Black Sheep (BoyxBoy)

By RaawrImaDinosaur

151 13 0

Wild Child Zack has a nasty habit of running off into the night getting high and making his father's life a l... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

68 4 0
By RaawrImaDinosaur

Before you read on, I would just like to ask a favour of those who may have read the original story - PLEASE do not spoil anything in the comments. If there is something about the original plot you would like to comment on, send me a personal message, but do not spoil anything for new readers.

Anyway, thank you and I hope you all enjoy this new version of Black Sheep! :)


The faint symphony of crickets echoing throughout the night made Zack want to off himself. It was distracting him from his thoughts, and his plan of attack.

No, attack was the wrong word. Like he would try that again. No, this was an escape plan. An easy one, even. All he had to do was remain calm. He had it all mapped out.

Zack closed his eyes and sighed as he went through his mental list of necessities that he had:

Torch, batteries, food, a change of clothes, cheap-ass pre-paid phone purchased from... His eyes flew open, and he saw a light in the distance.

He dove down, and hid amongst the shrubs, laying low and close to the ground. He pursed his lips as a car sped past.

'Fuck.' He thought as brown eyes peered through the darkness for any sign of light. That had been close.

Letting out a breath, he closed his eyes. He wasn't quite sure why he was feeling so nervous. It wasn't like he had attempted this multiple times before.

Heck, he had gotten further than this in the past. He could do it again and not get caught. You just had to remain positive about these sort of things. Of course, Zack was the last person you would ever call positive, but sometimes change was nice.

Yes. He needed a change, and as soon as he got himself the fuck out of this shit hole, he could get all the change he wanted.

After a while, Zack let out a low sigh, and hoisted himself to his feet, and brushed the dirt from his jeans. It was time to move.

He flung his backpack onto his shoulder and continued to walk down the side of the road, being sure to keep himself hidden as he did. One slip up, and he was as good as caught.


He felt like he had been walking for hours when he was sure it had only been a few moments. He felt himself heaving as he continued to walk, silently cursing his friends for the weekend before. He still hadn't fully recovered. 'This is such bad timing...' He mentally groaned as he continued to drag his feet down the rocky road. He was ready for a rest, but he knew there was no point. They would notice him missing at this point.

'Well. The bitch would, anyway.' He thought sourly and tightened his hand tightly around the strap of his backpack. He squinted ahead, seeing a road sign. He shuffled faster, wanting to know which route would be faster out of town.

He paused though hearing a rumbling in the distance. For a single, terrifying moment he thought it was thunder.

Not that he was scared of something as simple as a storm. Please. He wasn't a child.

He glanced nervously into the distance, before continuing on his way. He reached the sign after a few minutes and pulled out his torch so that he could read the sign. It was in that moment when he saw bright light reflecting off the sign.

He let out a loud cuss and bolted down the road. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck!' he chanted in his mind as he ran faster, and faster, and –

He tripped on a small pothole and onto his face. His nose cracked painfully on the harsh gravel and his vision went white for a moment. After a few moments, unforgiving hands hoisted him up. He shrieked.

"Get the fuck off me!" He snarled as he tried frantically to get away from the two men holding his arms. But to try is to fail, as is often the case with Zack, and he was physically thrown into the back of the car, and the door was slammed shut.

Not without kicking Conner's in the face, though. He would be mighty pleased with himself if it bruised.

Zack saw that he was alone in the back of the BMW, but of course he was. He scowled and slumped in the car, crossing his arms across his chest as he glared at the two men in the front of the car. He noted with a sort of sick pleasure, that Conner's was holding a hand to his cheek, almost delicately as he spoke coldly into his phone.

Oh, Zack could only wonder who the ass was talking to.

Fuck his life.

It was just his luck, really. Obviously, he hadn't planned this stunt as well as he thought he had. Glancing towards the door, he wondered how much it would hurt if he were to throw himself out of the car?

Almost as if they had read his mind, the locks of the doors sounded.

Zack scowled. "You know, I'm really not stupid enough to throw myself out of the car while it's moving, morons."

They ignored him and spoke quietly amongst themselves. It was almost as if Zack wasn't even there.

'Fucking figures,' he thought dully. He felt the buckle of the seatbelt dig into his side and wondered if he should put it on. He then realised that he didn't actually care. He'd be home soon, anyway.

It was almost an hour later, that Zack had noted nervously that they hadn't actually arrived home. In fact, he was almost sure that they were travelling in the opposite direction. "... Hey, fuckface. Why haven't you taken me back home?"

"You aren't going home, Mr Tripp." Conner's spoke. His monotone voice had a hint of arrogance to it, as he spoke which did nothing but darken Zack's mood.

"Why the fuck not?"

"You've put your parents through some trouble, running off like you did. They had been worried that you had been taken again."

Like hell they had.

"So," Conner's continued, staring at Zack through the rear-view mirror. "Your father decided that he and your mother have had enough of your dramatics for the moment."

"So, where's he sending me this time? Boarding school? Or has he decided on that Military Academy, this time?" Zack asked dully. "He is aware that school is currently on break, right?"

"You aren't being sent to a school." Travers, the driver spoke almost kindly. It set his nerves on edge.

"Then where am I going?" He demanded.

"You will be staying at Waley Place, until further notice." He finished.

Suddenly, jumping out of a moving vehicle sounded like a pleasant idea. 

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