saw a large, open window. It was tall enough where I could see out of it, but close enough to the ground so Goten could still see.

"Wow, Monkey Boy. Good find," I said.


Just then, Piccolo and Shin walked out onto the arena. They stood at opposite of it and faced each other.

"Fight!" the Announcer said.

Neither moved for several moments. We couldn't see Piccolo's face, but I could make out a gleeful smirk on Shin's.

"What are they waiting for?" Goten asked. I shook my head.

"I have no idea. But do you see how tense Piccolo is?"

"Yeah. It's honestly scaring me a little," my brother said.

"Same," Trunks admitted.

The crowd started to yell at the two, but still they didn't move. Piccolo finally took a half step backwards, but immediately froze again. Then he turned his head towards the Announcer.

"I quit," he said, taking off. I followed his ascent and watched as his form disappeared.

'Wh-what just happened?' Bulla sent. 'Why did Piccolo leave?'

'I... I don't really know... It's something about that Shin guy. Our Dads are worried about him as well...'

'Are you?' she asked. Her voice was quiet.

I bit my lip. 'I don't know... I don't like the feeling he's giving off, but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy...'

'It usually does.'

I nodded though she couldn't see me. The Announcer got over his shock then and called for the next round. Videl versus Spopovitch.

The band picked up, playing a cheery tune as the two walked out. Shin passed between them on his way back to the waiting room. When he passed Spopovitch, his head snapped towards the giant man. His eyes narrowed and his nose wrinkled up.

Shin looked at Spopovitch for a moment before continuing on his way. Neither Trunks or Goten mentioned this, so I assumed they didn't catch it. Why did Shin seem upset by Spopovitch's presence? Sure they guy was huge, but was he really worried about possibly having to fight him?

Videl and Spopovitch got into the arena and faced each other, both ready to fight. The Announcer barley got the command to fight out of his mouth before Videl was flying at her opponent. She threw punches and kicks left and right, but somehow Spopovitch was able to block every single one.

"Wow! Look at Videl go! She's on fire, all over Spopovitch!" the Announcer cried, clearly entertained. 

After a few more good shots, Videl finally got one in that mattered.

Aiming her foot in between Spopovitch's arms, she caught him in the chest and sent him flying backwards, almost out of the ring. He landed with a small puff of air on his back.

"And it looks like Spopovitch is out for good!" the Announcer yelled, raising his hand. "I'll start the count!" 

"Yeah! Go Videl!" I cheered, fist pumping the air. The crowd cheered louder, yelling her name. But it looked like we all miscalculated.

Spopovitch stood up, appearing unaffected from Videl's kick.

"Wow! What an amazing athlete! Spopovitch is up!" the Announcer called out, stunned.

Spopovitch jumped right back into the fight, kicking and hitting at my brother's girlfriend. But she blocked every one. When she tried to send attacks back at her opponent, he blocked every one as well. It seemed the match had come to a stand still.

A couple of times, Videl landed a kick or a hit on the bulk of a man when his guard was down, but every time he got back up. It wasn't long before Videl as huffing.

"He's just wearing her out," Goten said. I nodded. I'd done it before to both him and Trunks while sparring at home.

Again and again Videl knocked the brute to the ground, and each time he got back up. It wasn't long before he was bloodied in different places.

"How does he keep getting back up?" Trunks wondered. 

"I don't know. Maybe he's from Outer Space and is really strong like us," Goten suggested.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Trunks exclaimed.

"Well... What do you think, Rosey?"

I watched Videl hit Spopovitch down yet again. This time when he got up, he was laughing.

"I honestly don't know. He's not a Saiyan, that much I know for sure," I said. "But other than that, I have no idea."

"He probably took drugs or something," Trunks muttered.

"But that would be cheating!" Goten argued.

"Yeah, but some people are just that desperate"

"Enough," I said. "You two bicker all the time."

My brother and Trunks fell silent as they turned their attention back to the match. The crowd was jeering Spopovitch and praising Videl. But that changed when Spopovitch back handed Videl.

A slight hush fell over the crowd. Videl sat up and held her cheek as Spopovitch walked menacingly towards her.

"Come on, Videl! Get up and kick his butt!" Goten yelled, leaning forward slightly. Trunks and I wobbled.

"Goten! You're going to make us fall!" I said.

"Oh, sorry!" he apologized, straightening back up.

"Don't do it again-" Trunks stopped abruptly as Spopovitch kicked Videl out of the ring.

"No!" We heard Gohan yell in the room next to us. But hope wasn't lost completely. 

Just before she hit the ground, Videl caught herself, flying. She floated for a second or two to catch her breath, then flew above the ring, looking down at Spopovitch. When she landed, they both took up a fighting stance again.

Videl was clearly drained of energy, breathing harder than before, when Spopovitch sung at her again. This time it wasn't near as hard as before. He knew that she was almost out of ideas and energy. But, just like before, it looked like the situation was miscalculated.

Videl sent a mighty kick at Spopovitch, kicking him in the head. My eyes widened with shock as his head turned almost completely around.

"Sh-she didn't! She wouldn't!" Gohan cried. The crowd fell silent as Spopovitch just fell. Videl looked at him for a moment before sinking to her knees. She was also in shock over what she had just done.

"Videl..." I spoke softly.

"It looks like Videl has beaten her opponent," the Announcer started. "But, she has to be disqualified for using excessive force. It's unfortunate, but those are the rules."

Suddenly, a loud gasp echoed through the audience. There was shuffling and grunting as Spopovitch began to move. My eyes grew larger than they already were and my hands flew to my mouth. He couldn't be alive! But sure enough, Spopovitch got up.

Grabbing his head, Spopovitch started to turn it back around, and it seemed like he was having difficulty.

'If his neck makes a snapping sound, I think I'm going to get sick...'  I sent my brother and Trunks, my hands still clamped tight over my mouth.

When Spopovitch nearly had his head turned the right way, he pulled it up as if it were made rubber! A muffled squeal escaped my mouth and Goten stumbled back a few steps, almost making Trunks and I fall off.

Videl stared at the 'human' in complete horror and shock. Apart from a few gagging sounds, the crowd was absolutely silent, including the ever talkative announcer.

Moving his head side-to-side, Spopovitch smirked as audible cracking sounds could be heard. My face paled, but I forced myself to take deep breaths.

"Ar-are you okay, Moon?" Trunks asked. 

"Yeah," I said weakly. "That's just really grody." Trunks nodded in agreement.

Spopovitch advanced a clearly frightened Videl. Raising his foot, he kicked her in the side of the head, knocking her to the ground. When she sat up, Videl was holding her nose. Blood seeped through her fingers and landed on her shirt. A spot of red on an otherwise white top.

"This really isn't good," Goten said in awe. "He's going to seriously hurt her!"

Slowly, Videl got to her feet. She took to the air, hoping to get away from her attacker, but that was a short lived dream. Still laughing, Spopovitch jumped into the sky after her.

"No!" I cried. But there is nothing I could do.

Flying above Videl, Spopovitch sent a purple Ki Blast her. Too shocked to move, Videl took the full hit. Just before she crashed into the arena, Videl was able to stop and land on her hands and knees.

Spopovitch wasn't far behind her, landing with a tremendous thud that shook the ground. He continued laughing, grinning widely from ear to ear. The murderous look in his eyes made me shiver.

Videl tired to fight him after that, but it was no use. She was too weak.

Spopovitch hit her down and loomed over her. With that crazed look on his face, he punched Videl repeatedly in the gut. I saw blood leak out of her mouth.

Before Videl could do anything, Spopovitch picked her up and threw her to the other side of the ring. 

Just get out. Just get out! I thought fiercely. But Spopovitch had other plans.

With Videl inches from the ground, Spopovitch caught her, throwing her back into the arena.

"What's this?! Spopovitch saved Videl?! That does he have planned her then?!" the Announcer yelled into the mic.

"No! This has to be against the rules! Someone call the match off!" I burst out. I tried to fly forward, but Trunks grabbed my feet, preventing me.

"Moon, there's nothing we can do now," he said, though I heard remorse in his voice. He didn't want Videl to get hurt, but he wasn't about to let me go out there either.

 "Folks, I think Videl is down for the count!" the Announcer said in disbelief.

"Oh please just stay down," I urged. But Videl wasn't like that. She was as stubborn as a mule. Or, in other words, as her father.

As she struggled to her feet, the crowd cheered like crazy, telling her fight and go on. But they didn't get what was going on. They thought it was all fun.

Spopovitch laughed and threw her around some more, almost landing her outside the ring a few times. But he ran and caught her before she touched the ground each and every time.

Finally, it looked like Spopovitch was going to end this. But not in a pleasant way.

After throwing Videl on the ground, he started to step on her head, like he was trying to squash a bug.

"No! You can't do this to her! Stop!" I yelled, jumping off Trunks' shoulders. But neither of the boys would let me out. They tackled me before I made it anywhere.

"Rosey, stop! Dad or Gohan will help her! They'll know what to do!" my brother said, trying to soothe me. But it wasn't working.

Abruptly, I felt Gohan's Ki spike. I knew instantly that he was Super, and about to go to Videl's rescue.

'Hurry Gohan!' I sent him, though I wasn't sure he heard me. The last time I had seen him this mad was when he was fighting Cell seven years ago.

Just as he was flying out, a voice rang above Videl's cries, causing everyone to freeze.

"Enough, Spopovitch," Yamu said. Where had he come from?

Spopovitch looked up at his... friend? in surprise.

"Don't you remember that we have more important matters to deal with? End this now," Yamu ordered.

Spopovitch looked at Yamu, than back down at Videl. He sneered before kicking her off the side of the arena. We all watched in stunned silence as he walked off with Yamu.

"Videl!" Gohan called, running up to her. He knelt down and gently picked her up, carrying her off to the hospital building.

"We have to go with him!" I said, attempting to push Goten and Trunks off of me.

"Moon, stop. You stay here with Goten. I'll go find Gohan and make sure Videl's okay," Trunks said.

"Why can't I go myself?" I demanded.

"Because I know you. Not only will you go looking for Videl, but also Spopovitch. And I don't want you getting hurt as well."

I scowled. "Fine. I'll stay here."

"I'll be right back," Trunks said. I felt the weight on me decrease as he stood up. I sighed, pushing Goten off me and sitting up.

"Don't worry, Rosey. I'm sure she'll be just fine. Gohan wouldn't let anything happen to her," Goten said. I just nodded.

Hopefully the rest of the Tournament went better than this.


So it wasn't as soon as I wanted it, but still, it's up faster than usual! 

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