Lost Boy 2: Return To Neverla...

By aussie_direction

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❝Come back... Come back to Neverland❞ ❝What's Neverland?❞ More

1. Love
2. Be Our Guest
3. Almost There
4. True Love's Kiss (M)
5. Someone's Waiting For You
6. Son of Man
8. Looking For Romance
9. I'm Still Here
10. He Mele No Lilo
11. Upendi
12. I Wanna Be Like You
13. Forget About Love
14. I'll Try
15. Little Black Rain Cloud
16. Look Through My Eyes
17. Little Patch Of Heaven
18. So Close
19. You've Got A Friend In Me
20. Here Beside Me
21. Be Prepared
22. Candle on the Water
23. Poor Unfortunate Souls
24. You Can Fly
The End.

7. Endless Night

4.1K 289 190
By aussie_direction

7. Endless Night (From "The Lion King")

Where has the starlight gone, dark is the day, how can I find my way home?


Louis sat on the couch for a good while longer after Harry had left to go to bed, his head in his hands as he thought. Eventually, he lied down on the couch and let his eyes close as he tried to hush the words running through his mind.

What he said was true, he would never leave Harry to try and find his parents, but at the same time, Harry wasn't going to fill the space inside him where family should be.

Harry was his whole entire world, and they were going to make a family, but it wasn't quite the same.

He supposed he should try and get over it, just forget all about it and enjoy his life with Harry, but somehow, he knew that wasn't going to be easy.

The next thing he knew, he had fallen into a deep sleep, curled up on the couch as he dreamt of what he and Harry's beautiful family would look like, when all of a sudden he heard a noise.

It made him jump awake, eyes flying open as he looked around the dark room, trying to figure out what it was.

There was a sort of crashing sound, and then hushed "oops" and at first thought, Louis thought it might have been Harry in the kitchen, getting a drink or something, but it didn't sound quite right. After living with his boyfriend for 5 years, he knew what it sounded like when he moved about the apartment. And that wasn't it.

So Louis shakily stood up, eyes wide as he tried to be silent, sneaking towards the sound. In his state, he didn't notice the living room window open, curtains fluttering in the breeze.

He slowly made his way to the kitchen, pushing the door open to reveal an empty room. Louis frowned, he knew he'd heard something, he knew he wasn't going crazy.

Louis stepped further in, grabbing the frying pan from the bench as he did, searching the room for an intruder.

"Well, this is interesting."

Louis spun around with the pan, holding it out for protection as he tried to find the voice in the room.

And sure enough, sitting on the kitchen bench with his legs crossed and a notebook in his hands, was a boy.

"What the fuck!" Louis hissed, trying to be quiet so he didn't wake and alarm Harry who he assumed was still in the bedroom. "Who the hell are you?"

The boy, dressed in an outfit made of leaves and vines, laughed, still reading something from the book in his hands.

"So you do remember?" He asked with a grin, only confusing Louis more.

"Who are you," Louis retorted, still holding the frying pan in front of his body. "And why are you in my apartment?"

"I like this story." The boy announced, turning the page as he continued to read. "Although you haven't written about me very well."

"What the fuck-" Louis began, shaking his head as he realised that the notebook was the one he and Harry had written as teenagers: The Many Adventures of Harry and Louis in Neverland. "What are you doing in my home!?"

"Calm down, Louis." The boy laughed, putting the notebook down before jumping off the counter.

"How the fuck do you know my name?" Louis said through gritted teeth, raising the frying pan above his head.

"I know you, Louis." The boy said with a smile. "And Harry. Actually, I'm the whole reason you two met, so your really should be thanking me."

"Explain. Now." Louis demanded. "I'm losing my patience and you're an intruder."

"It's me," The boy smiled, putting his hands on his hips. "Peter Pan."

"Peter Pan isn't real." Louis scoffed. "You're a kid, and you've broken into my apartment. You'd better get out of here now, or I'll call the police."

"The police can't do anything." Pan laughed, lifting into the air and making Louis' jaw drop.

"What the fuck..." He whispered as he watched the boy cross his legs again, and hover in the air.

"Let's try again, shall we?" The boy grinning, coming closer as he extended his hand. "I'm Peter Pan."

Louis gingerly took his hand and shook it.

"And you're Louis." Pan continued. "I'm from Neverland, and I'm here to bring you back with me."

"What." Louis breathed. "That's impossible."

"Does this look impossible?" The boy chuckled as he indicated to himself, still hovering in the air.

Louis was speechless, to be honest, he had no idea what to think.

"What do you want with me?" Louis asked.

"You want to know who you are, where you're from." Pan continued, coming closer as he lowered himself to the floor again so he was standing in front of him. "I can show you."

"W-What?" Louis stuttered, letting all his defences down in one moment. "You can?"

He couldn't help it, the boy obviously knew his weakness.

"You're from the island, Louis." Pan said with a smile, walking over to the bench to pick up the notebook. "You lived there with me for a very long time. And met Harry there."

He held the book in front of Louis' face, the older boy still standing there in shock.

"This," Pan whispered, opening to a random page in the middle as he showed it to Louis. "All happened. It's true, Louis."

"No, that's impossible." Louis shook his head. "There's no way-"

"How did you and Harry meet?" Pan asked him. "What was your childhood like? Where did you spend your 18th birthday?"

And Louis had no answers. He simply opened and closed his mouth, trying to form words but he couldn't.

"You don't remember, do you?" Peter continued. "That's because it's all in here." He said as he pointed to his own head. "You're one of us, Louis. You're a Lost Boy."

Louis put down the frying pan and took the book from Pan's hands, quickly flicking through the pages.

"Okay, so suppose that was true," Louis said. "This is the truth and I'm from Neverland or whatever. What do you want with me now? Harry and I are quite happy here-"

"The island is in danger." Pan cut him off. "I'm trying to find all my best boys to come home and help us. You were my best archer."

As he said that, Louis had turned to the pages where he had supposedly been teaching Harry to shoot. And according to the story, he was quite good.

"And how am I supposed to help?" Louis continued. "What makes you think I even want to help?"

"Because you'll die if you don't." Pan shrugged, like it was nothing. "Harry too."

"What?" Louis asked, his eyes wide.

"The island is sick." Pan continued. "And anyone associated with it, will get sick too. That means you and Harry, and me and all my boys."

"So you're telling me that if I don't go with you and help you, that we're all going die?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sure."

"Are you willing to risk it though?" Pan shrugged. "Harry will die. I'm not saying he 'might' die or that there's a small chance he won't. There is no 'if's or 'but's here, Louis. You will both die."

Louis gulped. He wasn't sure he believed the boy. He wasn't even sure the boy was real. He could be sleepwalking or something. Maybe he really was going insane.

But there was one thing he knew was true, he wasn't willing to risk Harry's life. And what the boy had told him about is past, kind of made sense. Maybe that was why he always thought something was missing. And now he knew where he came from. Maybe the boy could tell him more about his family, too.

"Okay." Louis nodded. "Fine, I'll come with you. But you have to take Harry too, I'm not leaving him."

"I can only take one person at a time." Pan said. "So I can take you, and then come back for him."

"Fine." Louis muttered, getting a pen and a piece of paper out of a drawer to write Harry a note explaining where he'd gone.

He still wasn't sure that Pan was telling the truth. He could just be some kid who had gotten high and broken into his home, having a bad trip.

Even if everything the boy said was some drugged-up illusion, then the least he could do was take the kid home to his parents and make sure he was safe.

Or maybe he was still asleep and it was him who was having some sort of dream-like illusion, he didn't know.

It could all end up being a funny story he would tell his friends at work tomorrow, or it could all be true and Louis could find out where he was really from.

Either way, Louis was going to make sure that the boy got home safely, whether it was to a house or an island.

He was more than expecting just to walk the kid home and crawl into bed with Harry later that night, but hey, maybe the boy was telling the truth, so why not.

"Alright, kid." Louis sighed, signing off the note with an 'I love you, xx' before standing up straight and looking at him. "Let's go to Neverland, or whatever."






I literally can't stop thinking about Louis pretending to be Peter Pan when he's high or having a bad trip or something and its so funny in my head omg



I had a Het Harry story called 'Disneyland', and i've decided to rewrite it so that it's now Larry and a whole lot better than before XD so yeah if you'd like to check that out, that'd be grand :) x

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