By indefinitedesire

627 45 20

In California, things are always what they seem. Fortunately for Jacey Garcia, she begins to have an abnorma... More

1. Post Traumatic Stress
2. The Hell In My Life
3. School Is the Worst Part
4. Negativity Kicks In
5. Supernaturally Real
6. The Intervention
8. New Life
9. Eighteen
10. Birthday Gift
11. Attract
12. Repel

7. Forbidden Truth

33 1 0
By indefinitedesire

I am being carried by a hottie who happens to be an android. What I really mean is that this is too good to be wrong. I know that the expression is "too good to be true", but in my case, my dream is real. Somehow, the kind of dreams I keep having are making sense. The person who "kidnapped" me, he was trying to protect me.  Outside of my head, when he was fighting those guys, he was also trying to protect me,but why me?

As we reach the portable science lab, he safely plot me to my feet while I walk in. He follows me in. 

As I walk in, what's the first thing I see? Mr. Cordova, and the engineer teacher, Mr. Nicoleson. So they have been hiding some things from me this entire time. but why? 

"You lied Mr. Cordova", I calmly say.

He replied, "It was because I thought you wouldn't be able to handle the truth about him, or our experiment with him." 

Nicoleson hysterically laughed and said "So you're the girl who hates her life? What a shame. Anyways, Welcome to the experiment. The experiment is called, Human Android Experimental Project, or HEAP for short. The point of this project is to see if a human android can blend in with society and perform human tasks. He walks okay, but with a little tweaking, he will be able to walk and run like a real human being."

I silently blurted, "Okay, so one, he failed at walking and moving like a human being. No human being moves mechanically unless their either weird, or in the damn army." 

he then continued saying "Noticed how I said, 'with a little tweaking'. Are you always this bad at hearing?"

He's right.

I walked around the lab while looking at the mechanical parts of the android. It surprised me that this android can be made with those weird mechanical parts. Suddenly, a mechanical hand moves towards me very slowly, that it's creeping me out. I slowly walk away from it while Mr Cordova shouts "Stay away from it.. It has a bug in it."

Whoa. A bug. Is this what I have to learn now? I can't afford to keep all of this in my head. If I suck at learning math, this is going to be hard to learn.

Mr Cordova grabs my attention and says, "It's okay. We have to tell you more about our experiment. Walk towards me right quick?"

I did as he said.

"Jordan. Did you catch that?"

Jordan? Is that his name?

"I caught every foot step of her. what do I do now"

"Walk like her."

He walks awkward and feminine, just like me. What a shocker. If he can walk just like me, what else can he do?

Suddenly, he walks funny. He switches from walking like me, into the mechanical walk rapidly. It's like he's shape shifting into something.

"Why is he moving like that?" I questioned.

"A bug in his system. This is why we say, he needs a bit more tweaking. Once he's fixed, he will be able to record any human movement and begin to move just like that." Mr. Nicoleson knows what he talks about. NERD! But again, he is the engineer teacher.

"Why did you call him Jordan? He's cuter and way better than the name Jordan. He's more like a David, or Chris, or Mike." Curiosity killed my cat, my imaginary cat.

The both blurted "Jordan is a cool name!"

"Okay fine. What's his last name?

"HEAP, Jordan HEAP" they both said again.

They are really good at syncronizing their words.

A second passed and I talked to Jordan, 'HEAP'. "Jordan, why were you rude to me towards that day in lunch?"

"I don't know. That's not an important thing to answer."

So he's still rude to me to this day.

"We programmed him to not express any human emotion which means, he can't give sorrow." Nicoleson replied.

I let that marinate into my soul until it's the right time to say it.

"How was he created in the first place?"

Cordova replied saying "He was created with robotic parts. Most things on this android are real human parts, like the skin, eyes, and brain. The reason we didn't add a heart is because  we can choose to kill him or not by programming him. We want him to look like a human so everyone will believe he's a human, not an android. If he suceeds in being a human being, we will expose him to the adult science fair and get first place. Not to mention, we will be known for our experiments and we'll be able to upgrade our school into a school taht's basically technology based."

"So you guys are making him just to get money?"


"Are you going to kill him after you 'win'" I questioned.

"Of course we are. He's just as pointless as leggings are for women."

I felt so offended about the leggings part. I know legging are a big turn on to men because they get to see out ass, but come on, really?


I can't even.

I storm out of the lab as fast as I can because I can't deal with the truth. As I try to walk out the door, they pulled out a tranq gun and shot me with it.

The darkness of the room was getting darker and darker every second. I fell down and landed face first and blanked out. All I heard was "You can't tell anyone about this experiment outside this school" while it slowly pitched low.

I was knocked out.

I wake up with a shocked expression on my face. I remembered what they said. I got off the floor while they was fixing Jordan, I shook my head so everything can focus.

"Why is everyone telling me to stay away from him? Do they all know about him?"

Cordova says, "Yes. They all know about him. They was trying to protect you."

"From what?"

"Richard High."

Oh my god. Everything is making sense. My mom lied to me about the schools crap, just to protect me. I heard a lot of rumors saying Rezenburg and Richard had 'beef' with each other since something happened. I must know what it is.

"What was the trouble between them"

"They almost blew up the school. Ever since the dsagreement we had about our last experiment. We both help create a human android. but something went wrong. They planted too many commands into him so he will be able to destroy Rezenburg. To be honest, they hated our school. We was top notched rather than them. They always screwed up their projects rather than us. We also got something to tell you, something psycological." Nicoleson said.

"What is it?" I blurted out.

"Those dreams you had, those were Richard's plans to make our school crazy. But Jordan tried to protect you from them as you can tell."

Damn, they know me well.

"So, him standing outside my house trying to protect me, was it from-"

"Yeah" they said.

"Plus, the people are hypnotised not to tell anyone. If they do, Richard will know and will try to steal out experiment again, or even worse, program him wrong." 

Nicoleson explained to me that I'm one of his test rats. Oh my god, what have I got myself into. I could've been a normal teenage girl who didn't have any problem with life at all, but look at me now.

"Well, my life has gotten happily worse."

"Don't say that, you'll be fine, as long as you keep your sanity way low. they will do anything it takes to kill you, and make our school crazy." Cordova madly blurted.

Jordan says out loud "Rust!"

Rust? Why is he rusting?

"Oh my god. How are you feeling?" We all shouted, which was really weird.


"Why does he rust when he's angry?"

"He not only rust when he's mad, he rust when he's feeling like a human being you know, emotions?"

Oh my god! He cares for me. but if he cares for me, he rusts.

"If he rust out, you know what happens. It's not on us, it's whoever made him feel."

"So all the times he protected me, was it because of both, him caring for me and to protect me from Richard?"

"Yeah. Now go. You have to go. He's feeling mad. Remember, do not tell. now run!"

They tried holding him back from doing any chaos while I ran for my life. This is the 'new life' I wished for. and now I got it.

I'm Jacey Garcia, and this is my new life.



YES!!! He rust. If he expresses human emotion, he rust. Let's see how this will play out. :3

As always:



and Follow me. 

New chapter coming next week.



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