28 Years a Hero

Galing kay captainarrow

584 28 3

28. A lucky number. 28 years 28 days 2 Lbs 8 oz. 28 seconds 28 lives 1 man. Higit pa



49 2 0
Galing kay captainarrow

January 8th,2008

Jay insisted on a firehouse wedding. He didn't have to convince me much,I had always wanted one since I saw my own parents wedding photos. They were old faded polaroids of two young people that slightly resembled my father and mother. Everything looked so perfect in them.

He held the wedding at the very firehouse that Jay's father had worked for the same one that his mother had married his original father in and the same one my parents were married in so you can already imagine the emotional stream this was for both middle-aged mothers.

It was a cold day to my dismay as my dress had no sleeves and was particularly low cut in the back. Pure white as snow,the top was tight around my chest and waist then flowed from the hips a waterfall of glittering white silk. The back of the dress laced up the middle of my back leaving most of the skin and shoulder blades exposed.

To aid the temperature freezing to death problem even faster,my dark hair was pinned intricately atop my head,a few strait locks falling neatly around my face evenly on both sides. The cold winter had left my skin a creamy light tan color that contrasted with my dress like adding Carmel to a cup of warmed milk.

Though all hypothermic dangers were cut short by my knight in shining armor's grand cloak. A navy blue jacket that smelled of the familiar smell of cologne and slight tinge of smoke,you could never completely wash it out of your skin or clothes. Jay's jacket not only saved me from becoming an ice cube but gave me the perfect opportunity to contaminate the perfectly ironed navy with sugary white wedding cake frosting.

"Sky." Jay laughed pointing to my shoulder. I looked over to where his index and indicated and gasped at the white cake smeared across his blues.

"Jay! Oh my,I am so sorry!" I quickly licked my finger and wiped at it vigorously making the small cloud even worse,causing it to spread.

"Babe. Babe. It's okay,stop." He laughed and I bit my lip.

"I ruined your blues."

"It needed to be washed anyway. I'll stop by the dry cleaners on our way home." He insisted and I nodded with a small smile wondering how I got lucky to Deserve someone so great.

Our honeymoon later that night consisted of us moving into our first house we bought near the station. We couldn't travel with both of us working volunteer now and could be called at any moment.

It was a small old house made sometime in the seventies and had faded blue paint with white trim outside. Every room inside had different colored carpets. There were three bedrooms with one bathroom in the hallway. The bathroom porcelain was all pink. Pink toilet, sinks and counters,that made me want to throw up and wonder why the seventies thought that was a good idea. The gathering area had a real fireplace and was only large enough for one couch. It was a one story house and the second you walked from the front door you were in the living room.

After taking a few steps out of the living room you found yourself in the small kitchen decorated with white and blue tile and the most amazing ridiculous wall paper I had ever seen. East from the kitchen,there was one hallway with two doors on each side. On the left side was the two smallest bedrooms and on the right was the master bedroom and the last room the bubblegum bathroom. The very end of the hall held a single door that led to the garage and backyard.

The backyard was a small yellow-green patchy grass enclosed by planks of rotting faded fencing. A large tree in the middle of the yard provided more than necessary shade. An old tire swing hung from the tree,rope so fringed it looked as if it might snap at one gust of strong wind.

The house was old but had character and was cozy. Jay called it "our project" which really meant fixing every piece of it constantly. The roof,floor,and pipes frequently having problems. It was home.

Carrying me to our new house by his request like a baby too fresh to hobble out on weak legs,we entered our home laughing when he almost tripped on the front step of the uneven warped steps.

"Jay,please be careful."

"Come on. I'm a firefighter." He laughed and I tugged on his neck lightly reminding him to let me down. He let me stand to my feet and I straitened my dress skirt silky white fluff flattening like spreading icing on a cake.

"Yes,a firefighter that has been to the hospital three times in the last year."

"Touché,except the motorcycle accident was clearly the opposers fault." I groaned at the reminder of the frightening motorcycle accident that had happened only months previous to the wedding landing him on crutches for three weeks.

"I wish you'd sell that stupid bike."

"No you don't,come on don't lie you know you think it's hot." He smirked glancing at me and I blushed.

"Jay." His childish crooked grin I couldn't help but resist making me laugh. "It's pretty hot."

"I know." Was his only reply. The musty smell of the old house started to sink in and I held the sleeve of his jacket up to my nose breathing in his comforting scent.

"It's so empty." I observed noticing the empty living room.

"I know. How about tomorrow we go out and pick out some furniture?"

"Jay,you know we don't have money for that." I insisted realistically. Money was tight for us and I wasn't going to pretend it wasn't. With both of us working volunteer it was hard to find jobs where we could drop and leave at a moments notice. Jay washed cars and I worked as a bartender at Ace's the common go-to bar for all first responder and safety officers/protectors.

"I have a little saved."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow in surprise we shared everything including bank accounts and I didn't see anything labeled 'new furniture'.

"You'll see." He grinned bright white smile making the scar above his brow crease was contagious. I caught his lethal happiness and smiled.

"Okay. Where next to?"

"A little special place I like to call our bedroom." He smirked pulling me slowly past the kitchen and into the hall.

"Oh yeah?" I giggled letting him lead me into the bedroom and closing the door pinning me against it, his lips pressed to mine instantly. We kissed passionately yet modestly for about five minutes until I was unclothed form my pastry icing dress and him from his most formal uniform.

Ten minutes later we were breathless on the floor. I could feel his hot breath on my forehead as he kissed it and on my neck and shoulders. I shuddered as I kissed his neck biting into it with my lips. His breath hitched in his throat a bit but he only kissed back deeper. I gave him my most precious gift that night something I had saved for him and given to no one else previously as he gave me his.

About an hour later As things settled and my heart rate started to slow,catching my breath I hugged him panting with a smile I know he couldn't see on my face in the darkness. He was breathing hard as well hands wrapped around me,hot skin on skin contact a comfortable temperature. Jay was sweaty from the action but I didn't care.

"First thing I'm going to buy us." I whispered breaking the peaceful falling action of the adventure.

"Is what?" He asked kissing my forehead lightly.

"A bed." I laughed running my hand over the soft carpet.

"Agreed." He responded with one more kiss before we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to cold air seeping into my skin,making my naked body prickle with goosebumps at every pore. Shivering I sat up,tangled hair falling around my face the ends curled from being pulled out of its bun last night. Jay was still sleeping,twisted in the strangest position next to me. I almost laughed but didn't want to wake him. It was odd he usually was the first to wake up,probably had more to drink than he thought. I wondered to myself,standing and finding my bags,dressing myself into some jeans and a sweatshirt. Today I was not taking calls just going to work just as Jay was not taking calls but going to the carwash today as well.

"Jay." I called loudly tossing a pair of clothes on his bare chest. His face twitched as if bothered but soon his crystal blue eyes cracked open and he groaned sitting up.

"What?" He asked rubbing his eyes,dark circles beneath them,skin paler than I remembered.

"You've got to be at the carwash in an hour."

"Oh yeah." He mumbled running a hand through his hair and slipping on the pants and shirt. After the shirt was over his head he started to cough and continued to dress groggily.

"You okay?" I asked suddenly worried he was acting strange.

"Yeah I'm good. Think I have a bit of a cold." He grunted wiping his nose with his jacket sleeve. Jay's eyes were puffy and despite his pale complexion,cheeks were red.

"Hm." I huffed unhappily,walking over and pressing the back of my hand to his head. It was hot and I frowned. "Babe. Your burning up." He pushed my hand away.

"I'm okay."

"No,I think you should stay home today."

"Sick day? Sky,I can't." He insisted bending over slowly to tie his shoes. I watched him and shook my head.

"Why? Jay you can take one day off. People do it when they're sick all the time. They can handle one less worker for a day."

"I can't,we need the money for your furniture." He responded and I sighed.

"Oh Jay. Look at me." My husband finished tying off his shoes and looked me in the eye his blue eyes looking tired like an Elvis record played one too many times. "It's okay. I'd rather you be here than out there sick okay? There will be other days we can get furniture. And besides I'm working today that will get us some cash."

He nodded slowly and I opened the bag pulling out his pajamas,sweats and a t-shirt. It was the only thing he would wear to bed since the academy I tired to get him to wear flannel bottoms and he wouldn't. Comfort clothes I guess.

"Put these on." I commanded softly and he changed the clothes knowing better than to argue.  After he was dressed I made him sit in the only chair we had in the house,a gift from my parents. It was an old leather feather stuffed chair that had been in my family for years but it was nice to have something.


"My lunch break is at thirteen-thirty and I will stop by with lunch. Here's a blanket I found in the bedroom box,water is turned on and cups are in the box next to the sink. Call me if you need anything." I interrupted feeling like a mother leaving her children for the first time. Kissing his forehead lightly I walked to the door but heard him stand following after me. About to scold him for standing and telling him to sleep he caught my arm and spun me around.

"Sky,I love you."

"Love you too but get to bed!" I said quickly putting both hands spread wide on his hard chest trying to push him back to the chair with horrible to none on the progress scale. No use he was too big.

"Okay,okay." He laughed coughing a little at the end and retreating back to his chair,curling up as much as his long legs would allow him.

I visited him at lunch as promised bringing medicine and hot soup and sandwiches I had bought next to a sandwich place near Ace's. Returning back to work,I started to feel tired. The decrease in Energy persisted until I had to go to the restroom and rinse my face with water just to stay awake.

Wiping the water from my face with a paper towel I bumped my hip against the counter gasping at the tender spot. Lifting my shirt to assess the damage I swallowed. There were dark bruises  and scratches covering my torso and back,upon further examination they even looked like finger prints. Jay. I thought instantly blushing  like a drop of food dye spreading in water. Rougher than he realizes I thought amused. Someone entered the bathroom and I yanked he shirt down quickly returning to work.

It wasn't long before not only was I tired but unbearably hot. My boss noticed this and forced me to take the rest of the day off returning to our old home. When I got home I opened the door and saw Jay curled on the chair sleeping,glasses set neatly down on the floor next to him beside a glass half filled of water and empty bowl from his lunch.

Dragging myself  over to him I smiled. His hair was Ruffled in many different directions,cheeks rosy to the touch,a slight film of sweat on his hairline. I sighed the fever looked even worse.

Feeling defeated and tired I crumpled into the chair fitting perfectly in it beside him my body pressed tightly against his and he felt the motion,cracking his eyes open.

"Babe,You look horrible." I teased smoothing his blonde hair back with my hand. He closed his eyes at my touch but open them again giving me a small smile reminding me of a newborn puppy.

"And you look beautiful."

"Stop." I moaned pecking  his warm nose. "I'm sick." I pouted tiredly and he put his arm out around me tucking my body more into his. Without any more words we fell asleep together curled in the chair. 

Time passed,I'm not sure how much it's strange how that works when your sleeping. It's almost  as if your in space and time seems to stand still. A loud ring of the door bell crashed through my eardrums and I went to stand,an arm stopping my action.

"I got it." Jay said standing and shuffling to the door. Nodding and rolling into the warm space he left he opened the door. Hushed voices exchanged conversation and I felt cold air rush into the room from the door. Opening my eyes I couldn't believe what I saw gasping and sitting up   A bit of exited Energy charging back into my personal battery.

The whole A and C shift of Jay's fire house crew was either outside or in the house already moving chairs,a table,pieces to a bed,Jay's shelf he made,and various boxes.

"Jay,what's going on?" I asked wiping my nose with my sweater sleeve. He directed where the placement of a few boxes were to,then made his way back to our first chair.

"I called up our fire family while you were at work and told them we needed some furniture for our House, everyone had something to donate." I just stared at him in awe. He coughed in nervousness. "I'm sorry I--"

"Your amazing." I sighed jumping into his embrace with a hug. He chuckled in surprise and hugged me back a little too tightly. I didn't say anything. "Thank you." I sighed and he shrugged.

"All I had to do was call." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Now go lay back down,Missy,your sick."

"You too,sir." I argued gently and he shrugged.

"I'll be right back. Just go back to sleep." I squeezed his hand thankfully and curled back onto the cold chair having to apply my own body heat to warm the chair up again.

By the end of the night,Jay and the boys had filled our house with a couch in the living room with a side desk. A queen bed in our bedroom with the shelf and a dresser. A desk for one of the other rooms and a table and two chairs for the dining section of our kitchen. They were all used and old but they were ours and I loved them. That was how we spent our honey moon in a old-new home surrounded by old-new furniture with my old-new love.

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