Islamically Yours

By veiledservant

12.6K 1.1K 377

There is not a word that exists that describes the amount of zeros in my bank account. I make 35 million dol... More

Chapter One ~ Dark Waters
Chapter Two ~ Shocking Truth
Chapter Four ~ Psych 101
Chapter Five ~ Money Talks
Chapter Six ~ Boxing Bag?
Chapter Seven ~ Progress Progress
Chapter Eight ~ Breaking Barriers
Chapter Nine ~ Melting Hearts
Chapter Ten ~ Changes
Chapter Eleven ~ New Friend

Chapter Three ~ Night Prayers

1.2K 127 28
By veiledservant

• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Adam's POV

"We'll be moving you out of ICU (intensive care unit) to another ward where you will begin your muscle training and rehabilitation. You will be assigned a physiotherapist alongside a psychologist who will see you every week and I'll be monitoring your progress Mr Summers." Dr Grey spoke quickly and to the point.

I did nothing but give a slight nod with my chin and soon I was being wheeled to this 'other ward.' I felt sickeningly dependent. Weak and incapable. The anger and frustration boiled inside of me and although not manifested through physical brutality most of the staff avoided me, recognising the cold look in my eyes. Adding to that the fact that I've been stuck in this wretched hospital for a week and I was fuming.

My bed was next put in an elevator and soon we were ascending levels. The doors glided open and I saw a busy hustle of healthcare professionals, patients, families and machinery. I just rolled my eyes at the staring looks as I was wheeled into room 327.

Despite my commands, an isolated room could not be provided regardless of the money I was willing to pay, simply because beds were already scarce. Thus I was positioned in my room and would be sharing it with another patient. The only thing separating us was a flimsy paper thin curtain. I growled and the nurse that was pushing me froze in shock, "C-can I get you anything Mr Summers?" The young nurse hesitantly asked. It seemed that word has spread of my mysterious status and despite no one knowing what I did, they knew I had money and combined with my stoney attitude that was enough to make people fear me. Good, I liked it that way!

1 day later...

This was ridiculous! Absolutely ludicrous! Positively insane! The patient next to me who turned out to be an old man has been singing for the past 3 hours and to put it simply, it was driving me crazy. I didn't want to communicate and my current condition made it impossible to storm up and give him a piece of my mind. This was getting intolerable so I bit the bullet and said, "Can you stop your singing old man!" Instantly he stopped and the sound of bustling could be heard. My curiosity peaked as the separating curtain began to open. The old man was using a cane to seperate the curtain and I wondered if he's condition was similar to mine.

"My child please forgive me. I'm so sorry! I was just reading the Holy Quran-" he began with a voice as smooth and warming as honey. He seemed like the typical loving grandfather with his grey hair, salt and pepper beard, sparkling blue eyes that seemed to entice and loving smile. "Listen old man. Quite frankly I don't care what you where doing and I don't want to know. Just stop okay?! And close the curtain. I didn't ask for visitors." I snapped curtly. He seemed shocked for a moment but quickly regained himself. "As you wish my child." He replied and I huffed at the use of 'my child'. Who did this guy think he was? Oprah? Santa? Going around calling people his children! Old people. Ukh.

However he did close the curtain and I was finally able to get some peace, quite and sleep.

Much to my dismay as I was enjoying my slumber I heard a sound that was disturbing me. It sounded like...crying? And it was coming from the bed next to me. Still groggy from sleep and now irritated at having been woken up I was just about to tell him off when his next words stole the wind from me. As he cried I could hear him mutter, "Oh Allah, you are the one that guides so guide him. Guide this young man and grant him good health. Bless him with a speedy recovery for truly only you are the giver of good health. Ya Allah I put my trust in you alone so help me. Guide Adam and bestow him upon the straight path. Allow him to see the light of Your guidance and return to You. I sense goodness within him and I pray that You use him on your path, for-" and his next words were simply muffled by shaking sobs.

Why was this man crying? And why me? Why did he even care? And guidance from God? Psshhtt I was beyond help. Even God couldn't save me at this point, if He even existed that is. But something stirred within me and it was fair to say that I was moved by the odd actions of this man. That didn't mean I would tell him that though.

With that I was left sleepless, tossing and turning thinking what could possible have stirred this man to pray...for me?

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